you can bet yer ass it happened. how the hell it happened is a different matter. i must have spent, what, 3 hours going through every single file label in that game
:( my "Ultra speed" in this game doesnt work. apart from that, though, its epic as hell :D
it's actually a mix of two different codes, but primarily its just a moveset mod.
we're working on it
wut about it?
you know, i'm not sure :O
.mset files are KHII files specifically. maybe anti only abbreviated movesets, but movesets are just the list of animations the character uses and how, (and also for some reason swaps weapons too) out of their own mset, and mset's just contain animation data.
dont be confusing D:< you know msets and movesets are diferent things. what one do you mean?
no. ------------------
oh, right, thought that 9 type code was a joker. is it some kind of fix? could someone test the 9 type line with the char mod in story mode and see if it fixes the crashes?
those character codes are obselete. you say you dont need a joker, apart from the fact it already has one, its like triple the length, and erkz found it first.
repeat offender noted. do not attempt to post anything else off topic or an admin will be notified
stop arguing and just post in the correct section. consider this an unofficial warning.
Hehehehehe. And they said bone modding and model modding would never prove itself useful. Soon, i'll have a LARGE present for all of you. that is if one of my fellow coders is willing to help out a little -.- Spoiler What he's doing there, i'll have to wait for a translation to find out. but what i do know is that i can mod him into being played as now. Picture generously donated by Xendran.
yeah, the death thing happens to me too. i dont know why that happens
oh. hmm fair enough, i must have misread it. Those codes might be hard to hack with this horrible DMA though.
uhhhm, hate to break it to ya, but RE:CoM already has came out. a while ago now. and i dont think we have either of those codes.
Ummm. Look at the first page? they're right there.
....holy crap, you're right O.o ...DS jokers? i'll have to look into that...