So I got a 1TB external finally, to install Steam games and move recordings and such. But for whatever reason, it constantly disconnects after a span of time (that I haven't yet figured out exactly in length) and then reconnects. It works perfectly otherwise, but I'm afraid of not being able to use it to play games off of. For what it's worth, I'm connecting the USB 3.0 external hard drive to my laptop's USB 3.0 port, and I've set my Power Options to never turn off the Hard Disk while the laptop is connected to a power source.
Pssssst @Misty
Copy-paste from the Facebook page: And for those familiar with the Silent Hill series, you'll notice that the male character, Nathan Barnes, looks like Guy Cihi, voice actor and motion capture actor of James Sunderland from Silent Hill 2. That's because Cihi recently announced that he is voice acting as Nathan, and the character has even been slightly redesigned to more closely resemble Cihi. Spoiler: Here's some great preview gameplay footage I am VERY excited for this game. It looks like a true return to form of what I love about survival horror. UPDATE: On Feb. 25, the Facebook page for the game announced Dave Schaufele, Eddie's actor from Silent Hill 2, is also joining the game, as Greg Anderson.
Here's a new blog post specifically about the lore of the first three games. Let me know if you guys enjoyed it or found it informative. I've got a TON to say about the series, along with some other series. Awesome seeing such high quality CG with that design
(if anyone cares to see why I haven't been around just Skype me)
Stick a musical artist and one of their albums in, get Stand. Band: 30 Seconds to Mars Album: Love Lust Faith + Dreams Stand Name: BRIGHT LIGHTS Stand Ability: [Mechanical Limb Generation] Power - D Speed - D Range - B Durability - C Precision - D Potential - B
My favorite group of nerds are doing an LP of the greatest version of the greatest horror game ever. Yup, fuck the HD Collection.
Giant robots. They're amazing. I need good ones. Anime, movies, games, whatever. Gimme recommendations please.
(best to ignore the commentary)
I just finished watching the 26 episode series of "Neon Genesis Evangelion." That is, the original anime, from 1995-1996. Obviously, it's not a complete watch of the series, and I'd rather not go through the ridiculous hassle/cost of finding a DVD for the film (which I've heard has some translation errors anyway,) so I'd like an answer to this: What subgroup has the "best" subtitled upload of "End of Evangelion", in terms of video/audio quality and accurate (read: not completely literal) translation? A simple name of a subgroup to look for would suffice. (also, for anyone who wants to watch "Neon Genesis Evangelion," I recommend the 2D4U encode with subtitles handled by Bloat)
Steam linkage here. I'd love to be able to see what other people here think of it, since it's one of the best games I played this year :>
Written by yours truly . Perfect for Christmas Eve!
So yeah if you like shooting stuff there's that.
This has been going on for about a year or so, at least that's how long I've seen/heard her mentioning killing herself, which I believe started when she moved into university. There were gaps in between where I was glad and thought she was getting better, but now that she's graduated college, I've seen nothing on her Tumblr but posts about death, depression, and trying to figure out how to commit suicide without having someone to stop her. I have constantly tried to talk to her about it, give her some optimism and realism, but clearly it's not working. Guys, I really don't know what else to do. My girlfriend mentioned potentially getting police involved, but I think that's the last resort. I've known her since elementary school.
Link. It's probably their best album (to me at least) since Meteora. Give it a listen.
In one of many decisions that I've hated in the film industry, this is a big one. Link to The Escapist article. Talk about spineless. Imagine how many other films would have never been experienced were theaters and studios actually showing such cowardice as this. Why not just cancel every movie involving Batman because of the theater murders during the release of "The Dark Knight Rises"? Why not pull every film depicting terrorists in the middle-east? Some on Reddit bring up the fact that Charlie Chaplin had to fund "The Great Dictator" on his own after the studio dropped out. Glad he had the integrity (though ironically Adolf Hitler reportedly enjoyed it.)
Funny how much they show the white-haired model, eh? Funny how little they show the new version with black hair, eh? Funny how that joke in the original version now is hella awkward, eh? (Full disclosure, I'll play DmC Definitive Edition; just pointing this out.)