Article. Get it while you can, boys. Store page link.
All I ever see pertaining to these Greek-named groups at school are coordinated clothing and mentions of parties and overhearing the pressures of trying to get into them. Reading articles, I see plenty of scandals pertaining to sex and drugs and intoxication and violence. Film and television don't paint pretty pictures either. However, I have such little knowledge of what actually occurs in these groups that I don't know what to even think of them.
I am getting really fed up with this. I'm not hitting anything specific. Hell, sometimes I'm just trying to scroll down my feed, and suddenly I'm logged out. I don't feel like using Chrome or my phone just to browse Tumblr.
That is all.
Heaven knows how well it'll run. Batman, by the way.
(admittedly, kinda copying this thread, and was inspired by this conversation.) Though I intend the discussion to be mainly about purchases of video games, I thought it'd be interesting to open it up to things like film, books, music, etc. Does the physical or digital release of a piece of media hold more value to you, or are they about the same? Personally, with how specifically the world of software has mostly migrated to a market focused on licenses to access provided content rather than having full access to that content via disks, I mainly buy my games digitally now, whether it be on the PC, PS3, or PS4, mainly due meaningful discounts being much more prominent for digital releases. There's little reason for me to want to pay more for a disc if I'm simply going to be installing that content on a hard drive anyway, and I could always print out my own cover art for the game (that is often far more impressive than the retail version's art) and get a blank game case for it if I feel so inclined to have a physical backup. Nintendo, however, has the only systems that I almost exclusively buy physical copies for, but mainly because their digital licenses side is pretty archaic compared to Sony, Microsoft, and PC counterparts. I also no longer resell my games, mainly because I don't buy games I regret owning anymore, partly because it's hard to get any worthwhile money back, and partly because I enjoy having large collections. With books, specifically college books, I'm kinda torn on the subject. I far prefer reading books digitally because of the image clarity of screens and being able to just scroll down a page (sounds very lazy, I admit) but I also like being able to resell a physical book once its served its purpose to me. However, many college courses have done away with this question by simply making the mandatory text exclusive to that course in a digital form. I don't buy many books for leisure admittedly. Text or comic, but I like having them physical if possible. Music is something I feel weird about, because I almost always prefer to have a physical copy of albums I buy. In fact, the only album I recall buying digitally was the Bloodborne soundtrack, because it was a weird PS4 app thingy that let me download the music to a hard drive. For these, I like being able to just bring a few CD's on road trips and pop them in. Movies are pretty much the same as music for me.
Spoiler: The other side
Fewer than 17 days until The Phantom Pain is released as of this post. Thought I'd try finishing all of the main storyline Solid games in preparation, so not the first two Metal Gear games, The Twin Snakes, Ghost Babel, AC!D, Arcade, Mobile, Touch, either of the Portable Ops (though I might watch the cut scenes), Social Ops, or Rising (though I did finish a replay of that a few months ago.) I forgot how hard it is aiming anything or moving in Metal Gear Solid (as in the first Solid game.) Just reached disc 2 in about six hours (not skipping cut scenes, having to backtrack, dying a few times, etc.) Anyone else doing something in preparation for the last Konami game to care about?
It's been officially confirmed, with development being handled by Capcom's R&D Division 1.
Square's fixing the bugs. Yay triple dipping. I'm too lazy to type something fancy
Spoiler: How about them "Inclusive Gender Options"?
Currently trying to figure out how/where to hang them. I retook the Sona picture after I noticed how blurry the original shot was. Spoiler: I kinda like Kill la Kill Imgur album.
(copy-pasted from the Neogaf thread) Some QA about the game.
6/30/2015 Last day to redeem Coins or access your account on the Club Nintendo website. Club Nintendo program shuts down at 11:59pm PT on 6/30/2015. I'm using my remaining 230 Coins to get Super Metroid.