Don't worry dude, i found my NTSC KHII, so imma just go ahead and re-hack it for y'all, that ok?
Right, well i've got it figured out. battle 4 shortly! oh yeah, there'll be another unavoidable twist i'm sorry to say. but it's logical if you think about it. i'll be revealing more in a few days time!
how messed up is this? i cause the 77th Restart... ...yet my luck recently has been non-existant WHY MUST THE WORLD SCREW WITH ME!? *explodes* EDIT: you don't have to count this, if you dont want to :p
ummm ok well listen guys the thing is im thinking of postponing the tournament.This is probably the last straw for most viewers here, but i don't know how i'm going to cope. i'm down to basically myself and intermittantly about 1 helper, since my team fell out. although i could do it all by myself, this was supposed to be a team effort...and i no longer have a "team" per se. on top of that, it seems battle 4 crashes if a role mod is used. why? i don't know. but i'm not gonna be able to fix it unless i have some proper hackers by my side. a role mod MUST be used, else the fight won't work. erkz doesnt seem interested in helping, neither does anti, and i don't know where evil stands, and i have no clue if explode has learned enough to help. so all i can do is post this message in a vain attempt to recruit more team members who know what they're doing. ...or should i try to fix this almost all by myself? i don't know... lol i guess i did jinx it. I really have a bad way with luck recently.... hehehe....
for about 2 or 3 weeks, i couldn't get on this site apart from the video portal. and today it FINALLY fixed!!! did anyone do anything today that fixed something? the weird thing was, i could look at the page source code, but not the page itself. on any browser O.o and it appeared to be ONLY my internet.
OMFG KHVIDS WORKS AGAIN *attacks you all*
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Long title, yes :D Anyway, I'm not sure if anyone's interested, but my 3D modelling Skills have Risen enough to enable me to Create High Quality Renders of any models which i can get my hands on, and if they have Bones, i can even pose them any way i see fit. The only ones that come under both those categories easily are the 2 (most recent?) FF related PSP games from Square-Enix. Basically i'm here to fill requests since it'll allow me to hone my skills, as well as enjoy myself, given a challenge. An example Might be, say, Squall/Leon From FF8 posed as see here: I'd then spend an hour or 2 Posing him and rendering him, and The final result would be something like this: You can then Use the render in any of these other shops, And ya don't have to give any credit :D alternatively, you could ask me to create you a Sig/Avvy, but i'm not as good as some/most of the other artists on this board. an example of my work would be something like: so yeah, any requests? I can do any character in CC or Dissidia right now, but that may change to include more.
if you don't want everyone to yell at you, don't actually ask for it. besides, i didn't like it at all either. you didn't have to watch it fifty times in 10FPS now, did ya? xD i kept putting off recording battle 3 simply because i didnt like the idea very much. anyway, i feel like getting battle 4 recorded pretty soonish. keep on the lookout for updates! sephy vs. larxene......will be epic. or at least it should be. sorry once again, but it wasn't until recording battle 2 that we realised it was impossible to get good fights out of allies.
Clones count as her, so it wont matter. Also, Heartless angel still hits sora, so don't expect that move to be in sephy's attack arsenal. I dont have much time since i'm Stealing somebodys internet to type this, since my Interent won't connect to KH-Vids for some weird unknown reason. Anyways, on rather a side note, My little brother seems to have aquired some footage of an early recording attemp of Battle 2, while Riku was still in the tournament, and uploaded it to youtube. However, instead of remove it instantly, like i normally would have done, i decided to keep it up and post it here, since it illustrates quite well why we took riku out. Notice how near the end of his lifespan, he spams potions that don't exist, and run's towards "sora" instead of attack. Battle II: Riku Vs Xemnas - The lost Archive EDIT: Ignore the obscene amount of stolen content on his profile. If anyone on here originally recorded the fight with cloud and someone that he hypercammed, i'll remove it immediately. For all people who still have no clue why we picked antiform, it's because there is no "ally" sora. he wouldn't have used 90% of his attacks, and he'd have the same problem as riku. Also, it's impossible thus far to attatch weapons to Boss characters. Not to mention that changing around boss msets and models into playable ones results in a horrible loss of AI. to the best other form of sora we could have done was "wisdom form" that jumped occasionally and was not armed. and by occasionally, i mean occasionally.
Finally! It's Here! The massively awaited, contraversially delayed battle has made it's way to your computer screens! *keels over on ground dead* ~click the picture And Here, the Video itself: Royal Rumble: King of Hearts - Battle III Synopsis: Ok, so first of all, sorry for the LARGE delay. Shouldn't happen again now that we know where we are. although saying that, I'll jinx it, so ill stop typing now O.o About the battle itself, I've literally recorded it about 50ish times now, and this particular fight was probably somewhere in the middle of the epicness scale. he one I recorded directly before this one was right at the top, but that one glitched up supremely. i'm sure you wouldnt want to watch a zapping sound effect for 5 minutes, would ya? also, there are parts in the video, though strangely not the audio, where it all just dissapears for a while. i tried to cover 'em all up and well....failed. miserably. So, yeah, anyway, battle 4 up "soon"! ~NeoCloudstrife out. ANNOUNCEMENT For those of you who don't have a computer up to the task of playing HD youtube videos, a "HQ" SD version will be up in about a week or so, featuring all new intro's and outro's, High Quality footage and a special sneak preview of things to come ;) ...Don't remember anything else i need to say... Ah, yes! *goes to turn private off* Enjoy! PS: looks like we might have a Roxas vs Sephy on our hands in the second round :D (EDIT: To avoid confusion, i was simply pointing out how it's possible that sephy might beat larxene and be able to battle roxas. not saying that'll be the outcome.)
*omnislashes number*
ok, it got stuck again. im trying again now.
*is uploading as i type* Just be aware that 9/10 times, for some unknown reason, youtube will shun my internet.