What is it? Can you tell us?
To win against the Elite Four, just pick the Pokemon that are super effective against them. Easy. It's a surprise that Myst hasn't been on here yet...
I'm a boy in my game. Don't tell anyone.
Nope. Thought it was statuses at first.
Actually--I found the answer with the help of master08996. ^ ^
You mean this? It's alright, I guess...
I miss The Rev. D:
I think the media coding's wrong. It's not working--sorry to say.
How can someone who likes Kingdom Hearts get the game title wrong? I hate you! JK.
Ever since the Castle Oblivion game on here, I've been trying to pass through floor five but hadn't succeeded--yet. Anyone who hasn't succeeded can come here and let's listen to these awesome songs I found on Youtube. I'm still a fan of Breaking Benjamin and will always be one. This one for instance: And this one:
Oh--I know who you're talking about.
Sorry to say--but you didn't make it easier. CX It's alright. You'll just get a pin if you pass through all the levels and I'm not interested in pins.
God dammit--I still can't figure out who it is. Guess I'll just quit playing it...
I still can't pass level 3. Is it a member of the Organization or a Heartless? I need help.
Let's not have a video battle. CX
I guess darkness has its own ways, huh?
Anyone got a clue for level 3? :|