2004 was not real music. 1970'S WERE. >.>
Advise her to split the dorm into East and West Dormany by builing a giant wall there.
Yeah, I know, I had to take this on my mobile phone camera which isn't the best. And my scanner only scans A4, not A3, so that wouldn't work either. This was the best I could get.
Yeah, me. 8D One pencil, lots of eraser. If you don't know, it's the Avenged Sevenfold Deathbat. I know the "Text", if you can call it that, sucks, but who cares. I worked harder on the skull shading. Also, no tracing, because that would be lame and suck. Comments 'n' stuff?
That was some thrashing the Germans just did to Argentina. O.o
Carey for still actively hacking 8D
Am I the only one geeky enough to not only read the SmashWiki, but also test this shit out? ._.
Dark Side of the Moon. B|
You mis-spelled "business" in your location. c:
Everything not related to elephants is irrelephant.
am I a guitar geek for feeling all warm and fuzzy inside? C:
FFFFFFFFFFFFFF- And I'm struggling and have been using Max for two years. >.> Mind you, I'm making a more realistic looking one. :lolface:
Yeah, quoting TV is so incredibly creative and inspirational. >.>
They're probably called Wierd Gender Bender Kids
My best was sheep 2 with 0.048 seconds. The others sucked hard.
I have never seen more fail in one post before.
Because someone had to post it :>
Time - Pink Floyd
One, I live in Germany and I weigh 58 kilos at nearly fifteen years. Second, I only eat ice cream every four months or so. D: