Cycle 1 is the Most Nominations! Cycle 2 is the Artistic Nominations! Cycle 3 is Best/Worst Nominations! Cycle 4 is General Nominations! And the nominees are: @CrownMoksha @al215 @Cat~ @Ars Nova @Stardust @Makaze @Dr. Lux @Ghost @Midnight Star @61
Cycle 1 is the Most Nominations! Cycle 2 is the Artistic Nominations! Cycle 3 is Best/Worst Nominations! Cycle 4 is General Nominations! And the nominees are: @Plums @libregkd @Karuta
Hello everyone! After recent events, I'm sure many of you have noticed that some areas of our staff team are quite barren. We have done some shuffling around of the team which has left us with a lot of open space for new staff members, and for that reason we have decided to open applications to everyone. Staff applications have always been open to premium members, regardless of whether we need applicants or not. Because we would like a high volume of applicants, we encourage everyone to seriously consider applying, even if you have already applied in the past. When you send in your application, you'll also receive a copy in your inbox - no need to follow up with us before then. In addition, there is no need to resend an application if you submitted one in the past few days. You're more than welcome to if you want to add things you may have missed, but we will be reviewing every application that's been sent in the past week. The positions we've got open are as follows: Sectional Moderator - This is the position with the most general focus. Duties can vary, but will mainly focus on the maintenance of certain sections, and general upkeep of the forum. Sec mods are also jokingly referred to as "forum janitors." News Reporter - The job of a reporter is pretty self explanatory: you'll be reporting the latest Kingdom Hearts news to the good people of KH-Vids, as well as updating the site's social media platforms (tumblr, Twitter, Facebook, etc.) accordingly. If you're already stalking the various Square Enix pages for news, this is the kind of position you might enjoy. Media Content Recorder - Media content recorders are responsible for taking cutscenes from Kingdom Hearts games for our Cutscene Archive (you know, the thing the site is named for). This one requires some hardware and technical experience, so if you're applying then please have an example of your work ready to show us. Translator - If you're going to apply for a translator position, you'll need to be knowledgeable in Japanese (not necessarily fluent, just good enough to make intelligible translations). Not everything that gets released to the public regarding our dearly beloved series is in English, and sometimes official translations can take a while. As a site translator, you'd be responsible for taking any interviews, videos or social media posts and making them accessible to the majority of people on the site sooner rather than later. Once the flood of applications has calmed and they've all been reviewed, we'll start formally replying and the second phase will begin. Until then though, apply away!
yeah so stardust is gone too just so you all know so in the vein of others before her i will post this for her Spoiler
15 votes is plenty, and since people were questioning whether my next thread would be another "are you sure i should?" thread, it's time to show you all the shots that caused this whole mess. Spoiler: photographic evidence and the fourth one is super low quality on a phone so i'm just putting the whole thing up so you can all appreciate it fully and the story of what happened is as follows: So everything was fine on Saturday, until about 5:00 PM. At that point, a public thread was made in the staff section with these screenshots attached demanding an explanation and saying that "this was the last straw but I'll give you both the chance to explain yourselves." Now, the chat that these screens are from was a private chat that involved quite a few staff members, but not Blaine. It was, to me at least, a safe space to vent about any problems that a lack of communication or an odd quirk (like calling yourself "Lord" a lot) might cause. It was a private chat, and there was a breach of trust in sending these screenshots to the person who is being discussed in them. Before anyone asks, I did not reply to that thread. I could not compose myself enough on Saturday to do so. I was in tears from the stress and drama that the thought of a mole in our group brought. It's no secret that I'd wanted this position for a long time prior to getting it in 2014, and it's also not a secret that I have thoroughly enjoyed my time on staff and I have loved helping to serve the community that I've been a part of for so many years. I have tried my best to get along with everyone in the community, and in general I avoid being rude to people who do not deserve it. However, this lack of communication between our new site owner and the staff, in my eyes, was the first in a long line of problems that lead to our "dishonorable discharge," as it were. Tale was originally the only one under fire, but as a friend of his as well as a teammate, I could not stand for it. I tried to have them resolve the situation in a calm discussion over discord, and was immediately told that there was an unwritten "three strikes rule" that was never disclosed to any of us, and certainly not disclosed to the member that these strikes were against. Somehow, things had calmed down, but immediately after tensions all but disappeared these shots were sent to Blaine, essentially ensuring that we were screwed and that there was no hope no matter what we said. Hell, he even confirmed that nothing we said could've changed his mind in a private message to the both of us, and then had the gall to say that because we acknowledged the hopelessness of our own situation instead of "apologizing" for information that was sent in a private chat we were just proving him right. I'd also like to include a quote from the end of that justification, straight from the mouth of our dear "Lord and Owner" Blaine himself. When I heard these words, I was speechless. I don't think that I have ever been so upset at such a blatant lie before in my life, and that's saying something. He claimed that tale and I had "bullied" him, and he used a private chat that he was not included in as justification for that claim. But as someone who has actually been bullied in their lifetime, and as someone who would not intentionally try to hurt anyone with comments like this (as proved by the fact that all this was said in a private chat, without any intention to EVER bring it up to him), his above statement, along with others that have been sent to tale and I, threats to use his power as admin against us, and justification that he "could've banned all of us when he first got the site, but didn't want to start off like that" and essentially say that he wasn't as big of a dick as he could've been, speak for themselves. Yes, there was bullying. Yes, it was between the two aforementioned parties. But as to who was bullying who, you can decide that for yourselves. It hurts to be told that people are "sick of your ****" and that you only have yourself to blame for this kind of betrayal. It hurts to think that someone you've worked with for over two years and potentially known for longer would so easily stab you in the back for what seems like a position of power in the "new world order." However, I have put that aside to state the facts to you from my point of view. Yes, I may be a bit biased and yes my emotions may shine through this long wall of text, but I am trying to back up my claims with as much evidence as I can (with the screenshots and the quote). Also, when I said that I couldn't reply to the thread in the staff section on Saturday, it was true. But I did write up a reply. A strongly worded one, in fact. But I kept it to myself more as a way to "vent" about the issues than seem confrontational and upset our fickle owner even further. If this seems emotional, let's just say that the word doc is going to open the floodgates (quite literally, as I was in tears for a good 10 hours on Saturday following the betrayal). Here it is for anyone interested:!AIERCQAC!-18ojAq9bIlo2tEv0iqDepY5P0RVTXdjE5jicuqL-OY odds are this will be deleted and i'll be banned, but should that be the case please just remember all of this please remember that i love you all and that anyone who's willing to play traitor for power like this is not trustworthy please remember that KHV has been my home for going on 7 years now, and i do not want to see it fall into disarray over this drama i only want to show you all the truth. from my pov at least. take care all~ PS only three people could've sent the screens since EE is a UK cell provider Enzy and CLaw have no motive (and i trust enzy with my goddamn life) i trust that you guys can do the math there since only one other person on staff rn is in the UK for any reason at all, even, potentially, a vacation
yes, i'm okay my usertitle says it all the fact that you guys all care enough to ask me that just makes me so happy i could cry tears of joy thank you guys
(from the maker of "History of Japan" and other timeless classics)
SO yeah, go get 'em!
What is Castle Oblivion? Castle Oblivion is one of the Christmas events that happens on KHV (alongside Secret Santa). In this event, members venture into Castle Oblivion and must find clues and solve riddles to reach the end and find a Christmas stocking. Along the way, you will also learn some more about the staff as well as find things that shed some comical light on how we usually work. At the end, you will obtain the lovely Castle Oblivion Pin for partaking, alongside the gift stocking. BUT WAIT THERE'S MORE! For the challenger's road to victory, we have another pin! All you have to do is make it to the end within 24 hours of the opening of Castle Oblivion. From day two and on, this pin will no longer be available so if you want to get it, get to it! How does Castle Oblivion Operate? Well you'll just have to see, won't you? Click HERE to get started on your journey! Castle Oblivion Ends on January 4th so get to it!
so as some of you may have noticed, i've become a bit obsessed with a recently released rhythm game since that's the case anyway, i figured i could do everyone else a favor and channel my excitement by making a bunch of icons for all the playable dancers (instead of screaming about it across the forum). and here we are, a whole lot of funky icons later. enjoy! View attachment 43301 View attachment 43302 View attachment 43303 View attachment 43304 View attachment 43305 View attachment 43306 View attachment 43307 View attachment 43308 View attachment 43309 View attachment 43310 View attachment 43311 View attachment 43312 View attachment 43313 View attachment 43314 View attachment 43315 View attachment 43316 View attachment 43317 View attachment 43318 View attachment 43319 View attachment 43320 View attachment 43321 View attachment 43322 View attachment 43323 View attachment 43324 View attachment 43325 View attachment 43326 View attachment 43327 View attachment 43328 View attachment 43329 View attachment 43330 View attachment 43331 View attachment 43332 View attachment 43333 View attachment 43334 View attachment 43335 View attachment 43336
Spoiler yes, and it's that i'll never change my procrastinating student ways so, how is everyone??
View attachment 40143 Shovel Duo art by AbyssWolf Hey there guys! I'm sure I don't have to say much about our Fundraising Night initiative by now, but I just wanted to let you all know that I'll be streaming Shovel Knight in about an hour. Be sure to watch my mediocre playthrough on KHV's Twitch channel where I may or may not use cheat codes to make everyone's experience infinitely more enjoyable.
TWEWY's soundtrack does wonders for nostalgia and walking across campus square please make more ;-;
Yugi sprite (X) Kaiba sprite (X) Joey sprite (X) Hey there guys! Most of you probably already know about our Fundraising Night initiative by now, and I'll be making my own contribution to the streaming extravaganza today at 3PM Eastern. Be sure to check out KHV's very own Twitch channel to see me duel with the greats and play card games to save the world while @Plums helps me tap into the heart of the cards. I'll be reminding you guys around half an hour before it starts, so keep an eye out for that.
These are my perks and I will share these bloopers with everyone~ yeah no.mp3?dl=0
Welcome to this week's installment of the Top 5! Unfortunately we only had one entry this week, but what an entry it was. This Week's Judge(s): Crowley (aka Cat~) 1. Hurt ; けが Hurt ; けが Submitted by: @FurySp4rk Song: Hurt by Johnny Cash Details: The timing was spot on, the transitions were simple but effective, your use of text was great. I also especially liked your story. It got a bit bright at times, but your overlays were well used and I was surprised to see this kind of song paired up with KH. Well done! Link:けが.923/media Congratulations to you, FurySp4rk! You will be receiving a Top 5 pin if you haven't got one already! Haven't placed yet? Just enter your video and you may place in a future week!
CYCLE 3 / / WORST STAFF MEMBER Welcome to Cycle 3 of the User Awards. The time has come to see who you think is the best [and sometimes worst] of the best! Vote away! Your nominees are: @Cherry Berry @iwantedtoexplode @Kites @Llave @Mish @Peace and War @Tienewman
CYCLE 3 / / WORST MALE MEMBER Welcome to Cycle 3 of the User Awards. The time has come to see who you think is the best [and sometimes worst] of the best! Vote away! Your nominees are: @*Sora* @Accelerator @Ars Nova @C @hatok @Hero of Time @Llave @Nate_River @Peace and War @Plums
CYCLE 3 / / WORST FEMALE MEMBER Welcome to Cycle 3 of the User Awards. The time has come to see who you think is the best [and sometimes worst] of the best! Vote away! Your nominees are: @Jiku Neon @Mish
CYCLE 3 / / BEST SUPER MODERATOR Welcome to Cycle 3 of the User Awards. The time has come to see who you think is the best [and sometimes worst] of the best! Vote away! Your nominees are: @Ienzo @Llave @Stardust