I've just started to use my sisters computer. Every time too many different noises are used it just makes an annoying high pitched....."eeeeeeeeee" kinda noise. Is there any way to fix it?
-Link removed I shit you not. This sickens me.
With slightly unfunny flashes.
Suggest all names you want me to try. Will post thread with poll later.
I heard somewhere that to be able to have ALL level panels up, you had to put it a certain way. Does anyone have a picture of this?
Ever heard of a sex shop above a Subway? No wonder those sandwiches are shaped like that :lolface:
I've had a few problems lately. My sister, somebody at school, school itself, my mom, my dad......Everything. I'll start with my sister. My sister is of 24 years old, doesn't work, doesn't go to school, stays at home, on computer, complains about me, makes me feel bad about myself, and sometimes even attacks me when she doesn't get what she wants. Recently her headphones broke and needed more. So she came into the living room and asked me for them. I just came home and point blankly told her no. She started yelling and telling me they were "hers" and she only let me "borrow" them. Well when she gave them to me she never said anything about that. So it became a huge argument which led to her losing her internet for only a few hours. During the fight she nitpicked me about things such as school and chores. I soon nitpicked her and she got really mad. I told her she's useless, doesn't shower, doesn't do the dishes (she's supposed to), and always tells everyone their bad qualities while neglecting her own. That mad her real mad. She lunged at me, got her face close to mine and screamed "I hate yooooouuuuuuu" over and over. After that she kept calling me a b!tch and fat ass over and over. That got me a little sad but worst of all my mom didn't care and gave her internet back within two hours. What's with that? Next I'll talk about a girl at school. Every day she comes in happy and soon starts acting as if she's the big boss around the class. Mind you, it's a business type class. And whenever I try and joke with her she acts as if she shouldn't care and that I'm a piece of sh!t. One day she even said to me about my argumentive behaviour and said "That's why nobody likes to talk with you" well from what I could tell, I knew....2 people in the room from other classes. So she isn't acting like a responsible adult. What bugs me is the fact that she wanted to tell my teacher about it and make it seem like she was the victim and I was the attacker. That depressed me that day. I felt like total crap for the rest of the day. I couldn't even do work in class because I kept thinking of her words. Now I'm too scared to do anything. I'm even afraid to tell a certain boy I like him. I always think that I'm the annoying girl who nobody likes. Even on these forums I've been called annoying....It hurts but...It's the internet right? And besides, the girl is 18, shouldn't she start acting that way? Next is school. Every day I don't want to go to school. But I have to. Not to have fun or let kids bully me, but to actually get through so I can get a job that pays good wages after college. In school, I'm more worried about my drawing that I am about my work. I can usually draw 7 pages, or more, a day for a manga that is still in mediocrity. And whenever teachers confront me I assure them I understand. Apparently they don't believe me. A teacher even took a book I was reading for another class from me because it was a test....She though I would be cheating or something...I dunno. I want to know why at school people can't just leave me alone, understand that I'm good, and actually give me a chance to prove it to them. I'm always thought of that one girl who draws and doesn't do her work....Why do people always think of me as that? They even make fun of my weight, pimples, things I did in ELEMENTARY school, and even middle school. Nobody wants to give me a chance..... My mom. She always tells me I should be doing this and that but she doesn't know that I do do good in school. I also want to go to college....It's just that she always tells me to worry about myself. But how can I when people at school make fun of me and even my own sisters! She never punishes them, but if I do something wrong I get my whole computer taken away for days, weeks, or even rarely months. I don't get why she doesn't punish my older sister as much as she does me. The longest she's been without the computer is 2 days. And that was when my mom left for the weekend. And she even lets her have it or doesn't take it, even if she doesn't do the dishes or she yells at me. Do you think she should try harder? My dad. He is never home, but when he is all he can do is complain and tell us we need to do chores, chores, and more chores! Thing is, I do enough chores. Why doesn't he allow us to have a break on the weekends? I always never get to do anything, like go out, walk around outside, watch TV. I just don't see why he never lets us do anything! Should he? Mind you, my mother never allowed us to go outside when we were children. So I'm a very pale child. I'm also at 315 pounds of weight with acne. Thought I'd mention that. I'm just a fat white girl who gets on computer to try and get away from her real life problems with the computer. So if you' rather picture me as that and then decide to flame me or whatever term you use then go ahead. Make me feel worse.
Remember when a bunch of us prems were all normal members? That was fun. Let's do it again......But....Should we?
I went into the comedy club thingie and seriously went Because what a comedian said. "I've got cancer, laugh out loud" "Sad face" .......No words can describe how stupidly I think of that game now.
Yeah it's my avatar but the pixelyness....Is annoying. Can it be fixed? By pixelyness I mean the white pixel outline.
Admins really do care about my threads ;D
This is what being invisible is like ;D
never mind I did it lol
Hey and welcome to my shop. I am Shiki, a signature designer! You want some examples? Well here you go! Also note, I DO NOT USE FANART. That means you people who even try! REQUESTING FORMS: AVATAR Render: Size(default is 100x100): Colors: Text: Font: Font Size: SIGNATURES Render: Size(default 350x100): Colors: Text: Text Size: Font: Font Size: Font Placement: SIGNATURES AVATARS
I put some work and did a few things....I hope it doesn't look too clustered ;< CnC?
I used a tut to do the grid and I just worked my magic XD CnC?
Talked on the phone last night. it was weird....But...We had some awkward silences....:'D
That Neku gets really bored when I am not here o.0; Anyone else notice that? Going around, creating threads....Goodness! XD