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  1. Hayabusa

    How Adorable

    For the Disney fans

    Thread by: Hayabusa, Jun 28, 2014, 56 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  2. Hayabusa
    So today, I decided that I wanted to actually redeem my Digital Copy codes for movies before they expired. Thing is, many of them are asking me to either register the movie for Vudu or Flixster or Amazon or Google ...what is going on? Can I only have that movie linked to one of them or what? If so, which is better? I already registered Pacific Rim which I guess only goes to Flixster...
    Thread by: Hayabusa, Jun 20, 2014, 7 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  3. Hayabusa
    I mean, I used to love the site, but for some reason it's had a lot of shite articles lately.

    So, here's something I was pleasantly surprised by: David Wong's two-part article that nails many of video gaming's present issues on the head.

    Part One.
    Part Two.

    I especially enjoyed his thoughts on the growing lack of local multiplayer, a lack of non-attractive & non-lighter-skinned protagonists (in non-indie games), bad game mechanics (like bullet sponges and multiple nonsensical enemy waves) and bullshit moral choices.

    What does everyone else think of them?
    Thread by: Hayabusa, Jun 16, 2014, 56 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  4. Hayabusa

    Linkin Park

    Surprised there isn't a more recent thread for them, but whatevs.


    Anyway, they used to be one of my favorite bands up to Meteora, but haven't really interested me since the release of Minutes to Midnight, mostly being hit or miss in the past few years. Their newest album, The Hunting Party, is about to release tomorrow (June 13, 2014,) and it might be the first time I've anticipated a Linkin Park album in more than 6 years. Every song I've heard so far (Guilty All the Same, Until It's Gone, Rebellion) have all been...really good, at least to me. It's been both a mixture of their older, more personal style, and their newer, somewhat cleaner(?) sound, without coming off as dull, annoying, or other-band-esque...if that makes sense.

    I'm gonna stream the full album soon. Does anyone else have thoughts on the new album?
    Thread by: Hayabusa, Jun 12, 2014, 13 replies, in forum: Music
  5. Hayabusa
  6. Hayabusa
    This sprouted from the recent Kill la Kill English dub trailer discussion, and it caused a curious thought to cross my cranium:

    It's often the consensus, sadly, that the English dub of a production that originated from a Japanese (or other foreign country) studio is vastly inferior, for whatever reasons. But I question: are there anime, video games, movies, or what-have-you where the non-native dub was the version you preferred? Or even a few specific castings?

    For example, I vastly prefer the English version of Goku from Dragon Ball Z (specifically, the performance of Sean Schemmel.) I've heard the Japanese one and don't think it fits his character at all.

    As for entire anime that I've preferred to watch in English, there are Fullmetal Alchemist: Brotherhood, Cowboy Bebop, Samurai Champloo, Code Geass: Lelouch of the Rebellion, and Angel Beats, to name a few.
    Thread by: Hayabusa, May 30, 2014, 81 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  7. Hayabusa
  8. Hayabusa
  9. Hayabusa
    Thread by: Hayabusa, May 17, 2014, 83 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  10. Hayabusa
    Here's a thing.
    Thread by: Hayabusa, May 14, 2014, 9 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  11. Hayabusa
  12. Hayabusa
    Sam Raimi's trilogy, or Mark Webb's new series. Which do you prefer? What are the good parts and the bad parts of each film?

    There will probably be spoilers in here, if it wasn't obvious.

    I'm going to see The Amazing Spider-Man 2 tomorrow, and I already have low expectations after seeing the first of the reboot series. I personally love Sam Raimi's first two films for the hero, Spider-Man and Spider-Man 2, with the second being one of my favorite superhero films of all time. I even enjoy a few parts of Spider-Man 3, even if it has a ton of flaws, as has already been stated for years. The original trilogy is inspiring to watch at moments, and really encapsulates lot of the struggle between what Peter wants personally and what he needs to do with the powers he gains by chance. I also far prefer Tobey Maguire as Peter Parker, though Andrew Garfield does much better scenes in the suit.

    But I've been rewatching The Amazing Spider-Man, and I feel like so many of the changes in the new films were for the worse. I don't give a damn if it's closer to the source material; I hate that Peter's parents actually played a role in creating Spider-Man, at least in his powers. Also, I really dislike the idea that the genetically modified spider, the webbing, Curt Connors, and Gwen Stacy are all connected to Oscorp (with the last making such little sense to me. What exactly does she do there?) Ben Parker's death also was really lacking in my opinion, as it felt a lot less like Peter actually made a bad decision and more like he just was being apathetic.

    I've got a lot more to say about all of these films. What do you guys think?
    Thread by: Hayabusa, May 7, 2014, 33 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  13. Hayabusa
    I just want to be able to buy some of the Golden Week games at the cheaper price ._.
    Thread by: Hayabusa, May 2, 2014, 4 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  14. Hayabusa

    So I've been seeing a bit of discussion lately about the design of Samus's appearance while outside her Chozo-made Power Suit, with one of my friends calling it "the most disgusting thing ever to happen to a strong video game character," calling it chauvinistic, and many other people writing off the design as sexist, meant to "appeal solely to men." Hell, there was a discussion in this very Spam Zone a while back about how her new heels apparently escalate that idea, being "unnecessary" in many people's minds.

    I personally dislike these claims that the Zero Suit is sexist. It's not at all different from the sneaking suits that Solid Snake or Raiden use in much of the Metal Gear Solid series, and nobody seems to raise issue with those outfits. Also, she doesn't suddenly become a weaker-willed person in the Zero Suit; she's sneaking around simply due to being unable to use her suit, but she's still kicking ass, and apparently becomes quicker (this part I kinda get confused by why the Power Suit wouldn't be faster...) To me, a lot of the debate feels like people trying to jump on the social justice bandwagon, but it's not as informed of an opinion just yet.

    What do you guys think about the arguments against the Zero Suit?
    Thread by: Hayabusa, Apr 23, 2014, 103 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  15. Hayabusa
    Ok, so I don't think this was worth a thread in the Technology section.

    Anyway, Firefox 28 is hella slow for me, especially using things like YouTube and imgur. The browser tries to chug along, and the computer isn't at all bad. Chrome is lightning fast, and I'm finding myself relying on it more and more now, which is sad because I love the add-ons and features of Firefox.

    So yeah, how the hell do I fix Firefox? I cleared my cache and whatever multiple times, resulting in the speed issue not being resolved at all.
    Thread by: Hayabusa, Apr 21, 2014, 8 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  16. Hayabusa
  17. Hayabusa

    Dunno how long the sale will last.
    Thread by: Hayabusa, Apr 2, 2014, 4 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  18. Hayabusa
    Pick it up right here. Y'know, in case you foolishly haven't played that game yet.

    The game's 100% free until May 8, 2014.
    Thread by: Hayabusa, Mar 28, 2014, 1 replies, in forum: Gaming
  19. Hayabusa
    In like 10 minutes to try getting some viewers ._.

    Thread by: Hayabusa, Mar 28, 2014, 0 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  20. Hayabusa
    Here's the VMC link.

    Yup, apparently this is a confirmed legit offer, just so people who think game testing is lots of fun can be proven wrong (for money!)

    Here are the main requirements it seems:
    Thread by: Hayabusa, Mar 27, 2014, 19 replies, in forum: Gaming