Cuz sometimes I feel like I need to down some gin....but I can't arrrrrggghhh Dx Has any under agers ever felt that way? Also, I don't suggest any of you, under 21 that is, try and drink or you will be in serious trouble, parentally and physically...
I have a new name for you. It shall be.... kit-kit! It sounds sweet :3
Yeah so today I can be on the site for 2 hours! Then when I get home more fun! I hope... ENJOY ME PEOPLE!
Guess what? My mom payed for us to get internet, so I guess I'll be back by Thursday or something <3 Maybe sooner if I am lucky enough <3 SPREAD IT..... I luv joo kitty...and Sora 13? Sora 13 will always be a hawt emo dude in my eyes >:3 \ And CTR, are you malnourished? And is Cupcakey back? *licks her icin*
So where's my fanclub? What? Nobody luffs me enough TTATT I THOUGH I WAS GANGSTA ENOUGH TTATT
Sorry people but my mom said she is thinking about not ever paying for our internet... First I want to say a few things to a few people <3 CTR: You and I make a good donut squad brigade thingy don't we? I hope you can find a donut feeder or afford your own for a little while x3 Kitty: Please stay the forum pet <3 Also, I hope you're going to stay envious of my cat ears >:3 Sora 13: I only put you here since I luv yur emoness <3 Cupcake: What else can i say? I luv ur icing *lick lick* ~Amber~:I hope to find your cookie castle up and running. And in one piece <3 I hope you will remember me. But don't worry, I have the school library. So I'll be able to be on for 30 minutes on the weedays. But please don't be sad.... I love you all!
Are you British? Or something along that line?
Yes I decided to make a small story. I put here since I couldn't figure where else to put it. So let me tell you a small back-story real quickly. Before we begin, Naxin had had a habit of coming home quite late. She soon had ticked her mother off completely. That was the last straw. Her mother ordered her to either come home early or not come home at all. Of course Naxin continued to come home and soon found that it was better to just leave. We begin on the afternoon that she packs..... She felt a cool breeze fall over her face when she woke up that morning. She looked around to remember that she was in her kitchen. It was barely kept warm so there was a reason her whole body felt stiff and cold. She tried to get up but her body refused. She looked around from her point to try and find a blanket. She found one at her feet. She reached down and pulled it over her whole body. She peered over the blanket and began to recollect what had happened the night before. It was a cold night. She just got home and had started to reheat what little food she could find. She looked over her shoulder to see her mother standing in the frame of the door. She had an angry expression about her face. She blushed a little and tried to speak but was cut off. “No, don’t say a thing…If you want to get home this late, then you can sleep on the floor.†Her mother had a small Russian accent. The girl looked sullen and shook her head. She collected her food and sat at the kitchen table and ate. Soon after she fell asleep on the floor. She felt a tear falling from her face. Soon, she will be 18 and her mother will kick her out. She got up, she felt warmer, and walked slowly up the stairway to the hall and then her bedroom. When she arrived she saw a strange girl. She had cat ears and was purring slightly on the girls bed. She tiptoed over and poked at her left ear. The ear twitched and she was immediately awake. She hissed at her at first then sat on her but and said, “Mew, I’m your new friend, your momma hired me to see what’s wrong so that maybe I can help you!†She smiled at the girl. Soon after they were sleeping on the bed. The girl got up only an hour later and walked over to her dresser. She opened it and began throwing various items into a trunk. The little cat-girl awoke and said, “What is your name anyway? Mine is Nina.†The girl turned around and said, “It’s Naxin. My name is Naxin.†She continued to pack while the neko slept a little more. She needed sleep since tomorrow she and Naxin were going to run away.
Does anybody know the name of the song with his small tidbit of lyrics: "I'll be your hero, and you're my heroine" It's something like that. Any ideas? I'd like to know thanks! Trust's weird yet very hilarious x3
So have you had it where a game had a really weird glitch? I did. In FFX I was finishing up the gamer and beating it. I defeated all the Aeons but guess what? The game never let me to Yu-Yevon! So I had to start all over again! I figure it must have been that I used cheats :/
Misty has rules? Oh so you wanna stop me from putting more than one emoticon eh? Well here is my say, :glomp: :glomp: :glomp: :glomp: :glomp: :glomp: :glomp: :glomp: :glomp: :glomp: :glomp: :glomp: :glomp: :glomp: :glomp: :glomp: :glomp: :glomp: :glomp: :glomp: :glomp: :glomp: :glomp: :glomp: :glomp: :glomp: :glomp: :glomp: :glomp: :glomp: :glomp: :glomp: :glomp: :glomp: Muahahaha >D
You have 587 pictures of pure Kingdom Hearts x.x