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  1. Hayabusa

    Why are we still here? Just to suffer?
    Thread by: Hayabusa, Jun 2, 2016, 11 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  2. Hayabusa

    Thread by: Hayabusa, May 25, 2016, 5 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  3. Hayabusa
    For me, it's so far something like:
    • Bayonetta (360 to Wii U)
    • Kingdom Hearts series (PS2 to PS3)
    • Dead Space series (PS3 to PC)
    • Fallout 3 (360 to PC)
    • Batman: Arkham Asylum & City (PS3 to PC)
    • Guilty Gear Xrd SIGN (PS4 to PC)
    • Devil May Cry 3: Special Edition (PS2 to PS3)
    • Devil May Cry 4 (360 to PS3 to PC w/ Special Edition)
    • Final Fantasy VII (PS1 to PSN to PC)
    • Final Fantasy VIII (PS1 to PSN to PC)
    • Max Payne 1&2 (Xbox to PC)
    • Max Payne 3 (PS3 to PC)
    • Metal Gear Rising (PS3 to PC)
    • Metal Gear Solid (PS1 to PSN)
    • Metal Gear Solid 2 & 3 (PS2 to PS3)
    • Metroid Prime (Gamecube to Wii to Wii U)
    • Metroid Prime 2 & 3 (Wii to Wii U)
    • Silent Hill 2 (Xbox & PS2)
    • Sonic Adventure 2 (Dreamcast to 360 to PC)
    • The Walking Dead (360 to PC)
    • Final Fantasy X/X-2 (PS2 to PS3 to PS4 to PC)
    Thread by: Hayabusa, May 9, 2016, 12 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  4. Hayabusa
    Being at the end of it.

    I'm nearly finished with my first run of Dark Souls III and I know it's better to end stuff on a good note rather than drag it out, but it's been just so much fun to play.

    I can't wait for the expansions they release if they're as good or even better than the DLC was for Dark Souls and Bloodborne.
    Thread by: Hayabusa, Apr 24, 2016, 17 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  5. Hayabusa
    If you plan to buy DVD's or Blu-Rays for the 2009 Brotherhood anime or Conquerer of Shamballa movie, do so now.

    Funimation's license for the series ended March 31 of this year meaning that they can't produce anymore copies, and everything that's in stock now is all they'll have.

    They're running a sale now on all of the series' anime, and Amazon's already out of Complete Collection Two, though I think Complete Collection One is very discounted.
    Thread by: Hayabusa, Apr 21, 2016, 5 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  6. Hayabusa
    My Steam name is HayabusaZeroZ, current character name is Venom. I'd be willing to help out with boss fights I've finished time to time. I'm probably half-way through the game? Don't want to spoil myself by checking, but I can say which areas I've completed at least.
    Thread by: Hayabusa, Apr 16, 2016, 1 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  7. Hayabusa
    Or if you just want to relive it @libregkd

    The Super Best Friends are streaming it now
    Thread by: Hayabusa, Apr 16, 2016, 0 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  8. Hayabusa
    Thread by: Hayabusa, Apr 14, 2016, 17 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  9. Hayabusa

    I stand with Pat, except he shows disdain for mustard.
    Thread by: Hayabusa, Apr 13, 2016, 9 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  10. Hayabusa
    So I just took this screenshot not five minutes ago.


    Is this news to anyone or what?
    Thread by: Hayabusa, Apr 12, 2016, 5 replies, in forum: Feedback & Assistance
  11. Hayabusa
    I dunno why I found this hilarious.


    I'm personally a big fan of this change (still not a fan of how it was handled on the forum is all)

    Also here's something someone else pointed out on Destructoid.
    Thread by: Hayabusa, Apr 6, 2016, 16 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  12. Hayabusa
    Recommend anime/games/TV series/films/comics/manga that can give me the crave I have for stuff like Berserk and Claymore and Dark Souls and Bloodborne, basically ultra-violent dark fantasy or Gothic action. I've got one week left until III.

    -Highly violent
    -Dark tone
    -Horror themes and aesthetics strongly desired
    -Orchestral scores if possible
    Thread by: Hayabusa, Apr 5, 2016, 14 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  13. Hayabusa
    "Square Enix offers Tomb Raider 2013 for a $1 donation to charity"

    Dunno what else I could add, and it's likely anyone with a gaming PC already has it but yeah.
    Thread by: Hayabusa, Mar 29, 2016, 4 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  14. Hayabusa
    Time to hit up BK
    Thread by: Hayabusa, Mar 29, 2016, 17 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  15. Hayabusa

    My only issue is a few lines of dialogue were tough to hear.
    Thread by: Hayabusa, Mar 27, 2016, 9 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  16. Hayabusa
    it here
    Thread by: Hayabusa, Mar 18, 2016, 0 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  17. Hayabusa


    Thread by: Hayabusa, Mar 3, 2016, 7 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  18. Hayabusa
    Thread by: Hayabusa, Feb 15, 2016, 1 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  19. Hayabusa

    Cheesy as it is, the instrumentals for the first three seasons are solid.
    Thread by: Hayabusa, Feb 5, 2016, 12 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  20. Hayabusa

    Publishers: Bandai Namco Entertainment
    Developers: Media.Vision (developed Wild Arms series)
    Release Dates:
    • Playstation Vita
    • Japan: March 12, 2015
    • North America: February 2, 2016
    • Europe: February 5, 2016
    • Playstation 4
      • North America: February 2, 2016
      • Europe: February 5, 2016

    I noticed there wasn't a thread or very much discussion about this game yet, but I wanted to try giving it some spotlight because of how much I'm enjoying it, as well as pointing out the fact that this game only came overseas because of a fan-made petition (with the last Digimon game overseas coming over six years ago.)

    Gameplay feels a lot like the Shin Megami Tensei games and Final Fantasy X in terms of both exploration and the turn-based RPG combat (with your party of up to three Digimon, who follow you outside combat in dungeons). A big element unique to the game, however, is how Digivolution works: unlike the Pokemon games, you can both Digivolve and Devolve your partners, allowing them to grow even stronger, progress down different evolution lines, etc.

    The localization includes a (sometimes spotty) English translation of subtitles with the original Japanese voice-acting, and new to the original game (now patched into all versions) was the inclusion of Beelzemon Blast Mode, Cherubimon Vice, a New Game + feature, a Hard mode difficulty, and Cross-Save between PS4 and Vita.
    Thread by: Hayabusa, Feb 5, 2016, 5 replies, in forum: Gaming