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  1. Chevalier
    Twitter #thanksgivingclapback

    Drag them for filth by them weaves. Don't take any of it. Lmao.
    Post by: Chevalier, Nov 26, 2015 in forum: The Spam Zone
  2. Chevalier
    In awkward situations, I try to to think of the positives if there's any.

    I'm guessing you could start cooking (assuming you do know how to cook) and maybe involving your brothers (if they can help).

    You have your father. And you have done a good deed. Even if it was forced on you. I think that while that's not ideal, it's still something good coming out of a bad situation.

    Believe me I understand wholeheartedly how uncomfortable this must be and I hope you can make the best of this holiday. Stay strong.
    Post by: Chevalier, Nov 26, 2015 in forum: The Spam Zone
  3. Chevalier
    Are you sure you can't afford it? My suggestion (assuming you earn some form of steady income) is to separate a little bit for each game each time you get paid, receive money, ect.

    I also pre-ordered Fates. I can't wait for that one ; ~ ;
    Post by: Chevalier, Nov 22, 2015 in forum: The Spam Zone
  4. Chevalier
    Unless a game has a special limited edition that might sell out, I would opt against it if you're tight on money.
    Post by: Chevalier, Nov 22, 2015 in forum: The Spam Zone
  5. Chevalier

    Small bump. The teaser trailer for this game has me so hyped. I loved the song. I'm thinking it's Sarah Alainn.

    What do you guys think?
    Post by: Chevalier, Nov 22, 2015 in forum: Gaming
  6. Chevalier
    These are so far away, I want to cry. At least the Remaster is closer.

    But I don't want to wait until 2017 for a possible release of Azure.
    Post by: Chevalier, Nov 19, 2015 in forum: Gaming
  7. Chevalier
    I strongly disagree with this. Men's rights isn't about women. Just like feminism doesn't have to be about men. Which even as much as some feminist will say it's also about men...I have seen varying degrees of reaction when men try to join these circles.

    You can support both. And advocate for both. MRA's are (at the risk of using umbrella generalizations) usually accepting of women. Not always, which is why I don't agree with many things at times.

    And women are known to be MRA's like Karen Straughn (sp?) and Christina Hoff Sommers (who describes herself as a feminist; if an unorthodox one by third wave feminist standards)

    I follow a tumblr blog called boy-positive and most of the mods are female too.

    Point being, I think both things can coexist.

    I do agree that we need to shine some light on ALL men and not just one type of man, however.

    You will see bad people regardless of what they believe. I've seen some MRA's that look like looneys and some feminists that can be pretty nasty too.

    Overall, I think men in general need a lot of help, resources and love. Regardless of what the narrative might say.

    So happy international men's day, guys.
    Post by: Chevalier, Nov 19, 2015 in forum: The Spam Zone
  8. Chevalier
    Sorry for the bump. But I have a development on this. I found the E5506 model which wasn't even on sale and isn't in most places.

    But one place was indeed selling them and I am now a proud Sony Xperia C5 Ultra owner. I'm very happy overall.
    Post by: Chevalier, Nov 19, 2015 in forum: Technology
  9. Chevalier
    Thor was quite uneasy. Infinity Stones kept appearing. Not only in the previous forms she'd encountered, but also the tesseract and now Vision also had one in his possesion.

    She heard Superman giving orders, which she did not take well to. She was an Avenger but only due to circumstance. She would only take orders should she deem them reasonable. At the time, she felt that being beside Vision would be the best course of action.

    None of them spoke of the infinity stones much, or what it could mean. Did they not understand the gravity of those stones?

    It was all wrong! Almost as if someone was bringing all this chaos. All this destruction. And it all lead back to those stones. She opted not to mention anything at the moment, regardless of how much it bothered her. She could probably look into the matter once Ultron was dealt with.

    "Let us be clear. I am merely offering my aid to protect people. But I will not be taking orders from you or anyone for much longer. My goal is Ultron." She directed herself at Superman in a friendly tone. But there was a slight hint of sterness and finality in it.
    Post by: Chevalier, Nov 4, 2015 in forum: Retirement Home
  10. Chevalier
  11. Chevalier
    Seconded. Amiibo hunting is hard, but I have a feeling that all these restocks and exclusives no longer being exclusive, will help things immensely. I remember when Villager was super expensive and now he's at least in a considerable price range.

    In the end, it might be a gamble. Meta Knight nor Samus have been restocked. Same goes for Kirby. And then there's the Lucina and Robin...I had to wake up super early just to get those two.
    Post by: Chevalier, Nov 1, 2015 in forum: The Spam Zone
  12. Chevalier
    Gonna download the demo now to see if its good.

    On the matter of jobs...I guess my job is okay. But anxiety is one heck of a drug and everyday I fight the urge to run away, get up and go to work.

    It wasn't always like this, tho. I used to get there late and didn't want to be there. All because I was afraid. A few months in, its been a slow process but I've learned to cope with my emotions.

    At least in some aspects. There are still things which make me want to run for the hills. It's not easy.
    Post by: Chevalier, Oct 27, 2015 in forum: The Spam Zone
  13. Chevalier
  14. Chevalier

    ADELE - Hello

    So has anyone heard this song recently? It has over 30 million views on Vevo (54 in just two days) --- dethroning Taylor Swift's record.

    I was driving and suddenly this came in the radio and I screamed lol. She's a total babe.

    It's a pretty cool single. Here we go:

    Thread by: Chevalier, Oct 25, 2015, 1 replies, in forum: Music
  15. Chevalier
  16. Chevalier
    That's around the same speed that sound has in air. I doubt a human fist would sustain that speed without breaking or at least sustaining harm.

    But assuming it wouldn't, a punch at that speed would probably be like a less potent bullet, but with more mass.

    Idk lol.
    Post by: Chevalier, Oct 24, 2015 in forum: The Spam Zone
  17. Chevalier
  18. Chevalier
    I think these are fire.

    There is a small issue of some of the renders being too sharp or just kind of the resizing making them sharp. And then we have Chie, which looks slightly blurry in some and then fine in others. But otherwise, these avatars are super tempting, but I just got this one ; ~ ;
    Post by: Chevalier, Oct 21, 2015 in forum: Arts & Graphics
  19. Chevalier
    Let's talk about your avatar and how it pleases my eyesight.

    It's groovy.
    Post by: Chevalier, Oct 20, 2015 in forum: The Spam Zone
  20. Chevalier
    It's called Claro. Which was Verizon at some point but now they're...I guess they're mainly a Mexican service provider but they also work in the Caribbean, which is where I'm at currently.
    Post by: Chevalier, Oct 18, 2015 in forum: Technology