Sora's face--LOL. Looks exactly like this:
I just like the Roxas avatar. I think Roxas is my best character because one--he can use the keyblade and two--he's better than Sora. Sora CAN be annoying sometimes. The signature however is alright. I like the number and the gold matches with the style. Whew--took me a long time to type this stuff down.
We only do covers and eh--we sound alright. The drummer of our band is sure a ******, though. He left so we had to get a replacement. I'm trying to make some songs--much to my luck.
Wish I could play guitar with Synyster Gates. D: We would both sound good--wouldn't you think?
Um--I think Doukuro's a girl. You should read before saying anything. See ya before she gets mad and beats the living crap out of you.
Did you just make that? -.-
It's not fun if everyone didn't join in.
You guys probably get avoided, so--not my problem. How many friends do you guys get in real life? Not my style. THIS is real hard rock music: It sounds better with headphones. Without it it sounds like ****.
Some people at my school avoid me because I listen to hard rock and think I'm a devil worshiper which I'm not.
Yeah--I'm doing alright.
Um--alright I guess? >.>
Did you just call me an idiot? Well--I've just been jumping to conclusions. I didn't know you were complimenting me. Amen could mean two different things. One that I'm a sinful person that shall be cleansed and two that I should be avoided at all costs.
What if I'm just a non worshiper of anything? You can't tell me what to listen to because you barely know me.
Well--it's pretty obvious that they'll remember Sora because Namine probably told Diz about Sora. King Mickey already knew about him because I think at first he knew that Sora would be the keyblade master before sending Goofy and Donald to fetch him at Twilightown.
I disagree.
Guess I'm your rival now. Smell ya later.
LOL--love this. I saw this already.
You serious? I can't drink, so much to my luck.
Are you drunk? O_o
Let's see if I'll keep this avatar till 2013. If I lose the bet, then I'll stay off here for a month. How's that? [I haven't thought of anything fun to do, so--] I think this would be a fun bet to do.