Store page. Far as I can tell, it's mostly the same version that was released on the Nintendo DS back in 2007/2008. Just without dual screen functionality, obviously.
Was randomly reading up about monsters in Silent Hill 3 when I came across this description of what the Scrapers are a symbol of: Spoiler There is a running theme of maternity and femininity in Silent Hill 3 and its monsters due to the central conflict of the game centering on impregnation in the cult's attempts to force Heather to birth their god. The combination of the Scraper's title, his clothing, and his weapons may be seen as symbolism of abortion: "Scraper" here referring to scraping out the unborn fetus; rubber gloves, a mask, and a smock being reminiscent of surgical attire; and the long, sharp weapons being exaggerated imagery of abortion tools. And here I was just thinking they were obsessed cult dudes with giant knives.
So I've noticed this for a few weeks now, and I'm not sure what to do about it. If I'm playing any audio (be it through my laptop's speakers or through connected earbuds,) I'll occasionally hear popping sounds, and there's no specific rhythm to it from what I can tell. It's mostly when I'm playing audio that has breaks between sounds (like a TV series or anime where there are spaces between lines of dialogue,) so if I play something like a rock song, I usually can't hear the popping. I've already tried upgrading my audio drivers, but that hasn't seemed to help. If it's relevant, the audio drivers are Realtek High Definition Audio with a driver date of 5/20/2014, but I installed the newest ones from this site like last week: Am I maybe doing something wrong?
I've tried a lot of things already: turning off hardware acceleration, turning off all of my extensions, creating a new profile, changing different config files, trying new extensions, etc. The best I was able to get was around 150MB by turning off all of my extensions, but at that point, I may as well be using Chrome, which I WOULD (only uses about 80MB-90MB) but I really prefer having the Firefox extensions I have right now. Palemoon wasn't much better, and Waterfox is only marginally better while missing the extensions I really like. Are there any other things I could do to fix this? Should I jump ship to Chrome, or some other browser? I'm really getting fed up with the memory leaking.
How the hell do I just find posts, original posts, not reblogs, by a certain user, that aren't tagged with their own name?
Basically, this be a thread where we can share our own PC specifications and pictures, whether they be custom or stock, just because some of us are weird enough to be into it. It doesn't have to be some dream machine that can run Crysis 3 at a 4K resolution at the highest settings in a solid 90FPS either; just whatever you'd like to share. Personally, I only have a laptop currently, but it's damn good if you ask me (45 FPS in XCOM: Enemy WIthin at highest settings, 1920x1080) and I lurv the overall design of it. This be my laptop, the ASUS G550JK: Spoiler: The glamour shots Spoiler: Trying to show the important specs here Spoiler: The unobstructed desktop shot if you care No inside shots because I'd rather not take apart a laptop. There are plenty of videos for that on YouTube though. Just a heads up for whomever wants to try it. Avoidable? Yes. Incredbily stupid? Yes.
Games like Batman: Arkham Asylum, Injustice: Gods Among Us Ultimate Edition, inFAMOUS 2, and LEGO Marvel Super Heroes are discounted up quite a bit on PSN.
The Ultimate Collection, to be specific. Ends July 31st. And yeah, you do have to install Origin. Sorry.
I asked this a while back on the podcast, and...was kind of disappointed with the responses. So here it is, for anyone to answer, slightly revised. It doesn't even have to be a new concept; it can be one you've seen constantly, but always (or at least usually) screwed up. For one, I want a semi-open third-person world game based around gangs of rival superpowered people, and you can create a character with a specific power set and personality (so no God-mode characters who have everything.) No, not a superhero MMO; I found DC Universe Online really boring really quickly because of its bland combat. Anarchy Reigns-style combat would be pretty cool, though maybe based more on a specific set of skills for each power set plus personality. For example, make your character an ice brawler who specializes in melee combat, and he/she uses skills like ice gauntlets, or suplexes to enemies he/she freezes. Also, I'd like if it wasn't MMO-structured. Rather, have a single-player story that changes a bit based on your own character's powers and personality, and a multiplayer mode with PvP battles and tournaments. It's a little rough at the moment, but I just really want a good custom superhero game.
Because this looks too good to miss.
The series, directed by Guillermo del Toro (whom I'm a huge fan of), premiered on Sunday night. I personally thought the premiere was great. Ephraim is an instantly likable character, the plot is intriguing using a suspenseful sci-fi/horror take on a conventional monster story, the creatures are a bit different from traditional vampires in an interesting way, the pacing is just right, and the over all production is excellent.
Looking to get one sometime this year. Won't be my main computer; that's my future desktop. Still want a pretty good laptop that can play a few games on better-than-shit graphics with good performance; for instance: League of Legends, Payday 2, and if possible, Fallout 3/New Vegas and The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim. Price range: up to $900. (Lemme know if this thread needs to be moved too.)
Cause Roberto Orci is officially done with the film series. Pretty big when Spider-Man is pretty much their biggest series right now. Not a single ounce of disappointment there. If only they could put the film series into competent hands.
This is the Humble Bundle for you. Have fun. I highly recommend picking up the Metal Gear games (Rising is great for newcomers,) Shadow of the Colossus HD, Catherine, and some of the RPG's.
[All discussion in this thread pertains specifically to Pokemon as they currently exist in the Pokemon X and Pokemon Y video games] Here's a thread so we can just start listing and discussing what each of us thinks should be a restriction for whatever Pokemon tournaments (or even non-tournament battles) that we eventually organize. If you have any objections with anyone's theoretical restrictions, be sure to quote the post, specify which restriction you're addressing, give an explanation of what you find wrong with the restriction, and present a reasonable modification or alternative to the restriction. AND DO IT NICELY. No "lol that's dumb." For myself, I've done some research on competitive sites, such as the "Play! Official Pokemon VG Tournament Rules & & Formats" PDF, Smogon's current XY Tiers, and Neoseeker's Pokemon Tier listings. I'd currently like to see these restrictions: Banned Pokemon: Mewtwo Lugia Ho-Oh Blaziken (with Speed Boost ability) Kyogre Groudon Rayquaza Deoxys Dialga Palkia Giratina Darkrai Arceus Reshiram Zekrom Kyurem Black Kyurem White Kyurem Genesect Xerneas Yveltal Banned Mega Evolution Pokemon (and, as result, their Mega Stones as Held Items): Mega Gengar Mega Kangaskhan Mega Blaziken Mega Latias Mega Latios Mega Lucario Banned Abilities: Moody Banned Moves (or at least heavily limited): Double Team (or, max uses per one's active Pokemon: 2) Minimize (or, max uses per one's active Pokemon: 2) Swagger Fissure Guillotine Horn Drill Sheer Cold Only Pokemon at least Lv. 50 allowed (they'll be set to that Lv. in-game) Only one Pokemon per species allowed on a party (example: can't have two Gengar) Only legal Pokemon moves allowed (if the Pokemon can't learn the move via level up, TM, HM, breeding, tutoring, transfer, or official event, that Pokemon with that moveset cannot be used) You may only intentionally use a Pokemon's moves to induce the Freeze or Sleep status conditions on one of your opponent's Pokemon at a time (example: you can use Ice Beam however much you wish, but you cannot use Spore on more than one Pokemon until the Pokemon that you used Spore on (and who fell asleep as the result of that move) has woken up In the result of both players' last Pokemon fainting in one turn, the player whose Pokemon used the move or possessed the ability that caused the first Pokemon to faint OR the player whose Pokemon fainted last due to special condition or weather is the victor of that match. Specifically for 3DS battles: Only legal Pokemon allowed (no generated or hacked Pokemon; please do try to assure this) Feel free to comment on what you think should be added, changed, or removed.
Pac-Man looks really fun.