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  1. DarkRose24
    "My names Akari. Exile... Do you live around here-" She stopped as she spotted the giant heartless.'How big do these things get!? I've never seen a heartless this big before...' She dodged and slashed another couple of heartless attacks. 'We need to finish this fast I dont know how much longer I can hold up...
    Post by: DarkRose24, Jul 1, 2008 in forum: Retirement Home
  2. DarkRose24
    Akari turned to see another person with a keyblade. 'Another? Ok I really need to talk to Roxas after this.' She sliced a heartless and turned to the boy, "No offense and I really enjoy the help but... Who are you?"
    Post by: DarkRose24, Jul 1, 2008 in forum: Retirement Home
  3. DarkRose24
    OOC: Sure exile0025 your in. Just need to know what world your going to start in and that's it. ^_^

    Akari saw that more heartless were coming and thought, 'Well there's a good side and a bad side to this. Good side the heartless aren't attacking the people anymore. Bad side now there's nothing to distract them. We need to find the leader. But what if the man in the black coat is the leader then what? She jumped back and hit the heartless in front of her. We need to end this.
    Post by: DarkRose24, Jul 1, 2008 in forum: Retirement Home
  4. DarkRose24
    Akari waited for Roxas to answer but he didn't. All she heard him say was a faint, "It cant be..." She turned away from Roxas just in time to deflect an attack from a heartless. She slashed three heartless that were about to attack and then noticed something. The heartless weren't attacking the people anymore. Just them.
    Post by: DarkRose24, Jul 1, 2008 in forum: Retirement Home
  5. DarkRose24
    "Leader... The leader would be a bigger heartless right?" she said to herself. "But-" she cut off. 'What about that man in the black coat I saw the other day? Could he be the leader?' She ran over to where Roxas was fighting and striking another heartless stopped and talked to him. "Roxas. The other day when I was walking to the sandlot I saw a man. He had a black coat on and he had a hood that covered all of his face. And as soon as I saw him he vanished into this black portal. Could he be the leader of the heartless that Alaric was talking about?"
    Post by: DarkRose24, Jul 1, 2008 in forum: Retirement Home
  6. DarkRose24
    *Finishes building castle* Yay! My castle is finished! *Wave crushes castle and washes it away* Noooooooooo! My castle.... :(
    Post by: DarkRose24, Jul 1, 2008 in forum: Forum Families
  7. DarkRose24
    Akari jumped backwards as a heartless leaped at her. She regained her balance at struck it with the keyblade. 'Their not lightening up at all! This isn't like before! They would disappear shortly after attacking.' She saw the heartless attacking person after person. Then she realized that this definitely wasn't like last time. She watched as people disappeared and hearts flew into the sky. "No....." she whispered. "We have to stop them..."
    Post by: DarkRose24, Jul 1, 2008 in forum: Retirement Home
  8. DarkRose24
    OOC: Ok dialgataffy. Well basically we're all standing around talking as people show up and then when we were about to get answers out of Roxas we hear screams and run of towards market street. Ok?

    Akari came to face market street. Heartless were everywhere. They were attacking everyone in sight and smashing open boxes and crates. Summoning her keyblade she thought, 'It looks almost as if their looking for something...' She suddenly spotted three young children surrounded by heartless. She ran forward and struck the heartless. As she was telling the children to go find their parents she saw Minato and Alaric fighting some heartless that were attacking a shop. 'Why are the heartless attacks becoming more and more frequent?' She looked at her keyblade. 'Is this why?'
    Post by: DarkRose24, Jul 1, 2008 in forum: Retirement Home
  9. DarkRose24
    OOC: Hey dialgataffy is offline so lets take a detour.

    Just at that moment Akari heard screams coming from market street. "Well if that's what we're supposed to do... Seems like its time to get some practice in!" And with one last look at all of them she ran off in the direction of market street.
    Post by: DarkRose24, Jul 1, 2008 in forum: Retirement Home
  10. DarkRose24
    "Roxas what is going on?" she asked him. "And if we are the new masters... What are we supposed to do?"
    Post by: DarkRose24, Jul 1, 2008 in forum: Retirement Home
  11. DarkRose24
    Akari watched as the whole scene unfolded. She looked from Minato to Alaric to Roxas. 'What's happening?' she thought to herself. She turned to Roxas. Who was standing and watching as the boys countinued to stare at each other. 'He knows what's going on... Whether or not he decides to tell us though is another thing entirerly.
    Post by: DarkRose24, Jul 1, 2008 in forum: Retirement Home
  12. DarkRose24
    She watched Minato carefully for a moment before saying, "My name is Akari." 'Minato... Haven't I seen him around town before?'she thought. She jumped as another voice spoke a little bit away from them.
    Post by: DarkRose24, Jul 1, 2008 in forum: Retirement Home
  13. DarkRose24
    Akari spun around as she heard a voice behind her. "What is this all about?" said a boy who looked close to her own age. "Who are you?" she asked him.
    Post by: DarkRose24, Jul 1, 2008 in forum: Retirement Home
  14. DarkRose24
    Hi! So I'm ready to start when you guys are. :)
    Post by: DarkRose24, Jul 1, 2008 in forum: Retirement Home
  15. DarkRose24
    Yeah its getting late where I am so I have to log out soon. Maybe we can start tomorrow when the others are on. Gotta go.
    Post by: DarkRose24, Jul 1, 2008 in forum: Retirement Home
  16. DarkRose24
    Ok! ^_^ Thanks!
    Post by: DarkRose24, Jun 30, 2008 in forum: Retirement Home
  17. DarkRose24
    Your in too! Btw your the 3rd master ok? Oh! and what world is your character found first in?
    Post by: DarkRose24, Jun 30, 2008 in forum: Retirement Home
  18. DarkRose24
    Yeah your both in! But Protecter212 is it ok if dialgataffy can be Roxas? And yeah I understand all the other RP's are like 50-100 pages. Thats partly why I made this.
    Post by: DarkRose24, Jun 30, 2008 in forum: Retirement Home
  19. DarkRose24
    Yeah! *Sits down on sand and starts building castle with wet sand* Yay castle!
    Post by: DarkRose24, Jun 30, 2008 in forum: Forum Families
  20. DarkRose24
    I dont know.... But it just stopped raining! *Stops raining all of a sudden*
    Post by: DarkRose24, Jun 30, 2008 in forum: Forum Families