Fabio won't be the new Old Spice guy. Thank goodness.
I did this one before I did the other. So it may or may not be very good. The lineart, again, is not mine. I first colored it in Paint Tool Sai then I added textures to it in Photoshop. Thanks for the critique and whatnot in advance, everyone. Spoiler
Lineart is not mine, sadly. But I was given permission to color it. Warning: It's huge. Spoiler
Woah. Haven't been here in forever. Hello everyone. How are you doing?
Not destined for ballads get!
Oh just something I've wanted to do for awhile. An icon set, that is! I hope you guys enjoy these :) If I make more sets, I promise to show you guys those too. Enjoy them! [Oh god, I hope I didn't post these already]
Hey everyone! I dunno, should I post this here? I hope I can be accepted back? Lol. A LOT of people should know me. That's why I kept the name.
First off, I haven't made anything in awhile, so here we go... I made this avatar yesterday: I then made this wallpaper only an hour ago in tribute to wearing purple/using purple on DA: http://fc00.deviantart.net/fs71/i/2010/295/3/c/mystical_purple_by_1love1riku1-d319ax4.png I had to post the link to wallpaper due to size.
Lotsa pretty screens gaiz.
http://blog.jp.square-enix.com/kingdom/2010/07/khrecoded.html Well...If anyone can translate what it says, I'd appreciate it.
Seen it before anyone?
The competitive arena STILL allows posts to be counted?! I thought I suggested this ages ago to be changed.... Unless somebody thought it better that they counted?
My title is stuck this way until I reach 1k posts again. I failed.
Saddened I don't have rainbow name...D: Might as well work back up eh? So, how has everyone been since my last visit? :3
That I made AMV's.
Discuss the topic.
How are you, on this fine Spring evening?
Oh hey. I'm here. Might be leaving dunno. Bleach sucks. BBS is epic. I live on KHI now.
Explain your signature to me. And whatever show it is. Is is a japanese rave party?
Thought I'd come and say.... Sup. <3