I hate trains.
W00t. I live in the west. And I hate potatoes.
*goes on chaining rampage*
mineminemine 2 seconds too late DX
If I was a dude, I'd wanna marry her too.
Manipulation over time. You could avoid so many disasters, unless ur dat ****** Noel from FFXIII-2 could like, live in Renaissance times, win the lottery like 1000 times (because spamming money is cool), you'd have endless time to do whatever you want, and you could see how screwed we'll be in 30 years.
Nope. That's Heroin Hero.
Broken picture is broken.
I've beaten the Elite Four on my first try with just a Torterra and a Palkia.And a hell of a lot of Revives. I feel superior.
I see you see what I did there.
The epicness which graces these games are too heavenly for my mediocre brain to comprehend.
My Brawl disc needs to be lazor'd. DX
This looks so much better than all the crap I eat combined.
Like a day. I never eat if it involves pausing my video game. Video games must come first.
I can touch and move my eye around with my finger without experiencing any pain. ...just putting it out there...
I'm extremely obsessed with the paranormal, and yeah, I do, 100% believe in ghosts. I also suspect that my house may be haunted sometimes, but I don't think genuine stuff happen often enough for it to be considered "haunted". I've always wanted to visit a famous haunted spot, but I know the moment I get there I'd want to leave. XD I like scaring myself, until the scaring bit actually happens. So, there's two unexplainable things that always come to mind whenever I talk to people about the paranormal. The first happened to me when I was four, and two of my cousins were having a sleepover at my house. The youngest was only a year old, and the eldest was four, too. Me and my four year old cousin woke up at about 7am - 8am, but I remember I thought it was later at the time, and that other people were awake. We went downstairs, but as we were on about the third or fourth step from the bottom, we heard a sound like a child playing with a toy, and the sound of glass breaking. It was a bit of a rhythm, the child would play, the glass would break, child would play, glass would break. At first, when I heard the child playing, I thought it was my one year old cousin, and this sound was coming from the kitchen, but then when we looked around the corner (the stairs in my house don't have a banister, there's like this wall when you walk downstairs where a banister would normally be) but when I looked around the banister, about to step off the bottom stair, we realized that there was nobody in the kitchen. At all. The rhythm of a child playing noise, and then the glass breaking went on for five minutes practically, whilst we just stood on the bottom step peeking around, frozen with fear. Then finally, we plucked up the courage to turn the corner. The second we walked into the kitchen, the rhythm just suddenly stopped, as if whatever was in there was just then aware of our presence or something. We searched the entire kitchen, and there was no glass broken, then the scullery (a scullery is a room in the house where plates, glasses, laundry facilities etc are kept, yeah, our house is ooolllddd XD) then the living room, and the entire ground floor of our house but there wasn't a single shard of broken glass anywhere. We were really freaked out, so we ran back upstairs and checked the room where my one year old cousin was sleeping, and she was there. We ran into the landing (um, I'm not sure if that word is still in use, it's the upstairs hallway XD) and I could feel something breathing on my neck. Me and my cousin just ran back into our bedroom after that. We were shaken up. When everyone else woke up later that day, we told them what happened, but as is Murphy's law, nobody believed us and told us it was probably our imagination. >.< The other thing happened just a few years ago, I was probably between the ages of 9 - 11. This is pretty short, but basically I was sitting on the stairs, reading a book when somebody passed by and I moved on the stairs slightly to let them pass. But as the person passed, I remembered that me, my mom and my sister were the only people in the house, due to the fact that I could hear them talking in another room at the time, and I also realized that the person who passed was wwwaaayyy too quiet compared to the inhabitants of my house.. I snapped my head around to face them and all I saw was something like an alarmingly pale pair of feet leap around the side of the stairs and out of sight. Apart from that, I lose stuff constantly, and I can specifically remember looking in a certain place, and the thing not being there, but then I'll come back and search the same place later and it's there. Now that I think about it, it could be related to these stuff, but it doesn't really freak me out so I don't consider it a paranormal experience, nor is there any proof saying it's just someone playing a prank on me, so...
Dat world-destroying tomato.
Ah, yes. Good memories.