Perhaps if he had gotten the context of this whole thing he might have found it extremely sweet, even for not being the type to enjoy the sappy stuff. Instead, he only found the gesture of Karina's friends to be kind of sweet, but also a little weird. But the good kind of weird that someone could laugh about. He had wanted to make a comment about Karina referring to him as her "boyfriend", emphasis on the quotes, but even he knew better than to interrupt this kind of moment with a playful tease. ...Despite the fact that she had outed him on what he did to blondie. When Karina finally held her own keyblade in her hand he stepped over, trying to avoid any awkward eye contact from her friends. He hadn't imagined how Karina would have looked teary eyed and hadn't expected her to be seeing that any time soon but if anything was going to do it, it was going to be a group act of friendship. ...At least he assumed those kinds of things caused all of the light emotions to surface. In any case, seeing the ceremony done was certainly a sight to behold. He tilted his head as he examined the keyblade she held. "I can see why you wanted that back." Arctus commented wondering if it was the same one she had lost.
Perhaps if he had gotten the context of this whole thing he might have found it extremely sweet, even for not being the type to enjoy the sappy stuff. Instead, he only found the gesture of Karina's friends to be kind of sweet, but also a little weird. But the good kind of weird that someone could laugh about. He had wanted to make a comment about Karina referring to him as her "boyfriend", emphasis on the quotes, but even he knew better than to interrupt this kind of moment with a playful tease. ...Despite the fact that she had outed him on what he did to blondie. When Karina finally held her own keyblade in her hand he stepped over, trying to avoid any awkward eye contact from her friends. He hadn't imagined how Karina would have looked teary eyed and hadn't expected her to be seeing that any time soon but if anything was going to do it, it was going to be a group act of friendship. ...At least he assumed those kinds of things caused all of the light emotions to surface. In any case, seeing the ceremony done was certainly a sight to behold. He tilted his head as he examined the keyblade she held. "I can see why you wanted that back." Arctus commented wondering if it was the same one she had lost.
Torrin had thought about what some of the others had said, trying to sort through the jumble of conversations going on but something Tinarah had said had caught his ear. Like him, she had not wanted to leave something that been started. He remained silent, following after Thallasa on the journey back to the mansion. More time had passed by the time they arrived at the mansion entrance and now the sun was starting to set and cast the sky in an orange glow. He hadn't even been aware that it had been that so much time had passed. Torrin looked at the front door laying down at the entrance of the mansion and glanced back over at the burnt grass around the area. Torrin was quick to enter, not saying a word since he felt that everyone else would rather converse amongst themselves. Besides, he needed a change of clothes and he was missing the comfort of his coat. Thallasa frowned at the destruction left behind in the battle, feeling sympathetic towards Enda for having to deal with the aftermath when she should have played no part in this. "I'm sure I know where that doorway to the next world is. We will depart in the morning." She spoke towards the others. She felt that her magic had finally begun returning to its normal levels and turned towards the students. "If anyone needs any further healing, I believe I will be able to do so."
Torrin had thought about what some of the others had said, trying to sort through the jumble of conversations going on but something Tinarah had said had caught his ear. Like him, she had not wanted to leave something that been started. He remained silent, following after Thallasa on the journey back to the mansion. More time had passed by the time they arrived at the mansion entrance and now the sun was starting to set and cast the sky in an orange glow. He hadn't even been aware that it had been that so much time had passed. Torrin looked at the front door laying down at the entrance of the mansion and glanced back over at the burnt grass around the area. Torrin was quick to enter, not saying a word since he felt that everyone else would rather converse amongst themselves. Besides, he needed a change of clothes and he was missing the comfort of his coat.
Thallasa frowned at the destruction left behind in the battle, feeling sympathetic towards Enda for having to deal with the aftermath when she should have played no part in this. "I'm sure I know where that doorway to the next world is. We will depart in the morning." She spoke towards the others. She felt that her magic had finally begun returning to its normal levels and turned towards the students. "If anyone needs any further healing, I believe I will be able to do so."
Arctus blinked and all of a sudden some anthropomorphic wolf guy was holding him back with one arm while holding his sword in the other hand. Blinking again to make sure he wasn't dreaming he listened in to part of someone else's words to realize that this person named Aux wasn't worth killing...yet. He had misread the situation but with all the new names being thrown around he had just assumed the worst. Aux sounded like a villain name. He glanced over at Karina and then over at his furry friend before snapping his fingers. The sword began to glow a dark purple shade and each passing second the weight of the Steel's arm began to double until it became too painful for him to hold onto it. "I'd let go of that if I were you."
Arctus blinked and all of a sudden some anthropomorphic wolf guy was holding him back with one arm while holding his sword in the other hand. Blinking again to make sure he wasn't dreaming he listened in to part of someone else's words to realize that this person named Aux wasn't worth killing...yet. He had misread the situation but with all the new names being thrown around he had just assumed the worst. Aux sounded like a villain name. He glanced over at Karina and then over at his furry friend before snapping his fingers. The sword began to glow a dark purple shade and each passing second the weight of the Steel's arm began to double until it became too painful for him to hold onto it. "I'd let go of that if I were you."
Arctus nodded in understanding. "Yeah. I can see how that'd get you on edge. Guess I'd have tried to kill someone like that too. Glad to have been a part of it then." He opened his mouth to speak again when Karina interrupted and walked by him like he wasn't even there. She was definitely angrier than before...maybe. It was hard to rank how angry she was when she did get angry. She was always at a 10 when she was angry. Always. She attacked someone she called Aux causing Arctus to run after her. "Guess this is happening!" He spoke to himself to chase Karina down...and draw his sword to aim it right at Aux. Hey, if Karina wanted this person dead, then there had to be a good reason.
Arctus nodded in understanding. "Yeah. I can see how that'd get you on edge. Guess I'd have tried to kill someone like that too. Glad to have been a part of it then." He opened his mouth to speak again when Karina interrupted and walked by him like he wasn't even there. She was definitely angrier than before...maybe. It was hard to rank how angry she was when she did get angry. She was always at a 10 when she was angry. Always. She attacked someone she called Aux causing Arctus to run after her. "Guess this is happening!" He spoke to himself to chase Karina down...and draw his sword to aim it right at Aux. Hey, if Karina wanted this person dead, then there had to be a good reason.
Torrin tilted his head on hearing Take's passion about staying behind to finish what was started. "I was just planning on staying here alone." He reached for his pocket but his hand slid against the fabric of the super suit leaving him a little annoyed and unsure of what to do with his hands. Torrin eyed Boreas when he brought up that anyone would come up short against Quietus and, though he already knew it to be true, it still was not pleasant to hear it said by someone else. Hearing about the death of one of the Chasers made him wonder if he would have wanted it to have been caused by him or not. Perhaps he was better off not knowing the answer to that. "Which one died?" Torrin asked before continuing on to answer Boreas's own question. "The world is infested with darkness. Sealing away the external forces slowed its descent but unless it's cleared out, this place is going to tear itself apart. Then there's the fact that i don't think this place has seen the last of those colorful villains..." He shook his head and shrugged slightly. "There's too much to parse through right now. I'll think of something later. Right now I just want my coat back." Torrin rubbed his shoulder, and watched as some of the heroes off in the distance were off pulling civilians out of damaged buildings and helping clear the wreckage of the disaster left behind. Once more he felt guilty that he was not doing more to help but for now he put the feeling on the back burner for later brooding. "Qamar, if you're in no shape to be carrying Aria, don't. And don't call her our little princess." Perhaps it was not his place to fight someone else's battle but respect was something that mattered to him. He already knew Aria wouldn't have appreciated being called a little princess, even in jest, just the same as he hated his own title being brought up. Watching as Thallasa began to lead the way back to Edna's place Torrin took that as their cue to leave. "Let's go."
Torrin tilted his head on hearing Take's passion about staying behind to finish what was started. "I was just planning on staying here alone." He reached for his pocket but his hand slid against the fabric of the super suit leaving him a little annoyed and unsure of what to do with his hands. Torrin eyed Boreas when he brought up that anyone would come up short against Quietus and, though he already knew it to be true, it still was not pleasant to hear it said by someone else. Hearing about the death of one of the Chasers made him wonder if he would have wanted it to have been caused by him or not. Perhaps he was better off not knowing the answer to that. "Which one died?" Torrin asked before continuing on to answer Boreas's own question. "The world is infested with darkness. Sealing away the external forces slowed its descent but unless it's cleared out, this place is going to tear itself apart. Then there's the fact that i don't think this place has seen the last of those colorful villains..." He shook his head and shrugged slightly. "There's too much to parse through right now. I'll think of something later. Right now I just want my coat back." Torrin rubbed his shoulder, and watched as some of the heroes off in the distance were off pulling civilians out of damaged buildings and helping clear the wreckage of the disaster left behind. Once more he felt guilty that he was not doing more to help but for now he put the feeling on the back burner for later brooding. "Qamar, if you're in no shape to be carrying Aria, don't. And don't call her our little princess." Perhaps it was not his place to fight someone else's battle but respect was something that mattered to him. He already knew Aria wouldn't have appreciated being called a little princess, even in jest, just the same as he hated his own title being brought up. Watching as Thallasa began to lead the way back to Edna's place Torrin took that as their cue to leave. "Let's go."
Arctus looked over his sword and blinked at the blood on it. Sighing and not wanting to put the sword away while it was still bloodied he glanced over at Karina, wondering what had her all up in arms. She had wanted him to cover the eyes of Meezu, whoever that was, ...Mizu? Mehzu. It didn't matter. In any case, he inched over towards a girl speaking about the current situation which was something he had no idea about. It sounded important but he played nice and didn't interrupt the short blonde as he casually held his sword behind his back and ever so gently wiped the blood off on the back of her jacket leaving a huge red smear with extreme surgical precision before strolling away to head over towards Karina, whistling innocently as he moseyed out of there. "Sorry about...uh...whatever it was that happened back there." He spoke as he approached Karina, placing his hands in his pockets. Taking a look over her to see how tense she was he lowered his voice some before speaking again. "I'm lost with this stuff going on and all these new faces and names and...whatever. Anyway, it looks like things got pretty personal for you that made you go all stabby. Not that I don't appreciate a good stabbing but usually it's just business. is...up?"
Arctus looked over his sword and blinked at the blood on it. Sighing and not wanting to put the sword away while it was still bloodied he glanced over at Karina, wondering what had her all up in arms. She had wanted him to cover the eyes of Meezu, whoever that was, ...Mizu? Mehzu. It didn't matter. In any case, he inched over towards a girl speaking about the current situation which was something he had no idea about. It sounded important but he played nice and didn't interrupt the short blonde as he casually held his sword behind his back and ever so gently wiped the blood off on the back of her jacket leaving a huge red smear with extreme surgical precision before strolling away to head over towards Karina, whistling innocently as he moseyed out of there. "Sorry about...uh...whatever it was that happened back there." He spoke as he approached Karina, placing his hands in his pockets. Taking a look over her to see how tense she was he lowered his voice some before speaking again. "I'm lost with this stuff going on and all these new faces and names and...whatever. Anyway, it looks like things got pretty personal for you that made you go all stabby. Not that I don't appreciate a good stabbing but usually it's just business. is...up?"
Torrin raised an eyebrow when he had taken notice of the rage Boreas displayed when exiting his form, wondering if that was how he too had been when losing his own temper. Boreas's form definitely had destructive potential at least, that was certain. It wasn't long after that the others had come over with Qamar bringing news that Adalric had died in battle. He had spoken little to the keyblader but felt the loss nonetheless. "I'm sorry." He spoke lowly, having nothing more to add on the subject but he felt that this must have been why Boreas had lost his temper. The Chasers had once more proven that they were his enemies. Aria seemed to have the comforting thing down with well as the bleeding part down. Boreas came over to take a look at her wound and, knowing that Boreas's skill was limited in this area, Torrin scratched the back of his head nervously. "Don't scar her." Torrin muttered towards his friend when he began to work on patching up the cut on Aria's stomach. Looking back at his burnt arms he could feel traces of the kind of power used by Quietus. He hadn't even been aware that darkness had the capability of harming him like this. He lowered his arms to his sides, already feeling strength returning to them. "We should head back to Mode's place, rest a bit there, then work on what's next from there." He paused, mulling over the options for a moment. Torrin looked at Aria and at first spoke to her. "This world is damaged. You, all of you, need to be out of here as soon as you're rested." Thallasa held out the communicator pinned to her chest and handed it over towards Qamar. "I'm sorry." She felt responsible for the death of the boy as he was one of many under her care but, guilty as she was, she was not broken up about it like Qamar was. She had barely spoken a word to Adalric and was more concerned with how Aster, the boy's master, would handle the news. Thallasa's eyes saddened upon reflecting on how it had felt for her to lose her own students. "The news would be better delivered by you." Thallasa spoke softly. "I'm sorry I was not there. Truly." The Light Chaser placed his hand on Chrys's shoulder and spoke with understanding in his voice. "It was no failure of yours. Dentro's heart had always been clouded with darkness. The chance of it taking hold of him was always something I was aware of but it was never a guarantee. The fact that he allowed it to overwhelm him only shows us that he too would have become our enemy with time." The man exhaled. "That creature you saw over there was something colloquially known as Quietus. Judging from its power and unmatched purity of its darkness, I believe it came from the most vile part of the Realm of Darkness, a place so dark that even normal Heartless do not dwell there. But to my knowledge, nothing like that should exist." The Light Chaser folded his arms and lowered his head, deep in thought. "Are there any questions either of you have before beginning your next phase of training?"
Torrin raised an eyebrow when he had taken notice of the rage Boreas displayed when exiting his form, wondering if that was how he too had been when losing his own temper. Boreas's form definitely had destructive potential at least, that was certain. It wasn't long after that the others had come over with Qamar bringing news that Adalric had died in battle. He had spoken little to the keyblader but felt the loss nonetheless. "I'm sorry." He spoke lowly, having nothing more to add on the subject but he felt that this must have been why Boreas had lost his temper. The Chasers had once more proven that they were his enemies. Aria seemed to have the comforting thing down with well as the bleeding part down. Boreas came over to take a look at her wound and, knowing that Boreas's skill was limited in this area, Torrin scratched the back of his head nervously. "Don't scar her." Torrin muttered towards his friend when he began to work on patching up the cut on Aria's stomach. Looking back at his burnt arms he could feel traces of the kind of power used by Quietus. He hadn't even been aware that darkness had the capability of harming him like this. He lowered his arms to his sides, already feeling strength returning to them. "We should head back to Mode's place, rest a bit there, then work on what's next from there." He paused, mulling over the options for a moment. Torrin looked at Aria and at first spoke to her. "This world is damaged. You, all of you, need to be out of here as soon as you're rested."
Thallasa held out the communicator pinned to her chest and handed it over towards Qamar. "I'm sorry." She felt responsible for the death of the boy as he was one of many under her care but, guilty as she was, she was not broken up about it like Qamar was. She had barely spoken a word to Adalric and was more concerned with how Aster, the boy's master, would handle the news. Thallasa's eyes saddened upon reflecting on how it had felt for her to lose her own students. "The news would be better delivered by you." Thallasa spoke softly. "I'm sorry I was not there. Truly."
The Light Chaser placed his hand on Chrys's shoulder and spoke with understanding in his voice. "It was no failure of yours. Dentro's heart had always been clouded with darkness. The chance of it taking hold of him was always something I was aware of but it was never a guarantee. The fact that he allowed it to overwhelm him only shows us that he too would have become our enemy with time." The man exhaled. "That creature you saw over there was something colloquially known as Quietus. Judging from its power and unmatched purity of its darkness, I believe it came from the most vile part of the Realm of Darkness, a place so dark that even normal Heartless do not dwell there. But to my knowledge, nothing like that should exist." The Light Chaser folded his arms and lowered his head, deep in thought. "Are there any questions either of you have before beginning your next phase of training?"
Torrin glanced over at Thallasa to see if she would answer the question but she seemed to be preoccupied with the scrap of paper that drifted from the sky. "Uh..." He tugged on Aria to keep supporting her weight. "Yeah. Knew you could take care of yourself anyway." Torrin glanced at Aria and laughed nervously upon realizing how that sounded. "Not that you couldn't handle yourself. I saw your moves back there with Kefka I'm gonna stop before I dig myself further into this hole." After walking for a few minutes longer the four of them caught sight of the rest of the group.
Torrin glanced over at Thallasa to see if she would answer the question but she seemed to be preoccupied with the scrap of paper that drifted from the sky. "Uh..." He tugged on Aria to keep supporting her weight. "Yeah. Knew you could take care of yourself anyway." Torrin glanced at Aria and laughed nervously upon realizing how that sounded. "Not that you couldn't handle yourself. I saw your moves back there with Kefka I'm gonna stop before I dig myself further into this hole." After walking for a few minutes longer the four of them caught sight of the rest of the group.
From the sky two pages descended, the first landing in front of Tinarah and the second in falling within Thallasa's reach. Spoiler Torrin took in a deep breath and laughed quietly, wincing immediately after. "Seriously? You almost die and you apologize to me for no reason? Just lean on me and let me worry about the walking." He shook his head and slowly pulled Aria's arm around his shoulder, glancing down at her stomach where he had cut her in the Realm of Sleep when she had told him that she did not blame him. He lowered his eyes to the ground. "I do." He whispered. "Let's go."
Torrin took in a deep breath and laughed quietly, wincing immediately after. "Seriously? You almost die and you apologize to me for no reason? Just lean on me and let me worry about the walking." He shook his head and slowly pulled Aria's arm around his shoulder, glancing down at her stomach where he had cut her in the Realm of Sleep when she had told him that she did not blame him. He lowered his eyes to the ground. "I do." He whispered. "Let's go."
Torrin blinked and took the potion from Take and winced on feeling his hand sting from touching it. He looked it over watching as its contents swished about inside. "Convenient." He mused as he began pouring the liquid over his arms feeling a cooling sensation run through them. "That actually feels a bit better, thanks." He struggled to stand up and took in a staggered breath, finding it difficult to even breathe. "I've had worse." He spoke with a grunt while trying to stand up straight despite his body attempting to refuse him to stretch any of his muscles. "This world is still infested with darkness. I can feel it." He stepped closer to Aria and bent down slightly to extend his hand towards hers. "Here. Let's get you out of this damn crater." He supposed that he should have been thankful that Aria's bracelet had protected them...or some kind of powerful light from within her, but it only worried him to think of what the consequences of this were. "Yeah...that explosion was from that thing. Pretty sure you caught a glimpse of it back on Eventide. It's only gotten stronger since then. Let's just get back to the others." Before Boreas could land another blow on the downed Chrysanthemum, before Koa could even react to reach her side, the two Chasers disappeared in a brilliant flash of light. The two reappeared in the center of Eventide Town's park with the Light Chaser standing before the two with his arms folded, examining the two from under the black void of his hood. The Light Chaser held up a hand to silence the young keybladers before they could speak. "Before you ask, the intense darkness you two were present in prevented me from doing this sooner." He looked at the ground beside the two and shook his head slowly, exhaling in frustration. He knew that Dentro had been lost to the darkness. "The mission was a failure." He stated simply. "Clearly those keybladers had proven too much trouble for just three of my students." The Light Chaser's voice had the slightest hint of disapproval in tone towards the two apprentices. The man stepped forward and looked down at Chrys and Koa, returning to his usual calm manner of speaking. "Now tell me, what exactly happened on that world?" Illiana and Glyde gained 5 Levels! Chrono, Takehiko, and Aria gained 4 Levels! Chrysanthemum, Boreas, and Qamar gained 3 Levels! Torrin gained 1 Level! Illiana, Chrono, Aria, Glyde, Chrysanthemum, Boreas, and Qamar gained a new Ability! Illiana, Tinarah, Chrono, Takehiko, Aria, Glyde and Boreas gained 1 new Spell! Illiana, Tinarah, Chrono, Takehiko, Aria, and Glyde gained 1 Spell Upgrade(up to -ra level)! Claim your rewards in the OOC Thread.
Torrin blinked and took the potion from Take and winced on feeling his hand sting from touching it. He looked it over watching as its contents swished about inside. "Convenient." He mused as he began pouring the liquid over his arms feeling a cooling sensation run through them. "That actually feels a bit better, thanks." He struggled to stand up and took in a staggered breath, finding it difficult to even breathe. "I've had worse." He spoke with a grunt while trying to stand up straight despite his body attempting to refuse him to stretch any of his muscles. "This world is still infested with darkness. I can feel it." He stepped closer to Aria and bent down slightly to extend his hand towards hers. "Here. Let's get you out of this damn crater." He supposed that he should have been thankful that Aria's bracelet had protected them...or some kind of powerful light from within her, but it only worried him to think of what the consequences of this were. "Yeah...that explosion was from that thing. Pretty sure you caught a glimpse of it back on Eventide. It's only gotten stronger since then. Let's just get back to the others."
The Light Chaser held up a hand to silence the young keybladers before they could speak. "Before you ask, the intense darkness you two were present in prevented me from doing this sooner." He looked at the ground beside the two and shook his head slowly, exhaling in frustration. He knew that Dentro had been lost to the darkness. "The mission was a failure." He stated simply. "Clearly those keybladers had proven too much trouble for just three of my students." The Light Chaser's voice had the slightest hint of disapproval in tone towards the two apprentices. The man stepped forward and looked down at Chrys and Koa, returning to his usual calm manner of speaking. "Now tell me, what exactly happened on that world?"
Torrin's eyes shot open. He began to groaned in pain and opened his eyes to see a sky that was beginning to clear as light began to return to the world. He looked over, faintly hearing voices beside him to see both Thallasa and Take there. His eyes darted around to search for Aria, finding her right there with him having just awoken. "She's safe...good..." He rested his head back as the rest of the sense of feeling began to return to him. His arms stung and burned like they were on fire. He tried to lift them but failed. Turning his head slightly he grimaced at the sight of his arms and let out a sigh. He was too tired to move. "I'm sorry..." Through the relief he felt on seeing Aria still alive he still remembered how he hurt her. Guilt rose up as reminders of how he continued to hurt and fail those around him surfaced. Nora, Boreas, those he trained with in this realm, Mika, Tinarah, and now Aria. The only thing that kept him from spiraling that particular rabbit hole was the fact that the world had been saved despite all of his doubts. "Either of you mind casting a spell to patch her up?" Almost immediately as he spoke Thallasa raised her keyblade and complied though her spell encompassed him as well though it did little more than sooth his sore muscles enough to allow him to sit up. "You holding up, Aria? And you, Take?"
Torrin's eyes shot open. He began to groaned in pain and opened his eyes to see a sky that was beginning to clear as light began to return to the world. He looked over, faintly hearing voices beside him to see both Thallasa and Take there. His eyes darted around to search for Aria, finding her right there with him having just awoken. "She's safe...good..." He rested his head back as the rest of the sense of feeling began to return to him. His arms stung and burned like they were on fire. He tried to lift them but failed. Turning his head slightly he grimaced at the sight of his arms and let out a sigh. He was too tired to move. "I'm sorry..." Through the relief he felt on seeing Aria still alive he still remembered how he hurt her. Guilt rose up as reminders of how he continued to hurt and fail those around him surfaced. Nora, Boreas, those he trained with in this realm, Mika, Tinarah, and now Aria. The only thing that kept him from spiraling that particular rabbit hole was the fact that the world had been saved despite all of his doubts. "Either of you mind casting a spell to patch her up?" Almost immediately as he spoke Thallasa raised her keyblade and complied though her spell encompassed him as well though it did little more than sooth his sore muscles enough to allow him to sit up. "You holding up, Aria? And you, Take?"
Dentro, confident in his armor's protection, only attempted to dodge a few of Qamar's attacks up until he felt a sharp pain in his chest. His armor had actually been cracked. He growled and dropped his own keyblade to grip Qamar's with both his hands. Dentro growled angrily and glared at the girl as he began to pry the blade out from his armor. "No. You. DON'T!" He shouted at the top of his lungs before clenching his left fist and ramming it into Qamar's gut with enough force to push her away from him. "You'll pay for that you bit–" The ground shook again and a new fissure began to rip open behind Dentro. He regained his footing and picked his keyblade up again. The words Tinarah spoke went in one ear and out the other because of his sheer rage. This had become personal. He wanted Qamar dead. He wanted them all dead. "I'm going to kill you, then her," he motioned towards Tinarah, "then everyone with any shred of darkness in them!" As his voice continued rise furiously black streams of darkness began to rise and pour out from the cracks in his armor. There was another earthquake which threw him off balance, making him stumble back. The ground beneath him began to give way to his weight and started to crumble. Before he could even act, before he could even speak, the Chaser began to plummet immediately after his footing collapsed underneath him. Dentro vanished into the darkness of the void below. Koa deactivated his armor and desummoned his keyblade after having knocked Illiana out. His heart felt hollow in doing such an act and he immediately regretted having gone to such great lengths to bring her with him. He stepped closer to her, unsure if he could go through with taking her with him but stopped to stare at the locket in her hand. Before he could reach for it one of Illiana's friends came to step in between them forcing him to reactivate his armor and go into a defensive stance. The other keybladers were weakened so the mission could still go on...that was, until he heard Dentro's outburst and turned to watch as things went horribly wrong in a matter of seconds. "Dentro! No!" There was never any way for Koa to reach him in time and he could do nothing to but watch as Dentro fell into the abyss. "Damn!" He looked over at Chrys and shouted, "We need to fall back!" Torrin's eyes opened again and he found himself surrounded by a black void. "...Am I dead? don't feel dead. How did I end up in the Realm of Sleep?" His voice echoed in forever in the abyss until it faded to nothing. He floated around in the vast empty space unsure of what had happened but with the vague memory that something had gone wrong. Torrin reached out with all his senses for something to hang on to, something to anchor him back into reality. He refused to stay down and become helpless. Slowly the world around him began to take shape. Dark gray clouds began to form. The sky remained dark, nearly black, but now he felt some sense of direction coming to him. At the floor was bright shining light, the only thing keeping this world from going dark again. Torrin tried to move towards it but found that he could not move from his position. He had control over his body but nothing to propel him towards the light. He summoned his keyblade, surprised that it came to him, and transformed it into a glider. He flew down towards the light. He knew he was moving but even as he sped up it felt like he was not growing any closer to the light at the bottom of the world. Torrin cursed under his breath. Just then, the light began to flicker and a heavy weight overcame the air in the world as if the oxygen was being forced out of his lungs. He took deeper breaths but it hardly helped. Only now did he feel like the light was growing closer. It was Aria. The light was Aria. Some...dark creature of some kind was top of her, strangling the life from her. Somehow, he had managed to cross over into her dreams. If she died here, not only would she perish in the waking world but so would he. The keyblade transformed back into its normal form. Torrin dove down and cut at the dark creature's head right as he landed right beside Aria.
Dentro, confident in his armor's protection, only attempted to dodge a few of Qamar's attacks up until he felt a sharp pain in his chest. His armor had actually been cracked. He growled and dropped his own keyblade to grip Qamar's with both his hands. Dentro growled angrily and glared at the girl as he began to pry the blade out from his armor. "No. You. DON'T!" He shouted at the top of his lungs before clenching his left fist and ramming it into Qamar's gut with enough force to push her away from him. "You'll pay for that you bit–" The ground shook again and a new fissure began to rip open behind Dentro. He regained his footing and picked his keyblade up again. The words Tinarah spoke went in one ear and out the other because of his sheer rage. This had become personal. He wanted Qamar dead. He wanted them all dead. "I'm going to kill you, then her," he motioned towards Tinarah, "then everyone with any shred of darkness in them!" As his voice continued rise furiously black streams of darkness began to rise and pour out from the cracks in his armor. There was another earthquake which threw him off balance, making him stumble back. The ground beneath him began to give way to his weight and started to crumble. Before he could even act, before he could even speak, the Chaser began to plummet immediately after his footing collapsed underneath him. Dentro vanished into the darkness of the void below.
Koa deactivated his armor and desummoned his keyblade after having knocked Illiana out. His heart felt hollow in doing such an act and he immediately regretted having gone to such great lengths to bring her with him. He stepped closer to her, unsure if he could go through with taking her with him but stopped to stare at the locket in her hand. Before he could reach for it one of Illiana's friends came to step in between them forcing him to reactivate his armor and go into a defensive stance. The other keybladers were weakened so the mission could still go on...that was, until he heard Dentro's outburst and turned to watch as things went horribly wrong in a matter of seconds. "Dentro! No!" There was never any way for Koa to reach him in time and he could do nothing to but watch as Dentro fell into the abyss. "Damn!" He looked over at Chrys and shouted, "We need to fall back!"
Torrin's eyes opened again and he found himself surrounded by a black void. "...Am I dead? don't feel dead. How did I end up in the Realm of Sleep?" His voice echoed in forever in the abyss until it faded to nothing. He floated around in the vast empty space unsure of what had happened but with the vague memory that something had gone wrong. Torrin reached out with all his senses for something to hang on to, something to anchor him back into reality. He refused to stay down and become helpless. Slowly the world around him began to take shape. Dark gray clouds began to form. The sky remained dark, nearly black, but now he felt some sense of direction coming to him. At the floor was bright shining light, the only thing keeping this world from going dark again. Torrin tried to move towards it but found that he could not move from his position. He had control over his body but nothing to propel him towards the light. He summoned his keyblade, surprised that it came to him, and transformed it into a glider. He flew down towards the light. He knew he was moving but even as he sped up it felt like he was not growing any closer to the light at the bottom of the world. Torrin cursed under his breath. Just then, the light began to flicker and a heavy weight overcame the air in the world as if the oxygen was being forced out of his lungs. He took deeper breaths but it hardly helped. Only now did he feel like the light was growing closer. It was Aria. The light was Aria. Some...dark creature of some kind was top of her, strangling the life from her. Somehow, he had managed to cross over into her dreams. If she died here, not only would she perish in the waking world but so would he. The keyblade transformed back into its normal form. Torrin dove down and cut at the dark creature's head right as he landed right beside Aria.
That last one is so bad it's good.
The Heartless around Takehiko began to sink down into pools of darkness, vanishing from sight. All around the city Heartless began to follow suit, disappearing into the depths of the world itself and some actively crawling into fissures that were actively spewing darkness. The deafening effect began to disappear as everyone's hearing returned to normal. A deafening roar echoed through the sky as the ground continued to shake violently. The red eyes of the looming threat glowed brighter. Despite the fact that the world had been sealed off the beast refused to go without a fight. Thunder continued to strike down upon the city and the clouds spiraled overhead. Heartless Remaining: 0
Mr. Incredible HP: 280 AP: 0/40 MP: 0 Elastigirl HP: 27 AP: 20/40 MP: 0 Frozone HP: 40 AP: 20/40 MP: 0 Machina HP: 30 AP: 30/50 MP: 0 Heartless Defeated: 15 Yellow Operas 1 Red Nocturne 9 Blue Rhapsodies Mr. Incredible took 26 Damage! (254/400HP) Elastigirl took 14 Damage! (13/100HP) Frozone took 12 Damage! (28/80HP) Machina took 10 Damage! (20/120HP) Torrin took 12 Damage! (41/160HP) Aria took 7 Damage! (48/80HP) Takehiko took 28 Damage! (6/100HP) Chrono's Temporis Imitatio activated! The Time Clone used Vicinity Break! Tinarah took 13 Damage! (3/75HP) Glyde took 10 Damage! (32/75HP) Glyde took 6 Damage from the Explosive trait of Boreas's Form! (26/75HP) From under his helmet he narrowed his eyes at Qamar as she began to show her true colors. He was taken aback by her ferocity but he had prepared for this kind of darkness. This was exactly what he trained for. "Bring it on, girly. I'll put you down just like I did to him!" Dentro raised his keyblade to swing at Qamar but froze, his eyes gazing upwards at the red eyes gazing down at them. They began to move across the sky and the weight of darkness in the city intensified. "What the heck?" The clouds began to part and even the Heartless stopped moving to look up at the dark red energy building. There was a shock wave that, even in the world's current state, cracked loud as a sonic boom. He shook his head in disbelief, the red from a massive descending blast of energy that shook the very air around them casting an ominous glow on the city. "Back to business." Looking back at his arm, Dentro suddenly yanked on it to bring Qamar even closer to headbutt her with his helmet. Torrin wanted to summon his keyblade but he wasn't sure if Take would need it again to keep traveling and he had no way of sensing if it had finished its job. It's not like he had an eye to know what the keyblade was up to. He held out his hand to cast a Cure spell on Aria after seeing that she was looking roughed up. "Doing better than you!" Torrin joked, ignoring the fact that somewhere along the battle he had picked up half a dozen new scratches that cut through his costume. He breathed in deep and winced looking down to see that one of the scratches had cut into the still recent scar left from one of his encounters with the Light Chaser. "I'd portal us out but doing that will only rip open a new hole for Heartless to come out of." With no way to quickly travel he knew they would just have to stay put for now. "As long as we're together it'll be fine!" He assured Aria. The darkness around his hands faded when his concentration was broken by a powerful force pounding against his senses. When Torrin looked up his eyes widened upon the realization that Quietus now had its sights set on the two of them. "We need to mo–" Just as he began to call out to Aria a shock wave rippled through the air and a massive dark red orb of pure magical power shot down, headed right for the two. The air quivered and, as if reacting to its power, the darkness seeping out of the fissures around the two exploded into massive walls of purple flames. Torrin took Aria's hand, thinking it better to rush through rather than even risk staying in the blast radius of the attack but the second he pulled her close to one of the fissures so they could run right through it her bracelet began to glow and pushed Aria out of the way of the flames before she could enter. "Of all the worst times it could activate!" He shouted in frustration. The street they were standing in lit up red from the emanating magic of the orb descending upon them. Aria could feel the rumble suddenly intensify as well as the atmosphere around her. She glanced up, only to see a powerful red, menacing light being sent towards them. Her eyes widened as she felt her heart stop and the world slow down at the same time. She had never seen anything like it before... She was suddenly tugged out of it by Torrin and was dragged along the crumbling dark streets. She yelled out when she was suddenly pushed back as Torrin tried to bring her through the flames, cursed by her own bracelet that had protected her thus far. “No... nonono...” Aria tried again, only to be shoved back once more by the protective light. Her eyes quickly scanned the area around her, only to see they were trapped all around by these flames and fissures. There was no way out. She looked to the Dark Master in panic, eyes wide in fear. “Torrin...” she noticed the red glow around them and turned to see that the blast was coming closer at an alarming rate. Was this the end? This was it? This wasn’t how she imagined she would go out, or if she would even meet another demise again... Torrin gritted his teeth and stood in front of Aria. "Guess it's now or never then..." He looked over at Aria, his eyes now alight with a golden flame, knowing he could not afford to fail her too. There were too many that had perished becaue he could not save them and he refused to allow Aria to be one of those people. Even if it cost him everything. "Stay behind me!" Torrin held his hands up, palms towards the blast and began to draw on every ounce of his power. A dark aura spun around the two and rose to form a barrier. The knots in his stomach began to tighten as the attack came closer. The blast collided with Torrin's barrier and immediately he felt nearly all his strength leave his body. He fell to one knee and gritted his teeth but kept his hands up to stop the attack but as the blast pressed on it started to deform the barrier Torrin had summoned even as he poured more and more of his own darkness into maintaining it. The ground underneath them cracked. His arms shook with the feeling that they were trying to hold back a flood with a dam made out of paper. The wall of darkness began to thin and spiral wildly as his strength waned. When Torrin knew that his body would give in he shouted in frustration. "No! Dammit not her!" His eyes faded back to their usual shade while the barrier continued to shrink. The orb continued to approach having only been briefly stopped by Torrin and began stretching the shield until it broke apart. HP: ???/160 AP: 8/72 MP: 32/50 Cast Curaga on Aria! (??/80HP) Heartless Defeated: 6 Neoshadows Heartless Remaining: 68 Darkballs (12AP) 51 Neoshadows (16AP) 12 Yellow Operas (4AP) 12 Red Nocturnes (4AP) 12 Blue Rhapsodies (4AP)
From under his helmet he narrowed his eyes at Qamar as she began to show her true colors. He was taken aback by her ferocity but he had prepared for this kind of darkness. This was exactly what he trained for. "Bring it on, girly. I'll put you down just like I did to him!" Dentro raised his keyblade to swing at Qamar but froze, his eyes gazing upwards at the red eyes gazing down at them. They began to move across the sky and the weight of darkness in the city intensified. "What the heck?" The clouds began to part and even the Heartless stopped moving to look up at the dark red energy building. There was a shock wave that, even in the world's current state, cracked loud as a sonic boom. He shook his head in disbelief, the red from a massive descending blast of energy that shook the very air around them casting an ominous glow on the city. "Back to business." Looking back at his arm, Dentro suddenly yanked on it to bring Qamar even closer to headbutt her with his helmet.
Torrin wanted to summon his keyblade but he wasn't sure if Take would need it again to keep traveling and he had no way of sensing if it had finished its job. It's not like he had an eye to know what the keyblade was up to. He held out his hand to cast a Cure spell on Aria after seeing that she was looking roughed up. "Doing better than you!" Torrin joked, ignoring the fact that somewhere along the battle he had picked up half a dozen new scratches that cut through his costume. He breathed in deep and winced looking down to see that one of the scratches had cut into the still recent scar left from one of his encounters with the Light Chaser. "I'd portal us out but doing that will only rip open a new hole for Heartless to come out of." With no way to quickly travel he knew they would just have to stay put for now. "As long as we're together it'll be fine!" He assured Aria. The darkness around his hands faded when his concentration was broken by a powerful force pounding against his senses. When Torrin looked up his eyes widened upon the realization that Quietus now had its sights set on the two of them. "We need to mo–" Just as he began to call out to Aria a shock wave rippled through the air and a massive dark red orb of pure magical power shot down, headed right for the two. The air quivered and, as if reacting to its power, the darkness seeping out of the fissures around the two exploded into massive walls of purple flames. Torrin took Aria's hand, thinking it better to rush through rather than even risk staying in the blast radius of the attack but the second he pulled her close to one of the fissures so they could run right through it her bracelet began to glow and pushed Aria out of the way of the flames before she could enter. "Of all the worst times it could activate!" He shouted in frustration. The street they were standing in lit up red from the emanating magic of the orb descending upon them. Aria could feel the rumble suddenly intensify as well as the atmosphere around her. She glanced up, only to see a powerful red, menacing light being sent towards them. Her eyes widened as she felt her heart stop and the world slow down at the same time. She had never seen anything like it before... She was suddenly tugged out of it by Torrin and was dragged along the crumbling dark streets. She yelled out when she was suddenly pushed back as Torrin tried to bring her through the flames, cursed by her own bracelet that had protected her thus far. “No... nonono...” Aria tried again, only to be shoved back once more by the protective light. Her eyes quickly scanned the area around her, only to see they were trapped all around by these flames and fissures. There was no way out. She looked to the Dark Master in panic, eyes wide in fear. “Torrin...” she noticed the red glow around them and turned to see that the blast was coming closer at an alarming rate. Was this the end? This was it? This wasn’t how she imagined she would go out, or if she would even meet another demise again... Torrin gritted his teeth and stood in front of Aria. "Guess it's now or never then..." He looked over at Aria, his eyes now alight with a golden flame, knowing he could not afford to fail her too. There were too many that had perished becaue he could not save them and he refused to allow Aria to be one of those people. Even if it cost him everything. "Stay behind me!" Torrin held his hands up, palms towards the blast and began to draw on every ounce of his power. A dark aura spun around the two and rose to form a barrier. The knots in his stomach began to tighten as the attack came closer. The blast collided with Torrin's barrier and immediately he felt nearly all his strength leave his body. He fell to one knee and gritted his teeth but kept his hands up to stop the attack but as the blast pressed on it started to deform the barrier Torrin had summoned even as he poured more and more of his own darkness into maintaining it. The ground underneath them cracked. His arms shook with the feeling that they were trying to hold back a flood with a dam made out of paper. The wall of darkness began to thin and spiral wildly as his strength waned. When Torrin knew that his body would give in he shouted in frustration. "No! Dammit not her!" His eyes faded back to their usual shade while the barrier continued to shrink. The orb continued to approach having only been briefly stopped by Torrin and began stretching the shield until it broke apart. HP: ???/160 AP: 8/72 MP: 32/50
What do you get when you reverse Dearly Beloved?
Mr. Incredible HP: 303 AP: 0/40 MP: 0 Elastigirl HP: 43 AP: 0/40 MP: 0 Frozone HP: 42 AP: 0/40 MP: 20 Machina HP: 59 AP: 10/50 MP: 20 Heartless Defeated: 15 Yellow Operas 12 Red Nocturnes 13 Blue Rhapsodies Mr. Incredible took 23 Damage! (280/400HP) Elastigirl took 16 Damage! (27/100HP) Frozone took 42 Damage! Frozone was Knocked Out! Machina took 29 Damage! (30/120HP) Torrin took 28 Damage! (53/160HP) Tinarah took 29 Damage! (1/75HP) Qamar took 24 Damage! (6/50HP) Glyde Dodged all attacks! (33/75HP) Aria took 12 Damage! (55/80HP) Takehiko took 15 Damage! (34/100HP) Torrin looked around at the swarm of Heartless surrounding them, seeing no end in sight. He wasn't sure to be glad that no one else from their party was around or not. Maybe it was safer for everyone else if he and Aria were alone. His costume had been roughed up and the cape was tattered and ripped nearly to shreds. It was a shame since he actually liked it but after fighting both Kefka and an army of Heartless he knew he couldn't have expected this costume to hold up the same way his coat could. Ripping off the cape and letting it get blown away by the wind he continued to fight with his hands, still focusing on the Darkballs. "Ten down, many more to go. No big deal. Just keep fighting." He couldn't even hear himself speak as he raised his fists again, ready to keep at it. The earth beneath their feet rumbled and began to crack. Darkness poured out from the fissures surrounding them. As Torrin moved closer towards Aria he looked to the sky to see that the two red circles, its eyes, were now searching the city. Even at this distance he could feel a dark pressure build up beyond the clouds. "Not good." The red glow moved through the city as the eyes in the sky searched for a target. HP: 53/160 AP: 0/72 MP: 42/50 Heartless Defeated: 10 Darkballs Heartless Remaining: 78 Darkballs (12AP) 58 Neoshadows (16AP) 28 Yellow Operas (4AP) 28 Red Nocturnes (4AP) 27 Blue Rhapsodies (4AP) Thallasa nodded towards Takehiko and pointed at Edna's mansion. She may not have been able to clear a path for herself but she knew she was capable of making room for someone else to get inside while she served as a distraction. "The keyhole is in there! You need to lock it. Just point your keyblade at it and the rest will come naturally." She struck at the Heartless that were already beginning to crowd them once more. "I'll make an opening for you to go inside! There's likely to be Heartless in there as well so be ready." Without another word Master Thallasa stepped in front of Takehiko and aimed her keyblade at the sky, calling forth dozens of brilliant bolts of lightning from a powerful Thundaza spell that ripped through the Heartless to clear a path for the boy. "Gotta wake up way earlier in the morning if you're gonna sneak up on me, sweetheart!" The Chaser smirked as he parried Tinarah's attacks and kicked her in the gut to create some distance between the two. Qamar jumped in and forced him to dodge and jump back away from his initial target. He laughed at girl's frantic swings, fast as they were, he remained calm and deflected her blows with his keyblade until he found an opening and used it to summon yet more vines to slow the girl down. By now Adalric had closed the distance between the two and charged at him. Using his free hand Dentro gripped Adalric by his collar and spun the keyblader around flinging him as a blunt instrument to strike Tinarah. he ignored the two, having taken them as being out of the fight for now and clenched his fist to draw on the rest of his magical reserves to restrict Qamar with thorny vines that dug into her skin as they tore through the ground beneath her. "Ooooo that's gotta hurt a little, huh? You know, I never had someone teach me not to hit a girl. Lots of orphans get made when worlds are lost to darkness. Though I should be grateful. I wouldn't have gotten the keyblade otherwise!" As he said the word keyblade he poked Qamar in her stomach with the tip of his blade. "You're one of those dark aligned wielders, right? Well we can't have people like you around ruining the new balance we're trying to make." Dentro poked Qamar's chest with his keyblade clearly pointing at where her heart was and dug the tip of the blade in to draw some blood. "It's nothing personal." He took several steps away to prepare for a running start. "Close your eyes if you want. I'll make this quick." Dentro pulled back his keyblade and ran at Qamar, thrusting his keyblade at her at full force. Adalric clutched the keyblade lodged in his chest, looking Dentro in the eyes as the Chaser looked at him in surprise. Dentro's keyblade vanished and the Chaser stepped back, clearly shaken by what he had done and unsure of what to do now. Adalric coughed out blood and dropped to his knees with his hands now pressed on his chest. He looked back at Qamar and faintly smiled at the girl. "Sorry, but it doesn't look like I'll be around to clean things up for you much longer. So, be a little more careful from now on." His voice was strained in the attempt to be heard. Adalric laughed morbidly only to be interrupted by another cough that forced him onto his hands and knees. "Tell my master that I'm sorry I wasn't able to fulfill her orders, even after she uplifted me from my old life." His arms began to shake and he fell over, rolling onto his back to look up at Qamar. His eyes focused on the girl for a moment but as the seconds passed his vision began to fade and his eyes began to wander as if searching for her face. Adalric's body began to glow faintly, sparks of light rising from his body as he began to fade. "I'll try to do better in my next one..." Faster and faster the light fled his body. "Huh...That's funny...I always thought there'd be a light...But...I only...see...." His words were lost to the silence and soon Adalric faded away into the light.
Torrin looked around at the swarm of Heartless surrounding them, seeing no end in sight. He wasn't sure to be glad that no one else from their party was around or not. Maybe it was safer for everyone else if he and Aria were alone. His costume had been roughed up and the cape was tattered and ripped nearly to shreds. It was a shame since he actually liked it but after fighting both Kefka and an army of Heartless he knew he couldn't have expected this costume to hold up the same way his coat could. Ripping off the cape and letting it get blown away by the wind he continued to fight with his hands, still focusing on the Darkballs. "Ten down, many more to go. No big deal. Just keep fighting." He couldn't even hear himself speak as he raised his fists again, ready to keep at it. The earth beneath their feet rumbled and began to crack. Darkness poured out from the fissures surrounding them. As Torrin moved closer towards Aria he looked to the sky to see that the two red circles, its eyes, were now searching the city. Even at this distance he could feel a dark pressure build up beyond the clouds. "Not good." The red glow moved through the city as the eyes in the sky searched for a target. HP: 53/160 AP: 0/72 MP: 42/50
Thallasa nodded towards Takehiko and pointed at Edna's mansion. She may not have been able to clear a path for herself but she knew she was capable of making room for someone else to get inside while she served as a distraction. "The keyhole is in there! You need to lock it. Just point your keyblade at it and the rest will come naturally." She struck at the Heartless that were already beginning to crowd them once more. "I'll make an opening for you to go inside! There's likely to be Heartless in there as well so be ready." Without another word Master Thallasa stepped in front of Takehiko and aimed her keyblade at the sky, calling forth dozens of brilliant bolts of lightning from a powerful Thundaza spell that ripped through the Heartless to clear a path for the boy.
"Gotta wake up way earlier in the morning if you're gonna sneak up on me, sweetheart!" The Chaser smirked as he parried Tinarah's attacks and kicked her in the gut to create some distance between the two. Qamar jumped in and forced him to dodge and jump back away from his initial target. He laughed at girl's frantic swings, fast as they were, he remained calm and deflected her blows with his keyblade until he found an opening and used it to summon yet more vines to slow the girl down. By now Adalric had closed the distance between the two and charged at him. Using his free hand Dentro gripped Adalric by his collar and spun the keyblader around flinging him as a blunt instrument to strike Tinarah. he ignored the two, having taken them as being out of the fight for now and clenched his fist to draw on the rest of his magical reserves to restrict Qamar with thorny vines that dug into her skin as they tore through the ground beneath her. "Ooooo that's gotta hurt a little, huh? You know, I never had someone teach me not to hit a girl. Lots of orphans get made when worlds are lost to darkness. Though I should be grateful. I wouldn't have gotten the keyblade otherwise!" As he said the word keyblade he poked Qamar in her stomach with the tip of his blade. "You're one of those dark aligned wielders, right? Well we can't have people like you around ruining the new balance we're trying to make." Dentro poked Qamar's chest with his keyblade clearly pointing at where her heart was and dug the tip of the blade in to draw some blood. "It's nothing personal." He took several steps away to prepare for a running start. "Close your eyes if you want. I'll make this quick." Dentro pulled back his keyblade and ran at Qamar, thrusting his keyblade at her at full force.
Adalric clutched the keyblade lodged in his chest, looking Dentro in the eyes as the Chaser looked at him in surprise. Dentro's keyblade vanished and the Chaser stepped back, clearly shaken by what he had done and unsure of what to do now. Adalric coughed out blood and dropped to his knees with his hands now pressed on his chest. He looked back at Qamar and faintly smiled at the girl. "Sorry, but it doesn't look like I'll be around to clean things up for you much longer. So, be a little more careful from now on." His voice was strained in the attempt to be heard. Adalric laughed morbidly only to be interrupted by another cough that forced him onto his hands and knees. "Tell my master that I'm sorry I wasn't able to fulfill her orders, even after she uplifted me from my old life." His arms began to shake and he fell over, rolling onto his back to look up at Qamar. His eyes focused on the girl for a moment but as the seconds passed his vision began to fade and his eyes began to wander as if searching for her face. Adalric's body began to glow faintly, sparks of light rising from his body as he began to fade. "I'll try to do better in my next one..." Faster and faster the light fled his body. "Huh...That's funny...I always thought there'd be a light...But...I only...see...." His words were lost to the silence and soon Adalric faded away into the light.
Alder jumped into the air and brought his keyblade down on the arm grappling Cerdic to free him from its clutches. "He's not going to be your toy!" The dark monstrosity that had formed from Ria's rage and desperation was unsettling and powerful but it was slow. He stabbed at its right hand that reached out for the extractor then spun his keyblade to increase its momentum before slashing upwards at its wrist. "No you don't!" Alder stepped back, glancing over at the extractor hoping that it was close to finished warming up by now. "Come on come on...can't keep this thing back all day..."
Alder jumped into the air and brought his keyblade down on the arm grappling Cerdic to free him from its clutches. "He's not going to be your toy!" The dark monstrosity that had formed from Ria's rage and desperation was unsettling and powerful but it was slow. He stabbed at its right hand that reached out for the extractor then spun his keyblade to increase its momentum before slashing upwards at its wrist. "No you don't!" Alder stepped back, glancing over at the extractor hoping that it was close to finished warming up by now. "Come on come on...can't keep this thing back all day..."
Mr. Incredible HP: 337 AP: 0/40 MP: 0 Elastigirl HP: 63 AP: 0/40 MP: 10 Frozone HP: 49 AP: 0/40 MP: 40 Machina HP: 69 AP: 10/50 MP: 30 Heartless Defeated: 12 Yellow Operas 10 Red Nocturnes 18 Blue Rhapsodies Mr. Incredible took 34 Damage! (303/400HP) Elastigirl took 30 Damage! (33/100HP) Frozone took 27 Damage! (22/80HP) Machina took 20 Damage! (49/120HP) Torrin took 10 Damage! (105/160HP) Tinarah took 34 Damage! Tinarah was Knocked Out! Qamar took 6 Damage! (30/50HP) Glyde took 14 Damage! (33/75HP) Aria took 6 Damage! (67/80HP) Torrin watched as Take lifted off and flew into the distance and out of sight, hoping he had made the right call. Darkness swirled around his fists as he got back into a fighting stance. Torrin charged forth and struck down the Heartless with his own hands, taking advantage of the extra protection Takehiko had given them with the Stone spell. Darkballs popped like balloons as his punches tore through them. He raised his palm and, calling on his own reserves of energy, began to cast Fatal on two of the Darkballs floating overhead. The immediate area began to further darken as a stream of magical energy ran from his hand to the Heartless, slowing them in their tracks until the withered away into oblivion. Torrin took a deep breath and released the spell, having almost forgotten how draining it was to use. "Can't use it forever..." He muttered silently. "Stay close to me! We won't need to hold out much longer!" HP: 81/160 AP: 0/72 MP: 37/50 Heartless Defeated: 12 Darkballs (2 with Fataga) Heartless Remaining: 42 Shadows (2AP) 95 Darkballs (12AP) 60 Neoshadows (16AP) 44 Yellow Operas (4AP) 44 Red Nocturnes (4AP) 44 Blue Rhapsodies (4AP) Thallasa was outside the mansion fending off a swarm of Neoshadows that continued to pour out from dark pools in the ground. Patches of grass were frozen and burnt from her magical attacks but despite her extreme speed at dispatching the Heartless she could not make it past them to get inside. She looked up to the sky, waiting for any sign that one of the Seven had been approaching and hoping that it would be by glider as that was the only way to travel quickly in this mess. Thunder rumbled in the air, the ground vibrated underneath her feet, and the weight of darkness all made her anxious. She had rarely seen a world in such a pitiable state. She even wondered if it was possible to undo the damage if they could seal the darkness away. Just as her mind began to wander to the worst case scenario, a glider appeared in sight. As it neared she could see that it was Takehiko approaching her. Her face lit up. "Finally!" She raised her keyblade and sent up a bright blue magical flare so that the boy could see her. Using the last of her reserves of magic she slammed her fist into the ground and called upon a torrent of ice and lightning to obliterate the Heartless immediately around her to make way for Takehiko.
Torrin watched as Take lifted off and flew into the distance and out of sight, hoping he had made the right call. Darkness swirled around his fists as he got back into a fighting stance. Torrin charged forth and struck down the Heartless with his own hands, taking advantage of the extra protection Takehiko had given them with the Stone spell. Darkballs popped like balloons as his punches tore through them. He raised his palm and, calling on his own reserves of energy, began to cast Fatal on two of the Darkballs floating overhead. The immediate area began to further darken as a stream of magical energy ran from his hand to the Heartless, slowing them in their tracks until the withered away into oblivion. Torrin took a deep breath and released the spell, having almost forgotten how draining it was to use. "Can't use it forever..." He muttered silently. "Stay close to me! We won't need to hold out much longer!"
Thallasa was outside the mansion fending off a swarm of Neoshadows that continued to pour out from dark pools in the ground. Patches of grass were frozen and burnt from her magical attacks but despite her extreme speed at dispatching the Heartless she could not make it past them to get inside. She looked up to the sky, waiting for any sign that one of the Seven had been approaching and hoping that it would be by glider as that was the only way to travel quickly in this mess. Thunder rumbled in the air, the ground vibrated underneath her feet, and the weight of darkness all made her anxious. She had rarely seen a world in such a pitiable state. She even wondered if it was possible to undo the damage if they could seal the darkness away. Just as her mind began to wander to the worst case scenario, a glider appeared in sight. As it neared she could see that it was Takehiko approaching her. Her face lit up. "Finally!" She raised her keyblade and sent up a bright blue magical flare so that the boy could see her. Using the last of her reserves of magic she slammed her fist into the ground and called upon a torrent of ice and lightning to obliterate the Heartless immediately around her to make way for Takehiko.