Hey guys, welcome to the first ever Member Council. Before we move on to the subject, here are some added rules besides the Member Council ones: So we have a nice subject at hand, and I've been doing a bit of my own research, so I think this subject will be interesting to most. CENSORSHIP AND ACCEPTABLE CONTENT We have certain rules when it comes to what content can be allowed on KH-Vids.Net. But recently the thoughts on what should be allowed or not seem a bit blurry. Here's what the rules say: Now then, let's talk about this. Don't be shy. You can post even if your overall view isn't popular or different. The point of this is to discuss things and hopefully get things happening on the site. I repeat, don't be afraid to state your opinion as long as you follow the member council guidelines, you should be alright. Don't be afraid of being controversial or direct as long as you don't target specific people or groups. So have a it! COUNCIL BEGIN!!!
Basically this, but you need to upload them in some outside service like YouTube and then link them to the Video Portal.
Yes premiums are non-existent. That's the truth.
iOS exclusive. Salt Ocean.
YOU MET HOLLAND. Wow, she's gorgeous. I am so jealous of you right now. YOU HAVE NO IDEA. Ugh.
They're okay. As okay as can be. I'm starting college again in August--that's what has me the most excited.
It's because I was moving your posts to the Member Council Discussion thread. Unfortunately, or mod tools don't have the option to move posts...
Basically, yeah. Though, honestly it can be anything. Don't be afraid to talk about anything members might be interested in talking about.
Member Council Info Link I'm putting up this thread as a sort of preliminary thing. If you have any questions or doubts, you can post here. Once I start getting a considerable amount of subjects and the councils begin, I'll remove this thread. But for now, feel free to post here.
derp derp derp derp derp
~ MEMBER COUNCIL ~This is a new feature we're trying to implement for the members. It's very experimental at this moment so I ask that you bear with me here. It's not going to be pretty or formal. This is the real deal. What is Member Council? How does this Work? What's the Fun Part? What's the Catch?
I've played Ar Tonelico 2 & 3. For all the slightly questionable stuff, the games have nice characters and very amazing music. The mechanics of the Reyvateil system are very amazing too. I love the concept of song/word being strong enough to create the world. The harmonies in the hymnos are top notch.
It's an M rated game in America. Moreover, this scene is intentionally voiced with innunendo in mind. Let's not play dumb here. In reality, she has a socket in her back with a crystal used for living and installing/uninstalling song magic (they're a special kind of humanoid) and it takes a lot of precision to do the process. It is described as a painful process when done haphazardly.
Maybe when you quit making displays like these and actually make a serious discussion it'd be easier to treat you like adults. Of you can continue the discussion here, but don't expect to see changes because this can be seen as sort of insulting. If you notice a problem in the site or some incongruence between member enjoyment and rules, that's great that you want to talk about it because as staff, we really can't be aware of everything as much as we'd like to. But just know that with all that snark, we won't get anywhere (or would you like to be snarked at to do something you weren't even aware was a problem?) I have a hard time believing this observation comes from a good place, and if it doesn't that's fine. We'll ignore it as just spam in the SpamZone. But I think that wasn't the intention? In the meantime, don't make posts bypassing the censor just to bypass it. There will be no leeway for your shenanigans should you choose to continue. You're well aware it is against the rules and the point can be made without breaking said rules.
It's so graceful.
Oooh yes. Lol, that's a very nice stick placement there...heh...
gurrl, I need to know which Ponderosa you work at so I can go and make you serve me.
I did. It's crazy. I wasn't expecting that to happen. Poor Boyd.
Indeed I do.
Thanks Amaury. I may just take you up on that offer. It gets lonely sometimes.