I want to live in New York.
Mario is 90. Peach is 52. Luigi's age is unspecified. Yoshi is 2. And Goomba is immortal.
I feel like I'm about to explode. :B|:
Roxas hasn't gotten a cavity yet. Because this is Kingdom Hearts.
I tried to, but then the Microsoft E3 conference was so painfully boring that I fell asleep in the first twenty minutes.
I don't know if Google Chrome is screwing with me again, but I can't see said random KH picture.
I like Days simply because of 3:26 in this video. [video=youtube;A-yqd5JC8tU]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=A-yqd5JC8tU[/video] [/potatoquality]
It was 14°C here today. TROLOLOLO
I think this speaks for itself.
http://powerlisting.wikia.com/wiki/Worship_Empowerment People worship me for the awesomeness of my presentation. This gives me power. I use said power for my ultimate goal to conquer icanhazcheezburger.com, and use the domain name to take over the world!
Is a burger... neko... thing...amabob...
...That's it, I'm post-whoring.
Umm... whale rainbow?
There goes my innocence.
Observe outside the window. Just to stand out.
My god... I've never really been the type to care about graphics but... *drool* I'd be really interested in this, I hope Square turns it into a game. As others have said, we did get a survey, after all.
Technically, though, Nintendo have been developing a design like this for a while now through the generations and just completely ditched it last gen with the Wii. Technically, this is their design. Technically. (I've used the word "technically" three times.) I hate the + pad and AXYB placements. Why couldn't they just do it the old-fashioned way and put the analog sticks near the bottom? XD I'm still happy we're getting this design back though.
Okay that's the funniest thing I've seen all day. XD
That's not a chicken, that's a chocobo! Chocobos are instant win. D:
That's so weird, I was just setting up my PS3. Will do.