Valen ran forward now that their enemies had grouped themselves together in a small hallway and strummed hard against his guitar strings. A piercing sonic burst emitted from his instrument and flew right at the thugs ahead of them. Spoiler: Mechanics Valen moved 20 feet. Valen used Chord of Shards on everything. (Look at Roll20.) Damage Roll: 2d6=12
Valen ran forward now that their enemies had grouped themselves together in a small hallway and strummed hard against his guitar strings. A piercing sonic burst emitted from his instrument and flew right at the thugs ahead of them. Spoiler: Mechanics Valen moved 20 feet. Valen used Chord of Shards on everything. (Look at Roll20.) Damage Roll: 2d6=12
Torrin nodded in response to Tinarah and Chrono. "I've done it before. It's not pleasant but it's not complicated either." Torrin ran a hand through his hair and then stuffed his hands into his pockets, looking over at Take who asked a few questions. Torrin chewed on his cheek and his eyes shifted upwards as he tried to recall lessons he had once learned but never had anyone to recite them to in years. After a moment of racking his brain for answers he settled on the best answer for the situation. "It's more complicated than that. You sealing the keyhole kept anything new from entering this world from the outside, like Quietus. It's very much like locking a door to a house. The thing is, there were already Heartless within the house that slid further in. Now imagine the heart of a world being a basement. Basements are dark and that's fine because there's normally nothing dangerous there. But if Heartless get in there then it might as well be a playground for them where their power only grows. Now if the Heartless cause enough damage to the basement, the whole house collapses in on itself. Sealing the world from the darkness outside forced them down under and if we don't deal with them eventually the damage they do here will be irreversible." He took a deep breath before continuing. "Boreas and I would feel right at home in the core but the rest of you will need to wear something to protect yourselves from the heavy darkness. Luckily I anticipated this would eventually be necessary somewhere along the journey and I had Edna make some coats for everyone. She wasn't thrilled about the design but the material it's made from kept her interest." Torrin tossed long black coats and a pair of gloves at Take, Chrono, and Tinarah.
Torrin nodded in response to Tinarah and Chrono. "I've done it before. It's not pleasant but it's not complicated either." Torrin ran a hand through his hair and then stuffed his hands into his pockets, looking over at Take who asked a few questions. Torrin chewed on his cheek and his eyes shifted upwards as he tried to recall lessons he had once learned but never had anyone to recite them to in years. After a moment of racking his brain for answers he settled on the best answer for the situation. "It's more complicated than that. You sealing the keyhole kept anything new from entering this world from the outside, like Quietus. It's very much like locking a door to a house. The thing is, there were already Heartless within the house that slid further in. Now imagine the heart of a world being a basement. Basements are dark and that's fine because there's normally nothing dangerous there. But if Heartless get in there then it might as well be a playground for them where their power only grows. Now if the Heartless cause enough damage to the basement, the whole house collapses in on itself. Sealing the world from the darkness outside forced them down under and if we don't deal with them eventually the damage they do here will be irreversible." He took a deep breath before continuing. "Boreas and I would feel right at home in the core but the rest of you will need to wear something to protect yourselves from the heavy darkness. Luckily I anticipated this would eventually be necessary somewhere along the journey and I had Edna make some coats for everyone. She wasn't thrilled about the design but the material it's made from kept her interest." Torrin tossed long black coats and a pair of gloves at Take, Chrono, and Tinarah.
"Let me go! I can run too!" Taran grunted and against Illiana, kicking his legs in the air as he struggled to free himself from her grasp. "You don't need to carry me!" Up ahead the two could hear sounds of footsteps approaching from the very direction they were heading. The sounds of dogs barking echoed behind them as more of the Horned King's men chased after Illiana and Taran. The two were trapped in the hallway. "You're going to have to put me down if you're going to fight!" Bandits rounded a corner and came into view in front of them just as shouts behind them grew louder. Being trapped in a narrow hallway and being surrounded with no way out meant terrible odds for fighting, even if only so many enemies could come at them from once they would still be coming from two directions. Bandits began to close in on Taran and Illiana when the group of enemies in front of them were suddenly knocked over by an explosion of fire. Most were knocked out in the blast and those that weren't were writhing in pain. Standing before them was Master Thallasa with flames tracing around her fingers. She clapped her hands together and brushed off the fire from her palms. "Thank goodness you two are alright. I had to circle around after causing a distraction. Hurry! We need to get to Glyde! He's in deep trouble! We need to get moving now!" She spoke quickly, motioning for Illiana to follow after her. Meanwhile, as Aria and Qamar descended deeper into the castle the air grew colder and damp. The sounds of bandits and rabid dogs faded into the distance and the farther the two went they could start to hear the sound of a distant scream. The area they found themselves in had several cells, some filled only with rats and the occasional skeleton. "I'm a bard! I sing! I entertain! These are the hands of an artist!" They could faintly hear a frightened man's voice followed by the sound of a barking dog. The man yelped. Now look, you seem an intelligent gentleman to me. I had no idea I was tresspassing on this castle! I just happened to be passing." The bard spoke quickly. The sounds of the prisoner came from a stone cell with bars covering its small holes where one would have been able to look in from the dungeon area. A thick wooden door creaked open and one of the Horned King's men came out, dragging his starved dog by a chain. As the man left the bard called out in anger. "Do you realize who I am!? I shall sing of your dastardly deed! I am Fflewddur Fflam! Minstrel of minstrels! Balladier to the grandest courts in all the land!" The bandit was gone, having gone down the hall and vanishing out of sight.
Torrin narrowed his eyes at Take for a moment, unsure of the kid's confidence. Things would only get more dangerous from here and the last thing he wanted was to lose another person on this mission. "Hm." He scratched his chin and though for a moment. Tinarah had taken the opportunity to heal them of their injuries and, though his magical reserves were not at 100% he was feeling a better about going with Take and Tinarah's wish to keep fighting. "I suppose we can move on. Tinarah's a more powerful mage than I thought. I'm impressed with the progress you guys have made to be honest." When Chrono went over to question the aptly named "Bowler Hat Guy" he opened his mouth to begin to answer and the other villain Elastigirl had tied up for the police, Xerek, shouted, "Don't tell them anything you idiot!" Bowler Hat Guy looked over at the villain and then back up at Chrono and then over at Elastigirl. "I'll talk! But only if you put in a good word for me!" Bowler Hat Guy pleaded and Elastigirl simply sighed and nodded very slightly in response. "Don't you dare, Yagoobian!" Xerek called out. "Shut it Xerek! No one likes a sore loser! It was all your fault this plan failed anyway! If you hadn't listened to that hooded woman and that clown none of this would have happened! We could have robbed banks but noooo you were seduced by magitek!" Bowler Hat Guy spat at Xerek. "We received schematics of the magitek device from a hooded woman. It was totally unrelated to our plans but Xerek thought he could use it for himself once the clown was out of the way since Kefka couldn't stop bragging about how much fun he'd have using it to mess with you brats." "You fool! Robbing banks!? Seriously!? I could have made billions with that device! This is why you were just a lackey!" "When we saw how tough the newcomers were we figured having a little extra muscle to keep you off our backs would be a good idea." Xerek sighed loudly. "He's lying! Doris had that idea! He actually suggested opening a fashion line consisting of nothing but bowler hats and capes would be a good idea!" "The Bowlcape Emporium was a great idea and you know it, Xerek!" Bowler Hat Guy sneered. "That's what you were going to call it!? That doesn't even make anything even remotely sounding like a word! Just take me to jail already. I don't want to be anywhere near that weirdo anymore!" Torrin scratched the back of his head and watched as the two villains kept arguing while going on and on over who was the bigger fool. The keyblade master shook his head and tried to ignore the argument. He turned to Boreas, returning his mind to the conversation at hand. "What might lie at the core of all this, you say?" Torrin chuckled. "Funny you should say that since that's where we'll be heading to next. We're heading right into the heart of this world. It'll be the only way to clear out the darkness plaguing this place." "Hey Zeno! Here's something to make up for earlier! And a little something for you too Pagos!" Koa cast Curaga on both of his comrades. "About time!" Zeno shouted while Pagos gave a silent wave at Koa in thanks. Koa had given nearly all the magic he had left to give but he did have one final trick up his arsenal to lay the beating on the Demon Plague. A flame swirled around his keyblade and Koa fired off an arc of magical fire at the Heartless, blasting a hole in the swarm with his Spellblade. Koa hunched over and took in a deep breath, Koa HP: 29/110 AP: 24/54 MP: 0/40 Avra HP: 53/135 AP: 4/44 MP: 7/40 Pagos HP: 51/110 AP: 14/54 MP: 5/40 Zeno HP: 46/115 AP: 20/60 MP: 8/40 Round 5 Chrysanthemum Koa Avra Pagos Zeno Demon Plague HP: 352 / 2,000 Attack Power: 22 Break Gauge: 35 / 130% Chrysanthemum took 7 Damage! (24/120HP) Koa took 25 Damage! (4/110HP) Avra took 26 Damage! (27/135HP) Pagos took 30 Damage! (21/110HP) Pagos's MP Rage activated! Zeno was hit for 30 Damage! (16/115HP) Zeno's MP Rage activated! Koa was Poisoned! Koa, Avra, Pagos, and Zeno took 15 damage! Koa was knocked out! Shield Break – Can only be used once per battle. During the turn this ability is used Guard, Stone, and Reflect are ignored by Chrys's physical attacks. Deals 25% more damage with physical attacks to bosses when used. Dispel – Can only be used once per battle. Removes any magical buffs caused by Spells from all enemies. HP: 24/120 AP: 64/64 MP: 15/40 DP: 3/3 FORMS None active. PASSIVE ABILITIES Guard White Mage Defender Stone Boost Red Mage MP Haste Second Chance ACTIVE ABILITIES Dodge Roll Blitz Vicinity Break MP Drain STATUS Stonega: 1 Turn HP: 0/110 AP: 54/54 MP: 0/40 ABILITIES Koa's Keyblade Armor – Fire Immunity. Spellblade – Deal 50 AP of any elemental type. Guard Defender Leaf Bracer Second Chance Doublecast SPELLS Curaga Esunaga Vielga Firaga Reflega Sparkga STATUS Poisoned HP: 12/135 AP: 44/44 MP: 7/40 ABILITIES Avra's Keyblade Armor – Resists 20% of physical damage. Counterblade – 10% to counterattack for 30 AP when attacked. Guard Fire Screen Blizzard Screen Thunder Screen Doublecast SPELLS Curaga Firaga Stonega Reflega Sparkga Fatalga STATUS Poisoned HP: 6/110 AP: 54/54 MP: 10/40 ABILITIES Pagos's Keyblade Armor – Blizzard Immunity. Snowstorm – Doubles power of all Blizzard spells for 3 Turns. Guard Defender MP Rage Triplecast SPELLS Curaga Firaga Blizzaga Waterga Stopga Poisonga STATUS Poisoned HP: 1/115 AP: 60/60 MP: 13/40 ABILITIES Zeno's Keyblade Armor – Thunder Immunity. Electric Pulse – Give up to 5 targets the Stun status or fill Break Gauge by 50%. Guard Combo Plus Defender MP Rage Second Chance Doublecast SPELLS Curaga Firaga Thundaga Aeroga Sparkga Warpga STATUS Poisoned
Torrin narrowed his eyes at Take for a moment, unsure of the kid's confidence. Things would only get more dangerous from here and the last thing he wanted was to lose another person on this mission. "Hm." He scratched his chin and though for a moment. Tinarah had taken the opportunity to heal them of their injuries and, though his magical reserves were not at 100% he was feeling a better about going with Take and Tinarah's wish to keep fighting. "I suppose we can move on. Tinarah's a more powerful mage than I thought. I'm impressed with the progress you guys have made to be honest." When Chrono went over to question the aptly named "Bowler Hat Guy" he opened his mouth to begin to answer and the other villain Elastigirl had tied up for the police, Xerek, shouted, "Don't tell them anything you idiot!" Bowler Hat Guy looked over at the villain and then back up at Chrono and then over at Elastigirl. "I'll talk! But only if you put in a good word for me!" Bowler Hat Guy pleaded and Elastigirl simply sighed and nodded very slightly in response. "Don't you dare, Yagoobian!" Xerek called out. "Shut it Xerek! No one likes a sore loser! It was all your fault this plan failed anyway! If you hadn't listened to that hooded woman and that clown none of this would have happened! We could have robbed banks but noooo you were seduced by magitek!" Bowler Hat Guy spat at Xerek. "We received schematics of the magitek device from a hooded woman. It was totally unrelated to our plans but Xerek thought he could use it for himself once the clown was out of the way since Kefka couldn't stop bragging about how much fun he'd have using it to mess with you brats." "You fool! Robbing banks!? Seriously!? I could have made billions with that device! This is why you were just a lackey!" "When we saw how tough the newcomers were we figured having a little extra muscle to keep you off our backs would be a good idea." Xerek sighed loudly. "He's lying! Doris had that idea! He actually suggested opening a fashion line consisting of nothing but bowler hats and capes would be a good idea!" "The Bowlcape Emporium was a great idea and you know it, Xerek!" Bowler Hat Guy sneered. "That's what you were going to call it!? That doesn't even make anything even remotely sounding like a word! Just take me to jail already. I don't want to be anywhere near that weirdo anymore!" Torrin scratched the back of his head and watched as the two villains kept arguing while going on and on over who was the bigger fool. The keyblade master shook his head and tried to ignore the argument. He turned to Boreas, returning his mind to the conversation at hand. "What might lie at the core of all this, you say?" Torrin chuckled. "Funny you should say that since that's where we'll be heading to next. We're heading right into the heart of this world. It'll be the only way to clear out the darkness plaguing this place."
"Hey Zeno! Here's something to make up for earlier! And a little something for you too Pagos!" Koa cast Curaga on both of his comrades. "About time!" Zeno shouted while Pagos gave a silent wave at Koa in thanks. Koa had given nearly all the magic he had left to give but he did have one final trick up his arsenal to lay the beating on the Demon Plague. A flame swirled around his keyblade and Koa fired off an arc of magical fire at the Heartless, blasting a hole in the swarm with his Spellblade. Koa hunched over and took in a deep breath, Koa HP: 29/110 AP: 24/54 MP: 0/40 Avra HP: 53/135 AP: 4/44 MP: 7/40 Pagos HP: 51/110 AP: 14/54 MP: 5/40 Zeno HP: 46/115 AP: 20/60 MP: 8/40
"You'd think that wouldn't you? But ever since those freaky monsters showed up we've been having a hard time dealing with them!" Frozen answered Take. "I wanted to help them so I tagged along. I hoped I could make up for what I did under that clown's control but..." Machina looked down sullenly. "Hey it's not your fault, kid." Mr. Incredible placed his large hand on Machina's shoulder. "Last night the four of us were fighting the remnants of those monsters that showed up yesterday. We thought we had a handle of the situation but more just kept coming." "I think...I think they're coming from within the world. Something feels wrong about it." "Either way none of our powers were doing much good against them. But those weird weapons of yours seem to deal with them just fine." Frozone added in. "I managed to finish apprehending the bad guys and you guys are just talking? How very heroic of you leaving me to clean up your mess again." Elastigirl's legs stretched downward into view first as she teased the other heroes and the rest of her soon followed as she snapped back to her normal proportions. "Busted." Frozone snicked but when Elastigirl turned to give him a glare he looked away and whistled nervously. Mr. Incredible faked a laugh and scratched the back of his head, taking on a softer tone when speaking to Elastigirl. "Yeah uh...sorry. We were just telling the kids here about how we ended up in this mess." "Uh-huh..." Torrin folded his arms and glanced over at the remains of the giant hat robot. "Looks like we're not done yet but from the sounds of it, going in to solve this problem won't be easy. We'll need to be at full strength." As Thallasa knocked out a bandit that leapt at her the woman turned over towards Qamar and Illiana. "Get Taran out of here! I'll try to hold them off for you!" She shouted at the girls. As she spoke, she could hear her communicator go off and Glyde's frantic voice come from the other side. "Master Thallasa come quick! I need–" His voice was cut off and followed by static. A sense of desperation filled the master as she called upon her magic, raining thunder down through the ceiling to slow down the approaching bandits. Meanwhile, as Aria ran she found herself being chased out through a door that led out to a balcony overlooking a moat and, beyond, a dead forest. Maces, axes, and swords were now aimed as the Horned King's men began to approach her. Hen Wen squealed in fear and backed up behind the girl, tugging at the leash still attached to her neck. Koa, Avra, and Pagos healed themselves. Zeno, noticing that Pagos had been struck hard and was falling behind gave the boy an extra dose of Curing to keep the youngest Chaser standing. "Keep going! We're making it angry so we must be making progress!" "Now you're talking!" Avra called out in agreement. Koa HP: 60/110 AP: 14/54 MP: 20/40 Avra HP: 80/135 AP: 4/44 MP: 17/40 Pagos HP: 71/110 AP: 14/54 MP: 0/40 Zeno HP: 63/115 AP: 20/60 MP: 3/40 Rays of light began to filter through holes in the Heartless swarm. It had begun to thin yet the Demon Plague grew more desperate as the fight dragged on, continuing to shoot streams of Neoshadows at the group. Chrysanthemum was flung backwards at least thirty feet after having received the worst of it. Round 4 Chrysanthemum Koa Avra Pagos Zeno Demon Plague HP: 552 / 2,000 Attack Power: 22 Break Gauge: 35 / 130% Chrysanthemum was critically hit for 51 Damage! (6/120HP) Koa took 41 Damage! (19/110HP) Avra took 37 Damage! (43/135HP) Pagos took 30 Damage! (41/110HP) Pagos's MP Rage activated! Zeno was hit for 27 Damage! (36/115HP) Zeno's MP Rage activated! Koa was Poisoned! Koa, Avra, Pagos, and Zeno took 15 damage! Shield Break – Can only be used once per battle. During the turn this ability is used Guard, Stone, and Reflect are ignored by Chrys's physical attacks. Deals 25% more damage with physical attacks to bosses when used. Dispel – Can only be used once per battle. Removes any magical buffs caused by Spells from all enemies. HP: 6/120 AP: 64/64 MP: 19/40 DP: 3/3 FORMS None active. PASSIVE ABILITIES Guard White Mage Defender Stone Boost Red Mage MP Haste Second Chance ACTIVE ABILITIES Dodge Roll Blitz Vicinity Break MP Drain STATUS Stonega: 2 Turns HP: 4/110 AP: 54/54 MP: 20/40 ABILITIES Koa's Keyblade Armor – Fire Immunity. Spellblade – Deal 50 AP of any elemental type. Guard Defender Leaf Bracer Second Chance Doublecast SPELLS Curaga Esunaga Vielga Firaga Reflega Sparkga STATUS Poisoned HP: 28/135 AP: 44/44 MP: 17/40 ABILITIES Avra's Keyblade Armor – Resists 20% of physical damage. Counterblade – 10% to counterattack for 30 AP when attacked. Guard Fire Screen Blizzard Screen Thunder Screen Doublecast SPELLS Curaga Firaga Stonega Reflega Sparkga Fatalga STATUS Poisoned HP: 26/110 AP: 54/54 MP: 5/40 ABILITIES Pagos's Keyblade Armor – Blizzard Immunity. Snowstorm – Doubles power of all Blizzard spells for 3 Turns. Guard Defender MP Rage Triplecast SPELLS Curaga Firaga Blizzaga Waterga Stopga Poisonga STATUS Poisoned HP: 21/115 AP: 60/60 MP: 8/40 ABILITIES Zeno's Keyblade Armor – Thunder Immunity. Electric Pulse – Give up to 5 targets the Stun status or fill Break Gauge by 50%. Guard Combo Plus Defender MP Rage Second Chance Doublecast SPELLS Curaga Firaga Thundaga Aeroga Sparkga Warpga STATUS Poisoned
"You'd think that wouldn't you? But ever since those freaky monsters showed up we've been having a hard time dealing with them!" Frozen answered Take. "I wanted to help them so I tagged along. I hoped I could make up for what I did under that clown's control but..." Machina looked down sullenly. "Hey it's not your fault, kid." Mr. Incredible placed his large hand on Machina's shoulder. "Last night the four of us were fighting the remnants of those monsters that showed up yesterday. We thought we had a handle of the situation but more just kept coming." "I think...I think they're coming from within the world. Something feels wrong about it." "Either way none of our powers were doing much good against them. But those weird weapons of yours seem to deal with them just fine." Frozone added in. "I managed to finish apprehending the bad guys and you guys are just talking? How very heroic of you leaving me to clean up your mess again." Elastigirl's legs stretched downward into view first as she teased the other heroes and the rest of her soon followed as she snapped back to her normal proportions. "Busted." Frozone snicked but when Elastigirl turned to give him a glare he looked away and whistled nervously. Mr. Incredible faked a laugh and scratched the back of his head, taking on a softer tone when speaking to Elastigirl. "Yeah uh...sorry. We were just telling the kids here about how we ended up in this mess." "Uh-huh..." Torrin folded his arms and glanced over at the remains of the giant hat robot. "Looks like we're not done yet but from the sounds of it, going in to solve this problem won't be easy. We'll need to be at full strength."
As Thallasa knocked out a bandit that leapt at her the woman turned over towards Qamar and Illiana. "Get Taran out of here! I'll try to hold them off for you!" She shouted at the girls. As she spoke, she could hear her communicator go off and Glyde's frantic voice come from the other side. "Master Thallasa come quick! I need–" His voice was cut off and followed by static. A sense of desperation filled the master as she called upon her magic, raining thunder down through the ceiling to slow down the approaching bandits. Meanwhile, as Aria ran she found herself being chased out through a door that led out to a balcony overlooking a moat and, beyond, a dead forest. Maces, axes, and swords were now aimed as the Horned King's men began to approach her. Hen Wen squealed in fear and backed up behind the girl, tugging at the leash still attached to her neck.
Koa, Avra, and Pagos healed themselves. Zeno, noticing that Pagos had been struck hard and was falling behind gave the boy an extra dose of Curing to keep the youngest Chaser standing. "Keep going! We're making it angry so we must be making progress!" "Now you're talking!" Avra called out in agreement. Koa HP: 60/110 AP: 14/54 MP: 20/40 Avra HP: 80/135 AP: 4/44 MP: 17/40 Pagos HP: 71/110 AP: 14/54 MP: 0/40 Zeno HP: 63/115 AP: 20/60 MP: 3/40
Rays of light began to filter through holes in the Heartless swarm. It had begun to thin yet the Demon Plague grew more desperate as the fight dragged on, continuing to shoot streams of Neoshadows at the group. Chrysanthemum was flung backwards at least thirty feet after having received the worst of it.
"Twin vengeance hm?" He scratched his chin and shrugged in response, eyeing Lima with scrutiny. "I suppose that's a powerful enough motivator. Assuming she cared for her twin in the first place." Arctus stated plainly. "And I'm not with the others simply because I choose not to be." He responded towards Lynn. He planted his sword in the ground and leaned against it while half paying attention to Karina as he kept his eye on the other girl. "Hm. I'm beginning to think I'd have had better luck resolving things on my own world." He mused as his eyes began to follow Karina while she started walking away. Even if it would be a short while, he was certain that taking this path instead would prove more beneficial to him than remaining with the other Black Coats. Arctus pulled his blade from the ground and trailed behind the group, refraining from making any further one-liners.
"Twin vengeance hm?" He scratched his chin and shrugged in response, eyeing Lima with scrutiny. "I suppose that's a powerful enough motivator. Assuming she cared for her twin in the first place." Arctus stated plainly. "And I'm not with the others simply because I choose not to be." He responded towards Lynn. He planted his sword in the ground and leaned against it while half paying attention to Karina as he kept his eye on the other girl. "Hm. I'm beginning to think I'd have had better luck resolving things on my own world." He mused as his eyes began to follow Karina while she started walking away. Even if it would be a short while, he was certain that taking this path instead would prove more beneficial to him than remaining with the other Black Coats. Arctus pulled his blade from the ground and trailed behind the group, refraining from making any further one-liners.
"Guess everything's over then." Alder folded his arms and took one final look over at the cliff where he had destroyed the Core. It did not feel like much of an accomplishment due to all the damage they had caused to this world and the harm brought to its people. All they had managed to do was prevent things from getting even worse but the damage was done and he wasn't sure what do to do now. Alder scratched his chin wondering if, with the plethora of scientific knowledge back in his mind, he could invent something to repair this world but the idea was far-fetched even as just a concept. Still... "Aevum and who you are now seem like two totally different people. So I think that's what she means by saying Chrono is a better fit. And I guess I'd have to agree with that." Alder spoke as he headed over towards the others.
"Guess everything's over then." Alder folded his arms and took one final look over at the cliff where he had destroyed the Core. It did not feel like much of an accomplishment due to all the damage they had caused to this world and the harm brought to its people. All they had managed to do was prevent things from getting even worse but the damage was done and he wasn't sure what do to do now. Alder scratched his chin wondering if, with the plethora of scientific knowledge back in his mind, he could invent something to repair this world but the idea was far-fetched even as just a concept. Still... "Aevum and who you are now seem like two totally different people. So I think that's what she means by saying Chrono is a better fit. And I guess I'd have to agree with that." Alder spoke as he headed over towards the others.
Torrin watched as Darkwing Duck struck at the giant robot with all he had, even firing off more grenades in the machine's glowing red eye and as dents began to show in Mega Doris's armor and the damage built up faster than it could repair itself Torrin saw his opening to bring the machine down permanently. He loosed off another Blizzard spell which cut straight through its metallic shell then gripped his keyblade with both hands. The blade extended and transformed into a greatsword. "Good night, Hat." Torrin's blade glowed with dark energy and in an instant he vanished and reappeared on the opposite side of the robot having delivered a devastating cut from his ultimate technique. He called off his keyblade and turned around just at the same moment the giant hat's body began to crash down to the ground after having just had two of its legs severed from Torrin's attack. "D-Doris no! Get up! You can't be defeated! You're supposed to be invincible! Get up!" Bowler Hat Guy shouted desperately as he fell to his knees atop Mega Doris. The red light at its center began to glow brighter and its two remaining limbs began to force to robot back up. "Yes! That's it! Rise and fix yourself Doris! So long as your core is intact you can never be destroyed!" "Oh come on I gave it all I had!" Torrin growled but before he could summon his keyblade freezing cold rays of ice rained down and crystallized around Doris's metal legs, pinning the robot down. Frozone skated overhead and gave the keybladers a thumbs up as he skated by. Machina and Mr. Incredible charged ahead from behind Tinarah and Chrono and leapt into the air. Machina stabbed his blades into one leg and Mr. Incredible smashed his fists into the other shattering the frozen legs. "Now Elastigirl!" Just as he spoke a manhole cover shot past him and pierced through the center of the hat's eye after having been slingshotted by Elastigirl. The sound of gears whirring and coming to a stop cold be heard from within Doris and the light in its eye was extinguished leaving a useless pile of junk underneath the lanky man. "No! Doris!" Bowler Hat Guy, realizing he had been bested turned to run but the villain barely managed to took two steps when his legs were frozen in place as Frozone made another pass before the hero came down to come to a skidding stop beside Mr. Incredible and Elastigirl. "Hmph. Show offs." Darkwing complained, folding his arms. "Sorry for the wait, kids. We needed to catch our breath and you guys held your own. For being homeless upstarts you kids put up one heck of a fight!" Chrono, Tinarah, and Takehiko gained 4 Levels! They each gained an Ability! Boreas gained 3 Levels! Boreas gained an Ability! Torrin gained 1 Level! Post in the OOC Thread to collect your rewards!
Torrin watched as Darkwing Duck struck at the giant robot with all he had, even firing off more grenades in the machine's glowing red eye and as dents began to show in Mega Doris's armor and the damage built up faster than it could repair itself Torrin saw his opening to bring the machine down permanently. He loosed off another Blizzard spell which cut straight through its metallic shell then gripped his keyblade with both hands. The blade extended and transformed into a greatsword. "Good night, Hat." Torrin's blade glowed with dark energy and in an instant he vanished and reappeared on the opposite side of the robot having delivered a devastating cut from his ultimate technique. He called off his keyblade and turned around just at the same moment the giant hat's body began to crash down to the ground after having just had two of its legs severed from Torrin's attack. "D-Doris no! Get up! You can't be defeated! You're supposed to be invincible! Get up!" Bowler Hat Guy shouted desperately as he fell to his knees atop Mega Doris. The red light at its center began to glow brighter and its two remaining limbs began to force to robot back up. "Yes! That's it! Rise and fix yourself Doris! So long as your core is intact you can never be destroyed!" "Oh come on I gave it all I had!" Torrin growled but before he could summon his keyblade freezing cold rays of ice rained down and crystallized around Doris's metal legs, pinning the robot down. Frozone skated overhead and gave the keybladers a thumbs up as he skated by. Machina and Mr. Incredible charged ahead from behind Tinarah and Chrono and leapt into the air. Machina stabbed his blades into one leg and Mr. Incredible smashed his fists into the other shattering the frozen legs. "Now Elastigirl!" Just as he spoke a manhole cover shot past him and pierced through the center of the hat's eye after having been slingshotted by Elastigirl. The sound of gears whirring and coming to a stop cold be heard from within Doris and the light in its eye was extinguished leaving a useless pile of junk underneath the lanky man. "No! Doris!" Bowler Hat Guy, realizing he had been bested turned to run but the villain barely managed to took two steps when his legs were frozen in place as Frozone made another pass before the hero came down to come to a skidding stop beside Mr. Incredible and Elastigirl. "Hmph. Show offs." Darkwing complained, folding his arms. "Sorry for the wait, kids. We needed to catch our breath and you guys held your own. For being homeless upstarts you kids put up one heck of a fight!"
Thallasa scratched her chin thoughtfully. "Even if they did bring Hen Wen out, we shouldn't engage. There's too many of them." "But what if they hurt her? We can't leave her!" Taran looked back down at the hall and his eyes widened when a dark smoke began to materialize at the front of the hall. A cold wind blew through the room and immediately the room went silent. A loud crack of thunder echoed within the hall and a heavy air of darkness filled the room. When the smoke disappeared the a tall horned figure in a dark red robe remained. The figure said nothing and went to sit at the throne at the front end of the hall, its glowing red eyes fixed in a permanent glare. A small green goblin wearing a purple hood ran up to the figure that could only be the Horned King and spoke in a trembling submissive voice. "It is so good to see you again master! We were just celebrating and..." The Horned King began tapping his long pointed nails against the armrest of the throne appearing to be uninterested. "O-of course! Right away, master! BRING IN THE PIG!" At the goblin's command a bandit appeared from at the other end of the hall dragging a squealing Hen Wen by a leash. "No! Hen Wen!" Taran leaned a little too far forward and slipped, falling down onto the hallway below before scrambling over towards Hen Wen. The bandits rose and many of them drew weapons. Thallasa cursed under her breath. "Taran you fool!" She spoke in an angered whispered. "Change of plans. Get the boy and his pig out of there!" Thallasa summoned her keyblade and then jumped down into the crowd, landing on top of a table. "Intruders!" The Horned King hissed and at his words the bandits began to close in on Taran and Thallasa, ready to kill. "Of course! I know that!" Zeno called out in response as he leapt and cleaved at the Demon Plague. He assumed he made a dent in the swarm since his blade destroyed several Neoshadows but there were so many that it appeared to hardly make a difference. He cast another Blizzaga just as two more large ice crystals from Pagos were fired off and the resulting explosion of ice caused tiny particles of ice to rain down, glinting in the faint light they found themselves in. "Utter beauty." Zeno commented. "A shame we cannot sit back and appreciate it." Koa HP: 72/110 AP: 4/54 MP: 30/40 Avra HP: 110/135 AP: 0/44 MP: 27/40 Pagos HP: 73/110 AP: 4/54 MP: 5/40 Zeno HP: 115/115 AP: 10/60 MP: 8/40 A column of Heartless sprung upwards into the sky, breaking away from the main body of the Demon Plague and came crashing down on the group, knocking them over. Round 3 Chrysanthemum Koa Avra Pagos Zeno Demon Plague HP: 772 / 2,000 Attack Power: 22 Break Gauge: 30 / 130% Chrysanthemum was hit for 38 Damage! (52/120HP) Koa was hit for 37 Damage! (35/110HP) Avra was hit for 40 Damage! (70/135HP) Pagos was hit for 37 Damage! (36/110HP) Pagos's MP Rage activated! Zeno was hit for 37 Damage! (78/115HP) Zeno's MP Rage activated! Avra, Pagos, and Zeno were Poisoned! They took 15 damage! Shield Break – Can only be used once per battle. During the turn this ability is used Guard, Stone, and Reflect are ignored by Chrys's physical attacks. Deals 25% more damage with physical attacks to bosses when used. Dispel – Can only be used once per battle. Removes any magical buffs caused by Spells from all enemies. HP: 52/120 AP: 64/64 MP: 28/40 DP: 3/3 FORMS None active. PASSIVE ABILITIES Guard White Mage Defender Stone Boost Red Mage MP Haste Second Chance ACTIVE ABILITIES Dodge Roll Blitz Vicinity Break MP Drain STATUS Stonega: 3 Turns Veilga: 1 Turn HP: 35/110 AP: 54/54 MP: 30/40 ABILITIES Koa's Keyblade Armor – Fire Immunity. Spellblade – Deal 50 AP of any elemental type. Guard Defender Leaf Bracer Second Chance Doublecast SPELLS Curaga Esunaga Vielga Firaga Reflega Sparkga STATUS Veilga: 1 Turn HP: 55/135 AP: 44/44 MP: 40/40 ABILITIES Avra's Keyblade Armor – Resists 20% of physical damage. Counterblade – 10% to counterattack for 30 AP when attacked. Guard Fire Screen Blizzard Screen Thunder Screen Doublecast SPELLS Curaga Firaga Stonega Reflega Sparkga Fatalga STATUS Vielga: 1 Turn Stonega: 1 Turn Poisoned HP: 21/110 AP: 54/54 MP: 10/40 ABILITIES Pagos's Keyblade Armor – Blizzard Immunity. Snowstorm – Doubles power of all Blizzard spells for 3 Turns. Guard Defender MP Rage Triplecast SPELLS Curaga Firaga Blizzaga Waterga Stopga Poisonga STATUS Vielga: 1 Turn Snowstorm: 1 Turn Aeroga: 1 Turn Poisoned HP: 63/115 AP: 60/60 MP: 13/40 ABILITIES Zeno's Keyblade Armor – Thunder Immunity. Electric Pulse – Give up to 5 targets the Stun status or fill Break Gauge by 50%. Guard Combo Plus Defender MP Rage Second Chance Doublecast SPELLS Curaga Firaga Thundaga Aeroga Sparkga Warpga STATUS Aeroga: 1 Turn Poisoned
Thallasa scratched her chin thoughtfully. "Even if they did bring Hen Wen out, we shouldn't engage. There's too many of them." "But what if they hurt her? We can't leave her!" Taran looked back down at the hall and his eyes widened when a dark smoke began to materialize at the front of the hall. A cold wind blew through the room and immediately the room went silent. A loud crack of thunder echoed within the hall and a heavy air of darkness filled the room. When the smoke disappeared the a tall horned figure in a dark red robe remained. The figure said nothing and went to sit at the throne at the front end of the hall, its glowing red eyes fixed in a permanent glare. A small green goblin wearing a purple hood ran up to the figure that could only be the Horned King and spoke in a trembling submissive voice. "It is so good to see you again master! We were just celebrating and..." The Horned King began tapping his long pointed nails against the armrest of the throne appearing to be uninterested. "O-of course! Right away, master! BRING IN THE PIG!" At the goblin's command a bandit appeared from at the other end of the hall dragging a squealing Hen Wen by a leash. "No! Hen Wen!" Taran leaned a little too far forward and slipped, falling down onto the hallway below before scrambling over towards Hen Wen. The bandits rose and many of them drew weapons. Thallasa cursed under her breath. "Taran you fool!" She spoke in an angered whispered. "Change of plans. Get the boy and his pig out of there!" Thallasa summoned her keyblade and then jumped down into the crowd, landing on top of a table. "Intruders!" The Horned King hissed and at his words the bandits began to close in on Taran and Thallasa, ready to kill.
"Of course! I know that!" Zeno called out in response as he leapt and cleaved at the Demon Plague. He assumed he made a dent in the swarm since his blade destroyed several Neoshadows but there were so many that it appeared to hardly make a difference. He cast another Blizzaga just as two more large ice crystals from Pagos were fired off and the resulting explosion of ice caused tiny particles of ice to rain down, glinting in the faint light they found themselves in. "Utter beauty." Zeno commented. "A shame we cannot sit back and appreciate it." Koa HP: 72/110 AP: 4/54 MP: 30/40 Avra HP: 110/135 AP: 0/44 MP: 27/40 Pagos HP: 73/110 AP: 4/54 MP: 5/40 Zeno HP: 115/115 AP: 10/60 MP: 8/40
A column of Heartless sprung upwards into the sky, breaking away from the main body of the Demon Plague and came crashing down on the group, knocking them over.
Thallasa scratched her chin and motioned for them to keep walking. "Hm." She lowered her voice before speaking up about her own thoughts on Dallben. "We don't know if the Horned King has other means of bringing him here. Dallben's story checks out but he did act quite differently than when we last saw him." She pointed at the communicator still pinned to her shirt. "That was why I slipped one of these in Glyde's hand before we separated. He'll be fine and if he needs help, he'll be able to reach me at a moment's notice." The master assured Aria and Qamar. "I think I hear something!" Taran spoke in a hushed whisper having wandered ahead of the others. As they walked further into the castle the sounds of voices could be heard echoing through the stone halls. The closer they got to the source of the sounds the more distinct it became until it was apparent that they were the sounds of drunken celebration. Taran stood by an open door while he crouched down. The hall came to an abrupt end with only a few stone bricks laid past the door. Likely this had been a walkway above the grand hall before the path crumbled many years ago. Now the door led to a thirty foot drop down into a hall that reeked of alcohol that was filled with at least fifty armed bandits, two dragons perched atop a rusted chandelier, and a dozen hungry wolves chomping down on scraps of meat tossed aside by their masters. "Those must be the Horned King's minions. No doubt celebrating their capture of Hen Wen." Thallasa spoke softly. "I don't see any way around them and I don't think we should risk a fight."
Thallasa scratched her chin and motioned for them to keep walking. "Hm." She lowered her voice before speaking up about her own thoughts on Dallben. "We don't know if the Horned King has other means of bringing him here. Dallben's story checks out but he did act quite differently than when we last saw him." She pointed at the communicator still pinned to her shirt. "That was why I slipped one of these in Glyde's hand before we separated. He'll be fine and if he needs help, he'll be able to reach me at a moment's notice." The master assured Aria and Qamar. "I think I hear something!" Taran spoke in a hushed whisper having wandered ahead of the others. As they walked further into the castle the sounds of voices could be heard echoing through the stone halls. The closer they got to the source of the sounds the more distinct it became until it was apparent that they were the sounds of drunken celebration. Taran stood by an open door while he crouched down. The hall came to an abrupt end with only a few stone bricks laid past the door. Likely this had been a walkway above the grand hall before the path crumbled many years ago. Now the door led to a thirty foot drop down into a hall that reeked of alcohol that was filled with at least fifty armed bandits, two dragons perched atop a rusted chandelier, and a dozen hungry wolves chomping down on scraps of meat tossed aside by their masters. "Those must be the Horned King's minions. No doubt celebrating their capture of Hen Wen." Thallasa spoke softly. "I don't see any way around them and I don't think we should risk a fight."
He rolled backwards on recovering from the attack dealt to him before brushing off his coat of dirt. Torrin threw his keyblade at Mega Doris and when it reappeared in his hand he struck at it leg again. His eyes shifted over towards Boreas but Torrin said nothing more to him, having sensed an uneasiness about his tone and instead resigned himself to focusing on the battle. Torrin raised an eyebrow when he saw Take losing it after having taken a severe-looking blow. "Keep your head on straight!" Torrin warned Take. HP: 127/160 AP: 24/74+10 MP: 49/50 DP: 5/5 Darkwing Duck HP: 73/100 AP: 10/40+10 MP: 25/30 Round 3 Torrin Chrono Tinarah Takehiko Boreas Darkwing Duck Mega Doris HP: 583 / 1,400 Attack Power: 18 Break Gauge: 80 / 100% Regen: 3 Turns Torrin took No Damage! (127/160HP) Chrono's took 30 Damage! (55/85HP) Tinarah took 36 Damage! Tinarah's Regen recovered 7 HP! (28/75HP) Takehiko was Critically Hit for 44 Damage! (17/110HP) Bad Karma stored 20 Damage! Boreas took No Damage! (67/100HP) Darkwing Duck took No Damage! (73/100HP) Everyone recovered 5 MP from Invigorating Duet! Shin-Zantetsuken – An instant attack that destroys 10 random enemies. Deals 160 fixed damage to bosses and cuts all effects down to 1 turn of duration or ends them if the effects were on their last turn. HP: 127/160 AP: 74/74 MP: 50/50 DP: 5/5 FORMS None active. PASSIVE ABILITIES Guard Combo Plus x2 MP Rage MP Hastera Doublecast Yellow Mage Yellow Wizard ACTIVE ABILITIES Dodge Roll Blitz+ Over the Horizon Sonic Blade Strike Raid STATUS Inspired Rage: +10 AP. 1 Turn Temporis Imitatio – The more AP left unused at the end of the turn, the higher the chance Chrono will dodge an attack by leaving an afterimage of himself instead of Guarding. The Time Clone will attack with a random Active Ability Chrono has learned when activated. HP: 55/85 AP: 46/46 MP: 20/30 DP: 3/3 FORMS None active. PASSIVE ABILITIES Guard Defender Combo Plus Red Mage ACTIVE ABILITIES Dodge Roll Blitz Vicinity Break Strike Raid STATUS Inspired Rage: +10 AP. 1 Turn MY FRIENDS! – Whenever casting Cure on someone other than herself the spell heals 15 more HP. HP: 28/75 AP: 52/52 MP: 25/30 DP: 0/3 FORMS None active. PASSIVE ABILITIES Guard Defender Cure Boost Black Mage MP Haste White Mage ACTIVE ABILITIES Dodge Roll Blitz STATUS Inspired Rage: +10 AP. 1 Turn Provoke – Once per battle Takehiko can draw enemy attention from 2 allies. His defenses are boosted during this. HP: 17/110 AP: 38/38 MP: 30/30 DP: 3/3 FORMS Paladin Form: 2 Turns PASSIVE ABILITIES Guard Defender Reaction Boost MP Rage Wall ACTIVE ABILITIES Dodge Roll Blitz+ STATUS Inspired Rage: +10 AP. 1 Turn Bad Karma: 20 AP stored Inspiring Presence – Boreas makes a call to arms increasing the party's AP by 10 and Evasion by 1 Tier for 3 Turns. HP: 67/100 AP: 48/48 MP: 26/30 DP: 3/3 FORMS None active. PASSIVE ABILITIES Guard Defender Combo Plus Finisher Plus Black Mage Black Wizard ACTIVE ABILITIES Dodge Roll Blitz+ STATUS Inspired Rage: +10 AP. 1 Turn HP: 73/100 AP: 40/40 MP: 30/30 STATUS Inspired Rage: +10 AP. 1 Turn
He rolled backwards on recovering from the attack dealt to him before brushing off his coat of dirt. Torrin threw his keyblade at Mega Doris and when it reappeared in his hand he struck at it leg again. His eyes shifted over towards Boreas but Torrin said nothing more to him, having sensed an uneasiness about his tone and instead resigned himself to focusing on the battle. Torrin raised an eyebrow when he saw Take losing it after having taken a severe-looking blow. "Keep your head on straight!" Torrin warned Take. HP: 127/160 AP: 24/74+10 MP: 49/50 DP: 5/5 Darkwing Duck HP: 73/100 AP: 10/40+10 MP: 25/30
Thallasa nodded and scratched her chin, watching the old man curiously. "We're ready to move on." "Ah good. It's settled then." Dallben smiled and led the group towards the castle, bringing them down the rocky terrain and towards the side of the castle's shadow before they began making their ascent to reach a cracked stone wall. Dry thorny vines were broken off around what appeared to be a hole just large enough for them to slide in through. "Through here. I'm afraid I can't go any further. I'd only slow you down." "I was planning on leaving someone behind to keep an eye out but now Glyde here will have the additional task of looking after you. Don't worry. We'll get Hen Wen back safe." Thallas assured Dallben. "That's right! I promise I won't let you down again, Dallben." Taran added earnestly. "Of course. I know that, boy." The old man nodded at the boy who grinned childishly with renewed pride. "Alright. Everyone else, let's get moving." Thallasa spoke just before she turned to duck and slip her way through the hole in the castle wall and entered a dreary stone hallway. Torches lit the area leaving the air dry yet still cold. A foul stench of rot filled the air causing her nose to wrinkle and the woman to wave at the air in vain.
Thallasa nodded and scratched her chin, watching the old man curiously. "We're ready to move on." "Ah good. It's settled then." Dallben smiled and led the group towards the castle, bringing them down the rocky terrain and towards the side of the castle's shadow before they began making their ascent to reach a cracked stone wall. Dry thorny vines were broken off around what appeared to be a hole just large enough for them to slide in through. "Through here. I'm afraid I can't go any further. I'd only slow you down." "I was planning on leaving someone behind to keep an eye out but now Glyde here will have the additional task of looking after you. Don't worry. We'll get Hen Wen back safe." Thallas assured Dallben. "That's right! I promise I won't let you down again, Dallben." Taran added earnestly. "Of course. I know that, boy." The old man nodded at the boy who grinned childishly with renewed pride. "Alright. Everyone else, let's get moving." Thallasa spoke just before she turned to duck and slip her way through the hole in the castle wall and entered a dreary stone hallway. Torches lit the area leaving the air dry yet still cold. A foul stench of rot filled the air causing her nose to wrinkle and the woman to wave at the air in vain.
Valen ran forward while his Inspired Rage was still active and, seeing as how his ranged options were limited, casted Daze on the first man he spotted. Spoiler: Mechanics Moved 25ft down Casted Daze on Thug 2
Valen ran forward while his Inspired Rage was still active and, seeing as how his ranged options were limited, casted Daze on the first man he spotted. Spoiler: Mechanics Moved 25ft down Casted Daze on Thug 2
Torrin felt a rush of additional power flow through him when he ran towards the others, feeling inspired to bring this machine down. "Let's break this bot." He aimed his keyblade and fired off a Blizzard spell before Warping in closer in the blink of an eye to stab his keyblade into the leg joint of the giant robot right beside Boreas. "Just like old times. Minus the giant hat robots and colorful villains." Torrin spoke as he leapt back then charged in with a powerful Blitz attack. "I am the terror that flaps in the night!" Torrin looked up to see Darkwing Duck firing off a smoke grenade into the robot's eye doing little more than annoy it. "Is he really doing this again?" "I am the ten gigabyte firmware update that hogs your bandwidth!" Darkwing shot a grappling hook at the giant hat and jumped at it. ""I am Darkwing Duck!" The hero shouted as he swung in to deliver a kick to the giant hat. HP: 160/160 AP: 0/74 +10 MP: 39/50 DP: 5/5 Darkwing Duck HP: 100/100 AP: 10/40 +10 MP: 20/30 "You've made my Doris very angry! Get them!" The man atop the giant hat shouted as it dug one of its pointed metal legs into the ground and tore through the ground, sweeping up debris and striking almost everyone. "Witness Mega Doris's power! You cannot defeat the mighty hat!" As Bowler Hat Guy shouted the shattered pieces of robotic parts from the crates began to fly towards Mega Doris's body, fusing onto it and beginning to make repairs to its body. Round 2 Torrin Chrono Tinarah Takehiko Boreas Darkwing Duck Mega Doris HP: 921 / 1,400 Attack Power: 18 Break Gauge: 75 / 100% Regen: 4 Turns Torrin took 33 Damage! (127/160HP) Torrin's MP Rage activated! Chrono's Temporis Imitatio activated! Time Clone used Blitz! Tinarah took 45 Damage! Tinarah's Regen recovered 7 HP! (37/75HP) Takehiko was Critically Hit for 54 Damage! (26/110HP) Boreas took 33 Damage! (67/100HP) Darkwing Duck took 27 Damage! (73/100HP) Everyone recovered 5 MP from Invigorating Duet! Shin-Zantetsuken – An instant attack that destroys 10 random enemies. Deals 160 fixed damage to bosses and cuts all effects down to 1 turn of duration or ends them if the effects were on their last turn. HP: 127/160 AP: 74/74 MP: 49/50 DP: 5/5 FORMS None active. PASSIVE ABILITIES Guard Combo Plus x2 MP Rage MP Hastera Doublecast Yellow Mage Yellow Wizard ACTIVE ABILITIES Dodge Roll Blitz+ Over the Horizon Sonic Blade Strike Raid STATUS Invigorating Duet: +5 MP per turn. 1 Turn Temporis Imitatio – The more AP left unused at the end of the turn, the higher the chance Chrono will dodge an attack by leaving an afterimage of himself instead of Guarding. The Time Clone will attack with a random Active Ability Chrono has learned when activated. HP: 85/85 AP: 46/46 MP: 30/30 DP: 3/3 FORMS None active. PASSIVE ABILITIES Guard Defender Combo Plus Red Mage ACTIVE ABILITIES Dodge Roll Blitz Vicinity Break Strike Raid STATUS Invigorating Duet: +5 MP per turn. 1 Turn MY FRIENDS! – Whenever casting Cure on someone other than herself the spell heals 15 more HP. HP: 37/75 AP: 52/52 MP: 25/30 DP: 0/3 FORMS Magic's Dance: 1 Turn Regen 7 HP per turn PASSIVE ABILITIES Guard Defender Cure Boost Black Mage MP Haste White Mage ACTIVE ABILITIES Dodge Roll Blitz STATUS Invigorating Duet: +5 MP per turn. 1 Turn Provoke – Once per battle Takehiko can draw enemy attention from 2 allies. His defenses are boosted during this. HP: 26/110 AP: 38/38 MP: 30/30 DP: 3/3 FORMS None active. PASSIVE ABILITIES Guard Defender Reaction Boost MP Rage Wall ACTIVE ABILITIES Dodge Roll Blitz+ STATUS Invigorating Duet: +5 MP per turn. 1 Turn Inspiring Presence – Boreas makes a call to arms increasing the party's AP by 10 and Evasion by 1 Tier for 3 Turns. HP: 67/100 AP: 48/48 MP: 25/30 DP: 3/3 FORMS None active. PASSIVE ABILITIES Guard Defender Combo Plus Finisher Plus Black Mage Black Wizard ACTIVE ABILITIES Dodge Roll Blitz+ STATUS Invigorating Duet: +5 MP per turn. 1 Turn HP: 73/100 AP: 40/40 MP: 25/30 STATUS Invigorating Duet: +5 MP per turn. 1 Turn
Torrin felt a rush of additional power flow through him when he ran towards the others, feeling inspired to bring this machine down. "Let's break this bot." He aimed his keyblade and fired off a Blizzard spell before Warping in closer in the blink of an eye to stab his keyblade into the leg joint of the giant robot right beside Boreas. "Just like old times. Minus the giant hat robots and colorful villains." Torrin spoke as he leapt back then charged in with a powerful Blitz attack. "I am the terror that flaps in the night!" Torrin looked up to see Darkwing Duck firing off a smoke grenade into the robot's eye doing little more than annoy it. "Is he really doing this again?" "I am the ten gigabyte firmware update that hogs your bandwidth!" Darkwing shot a grappling hook at the giant hat and jumped at it. ""I am Darkwing Duck!" The hero shouted as he swung in to deliver a kick to the giant hat. HP: 160/160 AP: 0/74 +10 MP: 39/50 DP: 5/5 Darkwing Duck HP: 100/100 AP: 10/40 +10 MP: 20/30 "You've made my Doris very angry! Get them!" The man atop the giant hat shouted as it dug one of its pointed metal legs into the ground and tore through the ground, sweeping up debris and striking almost everyone. "Witness Mega Doris's power! You cannot defeat the mighty hat!" As Bowler Hat Guy shouted the shattered pieces of robotic parts from the crates began to fly towards Mega Doris's body, fusing onto it and beginning to make repairs to its body.
"Hold or cold what? Weather? Drinks? Food? Cold weather. Hot drinks. Hot food." "Sweet! Ahem. Uh...sweet I guess." "The usual. Dogs, cats, things that fly, whales. And uh...Flammies. Not that they're real or anything...they're just part of some fairy tales, right? Yup. I definitely don't believe in them. Not. At. All. Okay yes I do theyhavetobereal." "There was a book of poems and short stories filled with all sorts of cryptic wisdom I used to read. I don't remember the name of it or even most of its contents but I just remember feeling so enlightened whenever I read it. Now that I think about didn't even have a title. Just the letter X on its spine." "King. It uh. It changed when I got older." "Failing the few I still care about." "If I had to choose a 'what' I'd go with my power. It's kept me alive so far and it's what I've been building on all this time to keep fighting." "The sword but I'm not bad with a staff. Staves do give a nice reach advantage." "Is there a color darker than black? Is brood a color? Sorry. I'm trying to flex my sense of humor. I'm a bit rusty. The answer is black." "Um...that's a long one. My mom. My cousins aren't dead but we were close once and now we're not. I might lose my best friend too. Someone close to me named Mikaela. I guess you could say I lost her several times...I uh...I have more but I don't want to go down this rabbit hole. After a certain point it feels like I'm begging for sympathy. I'm not." "Sort of? I guess she's more of a group pet though. A cat named Nini. She belonged to Mika and now...she doesn't." "Stopping the Light Chaser. That's all I need to do. After that, well, I'm sure I'll figure something out." "My friends. At least I think I have more than Boreas. Or do you mean more specifically? Because I'm not sure. I mean there might That's a good enough answer for now."
Only thing I bothered to pay attention to for EA was Anthem and it looked fairly boring. At least it's a good looking kind of boring.
An hour passed and the group arrived atop a rocky hill overlooking the main path into the castle. "This is it." Thunder echoed overhead. During their journey their eyes had adjusted to the darkening of their surroundings since even though it was still day the thick reddish clouds overhead obscured the sun and bathed the barren landscape in a dreary atmosphere. Thallasa could sense great darkness from within the castle but as she examined it she could not see any guards patrolling the area. No soldiers standing by. Not even a monster or dragon patrolling the skies. The lack of defenses made her wary. "Hm..." "Taran? Taran! Over here!" A man's voice could be heard down the side of the hill. A wrinkled hand stuck itself out from the shadows cast by an large rocky cliff nearby. The voice sounded familiar but she could not place to whom it belonged. Taran on the other hand seemed to recognize the voice and went running down the hill to go to the mysterious voice before Thallasa could warn him against it. She gave chase and when the others caught up with Taran the boy looked shocked. "Dallben! How are you here!?" Thallasa looked at the elder pig-keeper in confusion. "The Horned King came for me, boy. He knew I had been hiding Hen Wen and captured me! I only just managed to escape with my life but alas...poor Hen Wen is still inside." "Wasn't your leg injured? You were wearing a splint." "Indeed I was. The Horned King thought he could soften me up by healing my leg and threatened to break it once more if I refused to help him." Taran hugged Dallben in response and the man chuckled. "There there. It's alright lad." "Dallben I'm sorry. I tried! I really tried to keep her safe and I failed you." The boy looked down in shame. "Nonsense. The Horned King has yet to use her powers. I can show you the way I entered so you can rescue her." Dallben looked at the others. "Are you all sure you're up for this?" Pagos immediately activated his Snowstorm ability, causing the air around him to grow cold and as he stepped forward, ice crystals forming under his shoes, he held up his keyblade and cast a suped up Blizzaga spell that exploded deep within the Demon Plague. A hole was created momentarily in the Heartless swarm before it closed up. Realizing that was not enough he raised his keyblade and cast Stopga as well which, unfortunately, did nothing but cause the Plague's movement to slow for a short instant. "Hm. Not good. Koa can you cast some support magic? I believe we are in this for the long haul." Complying with the boy's words, Koa nodded and cast a Vielga spell over the majority of the party. Zeno frowned upon noticing he hadn't been skipped. "Oh I see how it is." Zeno placed a hand on his hip and shook his head disapprovingly at Koa before casting Aeroga on himself and Pagos just as Avra cast Stonega on herself. "Uh...s-sorry! I'll get you next time!" Koa HP: 110/110 AP: 4/54 MP: 30/40 Avra HP: 135/135 AP: 0/44 MP: 27/40 Pagos HP: 110/110 AP: 4/54 MP: 25/40 Zeno HP: 115/115 AP: 10/60 MP: 18/40 The Demon Plague circled around the keybladers and groups Neoshadows were shot out at them, being launched from one end of the Heartless storm before disappearing back into the other. Round 2 Chrysanthemum Koa Avra Pagos Zeno Demon Plague HP: 1,586 / 2,000 Attack Power: 22 Break Gauge: 30 / 130% Chrysanthemum was hit for 30 Damage! (90/120HP) Koa was hit for 38 Damage! (72/110HP) Avra was hit for 25 Damage! (110/135HP) Pagos was hit for 37 Damage! (73/110HP) Pagos's MP Rage activated! Zeno dodged the attack! Shield Break – Can only be used once per battle. During the turn this ability is used Guard, Stone, and Reflect are ignored by Chrys's physical attacks. Deals 25% more damage with physical attacks to bosses when used. Dispel – Can only be used once per battle. Removes any magical buffs caused by Spells from all enemies. HP: 90/120 AP: 64/64 MP: 28/40 DP: 3/3 FORMS None active. PASSIVE ABILITIES Guard White Mage Defender Stone Boost Red Mage MP Haste Second Chance ACTIVE ABILITIES Dodge Roll Blitz Vicinity Break MP Drain STATUS Stonega: 4 Turns Veilga: 2 Turns HP: 72/110 AP: 54/54 MP: 30/40 ABILITIES Koa's Keyblade Armor – Fire Immunity. Spellblade – Deal 50 AP of any elemental type. Guard Defender Leaf Bracer Second Chance Doublecast SPELLS Curaga Esunaga Vielga Firaga Reflega Sparkga STATUS Veilga: 2 Turns HP: 110/135 AP: 44/44 MP: 40/40 ABILITIES Avra's Keyblade Armor – Resists 20% of physical damage. Counterblade – 10% to counterattack for 30 AP when attacked. Guard Fire Screen Blizzard Screen Thunder Screen Doublecast SPELLS Curaga Firaga Stonega Reflega Sparkga Fatalga STATUS Vielga: 2 Turns Stonega: 2 Turns HP: 73/110 AP: 54/54 MP: 20/40 ABILITIES Pagos's Keyblade Armor – Blizzard Immunity. Snowstorm – Doubles power of all Blizzard spells for 3 Turns. Guard Defender MP Rage Triplecast SPELLS Curaga Firaga Blizzaga Waterga Stopga Poisonga STATUS Vielga: 2 Turns Snowstorm: 2 Turns Aeroga: 2 Turns HP: 115/115 AP: 60/60 MP: 18/40 ABILITIES Zeno's Keyblade Armor – Thunder Immunity. Electric Pulse – Give up to 5 targets the Stun status or fill Break Gauge by 50%. Guard Combo Plus Defender MP Rage Second Chance Doublecast SPELLS Curaga Firaga Thundaga Aeroga Sparkga Warpga STATUS Aeroga: 2 Turns
An hour passed and the group arrived atop a rocky hill overlooking the main path into the castle. "This is it." Thunder echoed overhead. During their journey their eyes had adjusted to the darkening of their surroundings since even though it was still day the thick reddish clouds overhead obscured the sun and bathed the barren landscape in a dreary atmosphere. Thallasa could sense great darkness from within the castle but as she examined it she could not see any guards patrolling the area. No soldiers standing by. Not even a monster or dragon patrolling the skies. The lack of defenses made her wary. "Hm..." "Taran? Taran! Over here!" A man's voice could be heard down the side of the hill. A wrinkled hand stuck itself out from the shadows cast by an large rocky cliff nearby. The voice sounded familiar but she could not place to whom it belonged. Taran on the other hand seemed to recognize the voice and went running down the hill to go to the mysterious voice before Thallasa could warn him against it. She gave chase and when the others caught up with Taran the boy looked shocked. "Dallben! How are you here!?" Thallasa looked at the elder pig-keeper in confusion. "The Horned King came for me, boy. He knew I had been hiding Hen Wen and captured me! I only just managed to escape with my life but alas...poor Hen Wen is still inside." "Wasn't your leg injured? You were wearing a splint." "Indeed I was. The Horned King thought he could soften me up by healing my leg and threatened to break it once more if I refused to help him." Taran hugged Dallben in response and the man chuckled. "There there. It's alright lad." "Dallben I'm sorry. I tried! I really tried to keep her safe and I failed you." The boy looked down in shame. "Nonsense. The Horned King has yet to use her powers. I can show you the way I entered so you can rescue her." Dallben looked at the others. "Are you all sure you're up for this?"
Pagos immediately activated his Snowstorm ability, causing the air around him to grow cold and as he stepped forward, ice crystals forming under his shoes, he held up his keyblade and cast a suped up Blizzaga spell that exploded deep within the Demon Plague. A hole was created momentarily in the Heartless swarm before it closed up. Realizing that was not enough he raised his keyblade and cast Stopga as well which, unfortunately, did nothing but cause the Plague's movement to slow for a short instant. "Hm. Not good. Koa can you cast some support magic? I believe we are in this for the long haul." Complying with the boy's words, Koa nodded and cast a Vielga spell over the majority of the party. Zeno frowned upon noticing he hadn't been skipped. "Oh I see how it is." Zeno placed a hand on his hip and shook his head disapprovingly at Koa before casting Aeroga on himself and Pagos just as Avra cast Stonega on herself. "Uh...s-sorry! I'll get you next time!" Koa HP: 110/110 AP: 4/54 MP: 30/40 Avra HP: 135/135 AP: 0/44 MP: 27/40 Pagos HP: 110/110 AP: 4/54 MP: 25/40 Zeno HP: 115/115 AP: 10/60 MP: 18/40
The Demon Plague circled around the keybladers and groups Neoshadows were shot out at them, being launched from one end of the Heartless storm before disappearing back into the other.
Xerek froze in place and held is hands up after Chrono placed himself in Xerek's path. The man held his hands up and looked around at the others and smirked. "You fools. You think I'd have been able lead the most powerful organization of supervillains if I did not have a back up plan? Pull the lever Kronk!" "You got it boss man." Reaching for a large lever affixed to the wall, the muscular man gave it a sharp pull and...instantly broke the lever off of the wall. Kronk placed a finger to his chin and raised an eyebrow. "Huh. I thought that would go a lot worse. Sorry. I've uh. Been hitting the gym lately. Got a great deal on a monthly membership. You should go there. You're looking a little on the scrawny side." Smacking his palm to his face in frustration Xerek sighed. "No matter. I knew I couldn't trust you with a lever. That's why I only had one installed. But I have a backup to the backup! PUSH THE BUTTON, KRONK." "Sure thing. Let me just unlock that crazy thing you gave me and..." Kronk held up what Torrin recognized to be a phone and began pressing his thumb to the screen. "Nope. Didn't work. Give me a sec." He did it once more but nothing happened. "Wait. Lemme try again. Nope. Again. No. How about now? No? Oh darn it locked me out." "Try the pin number you imbecile." "Sheesh. No need to be rude. Okay. One...two...three...four! I'm in! Aw! It's so cute. Do you kids want to see my background? There's a picture here of Bucky the Squirrel and I–" "The button you fool! The button!" "Oh! Right! And here it is. Prepare to be amazed." There was a beep as Kronk pressed a big red button on the center of his screen. The sounds of chains swinging overhead could be heard followed by a rush of wind. A heavy cage crashed into the ground trapping Kronk where he stood. "How did you push the wrong button!? There was only ONE!" "Uh...wait. I think I've got it now. I'll just push it again and–" The second the phone beeped the cage, and Kronk in it, was flung straight into the ceiling by a large spring hidden underneath the floor. Kronk's phone was flung out of his hand and shattered when it hit the floor. As the man was flung off into the distance they could barely hear his voice scream in the sky, "BUCKY NOOOO!!!" Torrin raised an eyebrow, having been too intent on watching what was going on than acting, and looked at the others once the scene was over. "I wasn't expecting that. Alright so that just leaves Bowler Hat Guy, right?" Meanwhile, with Boreas and TInarah... Boreas had brought Frozone to the ground and destroyed the Helping Hat attached to this head before the Super could even attack him. Darkwing Duck moved in to stand over Frozone and looked back over at Boreas. "Good work Green Wonder!" "Ow my head...It feels like I got hit by the Megafist. And he hits harder than a train!" Mr. Incredible finally spoke. "What happened?" He asked Tinarah. "Last thing I remember is following after Mr. Incredible. He said he had a lead on some guys called the Unforgivables?" Machina added in. "MUST I DO EVERYTHING MYSELF?" A man's voice echoed overhead. The ground shook as a shadow crept over the landscape as a giant bowler hat at least twice the size of the warehouse stomped in on its massive mechanical legs. Atop the hat was a ghostly-looking slender man dressed in black. "Oh boy..." Mr. Incredible looked at Tinarah. "I don't think we're in any shape to fight that thing, kid. But I saw how you kids handled that last disaster. Think you're up to be the hero one more time?" Darkwing Duck, who was staring up at the giant hat while standing beside Boreas began to quiver and made a loud gulp. "I don't suppose you have uh...anything bigger than that there crossbow, do ya?" One more, with Torrin, Takehiko, and Chrono... Chrono had just finished tying up Xerek to prevent the man from making another escape when the group heard the commotion outside. When they stepped out Torrin wasn't even sure what to make of what he was seeing. "Why...why is it a giant hat? Who'd wear that? Ugh. Never mind. Let's take it down before it crushes the city!" Round 1 Torrin Chrono Tinarah Takehiko Boreas Darkwing Duck Mega Doris HP: 1,400 / 1,400 Attack Power: 18 Break Gauge: 0 / 100% Shin-Zantetsuken – An instant attack that destroys 10 random enemies. Deals 160 fixed damage to bosses and cuts all effects down to 1 turn of duration or ends them if the effects were on their last turn. HP: 160/160 AP: 74/74 MP: 50/50 DP: 5/5 FORMS None active. PASSIVE ABILITIES Guard Combo Plus x2 MP Rage MP Hastera Doublecast Yellow Mage Yellow Wizard ACTIVE ABILITIES Dodge Roll Blitz+ Over the Horizon Sonic Blade Strike Raid STATUS Invigorating Duet: +5 MP per turn. 2 Turns Temporis Imitatio – The more AP left unused at the end of the turn, the higher the chance Chrono will dodge an attack by leaving an afterimage of himself instead of Guarding. The Time Clone will attack with a random Active Ability Chrono has learned when activated. HP: 85/85 AP: 46/46 MP: 30/30 DP: 3/3 FORMS None active. PASSIVE ABILITIES Guard Defender Combo Plus Red Mage ACTIVE ABILITIES Dodge Roll Blitz Vicinity Break Strike Raid STATUS Invigorating Duet: +5 MP per turn. 2 Turns MY FRIENDS! – Whenever casting Cure on someone other than herself the spell heals 15 more HP. HP: 75/75 AP: 52/52 MP: 30/30 DP: 0/3 FORMS Magic's Dance: 2 Turns Regen 7 HP per turn PASSIVE ABILITIES Guard Defender Cure Boost Black Mage MP Haste White Mage ACTIVE ABILITIES Dodge Roll Blitz STATUS Invigorating Duet: +5 MP per turn. 2 Turns Provoke – Once per battle Takehiko can draw enemy attention from 2 allies. His defenses are boosted during this. HP: 110/110 AP: 38/38 MP: 30/30 DP: 3/3 FORMS None active. PASSIVE ABILITIES Guard Defender Reaction Boost MP Rage Wall ACTIVE ABILITIES Dodge Roll Blitz+ STATUS Invigorating Duet: +5 MP per turn. 2 Turns Inspiring Presence – Boreas makes a call to arms increasing the party's AP by 10 and Evasion by 1 Tier for 3 Turns. HP: 100/100 AP: 48/48 MP: 30/30 DP: 3/3 FORMS None active. PASSIVE ABILITIES Guard Defender Combo Plus Finisher Plus Black Mage Black Wizard ACTIVE ABILITIES Dodge Roll Blitz+ STATUS Invigorating Duet: +5 MP per turn. 2 Turns HP: 100/100 AP: 40/40 MP: 30/30 STATUS Invigorating Duet: +5 MP per turn. 2 Turns
Xerek froze in place and held is hands up after Chrono placed himself in Xerek's path. The man held his hands up and looked around at the others and smirked. "You fools. You think I'd have been able lead the most powerful organization of supervillains if I did not have a back up plan? Pull the lever Kronk!" "You got it boss man." Reaching for a large lever affixed to the wall, the muscular man gave it a sharp pull and...instantly broke the lever off of the wall. Kronk placed a finger to his chin and raised an eyebrow. "Huh. I thought that would go a lot worse. Sorry. I've uh. Been hitting the gym lately. Got a great deal on a monthly membership. You should go there. You're looking a little on the scrawny side." Smacking his palm to his face in frustration Xerek sighed. "No matter. I knew I couldn't trust you with a lever. That's why I only had one installed. But I have a backup to the backup! PUSH THE BUTTON, KRONK." "Sure thing. Let me just unlock that crazy thing you gave me and..." Kronk held up what Torrin recognized to be a phone and began pressing his thumb to the screen. "Nope. Didn't work. Give me a sec." He did it once more but nothing happened. "Wait. Lemme try again. Nope. Again. No. How about now? No? Oh darn it locked me out." "Try the pin number you imbecile." "Sheesh. No need to be rude. Okay. One...two...three...four! I'm in! Aw! It's so cute. Do you kids want to see my background? There's a picture here of Bucky the Squirrel and I–" "The button you fool! The button!" "Oh! Right! And here it is. Prepare to be amazed." There was a beep as Kronk pressed a big red button on the center of his screen. The sounds of chains swinging overhead could be heard followed by a rush of wind. A heavy cage crashed into the ground trapping Kronk where he stood. "How did you push the wrong button!? There was only ONE!" "Uh...wait. I think I've got it now. I'll just push it again and–" The second the phone beeped the cage, and Kronk in it, was flung straight into the ceiling by a large spring hidden underneath the floor. Kronk's phone was flung out of his hand and shattered when it hit the floor. As the man was flung off into the distance they could barely hear his voice scream in the sky, "BUCKY NOOOO!!!" Torrin raised an eyebrow, having been too intent on watching what was going on than acting, and looked at the others once the scene was over. "I wasn't expecting that. Alright so that just leaves Bowler Hat Guy, right?" Meanwhile, with Boreas and TInarah... Boreas had brought Frozone to the ground and destroyed the Helping Hat attached to this head before the Super could even attack him. Darkwing Duck moved in to stand over Frozone and looked back over at Boreas. "Good work Green Wonder!" "Ow my head...It feels like I got hit by the Megafist. And he hits harder than a train!" Mr. Incredible finally spoke. "What happened?" He asked Tinarah. "Last thing I remember is following after Mr. Incredible. He said he had a lead on some guys called the Unforgivables?" Machina added in. "MUST I DO EVERYTHING MYSELF?" A man's voice echoed overhead. The ground shook as a shadow crept over the landscape as a giant bowler hat at least twice the size of the warehouse stomped in on its massive mechanical legs. Atop the hat was a ghostly-looking slender man dressed in black. "Oh boy..." Mr. Incredible looked at Tinarah. "I don't think we're in any shape to fight that thing, kid. But I saw how you kids handled that last disaster. Think you're up to be the hero one more time?" Darkwing Duck, who was staring up at the giant hat while standing beside Boreas began to quiver and made a loud gulp. "I don't suppose you have uh...anything bigger than that there crossbow, do ya?" One more, with Torrin, Takehiko, and Chrono... Chrono had just finished tying up Xerek to prevent the man from making another escape when the group heard the commotion outside. When they stepped out Torrin wasn't even sure what to make of what he was seeing. "Why...why is it a giant hat? Who'd wear that? Ugh. Never mind. Let's take it down before it crushes the city!"
"I think I've heard of that. I had a friend who was really into this...she's uh...not...around anymore but I took a test and got Gryffindor. I thought I'd get Slytherin or Ravenclaw for sure." "To make up for my past failures. I just haven't figured out how yet." "I've been told I'm hard to kill. So I've got that going for me." "I don't know. I don't think I want to go down that rabbit hole." "That's an easy one. Black." "That' odd question. I don't know how to answer that. Is...atmospheric a genre?" "I didn't go to school. I just had several private instructors but I guess my favorite lessons were in the field of...history. No wait! I change my answer. Magic. No...I'll get back to you on that." "Fun fact, munny is useless back where I come from. We use Gil instead. I don't know what I'd do with so much munny though. I never grew up poor so becoming more wealthy just doesn't interest me. I guess give it away to people who need it more."