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  1. Arch
    The trend is getting into full swing. If tale and cstar can do it, then so can I.

    With two other threads around, the formula by now should be simple enough for anyone seeing this to understand. You ask generic or specific "world building/personality" questions about my character and I'll post a response from their point of view.

    Thread by: Arch, Jun 5, 2018, 6 replies, in forum: Workshops & Recreation
  2. Arch

    Alder took in a deep breath and carried the Core past the others, glancing over at Mora for a moment while pausing in his steps. He was glad to see the girl alive and well despite everything that had happened to her. "Now to take out the trash." He muttered lowly before continuing on to the cliffside. Heat radiated off of the Core and somehow, it almost made Alder shiver from the power it let off. It was definitely the strangest feeling of hot and cold he had ever felt.

    "It'll be good to know that no one can use this ever again." He held out the Core over the edge and gave it a short toss to lob it over where it would crash into the crags and ocean below.

    Post by: Arch, Jun 5, 2018 in forum: Hall of Fame
  3. Arch
    Here are some familiar questions to keep the ball rolling.

    Question 1:
    What are you so afraid of?

    Question 2:
    What do you want outta life?

    Question 3:
    What's most important to you?
    Post by: Arch, Jun 5, 2018 in forum: Workshops & Recreation
  4. Arch

    Not wanting to be jumped at by Karina's new (old?) friends he decided it was time to stop lurking in the shadows. He was found out and there was no use hiding anymore. "Sorry I kept you waiting. I sensed you talking about me and I came as soon as I could but I had to save some children from a giant monster. Kidding. I made a wrong turn following after you. This place is a maze, am I right?" Stepping out from the shadows Arctus revealed himself to Karina's group. He gave the young woman an awkward wave as he entered their field of vision.

    "You went off to face something dangerous with next to no backup and...hey..." Arctus drew his sword. "Weren't we just trying to kill her?" He pointed at Lima with the tip of his blade. Depsite all the excitement of battle he clearly remembered fighting against that girl. "Why is she here? ...Are we changing sides? I'm not so fond of becoming a villain. I don't know how to monologue. I'm not even much of a talker. Villains have to talk all day long and boss around minions, don't they? Are we getting minions? Wait, who am I kidding? We're not the bad guys. Of course there's no obnoxious tiny yellow overall-wearing minions for us to boss around. Uh...where was I? Right. That chick!" He motioned against towards Lima. "Why are you acting like she's not the enemy here?!"

    Post by: Arch, Jun 5, 2018 in forum: Role-Playing Arena
  5. Arch

    Thallasa smiled at Aria's comment. "Yes. I'm beginning to notice that you, as well as the others, are stronger than I estimated you would be. Despite the dangers you and your friends have faced, it seems to have kicked up some rapid development in all of you. Interesting indeed..." She scratched her chin and looked over towards Qamar, hearing the young woman's comment on what the plan would be when they arrived at the castle.

    "Once we're at the castle we sit back and observe. We will look for any entrances we could sneak in through and where the guards are stationed. Naturally we will need at least one person to stay by our entry point to keep watch for anything that might come after those who go inside. Ideally we should avoid combat. We don't know the layout of the castle and getting outnumbered indoors would be terrible to say the least."

    "But we can't sit back for too long!" Taran said with concern. "Who knows what the Horned King could be doing to Hen Wen while we're just watching the castle!"

    "What good would you be if you too got captured, or worse, because you were impatient? We need to err on the side of caution, Taran."

    The boy frowned but nodded in understanding. "Alright...if you think that's what's best." He glanced at the others, still looking unsure. "I trust you."


    Torrin watched as the others leapt into action. "Let's get DANGEROUS!" Darkwing Duck used his oversized gun to fire off two smoke grenades, destroying one crate each, providing Tinarah with some extra cover. As the crates were destroyed, sending shattered robotic parts flying into the air along with burnt pieces of fabric belonging to what were once bowler hats, Mr. Incredible, Elastigirl, Frozone, and Machina ran outside with Helping Hats obscuring their faces. Frozone, having heard Boreas's voice began to create an ice ramp for him to skate up to Boreas and Darkwing Duck on the rooftop.

    Mr. Incredible, Elastigirl, and Machina saw Tinarah through the smoke due to their Helping Hats being able to scan for her body temperature and ran right for the girl. They slowed down and grew disoriented when she entered her form. Though they did not fall asleep they were stunned long enough to be struck by her Fire spells, freeing them from being controlled. The three were too dazed to do anything but stand around, attempting to regain a bearing on their surroundings.

    Torrin nodded once the heroes were out of the warehouse. "Let's move! Just stick together and we'll be able to handle anything in there." Torrin assured Take after hearing the doubt in his voice and, without wasting another second, flew around the warehouse and hovered by the other end. He waited a moment to make sure Chrono and Take caught up with him before extending his hand ready to launch a Fire spell. He hesitated for a moment, hearing voices shouting inside.

    "Kronk you idiot! Why didn't you have the slaves stand guard like I told you to!? Now we have a bunch of brats"

    "It's not my fault Bowler Hat Guy made them so creepy, Xerek! I had to get them doing something since having them stand around gave me the heebie jeebies. Brrrr..."

    "You incompetent fool! No matter, my slaves will wrap this up before anyone else shows up."

    Having heard enough Torrin cast Firaga which blasted an opening in the upper portion of the wall for them to fly through.

    Post by: Arch, Jun 4, 2018 in forum: Role-Playing Arena
  6. Arch

    The barrier holding back the plague of darkness above shattered and a swarm of Heartless descended upon the young Chasers, spinning around the group as the sheer mass of Heartless above them blotted out the sun leaving them in the shade. Upon closer inspection the Heartless swarm consisted not of regular Shadows but of their more powerful Neoshadow brethren. The very air itself began to reek with the stench of a heavy darkness. The Demon Plague surrounded the party.


    • Demon Plague
      HP: 2,000 / 2,000
      Attack Power: 22
      Break Gauge: 0 / 130%

    • Shield Break – Can only be used once per battle. During the turn this ability is used Guard, Stone, and Reflect are ignored by Chrys's physical attacks. Deals 25% more damage with physical attacks to bosses when used.
      Dispel – Can only be used once per battle. Removes any magical buffs caused by Spells from all enemies.

      HP: 120/120
      AP: 64/64
      MP: 40/40
      DP: 3/3

      None active.

      White Mage
      Stone Boost
      Red Mage
      MP Haste
      Second Chance

      Dodge Roll
      Vicinity Break
      MP Drain


    • HP: 110/110
      AP: 54/54
      MP: 40/40

      Koa's Keyblade ArmorFire Immunity.
      Spellblade – Deal 50 AP of any elemental type.
      Leaf Bracer
      Second Chance


    • HP: 135/135
      AP: 44/44
      MP: 40/40

      Avra's Keyblade Armor – Resists 20% of physical damage.
      Counterblade10% to counterattack for 30 AP when attacked.
      Fire Screen
      Blizzard Screen
      Thunder Screen


    • HP: 110/110
      AP: 54/54
      MP: 40/40

      Pagos's Keyblade ArmorBlizzard Immunity.
      Snowstorm – Doubles power of all Blizzard spells for 3 Turns.
      MP Rage


    • HP: 115/115
      AP: 60/60
      MP: 40/40

      Zeno's Keyblade ArmorThunder Immunity.
      Electric Pulse – Give up to 5 targets the Stun status or fill Break Gauge by 50%.
      Combo Plus
      MP Rage
      Second Chance


    Post by: Arch, Jun 4, 2018 in forum: Role-Playing Arena
  7. Arch

    "Why have you come, Usurper?" The Horned King spoke in a low voice that echoed in the dreary stone chamber.

    "Ah no need to be so formal your majesty." The man bowed low before the Horned King before stepping forward, his footsteps kicking up dust as he came closer. "Do you recall how I had arrived in this world? It appears that a party of adventurous youths have come from distant stars to, shall I say, foil your plots as naive heroes are ought to do."

    "And how would you know this?" The Horned King scratched his long pointed nails against the ancient cracked stone chair he sat in, his eyes glowing red in the darkness.

    "Do I sense suspicion? Oh I assure you that I have nothing but your best interests at heart."

    "Then I expect you to handle this lest I lose my patience in you. Do no forget your place." The dark sorcerer growled.

    "But of course. I shall deal with the matter personally with the utmost haste." The man bowed once more before leaving the Horned King's sight.


    Thallasa raised an eyebrow. "So that magic has its limits..." She scratched her chin and smiled. "That would mean that even the Light Chaser has limits to his abilities, great as they may be. This is good to hear." She nodded to herself. "Try not to jump in headfirst into danger." Thallasa cautioned. "I cannot keep an eye on you at every moment."

    "Okay..." Taran looked down dejectedly when he was told to run and hide instead of fighting. He wanted to feel useful and right now all he had done was rely on strangers for help. "The Horned King is a wicked sorcerer who's remained hidden in his castle for a long time. Dallben told me that the Horned King would use the Black Cauldron to raise an undead army. I've never seen the Horned King but I've heard he has dragons, bandits, and goblins under his command." Taran looked at Illiana and then at the clothes she wore, finally making an observation about the people he traveled with now.

    "Where are you and your friends from?" He said, realizing that none of his new companions were from around these parts.


    "Roger that, Green Wonder!" Darkwing Duck grinned. "I've taken the liberty of giving you all code names. Blondie over there is..." He paused for dramatic effect. "The Blonde Wonder!" Torrin raised an eyebrow and looked over at Boreas's group, wondering if Darkwing Duck was just going to apply that naming scheme to everyone in the group. He didn't bother to ask as he did not care enough to find out.

    Torrin returned his attention to Chrono and called for his glider. "The others lure the heroes out, we break in the warehouse, and we hit anyone left inside hard an fast. It's an aggressive plan but it'll work. If things somehow go downhill from there, Boreas and the others should have wrapped things up with the heroes by then and will back us up if we need it." He looked over at Boreas, Tinarah, and Darkwing. "Get to smashing. We'll move in once the heroes are out of the warehouse."

    Post by: Arch, Jun 2, 2018 in forum: Role-Playing Arena
  8. Arch
    Gimme the Axel pin. And the White Skull pin. And Follow Suit. I've earned them.
    Post by: Arch, Jun 2, 2018 in forum: The Spam Zone
  9. Arch

    Alder removed his armor once he saw the end of the creature, letting out a long sigh of relief now that Ria was gone. Every heart it had taken was released and one lingered a while longer than the rest, moving closer to him for a brief moment. "Goodbye Relli..." He whispered in a pained voice just before it floated away with its newfound freedom. The heaviness in his own heart was lifted and so too did the fog in his memories. The guilt he felt over his part in these events too faded and was replaced with a newfound determination to undo the damage that had been done to this world.

    Alder made his way over to the extractor and deactivated it, shutting down the machine before it could harm anyone else on Orphic Coast since leaving it on for too long would have killed off its inhabitants. To render the device useless he removed the Core from the machine and took the gloves to carefully start moving it. From what he could recall, a high enough drop would cause the Core to destabilize and explode...and luckily there was a cliffside and ocean nearby to absorb the blast. He wanted to ensure that no one would ever use the Core again and this was the only way to do it.

    Post by: Arch, Jun 2, 2018 in forum: Hall of Fame
  10. Arch

    Zeno brought down his keyblade to strike down one of the Search Ghosts while Koa leapt in to strike the final Heartless, destroying it in a single blow. "Excellent work! I say we've handled this battle quite easily!"

    "We are not the ones who nearly hit Avra with friendly fire." Pagos stated simply.

    "She's gotten over it. Right Avra?"

    "Mmngr..." Avra grumbled as she focused up at the contained darkness in the sky.

    "...Right." Zeno stepped away from Avra and towards Chrys.

    In the distance they could hear their master snap his fingers. A brilliant golden light enveloped the group healing their wounds and recharging their magical reserves. Overhead the barrier holding the darkness at bay began to weaken and fade.

    HP and MP have been fully restored!

    Koa gained 5 Levels!
    Pagos gained 4 Levels!
    Avra gained 4 Levels!
    Zeno gained 3 Levels!
    Chrysanthemum gained 2 Levels!
    Chrysanthemum gained a new Spell and 4 Spell Upgrades(up to 3rd Tier).

    Claim your rewards in the OOC Thread.
    Post by: Arch, Jun 2, 2018 in forum: Role-Playing Arena
  11. Arch

    "I have my incredible intellect, an arsenal of the most advanced crime-fighting gadgets ever created, and I have mastered the art of making an entrance." Darkwing Duck pointed towards himself confidently as he responded to Boreas.

    Torrin rolled his eyes and scratched his chin while considering the alternatives the others brought up. "I don't know what effect your magic has on technology but I've seen the two interact before. So it's worth a shot if it makes rescuing them easier." Torrin nodded towards Tinarah. "I'm sure whatever's in those crates must be important to them. Smashing them up should be a quick way to grab the heroes' attention."

    "So we split in two groups and your group will take the villains from the other side while we have the zombie heroes distracted!"

    "Yes. That's actually what I was going to say. Guess he's not as dumb as he looks."

    "Hey! I heard that!"

    "Boreas, take Tinarah and Darkwing down below. Take, Chrono, and I will circle around and break into the warehouse on the other end once you've got their attention."


    Gurgi was left behind since the small creature was too afraid to follow after the group. "Aria, a word?" The master slowed her pace to bring herself to the back of the group while Taran stayed at the front speaking to Illiana. Once Aria fell back with her Thallasa lowered her voice to not be overheard by the others. "That bracelet of yours. I thought I noticed something off about it earlier but I wasn't sure until now. It has lost its protective power, hasn't it?"

    "I've known Dallben ever since I was a child. He found me abandoned as a baby." Taran's face grew somber as he led the way on and down onto the long path that would eventually take them to the gloomy castle in the distance. "I never knew my real parents." The boy only slightly cheered up at Qamar's reassurance that they would help him get Hen Wen back. "There were strange monsters back there. How did you all manage to get rid of them? I-I'm sorry I wasn't more help. I would have helped you fight if I could!" The boy spoke in a half-apologetic and half-eager tone.

    Post by: Arch, Jun 1, 2018 in forum: Role-Playing Arena
  12. Arch

    "Oh that's not good." Valen stopped shredding to sling his guitar back over his shoulder, the magical music continuing to ring out even after he stopped until he willed it to end. He wanted the Thrune dead but getting mauled or burnt to a crisp by hellhounds was never going to help his cause. He returned his axe back to his side and took off running while doing his best to avoid getting trampled by the rest of the crowd.

    Post by: Arch, May 30, 2018 in forum: Retirement Home
  13. Arch

    "Warehouse up ahead!" Torrin called towards the others as he brought down his glider onto the roof of a building covered in graffiti overlooking a warehouse Darkwing Duck was intently watching with a pair of oversized binoculars. Torrin headed over to see Mr. Incredible hoisting a dozen large crates and moving them inside the warehouse while Elastigirl and Machina were sliding several more along a frozen path created by Frozone. Each hero was wearing a bowler hat with a glowing robotic eye in the center that covered their eyes.

    "Aha! Just as I suspected. They're using those mind-controlled heroes to bring in large boxes to hide inside and them ship themselves out of town where they'll make new identities for themselves and start their new lives as bakers. Diabolical! I almost wish I had thought of it myself."

    Torrin scratched the back of his head and blinked at Darkwing Duck in confusion. "It looks to me like they're moving stolen goods. Or...evil...lab equipment?"

    Darkwing laughed and placed his feathered hands on his hips. "Psh. As if a rookie would know better than a master detective such as myself."

    "You know what? Sure. You're right. You deduced their plan perfectly." Torrin folded his arms. "We have the numbers. We have our magic this time around. I say we take them by surprise and end this as quickly as possible. A few carefully placed strikes should destroy the hats. Once we have the other heroes on our side this should be easy."


    The vegetation grew drier and drier the further the group went until there was little else but thorny dead vines jutting out from the ground. Several of the vines looked to have been broken or severed. Beyond them Thallasa's voice called out, "Over here!"

    Past the thorns was a rocky hill that led to jagged crags overlooking a gloomy barren landscape covered in darkness. Ahead and below was a long winding path that connected the lands below to a foreboding castle in the distance. Thallasa was standing at the cliff's edge alongside Taran as two black dots, the dragons, disappeared heading towards the castle. "Those dragons got away with the pig. I couldn't leave the rest of you behind going after them." She explained.

    "I must get her out of there!" Taran looked at the others, his clothes torn from the thorns and his lip bloody.

    "Not go in there! Forget the piggy!" Gurgi came out from behind the group to walk up towards Taran.

    "What are you doing here?"

    "Gurgi come back to be your friend!" Gurgi went closer and took Taran's arm who immediately pulled it away from the small furry creature.

    "I promised Dallben I'd keep Hen Wen safe. I have to go. Now are you coming with me or not?" The boy's eyes were filled with determination as he spoke.

    "Me!?" Gurgi pointed at himself and shuffled back away from Taran and placed himself behind Aria. "Go in there!? Nonono! It's a terrible place!" He shook his head rapidly.

    The boy glared at him in frustration. "Just as I thought. You're no friend. You're just a miserable coward!" Taran began to walk away to head down the side of the cliff and stopped, reaching inside his tunic to pull out the apple from earlier. "Here. This is all you wanted." He spoke angrily tossing the apple at Gurgi's feet before storming off.

    Thallasa sighed but didn't seem too concerned for the saddened Gurgi. "We need to go after him." The master spoke once the spat was over.


    Avra returned the favor and cast Cura on Chrys. "We're almost done." She spoke mostly to herself as she struck down three Search Ghosts while her comrades began healing themselves to keep themselves in the battle. Zeno cast an explosive Fira destroying four more Search Ghosts that were a little too close to Avra causing her to turn and glare at the other Chaser.

    "Apologies! I get sloppy when I'm tired."

    "Whatever. Don't let it happen again."

    HP: 36/95
    AP: 2/50
    MP: 1/30

    HP: 41/105
    AP: 0/48
    MP: 1/40

    HP: 31/120
    AP: 6/42
    MP: 1/30

    HP: 40/115
    AP: 6/54
    MP: 12/40

    Heartless Defeated:
    8 Air Pirates (12AP)
    11 Search Ghost (12AP)

    • Chrysanthemum took 12 Damage! (31/115HP)
      Koa took 21 Damage! (15/95HP)
      Zeno took 15 Damage! (25/155HP)
      Avra took 15 Damage! (16/120HP)
      Pagos was critically hit for 26 Damage! (15/105HP)

      Enemies Remaining:
      8 Search Ghosts (12AP)

    • Shield Break – Can only be used once per battle. During the turn this ability is used Guard, Stone, and Reflect are ignored by Chrys's physical attacks. Deals 25% more damage with physical attacks to bosses when used.
      Dispel – Can only be used once per battle. Removes any magical buffs caused by Spells from all enemies.

      HP: 31/115
      AP: 62/62+10
      MP: 3/40
      DP: 3/3

      None active.

      Guard – Defense is boosted proportional to the amount of AP saved.
      White MageCure heals 2 targets instead of 1.
      DefenderReduce damage when at 30% or lower HP.
      Stone BoostStone lasts an extra turn.
      Red MageAero, Stone, and Water last an extra turn.
      MP Haste – Regain 1 MP per turn.
      Second Chance – If you have 2 HP or more, a hit you take that would knock you out brings you to 1 HP instead. Only works once.

      Dodge RollConsume 5 AP to boost Evasion by 1 Tier. [Can be used once per turn.]
      BlitzDish out an attack worth 10 AP to 1 enemy. Fills Break Gauge by 10%.
      Vicinity Break A circular swing over a wide area dealing an attack worth 10 AP to strike 4 enemies. Fills Break Gauge by 10%.
      MP DrainConvert 20 AP into 5 MP.

      Water: 1 Turn.

    • HP: 15/95
      AP: 50/50
      MP: 1/30


    • HP: 16/120
      AP: 42/42
      MP: 1/30


    • HP: 15/105
      AP: 48/48
      MP: 1/40


    • HP: 25/115
      AP: 54/54
      MP: 12/40


    Post by: Arch, May 29, 2018 in forum: Role-Playing Arena
  14. Arch

    "Yes!" Alder exclaimed as soon as the Extractor was ready. He dropped out of his fighting stance and rushed over to the control panel, giving one last glance at the creature. "Good riddance you damn monster!" He then smashed his fist against the red start button hoping this would finally put an end to Ria once and for all.

    Post by: Arch, May 29, 2018 in forum: Hall of Fame
  15. Arch

    "Gah!" Alder made a hasty recovery after being pushed away and rushed forward once more to jump at the creature and attempt cutting off its tendrils while using his Maximum Honordrive. "You're not getting any farther!" He struck at the tendrils and looked over at Daeni. "They can handle themselves. We can do this. We just need to keep pushing forward just a little longer!" He called out, moving back towards the Extractor to take a glance at its progress.

    Post by: Arch, May 29, 2018 in forum: Hall of Fame
  16. Arch
    Aria gained 3 Levels! Aria gained an Ability!
    Illiana, Qamar, and Glyde gained 2 Levels! Illiana gained an Ability!

    Claim your rewards in the OOC Thread!

    Post by: Arch, May 27, 2018 in forum: Role-Playing Arena
  17. Arch

    Torrin looked over at Tinarah, narrowing his eyes at the girl for presuming so much. Even the mention of Mika to him had crossed a line. "No." He responded curtly. At least that much wasn't a lie. As strongly as he once felt for her, things never went that far and since then he had become a much different person. "Take's right. I barely knew her." She didn't have the right to know nor did she have the right to pry into his past. Regardless of what she saw in the other realm, this was none of her concern. Torrin looked forward again, speeding up to catch up with Boreas as the group closed the gap between them and Darkwing Duck.

    • Glyde took 26 Damage! (40/85HP)
      Illiana took 21 Damage! (13/60HP)
      Illiana's MP Rage activated!
      Aria took 18 Damage! (15/90HP)
      Qamar took 19 Damage! (22/65HP)

      Enemies Remaining:
      8 Gargoyles (16AP)

    • Counter Heal – Illiana's Evasion is permanently raised by 1 Tier. Whenever Illiana dodges an attack she automatically regains 5 HP.

      HP: 13/60
      AP: 56/56
      MP: 10/30
      DP: 3/3

      None active.

      Guard – Defense is boosted proportional to the amount of AP saved.
      Combo Plus – When defeating 3 enemies of the same type, 1 additional enemy of the same type can be defeated for 0 AP.
      Black MageFire and Thunder can hit 1 extra target. Blizzard deals an extra 5 damage.
      Second Chance – If you have 2 HP or more, a hit you take that would knock you out brings you to 1 HP instead. Only works once.
      DefenderReduce damage when at 30% or lower HP.
      MP Rage – When taking 20 Damage in 1 turn, regain 5 MP.
      Black WizardFire, Blizzard, and Thunder now cost 7 MP.

      Dodge RollConsume 5 AP to boost Evasion by 1 Tier. [Can be used once per turn.]


    • Rainbow Glow – Aria casts an armor of light on the party that lasts for 3 turns. Their defenses are increased by 30%.

      HP: 15/90
      AP: 44/44
      MP: 30/30
      DP: 3/3

      None active.

      Guard – Defense is boosted proportional to the amount of AP saved.
      White MageCure heals 2 targets instead of 1.
      Link BoostD-Links last an extra turn.

      Dodge RollConsume 5 AP to boost Evasion by 1 Tier. [Can be used once per turn.]


    • Shoot – During battle Glyde can shoot up to 3 magical bullets at enemies worth 8 AP. During this his Evasion rises 1 Tier. [0 left.]

      HP: 40/85
      AP: 44/44
      MP: 3/30
      DP: 3/3

      None active.

      Guard – Defense is boosted proportional to the amount of AP saved.
      Leaf Bracer – Take reduced damage when casting Cure.
      Fire BoostFire hits 1 extra target.
      Fire Screen – Reduces Fire damage taken.
      MP Haste – Regain 1 MP per turn.
      Aero BoostAero lasts an extra turn.

      Dodge RollConsume 5 AP to boost Evasion by 1 Tier. [Can be used once per turn.]


    • Serenity – When low on MP Qamar's defense is increased 15%.

      HP: 22/65
      AP: 58/58
      MP: 10/30
      DP: 3/3

      None active.

      Guard – Defense is boosted proportional to the amount of AP saved.
      Combo Plus – When defeating 3 enemies of the same type, 1 additional enemy of the same type can be defeated for 0 AP.
      Second Chance – If you have 2 HP or more, a hit you take that would knock you out brings you to 1 HP instead. Only works once.
      Finisher Plus – [Only effective against Bosses.] Increases damage dealt by physical damage by 15 when all AP is spent.
      DefenderReduce damage when at 30% or lower HP.

      Dodge RollConsume 5 AP to boost Evasion by 1 Tier. [Can be used once per turn.]
      Blitz+An overhead strike dealing 30 AP damage to a single enemy. Fills Break Gauge by 20%.


    Post by: Arch, May 26, 2018 in forum: Role-Playing Arena
  18. Arch

    "That'd actually hurt a little if you were bigger and if I was wearing shorts." Torrin mused at Nini. He knelt down and picked up the small black cat and whispered, "I'm sorry about Mika. Really." He gave the cat a pat on the head, wishing the small creature could understand his words or understand the depth of his guilt but instead the cat just meowed and seemed to be grateful to finally be acknowledged by him again after all this time.

    "She probably smelled the...scent of dog on me." He lied. Watching Boreas take the lead Torrin decided that now was not the time to get left behind. "Let's get moving." Torrin opened his coat to place Nini in the inner pocket where to keep her safe. He summoned his keyblade and hopped on before speeding off after Boreas and Darkwing Duck.

    Post by: Arch, May 25, 2018 in forum: Role-Playing Arena
  19. Arch

    "I'd appreciate that." Torrin answered Boreas before they returned their attention to Darkwing Duck.

    "Come to think of it, I did see a few costumed fellas wearing bowler hats headed to an abandoned warehouse." Darkwing shrugged at Boreas. "Must be hard times for heroes to have to resort to wearing poor headgear and live in creepy warehouses."

    Remembering that their group had come across robotic hats earlier, Torrin had a feeling that this had to be connected to the Unforgivables. "And what color were their outfits?"

    "The big guy was wearing blue and let me tell you that he could not pull off the hat look. Neither could his friends. I mean if you're going to wear matching hats why not wear matching outfits too?"

    Torrin sighed. "Well I suppose that solves our problem. The bad guys probably knew better than to keep using that tower. More robohats. Well I guess we'll see what's up with that gimmick." He ran his hand through his hair. "Alright, can you take us to where they were?"

    "From the sound of your broody voice this must be serious." Darkwing Duck seemed to grow excited at the prospect of adventure.

    "What? This is my normal–"

    "Let's get DANGEROUS." The costumed duck pulled out an oversized pistol and fired it off into the distance and a grappling hook shot out making the hero zip off onto the roof of another building as he led the way, jumping and grappling from rooftop to rooftop.

    • Glyde was critically hit for 34 Damage! (51/85HP)
      Illiana took 27 Damage! (4/60HP)
      Illiana's MP Rage activated!
      Aria took 28 Damage! (18/90HP)
      Qamar took 19 Damage! (26/65HP)

      Enemies Remaining:
      22 Gargoyles (16AP)

    • Counter Heal – Illiana's Evasion is permanently raised by 1 Tier. Whenever Illiana dodges an attack she automatically regains 5 HP.

      HP: 4/60
      AP: 56/56
      MP: 5/30
      DP: 3/3

      None active.

      Guard – Defense is boosted proportional to the amount of AP saved.
      Combo Plus – When defeating 3 enemies of the same type, 1 additional enemy of the same type can be defeated for 0 AP.
      Black MageFire and Thunder can hit 1 extra target. Blizzard deals an extra 5 damage.
      Second Chance – If you have 2 HP or more, a hit you take that would knock you out brings you to 1 HP instead. Only works once.
      DefenderReduce damage when at 30% or lower HP.
      MP Rage – When taking 20 Damage in 1 turn, regain 5 MP.
      Black WizardFire, Blizzard, and Thunder now cost 7 MP.

      Dodge RollConsume 5 AP to boost Evasion by 1 Tier. [Can be used once per turn.]

      Rainbow Glow: 1 Turn

    • Rainbow Glow – Aria casts an armor of light on the party that lasts for 3 turns. Their defenses are increased by 30%.

      HP: 18/90
      AP: 44/44
      MP: 50/30
      DP: 3/3

      First Dawn: 1 Turn

      Guard – Defense is boosted proportional to the amount of AP saved.
      White MageCure heals 2 targets instead of 1.
      Link BoostD-Links last an extra turn.

      Dodge RollConsume 5 AP to boost Evasion by 1 Tier. [Can be used once per turn.]
      Blitz+An overhead strike dealing 30 AP damage to a single enemy. Fills Break Gauge by 20%.

      Rainbow Glow: 1 Turn

    • Shoot – During battle Glyde can shoot up to 3 magical bullets at enemies worth 8 AP. During this his Evasion rises 1 Tier. [1 left.]

      HP: 51/85
      AP: 44/44
      MP: 17/30
      DP: 3/3

      None active.

      Guard – Defense is boosted proportional to the amount of AP saved.
      Leaf Bracer – Take reduced damage when casting Cure.
      Fire BoostFire hits 1 extra target.
      Fire Screen – Reduces Fire damage taken.
      MP Haste – Regain 1 MP per turn.
      Aero BoostAero lasts an extra turn.

      Dodge RollConsume 5 AP to boost Evasion by 1 Tier. [Can be used once per turn.]

      Rainbow Glow: 1 Turn

    • Serenity – When low on MP Qamar's defense is increased 15%.

      HP: 26/65
      AP: 58/58
      MP: 20/30
      DP: 3/3

      None active.

      Guard – Defense is boosted proportional to the amount of AP saved.
      Combo Plus – When defeating 3 enemies of the same type, 1 additional enemy of the same type can be defeated for 0 AP.
      Second Chance – If you have 2 HP or more, a hit you take that would knock you out brings you to 1 HP instead. Only works once.
      Finisher Plus – [Only effective against Bosses.] Increases damage dealt by physical damage by 15 when all AP is spent.
      DefenderReduce damage when at 30% or lower HP.

      Dodge RollConsume 5 AP to boost Evasion by 1 Tier. [Can be used once per turn.]
      Blitz+An overhead strike dealing 30 AP damage to a single enemy. Fills Break Gauge by 20%.
      Sonic Blade – A rapid lunging attack that strikes 7 times. Each thrust is worth 6 AP to use against 7 enemies or concentrate the damage on fewer enemies for a maximum damage of 42 AP. Fills Break Gauge by 15%.

      Rainbow Glow: 1 Turn


    "Thanks Chrys! I needed that!" Koa heard Avra call out which reminded him that he still had some of his own magic left to spare.

    Koa cast Cura on himself. "Ah...much better." The keyblader rubbed his shoulder feeling some of the soreness of his body fade away after having healed himself up. The Heartless numbers were dwindling and at this rate he was sure they'd pull out a hard fought victory. "We've got this in the bag! Just a little more!" He shouted excitedly, spinning his keyblade as he leapt over Chrysanthemum and struck down a Gargoyle hovering over her. "They may have gotten stronger but they're still no match for us."

    "That's exactly the kind of thought I had in mind." Avra charged in front of Koa and destroyed another Gargoyle with a spinning cut. "Let's finish this already!"

    HP: 42/95
    AP: 2/50
    MP: 1/30

    HP: 54/105
    AP: 4/48
    MP: 21/40

    HP: 42/120
    AP: 6/42
    MP: 11/30

    HP: 45/115
    AP: 6/54
    MP: 31/40

    Heartless Defeated:
    9 Gargoyles (16AP)
    1 Crimson Jazz (20AP)
    1 Search Ghost (12AP)

    • Chrysanthemum was critically hit for 36 Damage! (13/115HP)
      Zeno took 20 Damage! (25/155HP)
      Koa took 21 Damage! (21/95HP)
      Avra took 26 Damage! (16/120HP)
      Pagos took 28 Damage! (26/105HP)

      Enemies Remaining:
      8 Air Pirates (12AP)
      21 Search Ghosts (12AP)

    • Shield Break – Can only be used once per battle. During the turn this ability is used Guard, Stone, and Reflect are ignored by Chrys's physical attacks. Deals 25% more damage with physical attacks to bosses when used.
      Dispel – Can only be used once per battle. Removes any magical buffs caused by Spells from all enemies.

      HP: 13/115
      AP: 62/62+10
      MP: 7/40
      DP: 3/3

      None active.

      – Defense is boosted proportional to the amount of AP saved.
      White MageCure heals 2 targets instead of 1.
      DefenderReduce damage when at 30% or lower HP.
      Stone BoostStone lasts an extra turn.
      Red MageAero, Stone, and Water last an extra turn.
      MP Haste – Regain 1 MP per turn.
      Second Chance – If you have 2 HP or more, a hit you take that would knock you out brings you to 1 HP instead. Only works once.

      Dodge Roll
      Consume 5 AP to boost Evasion by 1 Tier. [Can be used once per turn.]
      BlitzDish out an attack worth 10 AP to 1 enemy. Fills Break Gauge by 10%.
      Vicinity Break
      A circular swing over a wide area dealing an attack worth 10 AP to strike 4 enemies. Fills Break Gauge by 10%.
      MP DrainConvert 20 AP into 5 MP.

      Water: 2 Turns.

    • HP: 21/95
      AP: 50/50
      MP: 1/30


    • HP: 27/120
      AP: 42/42
      MP: 11/30


    • HP: 26/105
      AP: 48/48
      MP: 21/40


    • HP: 45/115
      AP: 54/54
      MP: 31/40


    Post by: Arch, May 25, 2018 in forum: Role-Playing Arena
  20. Arch

    Valen attacked the thug to his South with his axe. ...And he missed. He regretted not using his Chord of Shards to strike the multitude of enemies to the North even if it meant possibly hitting an ally. There was no honor in missing an attack. No onur at all.

    Attack Roll: 1d20+4 = 9
    Attack Missed!

    Post by: Arch, May 23, 2018 in forum: Retirement Home