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  1. Arch

    Arctus was doused but it was cool. He liked the rain and it even meant that he got to see Karina in the rain. There were no possible downsides to this. "Uniform will have to wait!" Arctus did a sick backflip and kicked the Darkside with his sick backflip inflicting major backflip damage to it.

    Darkside Blue: 4,800/5,000

    Post by: Arch, Apr 12, 2018 in forum: Role-Playing Arena
  2. Arch

    Frozone and Mr. Incredible made their way past the crowd and began to head in the direction of the tower where Kefka had issued his challenge. A pair of skis popped out from Frozone's boots right as he began creating an ice slide to speed ahead. This time around, Mr. Incredible didn't join him. "You kids have your own transportation right? Sorry but the Incredibile only sits one." Mr. Incredible walked into the street. The sound of a roaring engine of a car came and skidded to a stop right by Mr. Incredible. The wheels spun and screeched against the pavement before the car rocketed off after Frozone.


    "Thanks." He responded towards Aria, still feeling a little self-conscious about his costume. "You know, my old keyblade armor had a cape. It was a little like this." He sighed. "A shame it got destroyed though. I still am, a bit--a lot--reckless. I guess the real victim though was blacksmith Watts. Poor guy worked so hard on it." He frowned and sat by Aria, facing the opposite way with his back towards her.

    "So...about last ni-" The ground shook violently shook throughout the world. If Torrin hadn't been sitting he might have stumbled. "Uh what?" The clouds overhead started to blot out the sun, darkening the skies and sending the city into an overcast. "No." Kefka began to laugh maniacally, kicking up his tied legs into the air.

    "Oh boy! You kids are in for it now! You can't stop the destruction! EVERYTHING WILL BURN TO THE GROUND. I'LL MAKE SURE OF THAT." Streams of darkness began to pour from Kefka's body. The clown broke the cables holding him and stood back up only to hunch over and continue laughing all the while the dark aura around the clown began to thicken. Once more the earth shook. Torrin watched as several civilians fell over. "You brats will DIE for making me bleed by own blood. Hah...HAHAHA!!!" Kefka threw his head back and screeched in wretched jubilation. Darkness pooled at his feet. "Destroy destroy destroy DESTROY!" By now his ankles were submerged in darkness and he was sinking into it.

    The clown froze, his face in complete shock. "W-what? Huh? Why am I not moving...? No! Wait! I'm in control! ME! NOOOO!" Faster and faster he sunk until the clown was swallowed up whole by the black pool with a sickening sluuuurp.

    Torrin rose to his feet and felt the hairs on the back of his neck stand up. "No not again. Not here too! This world is going to fall!" Dark pools began to appear throughout the city. The clouds above began to blacken. The world shook once more.


    Chrysanthemum, Koa, and Dentro gained 4 Levels! Post in the OOC Thread to claim your rewards!

    Dentro and Koa jumped in and finished the last of the Neoshadows. "I feel better now. I think that Magitek thing stopped working."

    Dentro cracked his neck and nodded, rolling back his shoulders. "Yeah. Glad that didn't last long. Let's get moving then! I think we'll be able to get a good view from above. Keyblade Glider away!" Without waiting for any agreement from Chrys he jumped onto his glider and sped off into the skies.

    "I don't understand Dentro. I really don't." Koa shook his head and called for his glider, hopping on and chasing after him. Once the trio were in the air Koa noticed that the clouds had suddenly thickened and moved to block out the light. Up in the sky the wind began to kick up and nearly knocked Koa off his glider. "What the-!? How did this happen so suddenly? The skies were clear a second ago weren't they? Are instant storms a thing on this world or what?" He looked down and raise an eyebrow. Though the light was fading fast he and they were up high, he could still see something disturbed him, reminding him of when his own home nearly broke apart when the darkness almost took hold of it. "Uh Chrys? We're going to have to move faster! I don't think this world is going to be sticking around much longer."

    "No you don't say! We just got here too! Seriously! Ugh!" Dentro growled. "Sucks for this world. Wish we could do something to save it."

    "...Is that a heart I sense from you, Dentro?"

    "Don't get used to it!"

    Post by: Arch, Apr 12, 2018 in forum: Role-Playing Arena
  3. Arch

    After her conversation with Torrin she had left the gates of the mansion grounds to take a breath of fresh air. Communications were hampered under the effects of the Magitek device and she knew by now the Master was expecting to hear from her. Seeing as how she had nothing but time she took her keyblade glider and flew into the sky, heading outside the city limits and out of the range of the field inhibiting her magic and blocking communications.

    "Thallasa coming in. Can you hear me?" She waited for a response and when one finally came she spoke again. "You told me of the possibility that one of our own could die. I do not believe the risk is necessary. I have just learned of the existence of a second of the Seven within my party. Were you aware of this as well?" The response came. "It's too dangerous. Why risk this course of action when so many lives have already been lost?" Another response came. Thallasa gritted her teeth and pressed on. "Yes. Of course I am aware of the threat the darkness poses. My students were taken from me and before that my own family. You know this." She sighed and lowered her head. "These kinds of calculated risks just aren't--" She was interrupted. "What!? You can't possibly be serious. We could risk two of the Seven by staying on course. Not to mention the inhabitants of this world."

    "...Yes. Of course...I-I understand...You're right. For the greater good." Thallasa clenched her fist and looked down, slowly taking in a deep breath and exhaling. "The identity of the other? No. I...I don't know who it is. I suspect it is one of Choma or Atmos's students so I will keep a closer eye on them." She spoke lowly, her eyes still focused on the ground. "Uh...yes. Miss Dorin? Ah yes. She seems to be doing well. Is that all?"

    "Of course. Yes. I should be heading back now. I'll report in again when I next have the chance, Master."

    Post by: Arch, Apr 11, 2018 in forum: Role-Playing Arena
  4. Arch

    "You're scary good at that, Aria." Torrin tilted his head, watching as Aria tied up Kefka. Tying a knot might have come in handy at some point for a farm girl like her but tying people up seemed to be pretty easy for the girl. He reminded himself not to get on her bad side.

    "I can see why she didn't stay kidnapped for long. She's resourceful." Machina commented.

    "Yeah...Anyway, I think Thallasa will move faster without us getting in her way and seeing that the Magitek generator was taken care of..." Torrin eyed the crowd of civilians taking pictures of them. It was no surprise that their battle would have caused a scene. That was Kefka's entire plan after all. He was just thankful that Elastigirl was now carting off Bomb Voyage to the police and that Kefka's presence, even unconscious, seemed to be keeping the crowd at bay. Torrin shifted uncomfortably and scratched his cheek.

    "We should wait here. It should be pretty obvious where we are for them. Besides, I'd rather not walk through that crowd. Costume or not, people looking at me like how they look at Elastigirl or those other heroes is just weird." Despite having been a little bit excited to put on the costume and play the part of hero, the attention such a role gained had been lost in his thought process until now. It might have been hypocritical in some sense but he just did not want to be involved like that. "So..." Realizing that his plan to wait meant actually staying put and doing nothing, he tapped his foot against the ground and tried to think of small talk to pass the time. "Black seems to suit you. Somehow it doesn't look so depressing or broody on you." Torrin planted his keyblade in the ground, resting a hand on the crossguard, and coughed. "Uh...nice weather. Very...normal."

    Post by: Arch, Apr 10, 2018 in forum: Role-Playing Arena
  5. Arch

    Torrin lowered his keyblade and walked over to stand beside Aria. "And I'm Torrin. Normally we're not dressed so...tightly." As Machina shook both their hands he smiled at the two surprising Torrin that someone like this could have been hidden underneath that mask.

    "Well I like your capes." Machina gestured to his own flowing crimson cape. "So where are we? This doesn't look like anywhere on Orience." Machina placed a hand on his hip and looked around the area his eyes widening upon seeing the burnt ground and broken slabs of concrete. "D-did I do this?"

    "Not entirely. Wasn't your fault though. I'm...not sure where your world is though. Never heard of it."

    "I believe I have." Master Thallasa headed towards the three and placed her fingers on her chin as she examined Machina who shifted uncomfortable on the spot when she did so. "Yes but I believe I'll have make sure that it has not fallen before attempting to return you to your home. Then there's the matter of that clown. Kefka, was it? He's certainly not from around these parts."

    "Well we can keep an eye on Kefka while you search for his homeworld as well." Torrin suggested.

    "Hm...yes...but I'm afraid that will not be enough. If the barriers between worlds have grown so thin that anyone with magic can cross through then extreme measure must be taken to prevent anymore intruders to this world."

    "I think I know what you're getting at...but isn't that sort of thing forbidden? I mean sealing a world's keyhole is pretty much the opposite of non-interference."

    "It's the only thing that can be done. I'll head out first to find the keyhole. That takes priority." Her tone was urgent. Without another word Thallasa jumped onto her keyblade glider and blasted off into the sky.

    "Bye to you too?" Torrin folded his arms and looked off to the side where Kefka was laying, face down, and shuddered. Even unconscious the clown was still creepy...somehow even more so. "I've faced giant Heartless the size of buildings and yet somehow that guy's face disturbs me more. Hm..."

    "Let's head back up. If they still need help we'll be there to give it to them." Mr. Incredible looked around the tunnel system and glanced over Frozone's way saying, "Hey didn't we fight the Underminer once somewhere near here?"

    "Yeah. I'm glad we didn't have to face that weirdo again. All he did was monologue!"

    Mr. Incredible nodded in agreement and ran out back to the tunnel system, the sound of ice shattering as the superhero plowed through Frozone's wall echoing in the distance. Any signs of Helping Hats that may have survived the blizzard were nowhere to be found. The tunnels were clear. "There's a ladder over here. Come on!"

    Upon exiting the tunnels and heading up through the manhole onto a crowded sidewalk, civilians began to gather upon seeing both Mr. Incredible and Frozone. The superheroes were immediately overwhelmed with requests for pictures and autographs. The moment the keybladers followed through and entered the scene they too were bombarded with question. Everyone except Glyde who was not in costume.

    Who are your new sidekicks Mr. Incredible? Nice Gazerbeam cosplay! What's your superhero name? And yours? Are they part of the team that stopped the Unforgivables? Hello there Black and White Beauty! Look it's the Green Cloak! No man that's the wrong insignia. Aren't you a little young to be a superhero? Are you wearing Mode? Are you Frozone's sidekick?

    The questions didn't stop and as more people gathered it became more difficult to figure out who was being questioned and what the questions even were.

    Post by: Arch, Apr 10, 2018 in forum: Role-Playing Arena
  6. Arch
    Mega graphics rapid fire. Lotta short and simple ones here.

    Post by: Arch, Apr 10, 2018 in forum: Arts & Graphics
  7. Arch

    "It should be about time for the Master to show them the way forward. ...Right?"

    "Yes but I still don't understand why we made them go in such a roundabout way."

    "All that matters is that they bought the excuse."

    "What's that supposed to mean, Kaio?"

    "Come now, Kide. You cannot possibly be that blind. What about you Selene? Surely you must have figured it out by now."

    "Er...I'll get back to you on that."

    "I don't have time for your riddles. Spit it out. I've been too busy working on-"

    "I don't care what you've been working on but I shall illuminate the two of you young and ignorant masters. Istilldon'tknowwhyStamatissetthebarsolow..."

    "Hey! I heard that!"

    "Anyway, you both are aware that the darkness has been rising at an alarming rate this past month. Correct?"

    "What does that have to do with the world Thallasa's group was sent to?"

    "Well young Master Kidemonas, that particular world's barriers between itself and the dark space between worlds are quite weak. Stamatis has kept a close eye on it for some time now and when he informed Master Gero of the situation–"

    "Master Gero chose to send them somewhere dangerous? Why?"

    "Allow me to finish. Master Gero knows the Light Chaser would have sent his apprentices after them no matter where they went. So why not lead them into a world that was doomed to fall before hopping along to their real destination?"

    "You've got to be kidding! He wouldn't send a bunch of amateurs and two of our own students into a world ready to plunge into darkness just to take out a few of the Light Chaser's apprentices."

    "Yeah! Gero would never do that. I never knew him for as long as you but despite being a tough old man he's got too much of a soft spot for Aria to let her go into something so dangerous!"

    "Why do you think he called for Master Thallasa? Her primary concern is protecting the Seven. Not to mention the fact that a certain Dark Prince, a Keyblade Master with experience fighting the Light Chaser, seems to have taken it upon himself to ensuring that the Light Chaser does not prevail. And if Torrin to perish in the battles to come, the King would no doubt come seeking for vengeance and turn the tides in our favor."

    "That's a good theory...but how do we know any of that is true? This seems more like one of your chess moves rather than something Master Gero would approve of."

    "Because the senior members of the Council made a vote and approved this plan."

    "Aster!? Seriously? You chose to send Adalric out there? And Qamar without my consent on this?"

    "I voted against this. As did Stamatis and Skia. Gero, Kaio, Varos, and Thyella were the ones who were for this course of action."

    "How could you guys vote without us!?"

    "It's because Stamatis was the one who promoted us to Council members. Isn't it?"

    "If it had been my choice, both of you would have been involved but even I cannot deny the fact that you two lack experience in this area."

    "That's almost reassuring...And I take it we're supposed to leave Choma and Atmos in the dark?"

    "I'm afraid so."

    "Dammit...Kaio if anything happens to those two-"

    "Casualties are inevitable. Unless you would wish to sit idly by and play it safe while entire worlds are destroyed?"

    "We don't have the numbers for this."

    "So you'd be willing to sacrifice a few faceless keybladers so long as we had more to spare?"

    "What? No! I-"

    "You've made my point for me. I suggest you get back to your work and remain useful."

    Post by: Arch, Apr 10, 2018 in forum: Role-Playing Arena
  8. Arch

    "I see..." Shutting the book and placing the pen gently down on the table the man took in a deep breath. He shut the black book before returning it to his coat pocket and rising from his chair, nearly wincing at the sound of wood scraping against wood. Chrysanthemum, Koa, and Dentro were off world while Zeno, Avra, and Pagos were training. With some free time available to him he left his lodgings, pulled his black hood back, and ran a hand through his hair to comb back the out of place strands that covered one of his blue eyes. The quietness of the world relaxed him but when quiet was all there was even his own highly trained mind began to wander and grow nostalgic.

    The man briskly walked along the brick path while looking down at his gloved hands, pulling them off to stuff them down into his pockets. After several minutes of walking and more silence he arrived at the steps of a small flower shop. An elderly woman with platinum blonde hair was tending to her plants. "You're back." She spoke softly. "Others like yourself came looking for you a few days ago. Did they ever return your journal page?"

    "No but I'm sure they will when they find me." The Light Chaser responded casually. "It's another quiet evening." As he spoke he approached a golden flower and touched one of its petals, allowing it to slide past his fingers and bounce once he pulled away. "How do you deal with it? One can only read in silence for so long."

    The elder smiled and raised a watering can to begin sprinkling the potted plants. "My daughter, before she passed, was quite the troublemaker so I never had to 'deal with' the quiet. When she passed and left her own daughter in my care, the little babe could do nothing but cry!" She chuckled at the memory and hefted the can over her head, struggling to reach a hanging pot. The man hurried over to take the can from her and water the flowers for her. "Such a nice young man. Now where was I..."

    "Hardly." The Light Chaser mused, setting the can down. "You were telling me about your granddaughter."

    "Ah yes. She was such a special girl. She held such a powerful light." The woman frowned. "I suppose she would be a young woman by now."

    "What happened to her?"

    "An older gentleman came for her telling me of how she was in grave danger. I sent him away for I did not believe it. That night dark creatures came for her only to be stopped by that same man." She lowered her head. "My granddaughter has probably forgotten about me, my goodness it has been such a long time..."

    "I-I'm sorry if I upset you. I can come back another time."

    "No no. It's quite alright. I just miss her so much."

    "Of course...I know what that's like."

    The generator had been destroyed. Mezmerella had gone into a panic knowing she had failed by keeping Mr. Incredible defending her rather than focusing on the generator. "No! Nonono!" Incredible had still tried to defend her from the attacks that came her way but with her mind darting to thoughts of fleeing Mr. Incredible's actions became slower and slower. Mezmerella was grazed by Glyde's keyblade before Incredible put himself between the two. Then Boreas came but Incredible was busy tanking a series of attacks by Tinarah. Even the powerful superhero was beginning to feel the pain of battle. Mezmerella was looking roughed up and her goggles were almost out of place. "Gah you're useless!" She shouted in frustration as she adjusted the goggles. By the time she looked up, Takehiko was upon her. She tried to step out of the way but the blade caught her goggles and shattered one of the lenses.

    "Ah!" She shrieked and ripped off the goggles. "You brat!" She pointed at Mr. Incredible and pointed at the boy. "Kill him now! Kill them all!"

    Mr. Incredible flexed his muscles and narrowed his eyes. He brought his fist back ...and spun around to knock Mezmerella out with the flick of a single finger, sending her flying backwards and crashing into the ground. Mr. Incredible placed his palm to his forehead and groaned. "Ugh why does it feel like I've been hit by a hundred trucks?" He looked up and blinked, looking around at the others. Spotting Frozone, he chuckled. "Should I be offended that you're trying to replace me Frozone?" He took a deep breath and stood upright, looking to be no worse for wear. "Looking good, kids. Glad to see-" His eyes hovered over Glyde. "Uh...good to see most of you got into the hero business! The super community could always use more young faces."

    "Incredible! You're back! Hele-I mean Elastigirl is going to be excited to see you back to your old self!"

    "Speaking of...where is she?"

    "Get this, this group of villains are calling themselves The Unforgivables! She went with the others to go into some grand battle against them."

    "Not good."

    "I know! The name was stupid. They even called us Team Incredible instead of Team Frozone! That's messed up."

    "No not that! Where are the others now?" Mr. Incredible looked at the keybladers waiting for answers.

    Mr. Incredible joined the party!


    "The generator's gone?" Thallasa frowned. Sensing that Boreas was right she knew that now she would at least have her magic back. She looked over to see Illiana knock out Bomb Voyage and Elastigirl rush in to apprehend the villain. She and Adalric had made progress in their battle against Incognitus but the masked man seemed to be resistant to damage. His magic even seemed to be unaffected by the Magitek device. She raised her keyblade to attack but the man stepped back and held his head in his hands, yelling in pain. Thallasa raised her eyebrow and wondered if it was some sort of trap.

    "WHAT DID YOU DO TO OUR PUPPET!?" Kefka let out an enraged shout.

    "The battle's almost over here, Boreas. We're just mopping up now." It seemed like whatever was going on with Incognitus was preventing him from acting.


    Something about Incognitus freezing up really upset Kefka which only made Torrin feel better. Between him and Aria, the clown had nowhere to run and was losing steam fast. "Alright we're done here. Goodbye and good night!" Torrin leaped into the air and spun his keyblade overhead. In the air the blade lengthened and the hand guard broke free and opened to form a crossguard. Torrin brought down the greatsword onto Kefka, shattering the ground beneath them and sent the clown shooting backwards through the wall of flame which began to fade almost immediately after leaving a scorched ring. The white aura around Torrin faded and the form's power dissipated.

    "Good riddance." Torrin breathed out. "Hey...I feel my magic coming back...Mm...that feels good. Guess they took care of that generator. Knew they could." He laughed and looked at Aria. "We did good. You did good. That entrance move of yours well seriously impressive." He smiled. The lightness of his mood vanished when he noticed that Incognitus was still standing. He readied his blade but when he saw something change about their enemy he didn't make a move to attack. Incognitus's mask fell and his white clothing began to change color. His cloak became a bright crimson color and his shirt turned black.

    A young man stood up and grunted, looking around at the others. "W-what's going on? Last thing I remember that clown and that woman...ugh...ow..."


    "What?" The young man shook his head. "Who's that? My name's Machina. Machina Kunagiri."

    "Well then... That explains why Kefka lost his cool." Torrin scratched the back of his head. "Seems like Mezmerella and Kefka did a real number on you. At least the day's saved, right?"

    Illiana, Tinarah, Chrono, Takehiko, Aria, and Glyde's Max MP went up by 10!
    Glyde gained 7 Levels! Glyde gained an Ability!
    Aria, Illiana, Tinarah and Chrono gained 5 Levels! They each gained an Ability!
    Takehiko gained 4 Levels! Takehiko gained an Ability!
    Boreas gained 3 Levels!
    Qamar gained 3 Levels! Qamar gained an Ability!
    Torrin gained 1 Level!

    Claim your rewards in the OOC Thread!

    Post by: Arch, Apr 9, 2018 in forum: Role-Playing Arena
  9. Arch

    "Don't worry about me." Torrin spoke, wincing as he readied himself to continue the fight. He leapt at Kefka striking the clown and knocking him back. "He's almost finished. Just a little more." He held up his keyblade and cast Curaga on Aria...but nothing happened. He cursed himself for allowing himself to get so tired that he forgot that this form locked him out of using magic. He sighed but knew they would last just long enough for the fight to end.

    Elastigirl ran over to Illiana and healed her. "Hang in there. We've got him on the ropes." She patted the girl on the shoulder and ran ahead, stretching her legs to close the distance between her and Bomb Voyage to deliver a powerful kick that knocked off his beret.

    "Un peu d'aide!? Some assistance would be much appreciated!" Incognitus, who had been focused on battling both Thallasa and Adalric nodded and blasted the two back with two orbs of dark energy which flew after Elastigirl and Illiana and struck both women before returning and recharging some of his strength.

    HP: 73/100
    AP: 10/40
    MP: 10/20

    Torrin (Critical Form 4th Turn)
    HP: 21/155
    AP: 30/92
    MP: 10/50
    DP: 2/5

    HP: 171/240
    AP: 0/104
    MP: 0/60

    Aria took 11 Damage! (15/70HP)
    Illiana took 14 Damage! (18/45HP)
    Torrin took 9 Damage! (12/155HP)
    Thallasa took 27 Damage! (144/240HP)
    Adalric took 20 Damage! (10/150HP)
    Elastigirl took 19 Damage! (54/100HP)

    Bosses Remaining:
    Kefka: 70/300HP
    Bomb Voyage: 18/200HP
    Incognitus: 206/350HP

    Taking advantage of Mr. Incredible's huge size and her small frame, Mezmerella was more than agile enough to dance around several of the attacks sent her way and allowed the superhero to take much of the damage for her. Even Frozone who had aimed a frosty blast of ice only managed to hit his friend. "Sorry Incredible! You'll thank us later when you're back to your senses!"

    Mr. Incredible responded by taking the boy who had provoked him, taking his attention off of retaliating against Chrono and Glyde, and threw Takehiko at both Frozone and Qamar knocking them right off their feet. As Mr. Incredible moved to swipe at Tinarah with a backhand Mezmerella laughed. "You kids won't be standing much longer!" Mezmerella then attacked Boreas with a spinning kick that forced some distance between her and Boreas.

    HP: 63/80
    AP: 10/40
    MP: 30/60

    Frozone took 13 Damage! (50/80HP)
    Takehiko took 20 Damage! Takehiko was knocked out!
    Takehiko's MP Rage activated! (15/20MP)
    Glyde was protected by Takehiko's Provoke!
    Chrono was protected by Takehiko's Provoke!
    Qamar took 18 Damage! Second Chance activated! (1/50HP)
    Tinarah took 5 Damage! (12/60HP)
    Boreas took 10 Damage! (14/85HP)

    Bosses Remaining:
    Mezmerella: 87/150HP
    Mr. Incredible: 175/400HP

    The Generator has become vulnerable!

    Magitek Generator: 70/70HP


    Dentro cast Cura on Chrys. "Gotta keep at top strength for when we see the others!" Dentro grinned and jumped at the remaining Neoshadows with Koa beside him as the two struck down several of the Heartless. The Neoshadows they could not destroy sank into the ground appearing as dark pools that moved along the floor before they jumped out from the shadows and struck the keybladers with their claws upon reemerging.

    HP: 79
    AP: 2/44
    MP: 21/30

    HP: 84
    AP: 4/46

    MP: 21/40

    Chrys took 22 Damage! (62/100HP)
    Koa took 19 Damage! (60/90HP)
    Dentro took 17 Damage! (67/110HP)

    Enemies Remaining:

    6 Neoshadows
    Post by: Arch, Apr 8, 2018 in forum: Role-Playing Arena
  10. Arch
    According to Square all the new episodes will be "What If" scenarios where the characters change their fate.

    Post by: Arch, Apr 7, 2018 in forum: Gaming
  11. Arch
    One who knows nothing can understand nothing. But one who finds the Easter egg upon just realizing there was one within 10 seconds is a true master of DARKNESS.
    Post by: Arch, Apr 6, 2018 in forum: The Spam Zone
  12. Arch

    "The plan's better than that, kid!" Frozone called out to Glyde as the group began to outrun the robotic hats. Eventually they reached an open junction where the tunnels split. Frozone motioned towards the rightmost tunnel on the other end of the area. "Through there! Just keep going!" He slowed his pace, allowing the keyblade wielders to get in front of him and exit the junction where they would hear the humming of the Magitek generator grow louder and louder.

    Frozone cracked his knuckles and watched as dozen of red glowing eyes approached from the opposite end of the junction while he waited for the right time to act. The second they entered the wide area he shot out his palms in front of him. "I've had it with these stupid robo-hats in these stupid tunnels!" Even dozens of feet away the rest of the team could feel the temperature radically drop and see their breaths before their eyes as they ran. The air crystallized in front of Frozone as a blizzard of frosty air erupted and swept the hats up in the gale. Several of them shattered into millions of tiny ice particles and others crashed into the four foot thick wall of ice now separating Frozone and the keybladers from the robo-hat swarm. "Hah! Good riddance!"

    Frozone used 30 MP!

    The super took off after the others, skating on a self-made road of ice to speed along and overtake the group. "All taken care of! Now just a few more feet and...oh no."

    Before them stood Mezmerella and Mr. Incredible standing in front of the large generator took up a third of the circular room they stood in. The generator cast a red glow in the area and thick wires rose up into the ceiling where holes had appeared to have been hastily made as was apparent with the scorch marks surrounding them as the cables led up and presumably went on to tie into the tower's antenna.

    "Look what we have here, Incredible. An old friend. Why don't you go say hello?" Mezmerella smirked, placing her hands on her hips.

    "You'll pay for this, Mezmerella!"

    "You first, Froblown!"

    "That's not even a good comeback!" Frozone shouted.


    Mr. Incredible will stand in the way of most attacks directed towards Mezmerella.

    Bosses Remaining:
    Mezmerella: 150/150HP
    Mr. Incredible: 400/400HP


    Torrin braced himself for the flames and let out a sigh. "I hate it when they don't stay down." He muttered under his breath. He gripped his keyblade tighter with his left hand and glanced over at the burnt end of his cape. He felt that he had wasted his form's most powerful ability but reconciled it with the fact that, if the villains were going to rise back up anyway, they were always going to have to fight the trio twice.

    He looked around the battlefield at the other clashes take place. Elastigirl teamed up with Illiana in fighting Bomb Voyage who now appeared to be sporting a bloodied nose and a singed beret. On the other side were Thallasa and Adalric fighting together against Incognitus, appearing to stay even with him even as the latter used a magic barrier to stop their half of their attacks from reaching him. Torrin's focus returned to the battle at hand as he went after Kefka and joined Aria's side in fighting the clown. "Don't let up! We can still take them."

    HP: 86/100
    AP: 10/40
    MP: 20/20

    Torrin (Critical Form 3rd Turn)
    HP: 48/155
    AP: 23/92
    MP: 5/50
    DP: 2/5

    HP: 192/240
    AP: 0/104
    MP: 0/60

    "Je ne serai pas battu par les filles!" Bomb Voyage jumped backwards and threw a small explosive that stuck to the ground between Elastigirl and Illiana before exploding and kicking up smoke and debris.

    Kefka stumbled backwards from the force of the blows and snarled at the pair, his expression of hatred exaggerated with the heavy makeup he was wearing. He launched a Thunder spell at Aria, bolts of electricity crackling and racing towards the girl, and with his other hand conjured up dark purple tendrils of a dark magic and cast it Torrin's way. "Whad'ya think of this? Does it hurt? DOES IT!?" As Torrin was blasted with the magic a spiral of energy came rushing from Torrin's body to Kefka's, restoring some of the clown's own strength.

    Illiana took 14 Damage! (12/45HP)
    Aria was critically hit for 13 Damage! (26/70HP)
    Torrin was critically hit for 27 Damage! (21/155HP)
    Recovery Kick activated! Kefka took 30 Damage!
    Torrin's MP Rage activated! (10/50MP)
    Thallasa took 21 Damage! (171/240HP)
    Adalric took 25 Damage! (30/150HP)
    Elastigirl took 13 Damage! (73/100HP)

    Bosses Remaining:
    Kefka: 166/300HP
    Bomb Voyage: 108/200HP
    Incognitus: 288/350HP

    Post by: Arch, Apr 5, 2018 in forum: Role-Playing Arena
  13. Arch

    Arctus rolled his eyes and sighed out loudly while watching Karina run off after another bad guy to fight when they could have waited around and had a nice chat while waiting for more Heartless to fling themselves at the two. He lingered behind for a bit, wondering what she meant by having a way to cope and feeling curious as to what might have been in...whatever was as good as a journal. "No rest for the wicked I guess." The Demon Tide the others had been fighting had also been destroyed and he was left wondering just how many seconds he should give Karina for a head start to whatever vendetta she was going for next.

    "Think I've waited long enough..." None of this was a good idea but neither was trying to convince Karina to accept a pet Shadow from him as a present. Arctus took off after Karina. If things were going to go south for Karina then they would go south together.

    Post by: Arch, Apr 4, 2018 in forum: Role-Playing Arena
  14. Arch

    With one last swing of his blade he brought down the Demon Tide and grinned brightly. "YES. DOWN GOES THE BEAST. I HAVE BESTED YOU IN SINGLE COMBAT. ME. I ALONE HAVE-" He looked over at Karina and laughed nervously, stabbing his sword into the ground as he looked down. "Uh...right...sorry...uh...okay. Coping. Right." He looked over at the empty space where the Tide used to be, feeling a slight sense of pride. "You should find a better way to deal with it than...whatever it is you're doing. Maybe we can talk more after this is all over. Normally. Promise."

    Demon Tide Blue: 0/5,000

    Post by: Arch, Apr 4, 2018 in forum: Role-Playing Arena
  15. Arch

    Arctus jumped into the air and brought his sword down on the Heartless swarm. It finally seemed to be at its end. Now it was looking fragile and puny compared to the massive tornado of Shadows it used to be. He was sort of excited to get this fight over and done with already and was ready to move on to bigger and better pastures. Maybe even grab a bite to eat while Darksides loomed in the distance. He placed a hand in his pocket and took in a deep breath. "Hey. Writing has been known to be a cathartic form of therapy to people with trauma. At least...I think it has been known for that. Either way, it'd be healthier than burying all that rage. But what do I know? I'm just some guy with gravity magic. A guy you kissed. On purpose. And it wasn't meaningless!"

    Demon Tide Blue: 200/5,000

    Post by: Arch, Apr 4, 2018 in forum: Role-Playing Arena
  16. Arch

    Arctus shrugged. "Well there's some things you can't run past. It just seems like so much has been coming back to haunt you in such a short time. Even if it's dark, that must mean something happened in your past. Maybe one day you could write a book about it. Or not. Your choice if you want to let that pain out." Once more he shrugged, not sure if he was playing it off as cool or just being sincere. He confused himself over it but that was least he thought it was. He then paused on the sentimental thoughts and took another swing at the Demon Tide.

    Demon Tide Blue: 500/5,000

    Post by: Arch, Apr 4, 2018 in forum: Role-Playing Arena
  17. Arch

    Arctus spun his blade overhead, preparing a spell as he watched the Demon Tide he attacked fly about. He called forth his Starfall ability and rained down many small comets on the Demon Tide, watching as Shadows exploded into several sad puffs of darkness and smoke as they were bombarded by the space debris. Feeling a little satisfied with himself he planted the blade back into the ground and leaned against it again, his eyes following after Karina curiously. He raised an eyebrow at her question. "No reason. Just trying to play the dramatic type. Everyone's got a past and mine's gotta be a hell of a lot less interesting than yours."

    Demon Tide Blue: 800/5,000

    Post by: Arch, Apr 4, 2018 in forum: Role-Playing Arena
  18. Arch

    Arctus threw his sword, feeling in the mood to go back to basics, and clasped his hands behind his back as the blade once more made its rounds through the Tide. He whistled a short tune and waited for the blade to make its return trip back to him, seeing it tear through the swarm before finally spinning around and coming back at him. He caught the sword and planted it in the ground and began leaning against it casually as he eyed Karina. "Envy? No! No one is being envious here! You know what? Fine we can go back to calling it blue. Blue like my soul." He said with a bit of a smirk.

    Demon Tide Blue: 1,100/5,000

    Post by: Arch, Apr 4, 2018 in forum: Role-Playing Arena
  19. Arch

    Arctus nodded in understanding, agreeing that it was probably a stupid idea. Trying to train a bunch of Heartless was just not going to end well for anyone. "Fine. You're right. A stuffed one would have been a better idea. Do people make stuffed Shadows? Seems like an odd thing to sell when all they do is try to kill you." He scratched the back of his head and took another swing at the Heartless swarm. "So are you getting bored of this yet? There's still a third Demon Tide off in the distance I think. As much as I'd rather be doing this than fighting Nequabots...maybe if they were colored differently we'd get some more fun out of this. How do you feel about a chartreuse Demon Tide?"

    Demon Tide Chartreuse: 1,400/5,000

    Post by: Arch, Apr 4, 2018 in forum: Role-Playing Arena
  20. Arch

    Arctus frowned and tossed the Shadow aside like a used napkin. "Hey! It's not my fault you can't train a Shadow!" He grumbled and, using the same technique as before, began ripping Shadows directly out of the Tide, watching as they rained down and bursted into little puffs of black smoke when they crashed into the ground. If Karina wasn't going to accept one as an extreme pet then no one would have one as a super cool pet. Not even him. Especially not him.

    Demon Tide Blue: 1,700/5,000

    Post by: Arch, Apr 4, 2018 in forum: Role-Playing Arena