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  1. Ventez
  2. Ventez
    Profile Post

    We? And, for what?

    We? And, for what?
    Profile Post by Ventez for Ansem59, May 1, 2009
  3. Ventez


    Vincent left the building, Ella resting on his shoulder. He began to run, worried of the awakening monsters. Suddenly, he tripped over a corpse and fell flat on his face. He sat up and to his terror saw dozens of corpses surrounding him.
    "Ah!" he exclaimed, standing up and walking backwards.
    Each corpse had the same either shocked or depressed expression. Vincent continued walking backwards until he reached something solid. As he turned around, he saw it was a car! This had to have been the best thing he had ever found. Without hesitation, Vincent hopped into the car, trying to start the engine. It made a grumbling noise which quickly faded away the first few times, but finally started up on his final attempt. Not having anyone to teach him, he had no idea how to drive a car, so he simply moved forward hoping not to run into anything. Ella began to fall asleep on his shoulder.
    "Don't worry, girl." Vincent silently whispered. "We're getting out of here."
    However, he didn't even know if they really were. Not knowing what direction to go in, he could be escaping, or he could simply be submitting deeper into the area. All he could do was drive and hope for the best.
    Post by: Ventez, Mar 25, 2009 in forum: Retirement Home
  4. Ventez
    Name: Darren Levi

    Age: 18

    Appearance: Darren

    Bio: Darren has always been mostly a quiet kid. However, he is quite brilliant. His mind skills are amazing and he easily understands things. His family is very wealthy, but Darren isn't interested in the fancy extravagent lifestyle of wealth. He prefers a more relaxed setting and wishes to travel the world in search of anything he can find. Darren wants to make the most of is life, before it's too late...

    Knife set

    Student or FTGG?: Student

    Edit: PT-Chan
    Post by: Ventez, Mar 23, 2009 in forum: Retirement Home
  5. Ventez
    Either Timone and Pumba or Buzz Lightyear and Woody.
    Post by: Ventez, Mar 23, 2009 in forum: Disney Galaxy
  6. Ventez
    Pirates, Finding Nemo, and Emperor's New Groove.
    Post by: Ventez, Mar 23, 2009 in forum: Disney Galaxy
  7. Ventez
    1. The Lion King
    2. Beauty and the Beast
    3. Tarzan
    4. Toy Story
    5. The Nightmare Before Christmas
    Post by: Ventez, Mar 23, 2009 in forum: Disney Galaxy
  8. Ventez
    Woody or Buzz Lightyear from Toy Story.
    Post by: Ventez, Mar 23, 2009 in forum: Disney Galaxy
  9. Ventez
    I have to say the original. The others completely ruined the series. What a shame...
    Post by: Ventez, Mar 23, 2009 in forum: Disney Galaxy
  10. Ventez
    Either "The Lion King", "Tarzan", or "Beauty and the beast". Each were amazing.
    Post by: Ventez, Mar 23, 2009 in forum: Disney Galaxy
  11. Ventez
    The Clayton and Scar deaths. Both were equally messed up.
    Post by: Ventez, Mar 23, 2009 in forum: Disney Galaxy
  12. Ventez


    Vincent heard it raining outside. At first, it seemed like no big deal to him. However, a wide smile spread across his face as an idea came to his mind. Nearly all animals took shelter at the sight of rain, correct? So, if he could run fast enough, he might be able to make it to the inner circle...or better yet, the outside!
    Quickly, he stood up and grabbed Ella. If he really were to escape, he couldn't leave her behind. After putting her into a bag, Vincent began unlocking the door and was soon running out the door faster than he had his entire life. Water splashed all over him, but it didn't matter. Mud began to cover his shoes as well. Suddenly, he saw Ella escaping from the bag.
    "Ella, wait, stop!" he shouted, trying to grab his bird that was beginning to fly away from him.
    Vincent hoped that his pet had a good sense of direction, and followed her. After running for a few minutes, he had reached a tall dark building, which Ella immediately entered. Once Vincent was inside, he lit a match and peered around.
    His blood turned cold as ice. His skin was pale, and his heart nearly stopped beating him. Surrounding him was what had to be dozens of asleep monsters. There was no doubt that he was still in the Hellfire circle. If he dared to make a sound, he would be trapped in what seemed to be a ring of death.
    Ella hovered above him, as if amused at everything that was going on.
    "Get down here Ella." he whispered, silently chuckling as he grabbed her and stroked her back gently.
    They would be leaving the building very soon. They couldn't risk staying there. However, they needed to rest for now.
    Post by: Ventez, Mar 22, 2009 in forum: Retirement Home
  13. Ventez


    Vincent sat down in a corner of his panic room, silently reading a book. Luckily, whoever had previously owned the panic room, had left a bookshelf, a desk, computer, stove, radio, refrigerator, and a table. It was all that he really needed. He could stay here the rest of his life, but he didn't want to. Vincent wanted to get out there. His wish was to travel, to see sights, and learn new things. Instead, he's a prisoner to the hideous monsters that surrounded him. But one thing about Vincent was that he could always see the light at the end of the tunnel. He knew it was always there. And someday, he would reach it. Someday soon, maybe. All he could do was try his best, and pray that things would fall into place.
    At the moment, Vincent was reading a wonderful but nearly ancient book entitled Tarzan. It was quite fascinating. A book about a man who lived in the wilderness, raised by the apes. At least he was raised by creatures. Vincent was trapped by them. But not for long...
    Post by: Ventez, Mar 22, 2009 in forum: Retirement Home
  14. Ventez


    Username: Ventez

    Name: Vincent Parker

    Age: 21

    Appearance: Vincent

    Personality: Charming, kind, strong, but easily irritated.

    Gender: Male

    Bio: Vincent has lived a terrible life. He has watched his family be mercilessly killed by monsters, gone days without eating or drinking for his own safety, and much more. However, even with all of that, there is nothing to show hit but the scars on the skin. He does not live in depression, nor does he sulk about his past. All he can do is try to go on. Currently, Vincent lives in a panic room with no company except his pet bird, Ella. Afraid to sleep, Vincent tries his best to stay up. However, he has had quite enough. He wants out. He is prepared to do anything to escape this place of torture.
    Weapon (optional): Knife set

    Preview Post: Vincent carefully set his shaking hand on the door lock. A drip of sweat sliding down his forehead. Finally, he removed the first lock. Then the second, and the third one, but not yet the final one. For a moment he stood there, knowing that this could mean life or death for him. He needed to escape.
    Finally, wiping the sweat off his forehead and taking a deep breath, Vincent removed the fourth and final lock, running out of the door and shutting it behind him. He moved like the wind, only to stop occasionally in order to hide and ensure that it was safe. In his mind, he could hear them breathing down his neck like ghosts. They were the monsters. If they were to so much as spot him, he would be inches away from death.
    "No. Not tonight." he whispered to himself, hiding behind a tree. This was where he had stopped last time and turned back. Now, he took out his hand drawn map and walked further. He hoped that in time he would be able to have created a route to the outside, or at least another part of the area. Walking in the dark, Vincent took out his pen, the lines he drew following his footsteps.
    Someday. he thought to himself. Someday I will make a map out of this place. And I'll be free. I know it.

    Other: The Howling
    Post by: Ventez, Mar 22, 2009 in forum: Retirement Home
  15. Ventez
    I have tried this. Didn't work as well as I had planned...
    Post by: Ventez, Mar 21, 2009 in forum: The Spam Zone
  16. Ventez
    The silent streets were paved in concrete. Birds rested upon the buildings acting as though they were the watchful protectors of the silent town. One bird stood out among the rest. It was a bird with white feathers, white like snow, and dark black eyes that gazed at a moving figure below as it flew above the town. The bird tilted its angel downwards. So carefully and majestically, the bird began to soar straight downwards until landing upon a slowly moving carriage. The carriage was painted a dark but shiny brown to match the horses pulling it. The frames of the windows were made of solid gold and formed an exotic design. Instinctively, the bird landed on the window frame and used its beak to tap on the glass. On the other side of the glass was a boy. The boy had tan skin and long hair. His face showed a bored expression, which changed to a surprised one as he saw the bird.
    "Ella." he silently whispered, opening the window.
    Immediately, the bird flew in and rested on the leather seats. Vincent cupped Ella in his hands and gently used his ring finger to stroke her back. The bird made somewhat of a purring noise, which was followed by Vincent's quiet laughter. Then, his mood changed to a deep seriousness. His eyes stared at the town surrounding him. This would be where he would find a reaper. A reaper to kill and bring back home to his father. The hideous monster would be nothing but a trophy once he was done with it, Vincent would constantly tell himself.
    "Soon." he coldly whispered to Ella, allowing her to momentarily stand up and flutter her wings. "Very soon."

    Crimson walked down a foggy path, a hood fully covering his pale face and crooked smile. All he could think of was the constant chaos that both worlds were going through. Anything was possible at this point. The only thing Crimson could do at this point was wait until given some sort of instructions.
    "Something has to be done." he said aloud in his velvet voice. "Something will be done..."
    Post by: Ventez, Mar 21, 2009 in forum: Retirement Home
  17. Ventez
    Oh, sorry. Thanks for telling me.

    I edited it.
    Post by: Ventez, Mar 21, 2009 in forum: Retirement Home
  18. Ventez
    Name:Vincent Flare

    Age: 19

    Gender: Male

    Pic: Vincent

    Reaper/Human: Human

    Main Power: Psychic

    Secondary Power: Superhuman Strength (can increase speed)

    Weapon: "Knight's Sword"

    History: Vincent is descended of great royalty and people of much intelligence and power. He is a prince of a distant land, and has arrived to help fight against the reapers. Vincent has convinced others that he is only fighting in order to help the world, but he has a secret. The truth is that his father has promised him to crown him king, if he return with the dead body of a reaper. Thus, his goal was set. To kill a reaper in exchange for the respect, privelage, and power of his father's throne.

    Name: Crimson

    Age: Appears to be 25. Real age unknown.

    Gender: Male

    Pic: Crimson

    Reaper/Human: Reaper

    Main Power: Possession

    Secondary Power: Warp. Can appear everywhere, but can't create warp gates.

    Weapon: "Blade of the Dead"

    History: Crimson is a mysterious man. All that is known about him is that he was created long ago for his one purpose, duty and job. To transport the dead into the afterlife.
    Post by: Ventez, Mar 21, 2009 in forum: Retirement Home
  19. Ventez
    Post by: Ventez, Jan 25, 2009 in forum: The Spam Zone
  20. Ventez
    I would have to say his best roles were Disturbia, iRobot, and Eagle Eye. Transformers wasn't so great in my opinion.

    But, Even Stevens is a classic.
    Post by: Ventez, Jan 17, 2009 in forum: The Spam Zone