I finished it! Yeayuh!!!
-.- Don't get me talkin' about her. I still remembered when she killed my Combusken.
Is Dream Drop pretty good to buy? If it's not--I'll just buy Final Fantasy.
Life is more important, I guess--but I can't wait to jam on my guitar. CX Would you like to know which model it is?
Who's Flanery? :/
Anyone have any wish list they have in mind? :) You can see mine if you haven't thought of one yet. My Wish List: Peace on Earth Change my username [Which would probably take more than 5 months or so...] New Assassin's Creed [Can't wait to play that game. *Squeals*] New Electric Guitar [Already know I'm getting one because I brought it myself with my own allowance. It's too shiny to look at.]
Wait--you get paid to do those things? :O
Hope you have a Merry Christmas and Happy Honicah--if you have one. CX
Merry Christmas. In what--two days? I thought it was tomorrow. D: Bummed out for me...
That's it? T_T LOL.
Yo. YES!!! I FINALLY BEAT CASTLE OBLIVION!!! CX Do you know what I should do next?
I'm trying to.
Hint: has something to do with this whole forum.
Let me have a hint--floor eleven has something to do with this forum. I'm not talking about this forum post but the whole forum--KH Vids.
He meant this.
I got it wrong again. D: I put in forums if you were wondering...
Maybe it's--sorry you guys--can't tell you. CX
That's alright.
I like your Roman numeral signature. The gold goes well with the cool text.
Oh thanks. You're such a huge help! ^ ^