WHAT. Huh, I should really play Pokémon more. I have no idea why I thought it couldn't learn Fly... Well then, Charizard's clearly a dragon. >:D
WHAT. I thought Gyrados was Water/Dragon. ;-; Then again, Charizard has wings and it's Fire/Dragon and can't learn Fly. XD
View attachment 32209 The funny thing is, this isn't fake. 8D
YES! I hope this is true, I can finally get some of my friends to play this now. :D Thanks for posting!
WOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO Okay, now that the initial excitement is over, I'm actually happy it's coming out on the Wii U as well as the PS3. The original Final Fantasy games were on Nintendo systems, and then also 'cause I can force my friends to play this now. :D
Potatoes. Every single darn night the dinner at my house is potatoes with some random vegetable and some random meat (not human meat, either! D:).
Yuffie! 8D We're both ninjas, we're both clever and cunning, we're both a tad bit *makes circular motions around ear*, we both get motion sickness in moving vehicles (though in fairness I can go on roller coasters and stuff, it's just that if I'm in a car for over an hour I start to feel really sick xD) we're both obsessed with Materia, and we're both the awesomest people ever. :=D:
Nintendo said Fall 2012. We'll probably be getting waaayyy more info at E3 though. 8D Unless they decide to focus on the Wii U.
OMG yes. I remember it like it was yesterday. I thought that was a pole sticking out of the ground. ;-;
The honey badger just takes what it wants. I never get mosquito bites over here. Ireland is so boring peaceful. >:D
Well, I must admit. I downloaded a friend once. But the specimen gave me a virus. ): Ever since, I've been getting rid of all the rest - there's no such thing as being too cautious!
How did this paradox occur?
Username : LostMemory Family Member/Title : Materia Hunter Personality : Uhm, I don't know. xD I'm a ninja, a ninja master, to be exact, so I guess that makes me awesome? :Awesome: Haha... ha... *cough* Well, I'm just a tad bit eccentric, a Slytherin, I'm always obsessed with something, and I don't know why I'm not in an asylum yet. I'm a narf. That's the word! A crazy genius. Literary Arts Specialty : I was always ahead of my class on grammar when I was in primary school, (if you're a Grammar Nazi, then excuse the fact that I always tend to put a comma before the word "and"; it's a habit! XD) and I guess that's expanded to vocabulary as well. I don't generally show it, but if I'm writing a story then I tend to use a lot of ginormous words. 8D Apart from that, I'd say my main specialty is writing stories in first-person; I've always found it to be a most interesting writing style, and it's been a long time since I've wrote with another style. Anything else you'd like to share? : Not really. I'm a ninja, and er... I like trains? 8D
View attachment 32206 My job here is done.
Hey, that was going to be my alternative name!
It's the same over here, in Ireland. 23°C. And I had to carry over 20 books home from school (second-last non-exam day). I'm sweating like a pig. ;-;
Well, I puked on Rufus Shinra after spending hours on the airship, if that's what you mean, if not then I'm no longer comfortable with this question. NEXT!
So you post FF orchestral music, and no "A Flower Blooming in the Slums"? I am truly disappoint. D:
Most people will say VII, and I voted for VII, but you should also play VI. Kefka FTW!
You should like, do jumping jacks until you feel like you're gonna collapse, and then you should like, go and collapse. Problem solved.