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  1. Chevalier
    They're all SpamZone sacrifices.

    If the Spamzone isn't fed properly, it'll start producing drama and destroy the site in a blaze of apocalyptic glory.
    Post by: Chevalier, Oct 4, 2013 in forum: The Spam Zone
  2. Chevalier
    Profile Post Comment

    Oh, hey. Thanks~

    Oh, hey. Thanks~
    Profile Post Comment by Chevalier, Oct 3, 2013
  3. Chevalier
    The censors aren't there to ban words completely. People can still throw around the words in the Spamzone (in moderation) or when discussing said words in a serious, non-insulting discussion. In that sense, the censor isn't really useless.

    If it's purpose was to completely erase words from the site, then I'd have to agree that there wouldn't be a point in having it. As Ghetto said, if you want to insult a person---or in this case, say a word you can still do it. No filter will stop you.

    I know this was already replied to, but the filter usually doesn't cover every word. Words can be added. Not having the words inputted doesn't make it an inherently 'weak' system. Just not updated properly.

    This is a good point. Because in truth, not everyone curses or cusses in the site. And when they do it's hardly to insult one another.

    I already mentioned this, but the word censor isn't to remove words completely. Specially not in the spamzone (where the post originated from)

    We don't remove the words, but rather trust that the more saavy members know how and when to employ them. I didn't say we don't condone language or words. I said speech. Which I realize now was too vague.

    But that doesn't really refute the point you're trying to make. It's just more explanatory babble.

    Post by: Chevalier, Aug 18, 2013 in forum: Feedback & Assistance
  4. Chevalier
    Profile Post Comment


    Profile Post Comment by Chevalier, Aug 18, 2013
  5. Chevalier
    Okay so the rules feel vague. This is a point I can get behind.

    I don't know if we can make them super detailed, but a general guideline on certain things like nudity, gore, sexual acts, ect. Can be made clear.

    discussions on evaluating the rules are underway between staff and hopefully we can come up with something that doesn't follow movie rating vis-a-vis because that clearly is causing certain issues on the matter of what's acceptable or not.

    And then it becomes a problem when we can't go to our rules and pin-point why something was over the top or 'bad' then the rules don't really help.

    Now, for the point about the word filter.

    Part of why we have it is because of the culture we live in. Some words have either racist, homophobic or hate connotations. And I can't really ----personally with a conscious mind---- favor removing the censor from those kinds of words. I realize it's a form of censorship.

    However, our memberbase is teenagers to young adults. And constantly calling someone names or insults can have adverse effects. Some members deal with a lot of stuff back at home, and then to come here and unwind to then have to put up with slurs that they feel uncomfortable around just....I really can't get behind that.

    So the censors are there to demonstrate that we do not condone certain speech. Not that cussing or cursing (as long as you don't fancy yourself a sailor) isn't allowed, but that if you do decide to use certain words, you need to exercise caution because it's a censored word on our site.

    We're not gonna go after you if you slip a few words in (in the spamzone, mind you; that's why staff curse sometimes, I guess)

    But the words themselves have cultural connotations and if directed at someone, it could turn into an insult. I realize this puts a damper on some, and that you can still bypass it. Or that you can still use a proper vocabulary and insult or threaten a person.

    But the argument I'm reading is that because it can be bypassed---there's no point in having it. Or that because hostility can happen -without- using cussing, that it should be removed (If I missed the point let me know lol)

    Those in itself don't present a compelling argument as to why the censor might be pointless or useless.

    That's my take on it, but I don't pretend or expect the censor to remain should it be deemed not useful.
    Post by: Chevalier, Aug 17, 2013 in forum: Feedback & Assistance
  6. Chevalier
  7. Chevalier
    //INTERMISSION : thread moved to the general member populace

    Now everyone can partake. For a thread to remain in the Prem Section for the allotted two week time, it needs to have enough replies.

    • Staff can reply.
    • Normal Members can reply.

    Post by: Chevalier, Aug 9, 2013 in forum: Feedback & Assistance
  8. Chevalier
  9. Chevalier
    Profile Post Comment

    Nah. I was just joking.

    Nah. I was just joking.
    Profile Post Comment by Chevalier, Aug 6, 2013
  10. Chevalier
  11. Chevalier
  12. Chevalier
    All those carbs look delicious.

    food y dis.
    Post by: Chevalier, Jul 31, 2013 in forum: The Spam Zone
  13. Chevalier
    If you have a workout partner that knows what to do and you can afford it, you should go to the gym. You'll probably do workouts haphazardly if you don't know what you're doing and that will just frustrate you.

    Plus being around a lot of people who know and you're just there asking lots of mistakes can be a bit embarrassing.

    But if not, I think it's a good idea to start on your own. Insanity is a good start. Just remember these things take time. Just keep track of your progress to motivate you.
    Post by: Chevalier, Jul 31, 2013 in forum: Discussion
  14. Chevalier

    Breaking the rules to prove a point is not allowed when it's not meta enough. (which is why I went through the trouble of placing spoiler tags the exemplary, but possibly borderline material. INSTEAD OF deleting it)

    Moreover, I will not tolerate any imagery. Text descriptions are fine. Be mindful of trigger material next time and put it in spoiler tags.

    If you want there to be some change in the rules, then you need to follow said rules first. Humor me now, and don't **** this up (oh look the censor kicked in).

    No penalties ensued as no malicious intent was detected
    Thread can be moved to the Suggestions section earlier if:
    • A request on the thread wins 2:1
    • No more than Five (5) replies happen in the first week
    Post by: Chevalier, Jul 30, 2013 in forum: Feedback & Assistance
  15. Chevalier
    Okay, so I guess that's that for now.

    As I said before, I'm really happy this happened because it shows interest. I think it's good that you took the time to look for a mod and prepare this all.

    This is more productive than just keeping it all in without thinking something can happen.Things can happen and changes can be made. But a great part of it has to do with the overall attitudes. Being all closed off wouldn't really have inspired much of anything.

    A few things I noted on the thread as follows:

    All that said, I think what happened here is progress even if the suggestion couldn't go through. I'd say we still have a lot to learn about how to treat each other better and tempering our expectations, but we'll get there, I guess?

    Really awesome effort, guys. Using those noggins of yers for good!
    Post by: Chevalier, Jul 30, 2013 in forum: Feedback & Assistance
  16. Chevalier
    I'm gonna have to say no and leave it at that because we can't implement this because of reasons. Gonna lock right now.


    A civil and nice suggestion with a lot of thought behind it. i could cry right now. These happen a dime a dozen. I'll read this with detainment and let some others reply first before posting my thoughts.

    Good job, guys!
    Post by: Chevalier, Jul 29, 2013 in forum: Feedback & Assistance
  17. Chevalier
    They're more like a fraternity. Look at all those people.
    Post by: Chevalier, Jul 29, 2013 in forum: The Spam Zone
  18. Chevalier
    Oh that looks cool. As long as it doesn't clutter up the sidebar, it should be fine. I think.
    Post by: Chevalier, Jul 29, 2013 in forum: Feedback & Assistance
  19. Chevalier
    As nice as this is, I wonder how much they can keep using Sora and Co' for everything. I know Disney characters can be reused, but I don't know if the others can go on and on for more than ten years and on.

    I always Figured Kingdom Hearts could go on like Final Fantasy, except in the same universe. Different characters and times, but same worlds, ect.
    Post by: Chevalier, Jul 29, 2013 in forum: Kingdom Hearts News & Updates
  20. Chevalier
    What Nights and Amaury mentioned was both true. But the main problem and stalling has been from my part.

    I was in a hiatus because doing the whole pin shop thing was too much when requests came in left and right and everything had to be done manually. So I was looking into a mod that would help with making things more automatic.

    During that, I encountered some personal stuff and had to do some thinking. So I just went on Hiatus. Now I'm back trying to retool the whole thing and make it as painless and hassle-free as possible.
    Post by: Chevalier, Jul 29, 2013 in forum: Community News & Projects