lol, sorry, but no. maybe you could just edit the original and add in some UCM digits so it modifies the weapons? they won't hurt anything anyway...
Secondary slot's dont have room to put in a secondary weapon mset. therefore you can't give them a second weapon. you you CAN, it's just that they'd suck.
yeah, but that's actual mode re-insertion, not what i'm going for here. we could weild terra's keyblade in FM+ - no wait actually we couldn't because there are more bones in terra's weapon that you might think :p
tomorrow, i'm certain.
sorry, i didnt get the chance today.
O.O you do? oh god. how dare you accuse me of being a paedophile! *shifty eyes* on a serious note, however, vexen's sheild IS actually in KHII. take a look at jiminys journal. i intend to do no looking for leftover files whatsoever.
oh, isn't it? *grin* ...if only it wouldnt take so long. if i could do it myself, you'd see what i was talking about, but right now i just sound like a bit of an idiot. to explain a little bit, it might be possible to weild things like vexens weapon in this game via codes only.
well i do have one last trick up my sleeve. but it'll take about 2 more months before it's even theoretically possible, and even then it might not work how i'd like it to, if at all. *points at IV video* next year is now this year. we still have half of it left, ya know. what i meant by romhack was that he opened the actual game like a disc in a computer, found the models and copied them over roxas' model, editing the actual ROM itself. modifying those models via codes right now does absolutely nothing for some reason.
thanks :D yeah, i'm good thanks. and you?
It's complicated how models and animations work. a model contains bones, which control different verticies on the model. animations move, rotate and scale specific bones to specific points, angles and sizes respectively. now in most games, bone data is practically the same for every model file, making things a lot more simple, and often they're named, too. for instance, in FF: Dissidia, every model has a bone called "R_Uparm", and every model has all the verticies of their specific right upper arm linked to a bone with that exact name. however, every model in KHII is so varied that this is almost impossible. every character has like 3 bones in every finger, a bone for almost each hair spike etcetera etcetera. so instead of being labelled and all having bones that are the same for every character, bones are numbered, and made in a random order. not to mention the heirarchy (skeletal structure) is completely different for every character. so long story short, animations that werent made specifically for that model won't work because it's trying to move, rotate and scale the wrong bones and in the wrong order, creating a very displeasing "mushball" effect. hence why animations made for regular roxas, won't work for hooded roxas' model. and just a side note, if some models are screwed up, their collision data is also screwed up, and will fall through floors and walk through walls and stuff. thats why i'm not going to give you guys even a mushball hooded roxas code, because he does those things.
because they aren't codes, they're romhacks.
nobody ever reads when i type really long messages, so i'll try and keep this short. We can't play as bosses on the emulator. well, we can, but we can't control them. for some reason their MSETs do not permit input from the controller, so it wont let us control them. the reason why bosses dont work at all on the PS2 is because the PS2 for some reason crashes when it loads a boss model over slot 1's model. Hooded DW roxas was different because we neither used his model or his MSET file - instead we used a dummy model which doesn't crash, and we used Sora's MSET, and animation swapped to get the right animations. it doesnt work very well because DW roxas' animations were not meant to be controlled, and instead are just "played", instead of working like sora's animation's do. it makes me wonder if there's some lines in each animation that denote how long an animation is played for and when it can be interrupted.
the DS is region free, meaning anything will work with anything. if you can afford it, i would suggest buying, or somehow "obtaining" (sorry to be vague, but as acoder i have to live up to a certain expectation) the japanese version simply for the mission mode. that's what i did. you don't even have to play story mode, i dont think, so you can play as much as you want without spoiling yourself. the entire organisation is unlocked in mission mode from the start, so it's quite good just to play :D
It'll take me a while to do it. maybe tomorrow, if i get the chance.
exact same as me, actually. ....except my hours are shifted up one, i think.
if you had read anything after that, you'd know it's not possible to do unless you're some kind of romhacker. and even then it doesnt work very well.
just to clear things up, oathkeeper and oblivion are one weapon. the moveset simpley tells them to move apart when attacking. when an actually UWM is made, you will see that they stick together. if you give them to someone like mickey and just make him stand there, you'll see what i mean. also, has anybody gotten r2 (DW roxas) to use another moveset? because i can only freeze the game when trying that.
oh, a romhack. well that would make a lot more sense. i thought i was going to explode with utter jelousy there :D it's looking more and more like there isn't a useable model mod in days...