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  1. Chevalier
  2. Chevalier
    Would be far more creative than the usual "Let's get married when we grow up" affair. Which is what it might be, but I hope it's not.
    Post by: Chevalier, Oct 9, 2015 in forum: Gaming
  3. Chevalier
  4. Chevalier
  5. Chevalier
  6. Chevalier
    Profile Post

    sutarudusto how is ye?

    sutarudusto how is ye?
    Profile Post by Chevalier for Stardust, Oct 9, 2015
  7. Chevalier
  8. Chevalier
    I was informed that this happened and that I was mentioned. And I have a word. Well...words.

    We might have been like water and oil but all of that can never overcome all the good times and the ideas, and the talks and everything.

    But most of all, whenever I think of Cassie as a person, I think of her fondly. Because for all the headaches she gave me, she also made me feel human. All this when all I felt was like a monster and alone. Cass gave me a reason to be happy whenever I was sad.And that is something I will never really forget. No matter what. Even if we don't keep in touch. I will never forget all the good that you've given me.

    I guess what I mean to say is, you've given me a gift I hope I might have in some way reciprocated somehow. Your friendship gave me part of who I am and why I stand. Not perfectly, mind you. But here I am, and you'll always have a spot here in my small heart.

    So obviously, if you ever need anything, I will always be willing to listen. So be happy, little one. You deserve it.
    Post by: Chevalier, Oct 3, 2015 in forum: Departure Hall
  9. Chevalier
  10. Chevalier
    It's just like Kingdom Hearts. Your party hardly does anything useful.

    oh and the gore and death and sexual themes
    Post by: Chevalier, Jun 1, 2014 in forum: The Spam Zone
  11. Chevalier
  12. Chevalier



    ...haha lolno. The gang's all here now! Welcome back Makaze. Now let's go par-tay!

    Post by: Chevalier, Jun 1, 2014 in forum: The Spam Zone
  13. Chevalier
  14. Chevalier
    Oh Enzy, this is such a sad story.

    But here's the deal. It's not fair for you to hold on to someone you don't love or plan to love earnestly. If you are so filled with doubt, how can you possible reciprocate his (seemingly) strong feelings towards you? That isn't a good thing.

    We're talking about people and people aren't things we can just keep and leave at leisure. Whatever happens will be an emotional roller-coaster and will not end well for all parties involved. He could be rich and famous and the 'perfect' guy but if you don't feel -that- way about him, then it makes little sense trying to nurture something you're deep down opposed to.

    But these feelings you're beginning to have throw a big wrench in everything. Now you feel that you somehow do like him. So it's an internal turmoil D;

    Now on to the next point. He cried? Maybe he's just very emotional and given, but it strikes me as odd that he'd cry so much. As I said, maybe he's an intense person so it gets to him a lot, but if he takes it that badly then -maybe- a relationship isn't something he's supposed to be pursuing if he's so vulnerable about losing you or trying to sort things out.

    In the end, relationships are something that can only work when you're mature enough to pursue them. Sometimes we have to put on our grown-up undies and face things head on. Do you want more time? Do you want to be with him? Do you want to cut it off completely?

    It's really up to you, but whatever you do will initially leave you doubting and in pain for a while. Nothing you invest in will be painless to get out of.
    Post by: Chevalier, May 31, 2014 in forum: Help with Life
  15. Chevalier
  16. Chevalier
    Woah, what's happening here?

    Post by: Chevalier, May 31, 2014 in forum: The Spam Zone
  17. Chevalier
    Hah, thanks. I may just do that. Besides, I wouldn't want to miss the fun we're going to have soon~

    (this is actually really nice of you, thanks~)
    Post by: Chevalier, May 31, 2014 in forum: The Spam Zone
  18. Chevalier
    Hey guys thanks for the nice comments.

    I got a message from Amaury to let me know. And I am really grateful to him for this thread and to all that have replied. I was debating whether or not to log in and post but it was a kind gesture which I am really, really really thankful for.
    Post by: Chevalier, May 31, 2014 in forum: The Spam Zone
  19. Chevalier
  20. Chevalier