Search Results

  1. DarkRose24
    Story Line:
    A hundred years have past since Sora was chosen by the Keyblade. Things have changed drastically. All the worlds have fallen into disarray. Nobodies and heartless roam the streets and seem to be unstoppable. People are disappearing and worlds are slowly vanishing. And the worst part… There’s no one to stop it.
    Ninety years ago the Keyblade master disappeared under mysterious circumstances. Since then no sign of a new Keyblade master has come. People have waited and now are giving up hope. But one girl still believes that there’s hope. Her name is Akari. One day Akari found herself surounded by heartless. Out of nowhere a keyblade appeared in her hand. She had heard storys of the keyblade and its master from her grandmother and went to her for advice. Her grandmother was speachless and told her to go and find a boy named Roxas. Akari knew Roxas and when she found him she showed him. All he did was smile and say, "Looks like the keyblade has a new master."

    Ok so thats the synopsis. And here's the additional info.
    *There will be a total of five keyblade masters including Akari.
    *Nobodies like Roxas ans Namine are the same age as in KH2.(Cause I figured that since nobodies aren't people they cant age.)
    *The worlds are infested with heartless and nobodies yes but a couple wont be.
    *And yes somehow all of org. XIII is back.

    Ok and then rules
    *No more than mild cussing. Please use ***
    *No more than three characters per person.
    *Nothing more than PG-13 in both romance and violence.

    Ok these are the useable characters(We still need one more master)

    Roxas: dialgataffy
    Namine: DarkRose24
    Xigbar: robert the yogurt
    Demyx: robert the yogurt
    Marluxia: Xalhera1995
    Akari: DarkRose24(1st master)
    Minato: Protecter212(2nd master)
    Alaric: ArchAwesomeman(3rd master)
    Exile: exile0025(4th master)
    I will add the original characters when they are made.

    For original characters please fill this out.


    Name: Akari
    Age: 15
    Appearance: [​IMG] (She's wearing shorts.)
    Weapon/Keyblade: Oathkeeper
    Personality: She's kinda quiet and shy but not afriad to speak her mind. She also wont let what other people think stop her.
    Bio: She grew up in Twilight Town hearing storys of how the great keyblade master Sora had saved all the worlds. Even after her world began to be invaded by the Heartless and nobodies she didn't give up hope. Much of her past is kept secret, even to her.

    Ok I hope that everyone likes this idea! :]
    Thread by: DarkRose24, Jun 30, 2008, 116 replies, in forum: Retirement Home
  2. DarkRose24
    *Runs over to bag and pulls out umbrella* Why must the world be so cruel!?
    Post by: DarkRose24, Jun 30, 2008 in forum: Forum Families
  3. DarkRose24
    OMG... ~Amber~ you are amazing! This is better than I imagined! Thank you so much! Next time I need a sig or avatar I'll be sure to come here! And I'll be sure to give you some rep! Thanks! :]
    Post by: DarkRose24, Jun 29, 2008 in forum: Art Shop
  4. DarkRose24
    *Hears thunder in distance* What the... Its summer! *Lightning strikes four feet away* O.o Never mind... It can rain in summer...
    Post by: DarkRose24, Jun 29, 2008 in forum: Forum Families
  5. DarkRose24
    *Stands up and looks around* Why is the beach so empty? *Goes to the boardwalk and gets an ice cream* Yum ice cream! :]
    Post by: DarkRose24, Jun 28, 2008 in forum: Forum Families
  6. DarkRose24
    *stares at person reading book then shaking head starts climbing out*
    Post by: DarkRose24, Jun 27, 2008 in forum: Forum Families
  7. DarkRose24
    *Falls into another hole while backing up* What the- *stops talking cause just realized that someones sitting on the floor of the hole reading a book* O.o
    Post by: DarkRose24, Jun 27, 2008 in forum: Forum Families
  8. DarkRose24
    Ummm... Hi? This sounds really interesting. Do you think I could join? And is it ok if use a made up character?
    Post by: DarkRose24, Jun 27, 2008 in forum: Retirement Home
  9. DarkRose24
    Yay! Its da beach!*runs to the water then seeing the remains of the gaint squid backs away slowly*
    Post by: DarkRose24, Jun 27, 2008 in forum: Forum Families
  10. DarkRose24
    Thank You! ^_^
    Post by: DarkRose24, Jun 27, 2008 in forum: Art Shop
  11. DarkRose24
    Hi! Umm... Could please make this sig for me?
    Type: Sig
    Color Scheme:Emerald Green
    Stock/Render: world ends with you/tohoni/wewy_sm_2nd_b082.jpg?o=155 (Both people please)
    Text: ARe U ReAdy?
    Other:Could you have in the background the names Shiki and Neku in a slightly lighter shade of green and standing vertically?
    If you can do that please that would be great!
    Post by: DarkRose24, Jun 27, 2008 in forum: Art Shop
  12. DarkRose24
    That was really disturbing... But it would make sense that its a take of on a book. It also looks like its not a recent film.(This is just a guess) It isnt as clean as some of the more recent films that have been made in clay-mation. And I doubt that it was made specifically for children.
    Post by: DarkRose24, Jun 25, 2008 in forum: Discussion
  13. DarkRose24
    So is it like something that u can use and like put videos and icons and stuff like that that have 2 do with Kingdom Hearts on ur cell? If its only 4 Japan that would make sense cause Japan has really good phones(I think. Thats wat my friend told me). Still sounds cool!
    Post by: DarkRose24, Jun 23, 2008 in forum: Kingdom Hearts News & Updates
  14. DarkRose24
    Thx 4 the help guys! I didn't think that there might be more nobodies than trinket things......(Dont mind the vocab I'm VERY tired....) Anyways Thx a lot I did not know wat 2 do at all! So I'll try those ideas and see if it will work.
    Post by: DarkRose24, Jun 19, 2008 in forum: Kingdom Hearts Help
  15. DarkRose24
    Ok I'm at port royale and I'm stuck at the part where u have 2 beat a nobody in 10 seconds or it'll escape. I cant do it. I think it might have something to do with drives... But I'm not sure. I've tried anyway though but it didnt work to well 4 me. Does anyone know how do this part??? PLz? Help is welcome...
    Thread by: DarkRose24, Jun 18, 2008, 14 replies, in forum: Kingdom Hearts Help
  16. DarkRose24
    Thx 4 clearing that up! Now that I'm thru with that I can get back to wats important! I'm going to try and make a mini AMV 4 the MEP. Anyways thx again!
    Post by: DarkRose24, Jun 4, 2008 in forum: Feedback & Assistance
  17. DarkRose24
    Rite.... Sorry I'm well new and thought that signing up 4 this one meant I could post vids too.... o.O
    Anyways is it the same as signing up for the forums? Do u have to do anything special? Like pay a fee? or give more info???
    Post by: DarkRose24, Jun 4, 2008 in forum: Feedback & Assistance
  18. DarkRose24
    Ok I have a little bit of a problem. Ok I am starting to get into the idea of making AMV's and such but when I try to log on in that section it doesn't work! I've tried my e-mail and password like it says. And I've tried my username and password! Idk if its my really bad computer or if its the website or what. Help!
    Thread by: DarkRose24, Jun 4, 2008, 5 replies, in forum: Feedback & Assistance
  19. DarkRose24
    How can they make a poll like that!? I love all those soundtracks! But in the end I just voted for Dearly Beloved. But I really like Roxas's Theme, Sora's theme, and Kairi's theme too!Oh well....
    Post by: DarkRose24, May 28, 2008 in forum: Kingdom Hearts HD II.5 ReMIX
  20. DarkRose24
    Thx Guys! I think i'm going to enjoy it here! And Thx a lot for the help I was confused with the colors and about where to look! OK C U guys L8r!
    Post by: DarkRose24, May 28, 2008 in forum: Introductions & Departures