You need a better lolface. Srsly. I'm in ninth grade. D:
Child in Time - Deep Purple
It's a stupid job, not the people who do it are stupid.
With a tazer.
The Best Song In The World - Tenacious D Sad that they never published it.
MUST... SAVE... THREAD... The Grand Vizier's Garden Party - Pink Floyd
No. That is Wolfie. 8D
Quite a lot of shooting going on in a couple thread. What has the world come to? D:
The last one is a bit unfair, because it is a group of friends. The other threads are all on their own.
Daxter. filler
I've been here for one and a half, and I have a tenth of that amount <.< You definately have more ppd's than I do.
And of course you're saving yourself buying a 3-D TV.
I see your avatar and think I am messed up ._.
Toronto, Canada.
Rothenburg, Germany.
Didn't I just say yesterday that I wanted an OoT remake? Only on Wii. But this will be the reason for me buying a 3DS.
This. Was. My. Post. D:<
I don't even know twenty people :c