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  1. NeoCloudstrife
  2. NeoCloudstrife
    The only model of him i can get is him in a soldier uniform, since he was in soldier at the time. Sadly, since you never see it in CC, his face isn't textured properly. you still want him?.

    sorry about that, it's just that no-one has bothered trying to decode DoC models yet.
    ...although now that you mention it, perhaps it would be possible to extract his face texture from the game...
    Post by: NeoCloudstrife, Jun 17, 2009 in forum: Art Shop
  3. NeoCloudstrife
    Profile Post

    google it.

    google it.
    Profile Post by NeoCloudstrife for NarutoSuperKubii, Jun 17, 2009
  4. NeoCloudstrife
  5. NeoCloudstrife
  6. NeoCloudstrife
  7. NeoCloudstrife
    sorry, no, it isnt. it's 3DSmax and its REALLY not cheap.

    @thevader, alright, ill try and make that as soon as i can.
    Post by: NeoCloudstrife, Jun 16, 2009 in forum: Art Shop
  8. NeoCloudstrife
    i'm currently in the process of decoding the model file format so i can directly edit models and fix bone glitches and stuff.
    Post by: NeoCloudstrife, Jun 16, 2009 in forum: Code Vault
  9. NeoCloudstrife
    yeah, that's kinda what the weapon mod on the front page does. its not a universal weapon mod, so it just gives you different versions of their own weapons.
    Post by: NeoCloudstrife, Jun 15, 2009 in forum: Code Vault
  10. NeoCloudstrife
    lol ok but it might take me a while, Crisis core models dont have labelled bones. i have to manually label them. it migth take me a couple days.
    Post by: NeoCloudstrife, Jun 15, 2009 in forum: Art Shop
  11. NeoCloudstrife
  12. NeoCloudstrife
  13. NeoCloudstrife
    Profile Post

    i will be, soon.

    i will be, soon.
    Profile Post by NeoCloudstrife for Finale, Jun 15, 2009
  14. NeoCloudstrife
    ill try my best guys. expect em within a couple of days.

    [​IMG]sorry for the black colour scheme with his clothes, i was playing with the textures once and it just does that even if i change them back now. if you want 'em changed, however, let me know.
    Post by: NeoCloudstrife, Jun 14, 2009 in forum: Art Shop
  15. NeoCloudstrife
    wow, i've got 3 requests already :D

    i'll get right on em.

    is something like this ok?

    or do you want it in a higher res?
    Post by: NeoCloudstrife, Jun 14, 2009 in forum: Art Shop
  16. NeoCloudstrife
  17. NeoCloudstrife
    either way is cool.
    Post by: NeoCloudstrife, Jun 14, 2009 in forum: Art Shop
  18. NeoCloudstrife
    hey, i dont keep things from you guy's for fun you know.
    ...don't jump to conclusions, i hate that. :mad:
    If i tell you about it now then what's the point in me bothering to even try, especially since it might not even work. and then i'll have NOTHING for my video. absolututely nothing. it was the only backup i had.
    Post by: NeoCloudstrife, Jun 13, 2009 in forum: Code Vault
  19. NeoCloudstrife
    as long as it only uses one keyblade, you're good to go.

    its really almost nothing, seriously. just something a friend of mine from another site might help out on. his schedule's busy, but he said in about 3 months he'd be able to have a look. it's been maybe a month already
    Post by: NeoCloudstrife, Jun 13, 2009 in forum: Code Vault
  20. NeoCloudstrife