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  1. Arch

    "That's it! I'm done reasoning with you! Our home is doomed if we do nothing and I'm not going to let you die here! You're coming with me!" Koa shouted right as his helmet rematerialized on his head and began charging his sword with Thunder magic. Magical bolts of electricity launched off his blade and sped towards Illiana.


    Dentro had pinned down Adalric and dropped his own keyblade, beginning to beat the keyblader with his armored fists. "If you stopped fighting back this would be a lot less painful!" Dentro was kicked off of Adalric when he regained some of his strength with Tinarah's Cure. Dentro made a quick recovery just as his opponent stood back up and readied his defensive stance again. "Your friends only have so much magic! I'll whittle you all down one by one until nothing is in our way!" He raised his keyblade. "You can't beat me! You know that!" Adalric remained steadfast. Dentro sighed and chuckled though no one would have heard. Dentro leapt at Adalric again slashing and stabbing at him and quickly beginning to overwhelm Adalric.

    Post by: Arch, Apr 20, 2018 in forum: Role-Playing Arena
  2. Arch
    Mr. Incredible
    HP: 365
    AP: 0/40
    MP: 0

    HP: 79
    AP: 10/40
    MP: 20

    HP: 46
    AP: 10/40
    MP: 60

    HP: 93
    AP: 2/50
    MP: 30

    Heartless Defeated:
    12 Yellow Operas
    10 Red Nocturne
    30 Shadows

    Torrin took 14 Damage! (115/160HP)
    Tinarah took 11 Damage! (19/75HP)
    Qamar was Critically Hit for 50 Damage! Second Chance activated! (1/50HP)
    Glyde took 24 Damage! (47/75HP)
    Aria took 7 Damage! (73/80HP)
    Chrono took 7 Damage! (61/80HP)
    Mr. Incredible took 28 Damage! (337/400HP)
    Elastigirl took 26 Damage! (53/100HP)
    Frozone took 27 Damage! (29/80HP)
    Machina took 24 Damage! (69/120HP)


    Torrin struggled to keep control over the glider as they flew through the skies. He looked up to the red eyes in the sky and shuddered. This darkness had somehow become more powerful since the last time he had seen it. Eventide and the worlds before. It had not been present with the destruction of every world but he had seen its raw destructive capability twice before Eventide. "Quietus." The sound of his voice did not ring out in its deafening presence. Those who fell victim to it could not even hear the destruction of their own homes nor the sounds of the screams of their loved ones. He could only imagine how many perished in their sleep because they could not hear its coming. This was the true reason he refused to sleep all this time.

    "We have to land! It's too dangerous to stay in the sky!" He took a deep breath, the air thick with a vile darkness that reeked of something that longed for oblivion. Their landing on the ground below was rough but what mattered was the fact that they were still in one piece. Without shouting any words of direction to Aria and Takehiko he unleashed a single instantaneous cut, Shin-Zantetsuken. Heartless were instantly destroyed in the blink of an eye. Torrin cleared the immediate area by taking out a few more Darkballs with powerful slashes before burying his keyblade into the ground to call for Thallasa again before they were cornered once more. He needed answers now.

    To his surprise, Thallasa spoke before he could.

    I've located the keyhole. It was under our noses the entire time. I cannot get to it alone!

    Then we'll head your way and back you up!

    No! The keyhole is infested with darkness! Only a pure light can pierce through and seal it. Send one of the Seven to the Mode residence.

    I can

    That beast will attack one of the Seven in desperation once we begin work sealing the keyhole. Keeping them together risks us losing them both! Send one and go to protect the other!

    Torrin pulled his keyblade from the ground and let out a shout of frustration that was smothered out by the quieting effect. He felt that the plan was wrong but even so he did not have a better idea. If Thallasa was attacked, it would have been possible they would be in danger of imminent death. Of course, he and the remaining Pure Heart could be attacked as well. There was no telling what would happen. The only thing that was certain was that Thallasa was outnumbered and she needed someone strong to go with her.

    "I...dammit...this isn't right..." He shook his head. This was one of the reasons he left his home. He didn't want to be the one making this kind of call. He looked at the two and summoned his keyblade glider once more. "Get to Mode's mansion! Thallasa needs you. Specifically you! No time to explain." Torrin raised his voice so that he could be heard, even if it was just barely audible. "Don't worry about us! I don't need my keyblade to fight!" Torrin placed his hand on Takehiko's shoulder. "Go now and stay safe!"

    HP: 115/160
    AP: 0/72
    MP: 37/50

    Heartless Defeated:
    1 Shadow
    12 Darkballs
    2 Neoshadows
    3 Yellow Operas
    2 Red Nocturnes

    Heartless Remaining:
    48 Shadows (2AP)
    113 Darkballs (12AP)
    63 Neoshadows (16AP)
    60 Yellow Operas (4AP)
    58 Red Nocturnes (4AP)
    63 Blue Rhapsodies (4AP)


    One of the blasts of Boreas's fire bolts glanced off his armor as he ran forward. Koa moved out of the way because even if his armor would protect him from Fire magic he still did not like the feeling of being shot at. Koa stopped in front of his sister and glanced over to the side as Dentro ran past both of them to run straight into Adalric and resume their battle. "Come with me!" Koa shouted but even that was just a whisper in the deafening silence. "There's nothing we can do here! If you just let my master explain it will all make sense!" Koa looked to the sky and pointed at the red circles in the sky. Their position had changed since the last time he had looked up, no longer being obscured by the clouds, and now a red glow illuminated the streets. "Something terrible is here! Now you can either come with me or get carried by me! Which is it!?"


    Two of Boreas's crossbow bolts made their mark, probably leaving bruises under his armor when the fire bolts met his chest. "Gah! I'm not interested in starting a new fight!" He growled and kept running, dodging out of the way of the rest of Boreas's crossbow fire to charge directly at Adalric. Dentro's fist connected with Adalric's face sending blood splattering to the ground. "Say good night." The keyblader could not even hear his own voice and so his words must have been lost to the keyblader he faced. When he brought the blade down on his opponent Adalric deflected the blow and retaliated with extreme aggression surprising Dentro and causing him to back up as he parried the flurry of cuts directed at him. "Whoa there! It's always the calm ones that lose their minds!" Dentro jumped back and stabbed his blade into the ground once more causing vines to shoot up and cut Adalric. It slowed him down but not enough to stop him from fighting back even harder with each attack made with the intent to kill despite how bloodied and bruised as he was. Even with Adalric's newfound resolve, Dentro remained one step ahead and parried each blow no matter how close each cut came to making contact.

    Post by: Arch, Apr 19, 2018 in forum: Role-Playing Arena
  3. Arch
    Mr. Incredible
    HP: 387
    AP: 0/40
    MP: 0

    HP: 91
    AP: 10/40
    MP: 20

    HP: 72
    AP: 10/40
    MP: 60

    HP: 111
    AP: 10/50
    MP: 30

    Heartless Defeated:
    12 Yellow Operas
    1 Red Nocturne
    6 Blue Rhapsodies
    32 Shadows

    Torrin took 21 Damage! (129/160HP)
    Takehiko took 42 Damage! (49/100HP)
    Tinarah took 33 Damage! (30/75HP)
    Aria took 10 Damage! (66/80HP)
    Glyde took 4 Damage! (71/75HP)
    Chrono took 8 Damage! (60/80HP)
    Mr. Incredible took 22 Damage! (365/400HP)
    Elastigirl took 12 Damage! (79/100HP)
    Frozone took 26 Damage! (46/80HP)
    Machina took 18 Damage! (93/120HP)


    After watching Take receive several attacks from swarm of Heartless he immediately raised his keyblade to cast a Cure spell on the boy. "Hang in there!" Torrin looked around the area and let out a sigh of frustration when he saw that more Heartless crawled from the depths of the darkness in the distance.

    "Dammit! Even if we clear all of them in the vicinity there's too many Heartless on this world." Torrin dashed through the Heartless in a series of rapid lunges, obliterating the floating musical themed Heartless with Sonic Blade. His keyblade moved faster than the eye could see as he began to clear out several dozen Shadows taking out several with each cut he made. By the time he had run out of steam the rooftop had been mostly cleared and he took Aria's words into consideration. "Fine. Let's get moving." Torrin's keyblade transformed back into a keyblade glider that hovered just a few inches off the ground and hopped on before motioning towards the other two to jump on.

    HP: 129/160
    AP: 0/72
    MP: 37/50

    Used Sonic Blade.
    Curaga cast on Takehiko! (

    Heartless Defeated:
    60 Shadows
    3 Yellow Operas
    2 Red Nocturnes
    2 Blue Rhapsodies

    Heartless Remaining:
    166 Shadows (2AP)
    126 Darkballs (12AP)
    71 Neoshadows (16AP)
    75 Yellow Operas (4AP)
    76 Red Nocturnes (4AP)
    72 Blue Rhapsodies (4AP)

    An explosion of intense dark energy ripped through the ground beneath the dueling keyblade wielders sending them flying away from each other and crashing into the ground. Thunder echoed in the sky as lightning continued to light up the dark horizon. Darkness erupted from the rupture in the world's mantle and spewed forth for miles upwards disappearing into the sky. The ground shook violently preventing the keybladers from regaining their footing. Several of the smaller nearby buildings began to collapse and fill the streets with smoke and debris. Windows overhead from skyscrapers continued to shatter and rain down glittering glass fragments onto the area below. The world's new crater measured nearly 30 meters in diameter and extended downwards all the way to its core. There was no way to get near the rupture without being blasted back by the shearing wind and outpouring darkness.

    Qamar took 27 Damage! (7/50HP)
    Illiana took 28 Damage! (22/50HP)
    Adalric took 29 Damage! (100/150HP)
    Adalric was knocked out of his Drive!
    Koa took 35 Damage! (60/95HP)
    Dentro took 30 Damage! (90/120HP)
    Boreas took 43 Damage! (47/90HP)
    Chrysanthemum took 44 Damage! (56/100HP)

    Suddenly, the sound of thunder stopped yet bolts of lightning continued to crackle across the clouds and rip through the streets. The storm continued to rage on, ripping trees from their roots, yet even the wind became a dull hum. The earth and sky rumbled, reverberating through the bones of every living thing. The air grew heavy and reeked of a deep black darkness so thick that each breath would become more strained. Even the sound of one's own voice, no matter how loud they might scream, became a distant whisper.



    Koa ripped off his helmet and heaved, pushing himself up to his feet. He, Dentro, and Chrys had been separated from those they were fighting after having been cast aside like pathetic rag dolls by the explosion. Koa allowed for his helmet to disappear though the rest of his armor remained. He opened his mouth to speak but his words were lost in the silence. Only by raising his voice could he hear himself. "Are you guys alright!?" Dentro and Chrys recovered but neither appeared to have heard him. Koa looked to the skies to see that the clouds above began to emit a bloody red glow. The moon had become a--Two!? Overhead there was not one, but two blood moons illuminating the clouds.

    The presence of the darkness was overwhelming and as he struggled to catch his breath his mind quickly focused on what he had to do. He refused to let Illiana die here on this forsaken world. Without waiting for the others, Koa sprinted around the rupture, ducking as rogue streams of darkness flew out from the crater, to catch a glimpse of his sister. He called out her name but his voice did not reach her. Koa kept his grip tight on his keyblade and prepared himself for the worst. If it came down to it, he planned to just knock her out and bring her with him regardless of the consequences he would face.


    Dentro gazed up at the sky and narrowed his eyes at the twin red moons, shaking his head. "That's no moon!" He faintly exclaimed. Dentro hit his head with his free hand, knocking against his helmet, upon learning that he could barely hear anything as if a blanket smothered out all sense of sound. Growling lowly and realizing he had no time to stand around looking stupid he watched as Koa ran off to get around the crater. There was still a job to do. Dentro chased after Koa so that he could continue his battle against both Qamar and Adalric.

    Post by: Arch, Apr 18, 2018 in forum: Role-Playing Arena
  4. Arch

    Koa rolled backwards from the kick. With the armor it had not hurt but merely knocked him off balance. Koa stood still as Illiana's Fire spell glanced off him, a hair's breadth before even touching his armor, and struck the ground by his side. A faint golden glow surrounded Koa protecting him from Illiana's Fire magic. Koa's blade charged with magic once more launched a barrage of elemental attacks fueled by his Spellblade. Arcs of Thunder, Fire, and Blizzard magic came one after another at Illiana while Koa kept his distance from Illiana.


    Dentro ducked and weaved around Qamar's stabs, looking over to the side to see that Koa had already activated his armor. "Guess we're supposed to be taking this seriously." He sighed and threw his hands up in the air. "Oh well. I was just trying to have a little fun here in this gloomy sitch." Dentro smirked and hit the activator on his shoulder to summon his armor. "This is gonna get messy but I suppose if you're people are going to keep interfering, we might as well take you out now and be done with it."

    Dentro lifted his keyblade over his head and thrust it into the ground. "Here goes nothing!" A green light poured from his keyblade and rushed into the earth below. The ground beneath Qamar tore open and dozens of vines shot out of the ground to cut her to ribbons.

    Post by: Arch, Apr 17, 2018 in forum: Role-Playing Arena
  5. Arch

    Mr. Incredible
    HP: 400
    AP: 0/40
    MP: 0

    HP: 100
    AP: 10/40
    MP: 20

    HP: 80
    AP: 10/40
    MP: 60

    HP: 120
    AP: 10/50
    MP: 30

    Heartless Defeated:
    20 Blue Rhapsodies
    30 Shadows

    Tinarah took 12 Damage! (63/75HP)
    Chrono took 12 Damage! (68/80HP)
    Qamar took 16 Damage! (34/50HP)
    Torrin took 10 Damage! (150/160HP)
    Aria took 4 Damage! (76/80HP)
    Takehiko took 9 Damage! (91/100HP)
    Mr. Incredible took 13 Damage! (387/400HP)
    Elastigirl took 9 Damage! (91/100HP)
    Frozone took 8 Damage! (72/100HP)
    Machina took 9 Damage! (111/120HP)


    Torrin broke his keyblade in two and spun both halves around, catching several Heartless in the rapid spins of his blades. Quickly dispatching of the flying Heartless with ease Torrin managed to clear the area enough for him to concentrate on contacting Thallasa. More Heartless continued to fly up along the tower but he knew he couldn't spend all this time fighting them. "Just give me a few seconds and we'll be on our way again." His cape whipped about in the wind loudly. The rumble of thunder vibrated throughout the skies. Flashes of lightning began to light up the city as the swirling clouds only continued to thicken. For all intents and purposes, night had arrived.

    Fusing his blades back into a single keyblade he stabbed the weapon into the ground and closed his eyes, calling out for Thallasa. "Dammit where are you?" He muttered under his breath, his voice lost in the coming storm. The ground shook again causing the building to sway slightly. The windows of a nearby tower began to shatter and shower the streets below in glass fragments.


    Thallasa! Where are you? The communicators aren't working. The world is falling apart.

    I can sense the keyhole nearby. I'm so close to finding it. Give me a little more time.

    Time is what we don't have! Hurry up!

    He could no longer hear Thallasa.
    "Great...I don't even know where she is but she said she's close to finding it." By now even the Darkballs had risen to their height and out of every corner Shadows and Neoshadows began to crop up. "Just keep fighting!"

    HP: 150/160
    AP: 0/72
    MP: 42/50

    Heartless Defeated:
    1 Yellow Opera
    20 Red Nocturnes
    9 Blue Rhapsodies

    Heartless Remaining:
    312 Shadows (2AP)
    130 Darkballs (12AP)
    74 Neoshadows (16AP)
    92 Yellow Operas (4AP)
    91 Red Nocturnes (4AP)
    91 Blue Rhapsodies (4AP)


    Koa brought his fist to the armor activator equipped to his shoulder which summoned his armor in a brilliant flash of light. "The balance between light and dark has already been destroyed. We're going to make a new balance, one where there's only light! I can see why you'd think I've been brainwashed. You've never witnessed the Light Chaser's power. I will show you just a little of what he's taught me and maybe you'll understand!" Believing he had to fight for his sister's sake, Koa charged forward and brought his keyblade down on Illiana with great speed, following the attack up by spinning his keyblade in a circle, charging the blade with Thunder magic, and releasing a horizontal arc of magical electricity at her.

    Dentro blocked an attack from Adalric with ease by casting Stone and using his rock-encrusted arm to deflect his keyblade. Adalric had proven to be too slow to keep up with the Chaser and even when he engaged his form, Unreachable Garden, his counters did little to slow Dentro down. "You can really take a beating can't you?" Dentro smirked as he pushed his opponent back with a flurry of blows. Even as he continued to land consecutive strikes on Adalric, the keyblader still seemed to be fine, tanking each hit despite not being able to land any hits of his own.

    Post by: Arch, Apr 16, 2018 in forum: Role-Playing Arena
  6. Arch

    Arctus shrugged. "Fighting you is more fun that beating on a poor mega-buddy." He spoke as he eyed the vanishing darkness left behind by the Darkside. "But if you want to go fight Uniform, fine, let's go fight Uniform. ...He has a real name though right?"

    Post by: Arch, Apr 15, 2018 in forum: Role-Playing Arena
  7. Arch

    Arctus sighed, having felt the spirit of competition had been left the air but he decided that if anyone would finish off the Heartless, it would be him. It might not have been satisfying but at least the battle would finally be over for the time being. He brought his sword down and in one last strike he split the wounded Darkside in two, destroying it. "Now I win." He stated simply.

    Darkside Yellow: 0/5000

    Post by: Arch, Apr 15, 2018 in forum: Role-Playing Arena
  8. Arch

    "Swirling vortexes of terror?" Torrin repeated with an amused tone. "That's definitely one way to put it. I always just thought of them as doom clouds." He slowed the glider down and looked around their surroundings and even though the darkness had not been hindering his sight, Thallasa was nowhere to be seen in the skies or on the ground. A strong bust of wind knocked the glider backwards but Torrin quickly regained balance before the other two were at risk of flying off.

    "I'm going to have to set us down on that building." He pointed at a tower that stood above the rest. "My communicator might not work but there's something that might." Torrin began to bring them down towards the roof of the tower, giving the two the signal to hop off once he was low enough before returning his keyblade back to its base state. "I doubt she's stuck anywhere. I've yet to find a path that the keyblade can't open up." Torrin stepped over to the edge of the tower, watching as Operas, Nocturnes, and Rhapsodies began to fly up along the tower towards them.

    "Great...lets clear some of these things out first!" Torrin cast Thundaga from his keyblade and bolts of lightning struck nearly a dozen Red Nocturnes. A swarm of Yellow Operas rose up and were quickly struck down by Torrin, finishing each off in a rapid series single blows.

    HP: 160/160
    AP: 0/72
    MP: 42/50

    Heartless Defeated:
    30 Yellow Operas
    11 Red Nocturnes

    Heartless Remaining:
    395 Shadows
    130 Darkballs
    77 Neoshadows
    100 Yellow Operas
    119 Red Nocturnes
    130 Blue Rhapsodies

    Post by: Arch, Apr 14, 2018 in forum: Role-Playing Arena
  9. Arch

    Arctus would have felt annoyed...if Finlay had actually won. "Technically that last one was a tie making Finlay the loser for interfering." Arctus mused. "Honestly this Darkside doesn't have the personality of the other one. It's not as fun." He added with a shrug, stepping over beside Karina with his hands in his pockets. His sword was already in the air making circles around the Heartless and piercing through it from several different angles.

    Yellow Darkside: 2000/5000

    Post by: Arch, Apr 14, 2018 in forum: Role-Playing Arena
  10. Arch

    "Oomph!" He caught Karina but still stumbled backwards from the force. It stung a little, which he should have expected, but it was worth the effort. Arctus smirked and snapped his fingers, letting gravity return to normal. "You fell for me." He teased. "Surprisingly, this is my first time I've gotten to use that line.'re right. Battle to be fought. Flirting to be had later. All work and no play." He reached up and flicked Karina's nose lightly. "I win." He spoke a little too excitedly as he ran around Karina to leap up and attack the Darkside once more.

    Darkside Blue: 1200/5000
    Darkside Red: 600/5000
    Darkside Yellow: 4400/5000

    Post by: Arch, Apr 14, 2018 in forum: Role-Playing Arena
  11. Arch

    Rolling to the side Arctus ripped his sword from the ground and launched it straight at the Darkside's face. He didn't bother to look whether it had made its mark or not as he was already sure it would. "You know what!? I will!" Arctus smirked and pointed his finger at Karina. Using the same trick he had used to rip Shadows from a Demon Tide, he shifted the flow of gravity at Karina's position from down to his direction so that she would fall towards him.

    Darkside Blue: 1600/5000
    Darkside Red: 600/5000
    Darkside Yellow: 4400/5000

    Post by: Arch, Apr 14, 2018 in forum: Role-Playing Arena
  12. Arch

    Arctus ducked and narrowed his eyes at Karina. "I can be nice! Watch me be nice!" He stepped back and clapped his hands together, leaving his sword wedged into the ground, and beginning to create a gravity well above the ground. Dirt and rocks rose and flew into dark sphere and began to create a large spherical ball of debris over his head. He directed it right at the leg Karina was behind, knocking the Darkside onto one knee and stunning it. "Now come back here so I can pebble you some more!"

    Darkside Blue: 2000/5000
    Darkside Red: 600/5000
    Darkside Yellow: 4400/5000

    Post by: Arch, Apr 14, 2018 in forum: Role-Playing Arena
  13. Arch

    Arctus raised an eyebrow. "Yeah. So over it. A little louder and I might actually believe you!" He called out towards Karina jumping in after to strike the Darkside, cutting off one of its head tendrils that served as its "hair". "I wasn't pitying you! I don't have much in the way of sappy nice words to give you and I was tying to play nice." Arctus explained with a slightly annoyed tone, folding his arms as he levitated a pebble and flicked it over at Karina.

    Darkside Blue: 2400/5000
    Darkside Red: 800/5000
    Darkside Yellow: 4400/5000

    Post by: Arch, Apr 13, 2018 in forum: Role-Playing Arena
  14. Arch

    "That's definitely a story." Arctus pulled his sword from the ground and looked at Karina. "I'm surprised you're as sane as you are growing up in that kind of environment." He said to the woman who was actually planning on killing her own father. " I'm not sure whether I should give you the whole at least you had a mom words to make you feel better about it or find some words of wisdom to share with you. Unfortunately I don't have any words of wisdom...surprisingly."

    Darkside Blue: 2800/5000
    Darkside Red: 1600/5000
    Darkside Yellow: 4400/5000

    Post by: Arch, Apr 13, 2018 in forum: Role-Playing Arena
  15. Arch

    Once Takehiko jumped onto the glider Torrin let out a small sight of annoyance when he saw Tinarah stay behind to challenge the Chasers. He didn't have the time to force Tinarah into listening and hoped Chrono would talk some sense into her before more people got hurt. Thankfully, Boreas got himself involved as well. If there was anything he could count on, it was Boreas's sense of duty. Some things never change. As the glider began to rise Qamar approached him saying something about giving up and just leaving the world to fall.

    "I've seen worlds fall. Too many. What I do know is that we can slow it down by taking out as many Heartless as possible. The three of us will find Thallasa. She's on her way to look for the keyhole." He didn't bother to waste time addressing her want to protect Aria. There was nothing Qamar could do that he couldn't do unless her plan was just to run away. He had little faith that Thallasa could even find the keyhole but that didn't matter. All that mattered was believing that there was even the slightest chance to save one world. Just one world.

    "Just focus on the Heartless!" Torrin shouted as he took Take and Aria up into the air. "Alright...damn...they're only spreading." He muttered once they were in the air, looking down at the swarms of Heartless pouring out into the city. The clouds overhead only continued to darken casting the world in a gloomy shadow. Torrin tapped on his communicator but only the sound of static came from the other end. "No good. We're going to have to land somewhere so I can do this the old fashioned way." Picking out the tallest building in the skyline, Torrin sped over knowing that it would at least give them some breathing room before Heartless appeared and tried to corner them.

    "Look around, Illiana. Our home was almost destroyed because of darkness. How long do you think it'll be before it's in danger again? That day I left because the Light Chaser gave me the chance to get the power to help stop this from coming back and destroying it! I'm doing all of this for our family." Koa held up his keyblade to show his sister, finally looking her in the eye as he spoke with a deep conviction in his voice. "The Light Chaser gave me this. He was also there that day...Illiana, he was the reason our home was not destroyed. I couldn't reveal myself to you until now because if I had, I would have had nothing to show for my disappearance! But now we have four Princesses of Heart. Once we have all seven not only will we be able to wipe out the darkness but we'll be able to restore those which have been lost! There's just no downside here!"

    Heartless Remaining:
    400 Shadows
    130 Darkballs
    80 Neoshadows
    130 Yellow Operas
    130 Red Nocturnes
    130 Blue Rhapsodies

    Post by: Arch, Apr 13, 2018 in forum: Role-Playing Arena
  16. Arch

    "Guess it's hard for you to bring this up when anyone wonders why you have anger issues. Hey I'm Karina and my father is an evil tyrant. That...that's definitely a bad hand life dealt you. But you're here now and the next time you see him I'm sure you'll set things right." Arctus wasn't really sure what it was like to have a father like that but after seeing the end result, he was almost thankful for his own backstory playing out the way it did. "I take it your mother's been out of the picture for a long time?" He asked, still curious. He turned to attack the Darkside once more, slicing at its legs.

    Darkside Blue: 3200/5000
    Darkside Red: 2000/5000
    Darkside Yellow: 4400/5000

    Post by: Arch, Apr 13, 2018 in forum: Role-Playing Arena
  17. Arch

    Arctus blinked. "A test? Why would you subject yourself to that kind of test?" He scratched the back of his head and looked up at the Darkside looming over them. "So you have daddy problems then? That's not surprising, no offense, considering that I've heard you bring it up before. Seems like your father was a terrible person.

    Darkside Blue: 3600/5000
    Darkside Red: 3000/5000
    Darkside Yellow: 4600/5000

    Post by: Arch, Apr 12, 2018 in forum: Role-Playing Arena
  18. Arch

    "Huh? Really? I...think you get along with him better than I do... Well either way, I think I see where we need to go." Koa spoke up, raising an eyebrow. Dentro had already begun to speed ahead of the two to get there first. They were seriously outnumbered but it was unlikely they would have to face them all considering the amount of Heartless that were shooting out of the ground.


    "The only hope there is of saving this world is by sealing this world's keyhole. Thallasa's already out looking for one but I doubt she'll find it. I've never seen one." Torrin felt the darkness rising. "We still need to find our exit to the next world." He added, watching as Heartless began to pour out from the dark pools that popped up throughout the city. "Either way we need to buy time for Thallasa!" Torrin called out to the others as they arrived.

    "Chrono, Tinarah, go with Frozone and Machina. Just clear out as many Heartless as you can."

    "Elastigirl and I will take these two," Mr. Incredible motioned towards Qamar and Glyde, "and do the same. I don't know what this is but no monsters are going to destroy our city!"

    "Everyone else, we need to split up and search for Thal–"


    "Hey there friends! Torrin! You're here too! Long time no see, huh?" Dentro jumped off his glider and landed in front of the group of keybladers and looked around at the chaos around him. "Looks like the city is in need of some heroes, huh? Go run along. Split up. Delay the inevitable. Just do whatever you can to make our jobs easier."

    "What the hell Dentro!? This isn't time for games! This world is falling. Either help us or save your own skin."

    Dentro shook his head and looked up at the keyblade gliders circling overhead. "Nah. I think we'll stay put. Every second we spend chatting is another your new friends could be spending running off and playing hero." He aimed his keyblade at Aria. "Just leave her behind and we'll be on our way."

    "Boreas, I think it'd be a welcome change for you to fight another keyblade wielder instead of more Heartless."

    "Oh? Your bringing your friend in on this? Then let me bring in mine! Koa get your ass down here! Come on Chrys! Show 'em how it's done!"


    "I suppose there's no way around this, then." Koa landed beside Dentro and avoided eye contact with Illiana. "Don't be stupid. Just hand her over. We're doing this for the good of all worlds. The sooner we have all of the Princesses of Heart the sooner worlds will stop falling into darkness! We'll be able to restore everything that was lost. Why would you be against that?"

    "I'm not wasting my time debating with the likes of any of you Chasers." Torrin spat. "Take, Aria, come with me. We need to get moving." He had seen Illiana fight and knew the girl would be capable of holding her own. Adalric seemed tough enough to leave at Boreas's side. Torrin summoned his keyblade glider and motioned for the two to get on while Boreas, Illiana, and Adalric held off Chrys, Koa, and Dentro.

    Heartless Remaining:
    400 Shadows
    130 Darkballs
    80 Neoshadows
    130 Yellow Operas
    130 Red Nocturnes
    130 Blue Rhapsodies

    Post by: Arch, Apr 12, 2018 in forum: Role-Playing Arena
  19. Arch

    Arctus shrugged and planted his sword in the ground, looking at Karina. "I mean dogs are pretty great. But if you want to be boring and talk about something serious..." He scratched his chin and leaned against his sword. "How does losing your keyblade work? I'd imagine throwing it in the trash doesn't do the job." He asked curiously.

    Darkside Red: 3600/5000
    Darkside Blue: 4,000/5,000
    Darkside Yellow: 4800/5000

    Post by: Arch, Apr 12, 2018 in forum: Role-Playing Arena
  20. Arch

    Arctus laughed. "What's stopping us from chatting now? A few Darksides? Come on they're pushovers!" He leapt after Karina striking the Darkside again this time with his sword. "Down with the big buddy!" Arctus shouted at the top of his lungs before relaxing, combing his hair back, and resuming a casual tone. " a favorite color? Mine's purple. Used to be real big on red...though now that I think about it...that seems to be coming back."

    Darkside Blue: 4,400/5,000

    Post by: Arch, Apr 12, 2018 in forum: Role-Playing Arena