Ok guys, a helpful hint. There are NO playable TWTNW room files for any character APART from roxas. This means that trying to use the character mod while loading up or after a mission finishes will ultimately lead your game to crash. I'm not sure but i think the sotry mode character mods will also work in mission mode, too.
そんなメセジはありません! そんなメセジはありません! そんなメセジはありません! そんなメセジはありません! そんなメセジはありません! そんなメセジはありません! そんなメセジはありません! そんなメセジはありません! そんなメセジはありません!...
pretty much. though that one only works for mission mode.
Yeah..... About that.... *aims Sword at stomach* Obtw i did a little more editing to that thread... hehehe.. *commits seppuku with buster sword*
O.o really? and just who told you about that? *tries to chisel through floor with buster sword*
*screams again* *clears throat* so....um...what poll are you talking about? *shifty eyes*
*Screams* ...uhhhh.....no. i havent, actually. *makes a mad dash for the door*
uhhh, since The Game's been released, may as well put the codes up...
you guys Might wanna see these pics too: Spoiler Spoiler Spoiler more in a sec...
Am i the only one who doesn't like this intro at all!? It's VERY lazy. Apart from the roxas/axel scene, they just copy/pasted a few Scenes from RE:CoM and FM+, and they dont even fit in with the timeline, since days is set BEFORE either of those happened, i'm pretty sure. and here's me thinking they were gonna make a nice short pre-rendered CGI movie like KH1 and KH2. still, thanks for the update. the game had BETTER be good now :D
i have battle 4 figured out now. it's all because of larxene's AI. It's far, far too big. God only knows how it doesn't crash in the actual game, Square really pulled it as tight as possible. Basically, anyone other than donald and goofy in there with her makes her either crash when performing a string of AI (like getting hurt) or just not load at all. although, what's odd is, it only does it when you modify Roles. i don't see any other way out of this than removing larxene, sorry guys...
The will to do this is slowly draining from me. But i know you're all eagerly awaiting the next battle, so i guess ill give you an update or something in a few days. i've sort of assembled my team again, so it's alright. Hopefully i can survive the next 9 days without completely giving up :P, 358/2 days will get me motivated again!
Im pretty new to this place, so i don't know if i'm even posting in the right place, but it looks like it. Anyway, so I've had this idea in my head ever since i finished KHII. It's based loosely on KHII, as well as what I thought the Secret ending was to do with. Over time, The plotline has become more and more loosely based on the KH world, and much much more complex. The other day, a friend said something about writing it down, so it gave me the idea to Write a Story about it, which i don't think i'm too bad at, either. so yeah, i believe you'd call it a "Fan-Fic" or something like that. I won't have time to write the entire thing up in one go A because i dont have much time to do things like this anyway and B because i don't even know what i'll be writing about until it gets to it, i'll be improvising. Just a note before i write anything, i hadn't even thought about giving names to any of the characters until like 10 minutes ago. Well, just another way to Express my Creative side! Enjoy ------------ Part One - Revenge As the evening descended from the sky, it cast an impenetrable dark orange glow on the world. Peace reigned supreme all over the entire universe, it seemed. All the life energy perfectly synchronised everywhere. Suddenly the harmony was interrupted, and nature's perfect balance was destroyed. A Bird, flying calmly around the place, took a sharp exit from its seemingly endless looping, and landed near a blurred form on the floor.The area was a bleak Desert, with the odd Rock here and there. The bird examined the Blur for a moment, but hastily returned to it's routine, far, far away from the blurred figure. The figure wasn't a bush, or a tree like the bird had suspected, but a man. It was a young man, around 20, and he was laying on the floor, dead. As the final tear from his battered and bruied face finally hit the floor, it burst into radiant waves of energy, and the Man was gone. In his place was another man, a different one. This one stood firm and upright, posed heroically, and looking skyward. in his eyes were centuries of darkness, lonliness and Pain. But he hid this from himself. He closed those eyes, he grinned, and laughed. He was Happy. after all those years, he'd finally escaped. He looked around at the hole in which his weapon was once set. Expecting to see one thing, he saw another. But it didn't matter. revenge was the only thing his mind was set on, since all those years ago. A tear almost escaped from his deep Green eye, but before it could, he transformed his pure emotion into a deep hate. Emotion. How could he, of all people feel emotion. We wasn't supposed to feel what he did, and he Stood deep in thought. The man's own rage confused Even himself. Why these, of all emotions? This Ignorance began to build up an even greater fury, and before long, he triggered his own memory. He bottled up his anger, and walked over to his New weapon. He quickly picked it up, and examined it. His eyes once again scanned his own brain for the answers he longed for. Nothing. Just nothing. A Rip opened up in the air, and The man turned to walk through it, into his destiny. he knew it. He was halfway into the vivid light When a memory was thrust into his Mind. He Exclaimed in a harsh, mid-toned Voice: "Keyblade..." He journeyed on through the dense Light. ~To be continued NOTE: There are a few, completely Different time zones in this story. i'm stuck for what to do, should i continue with one until it's plot is finished, or write about a different one every time, or what? one of them has Different characters in it, too. lolz ao liek any comment? should i even bother continuing?
i have come to the conclusion that as yet, we don't have a target or camera mod for KH1. thanks for the idea though!
..... o.O *quickly dissapears through dark portal*
I'm not sure yet. I'll have to finish learning AI modding somehow. i thought it was a lot simpler that what it is. but, if i can edit AI, i can open up a whole nother world of fighting. so just wait guys, and i'll see what i can do.
just to clear a few things up in a boring and innapropriate way, a model is made up of lots of things. the main things in them are model/mesh data, bones/weighting and textures. in this particular game, due to the complexety of even playable models, bones are different for each character. each bone has a list of verticies (model or mesh data) that it controls, and it controls them as much as the weighting tells it to. each animation in the mset file tells each bone to scale, rotate and move when and where. Models also contain things like collision data and AI. in hacking terms, textures can be modded or swapped very easily. i'll be doing a lot of file hacking (this includes models) for my very last KHII video, so watch out for it. What i'm sure you all want to hear is that it IS in fact possible to re-arrange the bones so that they are moving the right mesh data, and actually get rid of mushballs. this means it's not actually very hard at all to play as any model in the game who has enough bones. will i be making codes to play as these people? no. will anybody? no. the reason is because the code would be too long - the bone structure is just far far too complicated, since there are over 200 hex bones which equates to about 500 bones. although we don't need to mod every bone, we need to mod most of them. one bone wrong and the entire model mushes up. No code device can or ever will take that many lines of code. hope that makes some of ya out there more knowledgeable
wow.... now i know why i randomly came to this thread *starts to cry* epic speech was epic...permission to maybe signature this quote one day? *is completely clueless about anything else being said in this thread* *goes back to code vault via dark portal*
Like we originally thought, There are other, more complex reason why larxene is crashing the battle. it seems to be her effects or something, i can't really explain it, but there's only 1 way i can keep larxene in the tournament, and it won't work out. this might be a good time to bring him back.... more info when i feel like it.
no, it really wouldn't be. not unless you like falling endlessly through floors.