Here are other two sigs I made, raising the count to four sigs. I'm not very proud of how these came out.... Never Will CnC, ratings...whatever you see fit. It's fine as long as you don't flame or insult.
Well....umm...This is my first try at making sigs, and I know they look noobish, but they where my first try, and well...see them for yourself. Newtimes Yuna I know they are bad, but I've seen some tutorials before actually starting. I noticed GIMP 2 tutorials are scarce in respect to how to use it. I want to keep improving, but I barely know how to use GIMP; I'll just keep on trying. You can CnC and rate, and all that. I would also appreciate tips on how to keep going, or what things to watch out for.
Babel The sound of an alarm clock rang throughout a small room. As the sound slightly echoed, a young girl awoke, letting out a quiet moan. She reached her arm out from under her bed sheets, beginning to tap on the alarm clock. It took several attempts until she was able to turn it off. She let out a deep sigh as she sat up, scratching the back of her head. “Rosette, hurry up before you’re late for school!†a feminine voice called from outside her room. Rosette sighed once more before getting out of the bed and getting ready for school. — As she rushed down stairs, she heard the sound of the front door being closed; she walked to the kitchen, knowing her mother had just left for work. On the counter, Rosette saw her mother had left money for dinner. She’s going to be late again. She thought to herself as she took the money, putting it in her pocket. She never liked the way her mother was always late; her job came before Rosette. Rosette shook her head, not caring about the neglection; she picked up her bag from the counter and left for school. — As she arrived at school, Rosette headed to her first class, American Literature. She kept her head down, staring down at the pavement as she walked. For some reason, she never liked keeping her head up, unless, she was in a hurry to be somewhere. “Rosette!†called a high pitched feminine voice. Rosette slowed down until she came to a stop, raising her head as she turned around. She let a smile show, seeing her closest friend, Lyanne, walking towards her. “Hey!†Lyanne said in a cheerful tone. “Hey...†Rosette said in a soft tone. She turned back around, continuing to walk with Lyanne following behind her. “Sooo....†Lyanne began. “Ho-†“Vacation was boring, as always.†Rosette interrupted Lyanne, already knowing the same question her friends always ask her. “Oh come on! There has to have been something that was exciting for you.†Lyanne whined. “You need to learn to go out more.†“Anti-social people don’t really like going out. So therefore, I consider myself anti-social.†Rosette muttered as she dug her hands into her pockets. “You have friends, don’t you?†“Yeah.†“Then you’re not anti-social!†Rosette shook her head, chuckling. She already knew she was anti-social; and, it didn’t even bother her. Lyanne stared at her friend, shaking her head and letting out a quiet sigh. “Oh well. I’m heading to my class. I’ll see you later, Rosette.†Lyanne turned around and headed back to the direction she had come from. Rosette lowered her head, chuckling once more; but this time on Lyanne’s personality. She was always loud and outgoing; while Rosette was quiet and timid. Many people always wondered how they even became friends in the first place. The school’s bell rang for students to head to their first class. Rosette had a feeling she’d be late for class; she slowly picked up her pace until she took off running, seeing other students run so they wouldn’t be late for their class. — School’s always boring, no matter what. Rosette rolled her shoulders, staring up at the leaves of the trees that were in her neighborhood. She kept her arms crossed as she stared up, feeling the sun hit part of her face, daydreaming. Mom’s always late, Dad’s never around, I have to do everything around the house. Rosette frowned, lowering her head and kicking a rock across the street. “I might as well move out.†Rosette put her arms down to her sides as she crossed the street, heading to her house. Although her mom neglected her, she somehow never neglected the house. The front yard was a nice green and was cut nicely. Rosette entered her home, dropping her bag by the door and stood in the same spot for a couple seconds, wondering if her mother would’ve been home by now. She moved her eyes back and forth, hearing nothing but the sound of a few cars passing by her neighborhood. She rubbed the back of her head, sighing and walking towards the couch. She threw herself onto the couch, leaning her head back, looking up at the ceiling. Rosette slowly closed her eyes, soon falling asleep. — Rosette groaned as she opened her eyes; she was lying on the floor but, she wasn’t at her house at all. She placed her hands against the floor, pushing herself to sit up. She looked around the area; she turned her head to look over her shoulder and what she saw was a long hallway. “What the....†She trailed off as she stood up, keeping her eyes down the hallway. She took one simple step forward and heard the sound echo. “Whoa....†Rosette raised an eyebrow as she placed one hand on her head. Something was telling her she should move ahead and go down the hall; or up. “Well, curiosity’s getting the best of me.†She took a deep breath and began to walk, heading through the hallway. ********* The morning dawned like any other did before it and any other would after it. The birds chirped and nattered on as the sun cast its warmth over the horizon incrementing it’s intensity with every inch it crept over the horizon. The campus was only just beginning to stir to life when Arica awoke and looked over at her window, which was disturbingly opened by the hand of her overly friendly and lively roommate. She hadn’t had one that she liked since she got into University two years prior. The present girl was like a festering wound that worsened with every passing day, with her obscene positivity and overall world view. That wasn’t a problem, it was a hurdle to overcome and take in stride. Arica stared at the window disdainfully as if that would close it and block out the sounds and smells of the outdoors. It failed. She finally got up and stretched, with a casual glance at the clock she realized she had an hour to burn before she had to start being ready to be anywhere and began to resent even more her being from sleep untimely ripped. It had been a nice dream too, that the birds interrupted, one without so much as a single image or notion that could be possibly related to failure or working. But it was alas over and the day had begun. Several minutes later Arica had changed into her street clothes and was just picking up her bag of books when she cast her gaze over at the side of her room that she called “The Dark Sideâ€. Everything was so pristinely tidy, from the soiled clothes to the miniature refrigerator, everything was perfectly compartmentalized and separated that it looked like the work of some servant or maid that had no skills to do anything other than earn their keep through doing utterly pointless and mundane chores that would need to be done countless times over again to no satisfactory end. “I’m going to one kill her one of these days.†She shook her head disapprovingly at the tidy pile of clothes set at the foot of her roommate’s properly made bed. “And people are going to wonder why.†Arica walked out onto the disturbingly sunny campus and ambled and gamboled about in a convoluted route to her first class which would commence in two hours. On her way Arica passed by several clusters of students making their way around closely packed together, like a fold of sheep or a herd of wildebeest. This made her shudder with both intellectual revulsion and involuntary, visceral, disgust. She’d always hated being around large groups, you couldn’t talk to any one person without another getting involved halfway through and changing the topic whilst being brought up to speed on the present one, no one could get in a word of protest at the direction of the group without having a huge discussion over an essentially pointless matter, the number of brains seemed to decrease steadily between the group members until they were all sharing one and causing a riotous uproar about nothing for no reason, and it seemed like a cesspool of maladies lying dormant on the clothing of others and hanging in their breath, their often pungent breath. So Arica held her breath and did her best to avoid getting tangled up in the ridiculous revelry as their paths crossed. By the time the girl had reached her destination she had barely more than an hour left to waste before attending her lecture so she placed her headphones over her ears, flipped through several albums, found the one she was looking for, and sighed, letting the harsh vibrations engulf her mind and drown out the world if only for a moment. “What ‘cha listening to?†A boy had approached her while she wasn’t paying attention. Maybe he was trying to talk to her because she looked so much like a boy as well and just figured it was friendly to do so. Maybe he was homosexual. Maybe he was actually just that strange. All these options flashed before Arica responded, but she chose to simply answer the question and hope it appeased him enough to make pointless her random musings. “Meshuggah.†“I am not crazy.†He chuckled as he rubbed the back of his neck. He was probably nervous about something, maybe he’d found out that Arica was a girl from her voice and wasn’t expecting it, maybe he was actually trying to talk to her BECAUSE she was a girl, or maybe Arica had no idea and never would. She blinked at him blankly for a moment as she mulled it over in her head. Finally she decided it was most polite to respond to the best of her ability. Still she did not make contact and instead looked several inches to the left of his head, from his perspective it would be left that is, and there focused her gaze. “Ha ha. It’s a band, not just a word Jewish mothers use to insult their children.†He was silent momentarily, perhaps thrown for a loop or maybe just slowly thinking out his next move out of either cluelessness or caution. “Well, I noticed your foot was beating out a different rhythm than your finger and your head was bobbing at another one too.†He said after some thought, answering the burning question of why he’d approached in the first place. Though hardly satisfactorily in Arica’s opinion. “Polyrhythm.†Arica named the action more out of habit than out of any actual need to inform him. “Yeah. I know.†The boy responded with an awkward smile. “Didn’t know music majors came around these parts.†Arica said flatly. “Well, I actually just learned from an old piano teacher. He was a music major. So you play in a band?†He motioned to the guitar case she had strapped to her back at all times. “No.†She simply answered. “Oh, well I guess you play right?†He was rubbing the back of his neck again, maybe he meant to ask something, maybe he meant to do something, or maybe he was just nervous for an unrelated reason. “Yes.†“That’s cool.†He was probably trying his best to sound casual and winning, it failed. “Is it?†“Yeah, you know how you get into the music and you just…†He trailed off when he noticed Arica shook her head slowly as he spoke. “You don’t?†“It’s just a set of tones and rhythms interchanged in an aesthetically pleasing fashion, I feel the groove and understand the chord progressions, locking in mathematically and musically, but I wouldn’t really say I get into it.†“Oh.†He squeaked, somewhat bewildered and dishearten sounding as he did so. “Well, you like music?†“I suppose.†She responded. “Well me too. Do you think maybe we could talk about it some more over coffee…†He trailed off again when she began shaking her head again. “I hate coffee.†She informed him. “Really?†“Yes.†“Why?†“Do you know what opium is like?†He shook his head confusedly. “Then meth?†“I heard, but what does this have to do with…†“Caffeine is like both of those to me, first meth, then opium.†She said plainly then hung her head lazily and didn‘t return it to the upright position. “It’s not fun.†“So I guess that’s a no to coffee. How about tea, I like tea better really.†He suggested with a slightly offhand tone that seemed to be less affected than his earlier speech. “Same.†Arica answered without looking up at him. “Most people don’t get it.†He laughed; he had a slightly obnoxious laugh. “So what kind do you like best?†“Green.†She said finally looking back up to the same spot several inches to the left of his head that she’d been focused on before. “It’s Earl Grey for me.†“Okay.†“So tea, how’s tonight…†“I’m sorry. I gave you the impression that I was interested in your offer. I didn’t mean to waste your time, I have to go now.†Arica paused to see if the boy looked as if he’d respond, then she left without another word. She didn’t really have to go for some time but she’d prefer not to get too involved over something as stupid as trying to be too accommodating and polite, both of which she was horrible at. “Tonight at eight, if you don’t have anything better to do, I’ll see you then!†He called after her, at first it looked like she hadn’t heard but Arica turned around, walked back to him and almost reticently breathed one word to him. “Acceptable.†********** Conversations and wisps of smoke intertwined together within the wooden beams that transected above the cramped bar. Bar stools and booths strained beneath swelling patronage. Beer cascaded non-stop while a lone chair rested bathed in a veil of warm white light huddled against the back wall. Faces blurred together into a single entity, residing in moments of happiness. One face breaks from the complacent sea, navigating its way from the bar toward the statuesque chair. The figure’s hands dance around behind the chair, as a beautifully handled Gibson J-185 EC rose from its slumber. A silver pick materialized and methodically and patiently danced upon the strings as sounds of conversation slowly ebbed to puddles. The music leap from the guitar, striking chords within each person within earshot. The alcoholic fog slowly dissipated as characteristics rose from the guitarist’s fingers systematically flashed across the neck while the pick twirled and tangoed with the strings. The hands were unrestricted as they blended within a naked forearm adorned with no punk rock paraphernalia or discrete red pinpricks. The clothing was an enigma in its own right. The guitarist wore a button-up white long sleeve shirt rolled up at the sleeves and unbuttoned twice at the collar, revealing a somewhat built chest. A vest the color of the darkest ocean was met with dark jeans ending in black cowboy boots. His hair was dark auburn, cut tight into the neck while the top remained wild and unpredictable. A spot of red expanded across his right cheek bone, culminating along his jaw into a unique tattoo blending themes of Japanese characters and Tongan tribal symbols. The guitarist closed his eyes, allowing the music to seep from every corner of his soul. Every corner, save one. The edges of the bitter and hatred resided in that corner, fortified behind a bullet proof shell. That part of his soul slumbered, pacing through his subconscious, stalking the moment of its release. Patience guarded that gate as words came be fruitation. Well the scene begins, a little girl is crying And the light in the hallway is dim And she sits right back, thinks of the reason Why nothing will fall into place She gets more and more curious with every day More furious in every way And she screams out loud, "Why's it happening to me?" And the answer is "It's meant to be"... She moves amongst the crowd, The people they walk by She questions why they'll have to die If it's part of our lives, So beautiful and precious She knows that she shouldn't be afraid Of all this... There's times that she hates you There's times that she thanks you And hope that you might understand It gets hard down here So many things to fear But it's all just a sign that you're near... Well she's on her knees And begging please She wonders if there's somebody out there To make things wrong To make things right It might be That there's somebody out there. Songs drew upon hours as the patrons returned home with the music still rattling within their intoxicated stupor. The man behind the counter smiled, knowing without needing to check the till that this mystery guitarist had allowed him to come out further ahead this week than he had hoped, and would go to any length to have this young man return. “That was some mighty fine music you created up there son. I over heard quite a few of the ladies taking an interest in a little bit more than just your guitar.†The guitarist nodded politely as he replaced the Gibson within its hallowed sanctuary. “It’s not too often we get ourselves some fresh talent here in Lubbock.†“I assumed that as well.†The guitarist responded, releasing the words rife with a foreign flare. The bar owner paused turning his attention from taking stock of the liquor back toward the guitarist. “That’s some accent you got there. It doesn’t come across in the music at all. Do you mind me asking you where you are from?†The guitarist remained bent over the guitar case. “It is not a problem at all. I’m from a small citta outside of Genova Italia; San Llano Ligure to be precise.†From behind the counter, a dual pump action shotgun leapt to the owners shoulder the same instant a bottle of Jack Daniels erupted behind the owner. He spun around, confused to see the twisted glass shards surrounding a thumb size hole within the wall etched with droplets of blood and whiskey. The shotgun fell from his hands as a cold numbness spread from his chest, invading his arms and finally his legs. The guitarist moved forward without a sound, a Walther PPK pointed steadily on the owner’s head. The edge of blackness slowly bled into the owner’s sight as the guitarist moved forward, his hands clutching the shotgun, unable to raise it for one final stand. “I tol—I told him that the drop off would be delayed one week.†“Delays or not, my employer has decided to drop your option.†“Have some soul!†The owner stammered, thrusting a stack of bills his face, “I can make this up, I just need—“ The bullet rippled through the skull, shredding tissue before imbedding itself in the thick counter. The guitarist was on the move before the owner’s body hit the ground, pocketing the PPK within the guitar case beneath a red velvet cover. The guitarist stepped around the stage chair, depressing switches, blanketing the shattered bar in total darkness. He turned towards the door, stepping over the owner’s twitching corpse, pocketing the money as the life drained from his eyes. A taxi sat idling just past the entrance, the driver sat hard at work enjoying the opinion section in the late edition. Soft rock danced around the interior as the driver enjoyed his momentary sanctuary. With a swift rap on the glass, the driver jumped, dropping the paper past his legs. “You nearly gave me a heart attack boy! How would that have looked if my fare had to drive ME to the hospital?†He laughed his imagination playing out the humorous scenario. The guitarist said nothing as he climbed into the back seat. “Where am I taking the silent guitarist?†he asked, eyes probing from the rear-view mirror. “San Angelo Airport.†The driver turned, blinking, unsure if he had heard correctly. “San Angelo? You know that’s close to two hundred miles from here?†The guitarist remained motionless, hand hovering still on the door handle. “I can find another taxi then.†The door clicked open. “No! I just wanted to make sure I heard you right. I don’t want to drive all the way there to either be robbed, ditched, or not paid.†“What reason would I have to kill you?†He asked, leaning forward and depositing five one-hundred dollar bills on the passenger seat. The guitarist leaned back while the taxi merged onto the sleeping Highway 87 with one ticket out of San Angelo Regional Airport tucked away inside his vest pocket along with a scrap up paper containing only an address and a name. His eyes closed as miles away, the blood congealed around the owner’s lifeless body, reflecting scattered light from the street lamps and a billboard advertising shaving cream like a twisted black and white movie. ********** The firm hand meticulously travelled across the series of blacks and whites, emitting a myriad of sounds in its wake, gently washing away the silence of the midnight hour. The hand’s owner looked at the paper set on the musical contraption before him; it was a very simplistic sounding song. “It’s simple enough for you to play, the trick lies with what you accompany it with…†The boy sighed for a moment and the sound of water running down the throat could be heard, he coughed for a moment and repositioned himself as he breathed in and out. He let his eyes travel through the chapel, to inspect if anyone was there, and looked at how the moon reflected in the ventricle. He knew it wasn’t right to use the piano unless there was service, but he didn’t wish to get laughed at back at the musical department at his school, so he just made his way through the town and into the chapel to practice. He released a longer sigh this time and from his voice began emanating the contents of the written piece. His hands, once again traveled over the blacks and whites, leaving traces of blood over them as they did. His voice echoed through the chapel’s acoustics. Soon he began singing the unknown wording of the song as his hand traveled further, committing some mistakes in execution but continuing through the piece. “That’s pretty good†Someone was standing at the entrance’s border, his eyes fixated on the person singing. He looked over the empty chapel and moved under the moonlight to reveal himself for recognition. The boy at the piano froze as the piano hit a sour note; he didn’t expect anyone to be outside, especially at that hour. “Hey aren’t you-?†The boy revealing himself spoke. He was slim and dark, hardly distinguishable from shadows at times. “Yeah, I’m “Thevally†…one of them at least.†The boy positioned in the piano answered, as he tilted his head to one side to cover his face and at the same time have a good look at who he was talking to. He recognized the school uniform the other boy was wearing instantly. “I see. Is that song composed by you?†The boy asked getting closer to the altar where the piano stood. “It’s a Hymn and no, I didn’t compose it...†Thevally answered, half-heartedly. He could have sworn he saw the boy’s mouth curve into a smile like that of a cat’s. But perhaps it was all because of the blood loss playing tricks on his mind. If he could distract the boy enough, it wouldn’t matter if he saw his cut wrists or not anyways. “A hymn? It has quite a strange language…what is it about?†The boy asked, letting a smirk run across his face as he spoke. “I...don’t…Know†Thevally’s eyes began closing as he fell from the piano’s bench, and ultimately the altar. He felt as though everything came to him in slow motion as his consciousness began slipping away. “Sleep and forget†It wasn’t that he hated living, only the implications along with it. He usd to remember how his uncle told him that if singing didn’t work, he could always find refuge in his sleep. It was the only thing he had left. His body made forceful impact on the floor, as the boy in front of him stood there, confused and somewhat baffled by Thevally’s sudden fall. “What the-!†He looked at Thevally and at the pool of blood created on the floor by the open wounds on Thevally’s wrists. He smirked dryly as beads of sweat dropped from his brow. Thevally could hear, only faintly, the words of the boy; as his eyes entered complete darkness. “This kid s one crazy mother…!†Thevally’s eyes closed just as he heard the last words. ********* This story is a collaborative project. I thank Aura, Destined, and Jiku Neon for participating, and making this story what it is. We had been working on it for a while, so we appreciate you reading. We will be updating this frequently so come and check often.
They are showing it July 10th. This movie isn't that new, but it is finally being released in america. I think it's not so bad, actually. It doesn't really follow the story of the anime versions too much, though I liked Blood+ a bit more. Thoughts?
I was bored. So, I did this piece, its short. but I guess it help me practice. Lately I haven't been feeling up to writing anything. I guess I wanted to try my hand at multiple characters, ect, just came out all wrong. :/ “How can I look at things? They are rather presented strangely; but don’t classify me as an idiot…then again, I don’t really care anymore. Things have been going very smooth and normal is that a good thing? So everything is fine.†“You need mental help.†“Oh, and why?†“Well, having such constant suicidal thoughts is not normal!†“Well, to me it seems pretty normal.†“Why?†“Well…I’m not wasting my time explaining.†“I don’t know.†“See, then you DO need it.†“I don’t really care what you say…you can never understand.†“You have plans set out, ambitions to pursue; you’re perfect, unlike me. You actually have a future. How can you look at me with a straight face, and then laugh as if my situation was something funny…hypocrite.†“I’m sorry…I’ll try to help you.†“I don’t need your guilt or pity, live your life and I’ll live mine…If I don’t kill myself in the process.†“Don’t say such things, Al, things can change.†“Enough, John…Class is about to start.†“I don’t care…I really don’t…..I wish I could say those words and mean them. How can we see ourselves in the world? Is the future really that Important? Of course, it is. Then why haven’t I chosen anything? You’re afraid. Afraid of what? Wrong choices, decisions you might regret…salvation. What do I know? I know, because you know; deep down… Whatever, I should really stop talking to myself†=== “Why do I even bother? School, and everything else, there’s really no point.†“Don’t say that, Al, we need to get ready for our class presentation†“Which class? The one who is completely separated now? “ “We are united-“ “Yeah, by drama, lies and conflict….I guess, you could say we are.†“I guess we all grew up…and things change.†“Andrea, don’t tell me change does that to people…People will always be people, leave them be…†“You know what; I’ll feign happiness, for old time’s sake, okay?†“Al, I know what you mean, but can we really do anything about it?†“Well…Not about your gossiping mouth, you’ll probably tell everyone about this…I don’t know how you live with yourself.†“Things do change, everything is in constant change. I’m sick of sounding so smart. But you wish it reflected on your grades. I do. Then you have to work harder. Why should I? To hope, to accomplish. That is the only way. I wish I could leave and start over. I remember…†=== “I’m sorry, Val.†“You don’t have to be. It’s not your fault, it just happened.†“Either way, there was no chance…He’s straight.†“…Stupid, I know, I am. But I guess I sort of hate you…I saw him first.†“I don’t really think my father would approve, anyway. Either way, I’m not really a catch.†“Well, its okay, I accept you. I am your friend, I’ll always accept you.†“Thanks." "I wonder how much of that is true…everything changes…And pretty soon…just like everything, you’ll corrupt…and then, you will no longer accept me…†“In the end I always considered myself to be smarter than you, Val. Yet, in the end…You became the better person, while I drowned in stupidity.And yet…there are, sometimes in which I can see something, only for me. My own calling, waiting there, I’m just not sure if it’s an Illusion. “ === “Hahaha…Maybe we should, you know, strap DUCKS into motorcycles, because DUCKS are….blah, blah, blah.†“Andrew, no matter how much you try, that, ‘apparently smart’ brain of yours will never be, good enough…and of course, I hope you die, but not before you understand that not everything in life will go the way you want it, sincerely, I would normally care less, but if given the chance, I would teach you that myself; the hard way.†I don’t normally take pleasure in these things, but he hurt me, and it’s not revenge; its justice. Really, I thought you were a nice person? I am nice. Well what you just said doesn’t sound very nice? If you are I, then you know the answer to this. Of coanted to hear it from my own lips. I should really stop talking to myself…†“Hey there…†“Hello.†“Well?†“Hmm…Why don’t you speak, it always makes me tense…I can never tell what you’re thinking from the other side of the screen.†“Can we talk?†“Okay.†“What do you consider life to be?†“I don’t know.†“Oh? How so? “ “It just is.†“Really?†“Yes.†“Whatever.†“…â€
In here, I will post most of my poems. As of now, I'll just post the ones, I've made here. And we begin... Bittersweet Sanctuary Spoiler Kiss me goodbye one last time It goes without saying… Were I lay smothered in blood that erases all lies Should I say Goodbye? When I feel like life has cheated me of every try Whisper don’t make a sound Let me tell you one more thing My ears are not deaf… I held you close and yet so far I cannot be the one Just try to understand exactly that I’m so sorry. Be glad that I’m out of your life But I never hated you. And still you always declined. I can never amend. You ignored me every time But… And now I’m stuck in fantasies. I was… In this bittersweet sanctuary Comment: This, is somewhat mediocre, but its a poem I never posted on here so Its my newest poem and I think its not that bad. I'm not all that sure why I choose orange as the title's color, at the time it just seemed to fit, somehow. Was it? Spoiler How are you feeling today? Is that box treating you well? I was wondering if you remember. Of, course you do, though today. I came to remind you, again. I brought these flowers, the ones you loved... Now it seems so easy to tell you how I really feel. Was it really that hard to understand how I felt? Was it really that hard for you to listen to Me? I wonder where your so called friends are now Do they come visit you often? No, do they, am I the only one here now I waited so long for you...I guess I should have done something. And when I finally tried, it was so late... Was it that hard for you to hold my hand as I so many times tried to hold yours? Was it really that hard to actually wait for my heart to reach you? Was it really that hard for you to understand that I loved you? I would have waited for you, even if it took years I would have followed you Was there in front of you Why didn’t you stop and hold me The last time...I saw you...I held back so much I wanted to tell you But you more than anyone knew That my heart belonged to you. And I was always there for you. We just realized it...too late. I just hope wherever you are My tears reach your heart Comment: This is the first poem I've ever done for KHV, and the first person who saw it was our very own Catch the Rain. Pull it Spoiler It will howl through the fire like the cymbals of lyre. The scorching earth spills its sorrow it cries through its marrows. Pull it now the voices say pull it now so you won't regret stop the trembling and destroy. Everything I've worked for Just destroy. Watch the scarlet run through my face Pull it now just don't forget It’s only a trigger pull it now without any remorse or regret pull it now Comment: This was somewhat a test poem, but I'm pretty contempt with how it came out. Her Spoiler Dusk comes at her embrace so there will be no time to regret Racing thoughts may tempt you but don't give into her dilections cold fingers touch you slowly Every touch making you feel so lowly Don't give into her soft kiss beware the despair it brings breaking away forth from her sweet embrace Dawn will break without her touch and today you live to breathe again another day. Comment: "Her" was somewhat a poem I came up with, apparently it depicts a goddess, but its not attached to that, so I guess "Her" represents a different thing for each person. Alture Spoiler I will climb to the end were I can finally find rest. The end that breaches everything in sight within all its glory and might. Away from conflicts and war I’ll sleep this night without darkness or blight. I'll outstretch my arms to the sky. And I’ll reach toward the light. In this high and mighty place. I will finally see everything again. All the things that fall into place. Among this grand scheme of life. Let me reach higher among the grasp of angels. Don't let me fall into the den of Devils. Where I can only find something horrendous. Let me see light one last time. Before I fall into a painful demise. Comment: This poem was supposed to be cheerful, but Alture is ended up being somewhat sad. I guess it just came out that way.
Vermillion Sunset Chapter 0: Dream of massacre Spoiler The blood spewed all over the floor, almost like a bed of roses. The sky looked calm with a few incentives of smoke; it was a very normal day. All except for the blood, and the body parts flying as a young man sliced them frantically. “Live…survive!†Those were the only prominent thoughts crossing through his mind. He hacked through the bodies of his now enemies slicing their heads as the blood spewed like fountains; he needed to survive. No other way. As he kept running through the hallways he looked at the dead bodies without face. Faceless; these halls felt all too familiar “This place is…†He stopped; his eyes diverted their view slowly to the weapon in hand; the weapon was blurry, only the shadow of it could be seen. It didn’t have a sharp point enough for thrusting and it was wide “What is this?†It didn’t feel real; it couldn’t be real. “Wake up…†A low soothing voice said. It felt like it was echoing through his head; he looked at the reflections on the blood spattered windows, light distilling through. That strange warmth of sunset overcame the boy as the figure of a girl appeared at the other end of the hallway. He ran toward the figure, trying to reach her, but his image was beginning to fade into nothingness. “Wake up...†The voice repeated again. This time the bloody image before the boy’s eyes disappeared as his head started to make sense of what was truly happening. “Wake up, Ein “The soft voice repeated, once again; it was his mother sitting next to his bedside. “Mom...†The boy looked around a bit letting his eyes accommodate to the room, which was completely white, aside from some blankets, but nonetheless it was a very bland looking hospital room. “You’re finally awake; I was beginning to worry about you. It- “She kept talking on and on as tears began dripping from her tired looking eyes. “It was all a dream?†The boy thought as he looked at the window his bedside was next to. It was a warm sunset. Chapter 1: Realign your life Spoiler "Yes…he can already check out." A young nurse replied to the questioning mother as Ein behind her just kept looking around; Widening his eyes for some unknown reason. Rosa was not going to put her son at harms way; like any mother would. “Ein, are you okay?†His mother asked, noticing his behavior. “Yeah…†He replied. They both made their way to the small van, with small and thought out footsteps Ein looked around before entering the vehicle, why he was doing this was unknown to him, but it felt like his surroundings were somewhat dangerous. The ride felt very long, and the bad maneuvering mother wasn’t making it very pleasurable either. The entire expanse was just mountains and greenery that stretched as far as the eye could see. He wanted to ask his mother, he had so many questions brewing inside, but he didn’t know where to start, and interrupting his mother, who was already bad enough at driving without any instigation wasn’t the best of ideas. He swallowed hard, and sighed…it had to be asked. The only manner in which he would get quick answers was from asking, that much was clear, but the brooding face of his mother didn’t reassure him much of anything. After a moment, he decided to ask. “Mom….why was I in the hospital?†The inevitable question, which had been lingering in the tense atmosphere. The car abruptly stopped barricading violently through the empty road; Ein just looked at his now agitated mother as her head was now pressed against the steering wheel; perhaps a wrong time to ask? This little stunt had almost sent them both back to where they were just leaving. The mother looked at him for a moment and kept driving, no one talked after that. As the last rays of sunset stroke slowly, letting a warm sensation crawl on Ein’s skin, he looked over towards his shoes; just some common sneakers, jeans and a sweater. “Not a pretty sight†He thought to himself for a moment. The van stopped once again, but this time it wasn’t in an abrupt manner, they were already in town, and a tall fence prevented entrance to a cemetery. “Why are we here?†Ein couldn’t remember any reason for being there at all, it eluded him. He just looked at his mother getting out of the van, and instinctively he did the same. The sunlight had almost completely finished it cycle leaving in its wake a myriad of color in the heavens. “Ein, look there†The mother pointed to a part of the cemetery, each of the tombstones was colored white, red and black; some had a small insignia. The school insignia Right there it hit the boy. These tombstones belonged to the people attending his school. A moment of silence overcame the place. He couldn’t believe what this meant. Death. As far as his eyes could see, the decorated tombstones could probably count towards the five-hundred counts. How could this happen? Why? So many questions erupted in the boy’s head making him stumble, words were scarce for what he could have hoped to describe his feelings were. It was all too sudden, his friends, his classmates…everyone was gone? “How many?†The boy asked, letting his head fall in disdain. “Everyone…only 2 students survived…that’s counting you…†The mother just looked at his son, a little grieved, because she was the one that had to relay the message. She couldn’t hold the tears any longer; it was too much for anyone. “Mom, what happened?†The boy asked once again, this time his tone was a little more muffled by shock; he was too aghast. Then it occurred to him. No, not her. He ran over the markers, looking for a specific name…the name of a special person in his life, his friend, where was she among the vast amount of markers? “An explosion…led to a fire….It was horrible.†She replied. Holding a hand to her face. As she couldn’t quite utter the sentences correctly. “Where’s her grave…?†He asked, something inside him burning. She couldn’t be dead…why was he alive and she died? “I saw her parents come to her grave for the ceremony…and the other survivor was here too.†Rosa replied. “Okay…..†Ein passed by his mother, making his way back to the car; she soon walked the same path as her son making her way back to the van. Okay. That was all he could say, the thoughts of thinking whether this was true, tangible or not still lingered. ~&~ The dark blanketing night had already made its arrival, it was still a very long road between the cemetery and his house, a curvy path that was only accompanied by large trees and the Unknown sounds of the night. No one dared utter another word; or maybe it was just something else, a grim sense of satisfaction. “So long bullies, so long *****es, I thought I would cry for you….who was I kidding.†Chapter 2: Piece me together Spoiler “Everything is gone…Among pretenses and lies, the world that once was. Gone.†The young boy was thrown on his bed, it was nighttime. He pondered on the things that had been happening, they sounded like the things you could find in some tragic story. He looked at his feet with the corner of the eye, his belly was like a small mountain that covered the view, but this didn’t seem to bother him too much. He jolted out of his bed and straightened his back as he stretched, letting out a small gasp. He looked at his surroundings and at his messy room, it was indeed messy, but somehow that way he found it easier to find things than when he cleaned it. He stretched his arms and picked a small laptop from his nightstand. “Willowgale incident†He typed the words on the search engine. “Mysterious explosions set Willowgale School on a ferocious fire that took the lives….†The news said it was a fire. Ein couldn’t believe such a thing, if it really was a fire the deaths would have been a minimum. How didn’t anyone think of this? ~&~ The small bar was empty, except for the bartender and a young waitress. The smell of smoke, the tense atmosphere and a man heavily coated from head to toe. The man looked at his watch every few minutes. Expectant, hesitant. The jazz music played in its own tune; a world secluded to it’s own secrets, among the walls everything was not what the outside world brought, this was an escape, if only an unhealthy one. “She gonna’ keep makin’ me wait!?†The man looked at the waitress for a moment as she passed by, but exactly at where he was looking, now that was something he felt good about doing, he didn’t mind waiting as long as he had a good view. “Now this is my kind of waiting†He now had a grin carved out on his rugged face. Just then a woman, probably in her twenties entered the bar. She looked around for a moment and sat across the table close to the coated man; she looked around for a moment again and untied her hair making it flipping the ferocious waves in a flurry of red hair, like a dance of flames. Beautiful “Now, you got something I need?†He asked, revealing a wide grin. He was amazed that they brought her such a beauty. He had expected some old person. “Yes, we have acquired the information of the two survivors that have been confirmed stable†The woman placed two folders, each containing a clipped picture of two people. Teenagers. “So these are the kiddos†He looked at the pictures for a moment, then he opened the folders. “Hmm….Ein Favre, age sixteen, height Five feet eleven inches, weight…..two hundred and ten……A.K.A….The…..†He looked at the woman for a moment, letting out small chuckle as he removed his small hat letting the light reveal his whole face and hair. “Are you sure that’s really him? He looks a bit too innocent, not to mention….not what I’d expect, really†He glanced at the serious expression the woman held in her emerald eyes, unflinching. A business woman, he thought. “Your job is not to make idle questions, now are you clear on your objective?"The woman looked at the man with her piercing emeralds, almost scornfully. “Yeah…. no need to remind me.†He scratched the back of his head as he gave a small sigh. “Good….then you know where to go, if you need anything contact this number†She handed him a small business card as she started getting up. “Thank you, Miss….†He slowed her hurried speech as she walked passed him. He made a go for her arm, making her halt. “It’s Alexandria….†She replied a bit bemused by the unprofessional manner he was dealing the situation with. “Well, thank you, Alexandria, The name’s Roy†He gave a faint smile as he returned to his original position; a player all the way. The doorbell rang signaling Alexandria had left the building. The jazzy music made the place feel even denser. The faint lights .The smell of cider. The crimson colored wallpaper. “This is going to be a long night….now for the other one†He flipped the containment of the folder. ~&~ Ein looked at the different news reports, blogs and videos. All the same. There was none that actually showed any reports other than “strange explosionsâ€. He threw himself back onto the bed, making his head fall directly under the light. He covered his face for a moment “Why should I bother…maybe that’s all that happened? I should be glad, no more school for a while. In fact-“His thought got caught off by a catchy little tune, he could recognize as his phone receiving a text message. He moved his hand through the bed touching each ripple to find the cell phone; He opened the screen; his eyes widened as to his surprise. “Meet me at the cemetery, tomorrow, 12:00 m. –The Saint.†Chapter 3-1: Start by the end Spoiler The Light distilled through the steel white windows leaving a trace of warmth upon its wake; Ein contemplated the light and the particles of dust that it revealed; he let his hand travel through it, feeling the warm energy caressing his skin “its morning….should I?†He looked once again at the cryptic message on the cell phone screen. His head tilted for a moment, he closed the phone and threw it over to a pile of clothes he had left on the floor “No way… I’m not goingâ€. With that his eyes closed. He couldn’t believe that this was happening to him, not only a part of his world had been completely erased; now some unknown person was sending him an invitation, he could probably tell his mother he wanted to go to the graves, it wouldn’t really be suspicious, besides “what harm could it do?†He got up, groggily, sitting on his bedside, and let his upper body fall front. It wasn’t until a few minutes that he actually stood up, making his way towards the bathroom. “I better hurry, if I want to get there on time†Letting the shower water trickle through his head, he could feel the warm water making its way through, it felt nice taking a bath after being asleep for so long, his mother had affirmed him that a week had gone by. At first couldn’t really believe he had been asleep for that long, but it mattered little at this point “Its not like I have to make up for lost classes†He chuckled a bit. It made him feel a bit sad that he was laughing at the expenses of the whole school and his dead classmates; after all he was a student, he shared with them, ate with them. It might have not been the best time for him, but at least out of sympathy he should have had a tiny bit of consideration. “After all, you were always….†Ein’s body froze, where had that thought come from!? He didn’t really want to think about something like that; he didn’t want or felt the need to linger on something like that. “Worthless…only good for one thing, you can do your part, let’s make you fall under the impression of acceptance, after that….†The sound of the watery downpour outmatched the silent whimpering, and the water falling from the shower hid the tears as they slowly moved through Ein’s face “It doesn’t matter, they’re dead†He just kept bathing silently. No more thoughts. ~&~ Her feet slowly made their way through the wet grass, the cool wind making her hair flow gently, the small droplets of rain. The chill of the air. Cloudy sky. She looked at her cell phone screen for a moment, it had some sort of message “Beyond… one has seen as you are….†She closed the cell phone and looked around, there was no one, only her and the small plain pillars that extended to the far side. “Not here yet….†~&~ Ein looked at the clock “11:22†He looked at the steam coming from the bathroom; he had been in there for a long time, he sprang into action, grabbed some nice jeans, a black shirt, his trusty blue jacket and his converse shoes. Not moments after he was ready. “11:30†“Mom, can you take me to the graveyard†Ein looked at his mother which was talking on the phone. “Honey, I…†She looked at him for a moment and then nodded. “12:01†Ein looked around for a moment inside the small van. “Mom, can you wait here?†He looked at her for a moment, whatever was happening he didn’t want her involved; he felt it wasn’t something she should get involved in; just because he was already involved in something out of his hands didn’t exactly mean he had to involve his family. “Sure, sweetheart†She looked at him, it was almost as if she knew something, or at least was making an effort to understand her son. “Thanks, Mom†He looked at her for a moment, he didn’t know why but it felt like he should have said goodbye. “For Everything….†~&~ The rugged detective had already made his way through the death-filled sanctuary, watching his step as not to fall. He had been following the trail, it all lead here, if his intuitiveness was any good he knew to be careful and alert. “She should be around here†He looked around for a moment, it was a very damp day, and he removed his tie as he unbuttoned the neck of his suit. “Hmm….I am close…†~&~ Ein looked back once, he made his way through the fence and into the cemetery, the first thing he could feel was the wet grass, next came the effect of dampness in the eyes and smell. It wasn’t exactly a bad smell but certainly not the best one either, he started making his way towards the next part of the cemetery, it was foggy, and it made mid day look like it’s palette choice wasn’t the best one. He kept looking, for a moment he stopped, there was a figure in the distance a womanly figure, he tried to focalize, but she was to far away, so he kept walking. He froze as he heard a voice; it was the girl’s voice. “You’re late...†Her words pierced the boy’s thoughts and doubts; the same voice he heard so many times in different school activities. The pillar of example for other students to follow. He knew exactly who was talking to him, and he wasn’t pleased at all to hear her voice. “Bianca White….what a surprise†He looked at her for a moment, his vision could have been of a goddess, a very gifted beautiful girl, her hair a slight golden, making matches with her short white dress. Yes it could have been a perfect vision, but she wasn’t so sure about that. “Ein Favre….I’m glad you could come….I’m sure you must be wondering why I have called you here†She was a very striking person, and more so when she crossed her arms as she did at the moment. “You seriously don’t believe that it was explosions that lead to fire, do you?†She moved around for a moment. So graceful. So delicate looking. She had Ein in daze, even though he didn’t want to, as he looked at her milky white thighs, as the short dress revealed toward that area “why do girls wear something like THAT, doesn’t she know its too revealing!†His face blushed slightly, but he managed to divert the view before she could even notice. “Ein, what I must tell you relates to the survivors at the incident at our school…†She looked around at the foggy weather. LOOK OUT!!!! Ein heard those words as his heartbeat began rising, his view became blurrier, someone was after them. “We need to go, now!†Bianca demanded strongly, it wasn’t someone who was following them, from the vicious sounds, and the strong panting one could figure this was something following them.Ein ran behind the girl as they both tried to escape, his heart felt like it wanted to explode, he tried to see exactly WHAT was giving them chase but it was impossible, whatever it was, it moved too fast. “What’s happening!?†He couldn’t run away; the cemetery wasn’t too vast but he could find a place to hide. “Let’s split up! We have more chances that way†Bianca’s agitated voice could be heard through the misty expanse, to this she went through another direction, moving swiftly throughout the fog “oh, great, now what about me?†Ein kept running. He could hear heavier footsteps behind him. He ran as fast as his poor physical condition permitted him, until he just threw himself behind a grave big enough to cover him slightly. Thump…. Thump…. “I can’t die here†Thump… “Arrrghhh!!!!†The loud screech of pain. The sound of splattered blood. Silence Chapter 3-2: Start by the end Spoiler “No memories to hold me alive, it seems, no more.†A moment of silence overtook the graves. Blood spilled slowly from an arm. The alarming sound of gunfire. A dying howl. “You okay kiddo?†A grunted question came from the lips of a tall man, as the unknown creature fell to the ground, though this came with a price; the beast had bitten the man’s arm. “You blasted creature! Look at what you’ve done to my coat†The man looked at his leather ensemble only to see it reduced to expensive rags. “Kid, get up and run!†the man commanded fiercely as he removed the remains of the useless coat. -“What, but….my mom she’s still-“Ein replied terrified He was saved by this man, but the situation was so confusing that he could only think about the basics. “She will be fine, now move your ass!†“What!? Y-You expect me to run?†“I don’t think that you could do much else, now run!!†“I’m going back, my mom isn’t safe, and neither is Bian-“ “Kiddo, you are pushing my buttons at the wrong time! , you better run, now or I’ll drag you myself†Ein looked at the man for a moment and nodded without saying a word. “Good†the man said. For a moment it seemed like everything had gone quiet. With fast and steady footsteps they both ran through the fog; Ein occasionally hitting himself with the grave stones, though it seemed this man was fully aware of his surroundings, as he didn’t even flinch as he so swiftly avoided each obstacle. Each step made Ein’s heart race, at this moment it felt like the only thing that mattered was running. “Kid, watch your step, you don’t want to get eaten do you?†The rugged man spoke, but he didn’t even take his eyes off the path. Ein just looked at him fatigued. It seemed like neither the fog or the thing that was pursuing them would disappear. Finally they seemed to be reaching for the great, open cemetery fences. “Wait!†“We can’t go….There’s a gir-“Ein remembered that Bianca was still in the cemetery; perhaps not his cup of tea, but leaving her to die like that just seemed inhumane. “You mean me?†Ein was cut off, as a small figure appeared out of the thick fog. The petit figure of a girl. Bianca. “You made it out safely?†Ein was impressed. Surely she must have dealt with something like that before, because at the current situation he felt weak and disoriented; but she seemed to be doing fine. “Ah, The Saint, I presume?†The man looked at her for a moment, as his clear intention was to demonstrate the fact that he had information on them. “I guess that’s what someone like you would call me†Bianca crossed her arms; slightly irritated by the fact that she was being inspected by the unknown man. Hooowlll!!!! A ghastly howl could be heard through the foggy cemetery, it made the cold sweat that ran through Ein’s back feel even colder, as a churning feeling overcame the stomach. “You know, we can drink tea and eat cookies while we wait for whatever the hell is after us, or we could run and survive!†Ein shouted frantically as his left arm tilted with the flow of adrenaline.†This feeling, is makes me tremble…but at the same time…its invigorating†He thought for a moment, the indescribable thrill was something he had never felt before. “Kid, if you some sense of humor left in you, you’re okay, so quit wining so much†The man replied in a matter-of-fact tone. “He is certainly right, we cannot stay here. Complete stranger, do you have some sort of transportation method?†Bianca asked, letting a small hint of sarcasm blend with her wording. “I’m glad you asked, because as of now, you two are under my surveillance. I’m so glad you would come willingly.†The man replied. Returning the same dose of sarcasm; right back at her. Ein looked at them both as they began running, each two on front of him, there was something about it that made him feel light headed. His vision had already gone blurry by the time they got to a sleek black car; which by the looks of it was a very expensive one. He felt the cool steel of the door as he stopped before he looked back. His mother’s van was still there, even though it was on the other side he could see the slight figure of his mother. That was the last thought his mind could gather. Letting the smooth back seat of the sporty car’s leather comfort his head. Ein’s senses slowly darkened into profound sleep. “Change. It was to come sooner or later…It just came in the wrong form, at the wrong time. Things could never be the same from that point on.†Chapter 4: Love keeper’s memory Spoiler “I wish I could wake up and end this broken dream…but what if what’s broken are not the dreams?†“Wake up, sleepy head.†A female voice whispered in his ear. Letting his senses accommodate and adapt, he slowly opened his eyes and rubbed them for a moment. The rays of a warm sunlight penetrated the grogginess and Ein could see two people standing outside. One was Bianca, who was standing next to him. The second was the unknown man, which had saved their lives. There was something else, a great building; or at least the debris of one. “Why are we here!?†Ein asked nervously, as he moved father into the car’s back seat. If there was one place he didn’t wish to be at the moment it had to be this one. “Look, kid, I understand how you feel about being here, but might as well kill two birds with one shot.†The man said turning himself towards the two teenagers. “So, you mean to gather clues, and since we are the ones who know this school the most…†Bianca said, turning herself away from the smooth surface of the black car and looking up to the school. “…And we are the ones that survived the incident…Isn’t it about time you told us who exactly are you, and who sent you?†Ein added. Crossing his arms as he remained seated with his legs outside of the car. At the moment he felt like an idiot for not showing any sense of self-preservation, and somehow he had to make up for it. “You don’t waste time kid, well; I guess I could tell you a thing or two, since the both of you are awake now, it won’t be much of a problem.†The man chuckled for a moment, hinting at the sarcasm his tone portrayed as he looked at Ein. Bianca gave the man a cold look as an indication to seize his stalling and finally give them some information. “Man, you’re just bent on getting something out of me, aren’t ya? Okay my name Is Roy. Roy Sekundes†The man said smiling sheepishly. “Well, Mr. Sekundes. As the situation indicates we are at a disadvantage, because it seems you have much more information on us, and we just have your name….We don’t know who you work for, why were you sent to “secure†us, and what exactly are your intentions, now, do we?†Bianca replied. She didn’t waste any time to put a person in their place, and even in this kind of situation she was trying to maintain solid ground on everything. “We need information….â€Ein added, getting up from the car, revealing the damaged clothing and some small cuts in the face. It wouldn’t be surprising that under the circumstances he had obtained them. “Just call me Roy. I assure you everything will be made clear soon. We just find clues, refresh your memories, and then we take you to a safe place†Roy assured the two teenagers, but that still didn’t make them feel very secure. “A safe place? But what about home? My mom must still be waiting back at the cemetery.†Ein looked at the man, emotionless. “This man irritates me….perhaps I should have brought a longer dress, If only I had known….besides, I have no wish or need to remember anything.†Bianca gave a cold look and then turned away walking forward to the school, with her arms crossed. Roy looked at them both scratching his head for a moment. “Kids turned out harder to control than I thought…..children are such a pain.†He sighed smiling sheepishly. But then his complexion changed in an instant, almost like a different person; one that meant business. “Before we go in….what exactly do you remember of what happened?†His tone was deeper, and his look reflected seriousness. “Nothing.†Bianca quickly replied, without giving it a second thought; as she made her way towards the school’s entrance. “No…I don’t remember.†Ein added. It was the truth he barely remembered anything. It was slight, but the only thing he did understand was that something was amiss; the pressure in his chest, the unsteadiness. He just followed Bianca quietly a few feet away. Roy thought for a moment and then did the same. As each of them started walking, the faint wind filtering through the entrance gave some sort of atmospheric tone as the sky painted itself with darker shades of blue; and small sunrays hit the colorless debris. Ein’s heart began racing at the thought of what might be behind the glass doors. One step closer…too much to take in. Ein stopped for a moment and muttered something. “I…I-I can’t go in.†Ein’s eyes widened, he took a step back. He started looking frantically for some look of sympathy; but all he found was a cold stare and a serious look. “Kid, you wanna sit down for a moment?†Roy started making his way towards Ein, as he extended his hands towards him. “Why, don’t you stop your whimpering and grow some balls. We’ve survived from our school getting destroyed, chased by some ugly baddies, and now you break apart!? Now that all you have to do is inspect this stupid school!†Bianca scowled fiercely, as she moved her arms in fast pace to show anger and disagreement. “Well, I’m sorry…I guess not all of us can pretend to be perfect and in control all the time†Ein replied, he felt attacked and he truly didn’t feel any need for her tough display. “What are you implying!?†The girl cocked an eyebrow, crossing her arms dominantly. “You heard me….you’ve always been like that!†He shot back at her, clenching his fists. “What would you know!? You’ve always been a secluded little self-proclaimed pariah!†“I could say the same, besides we weren’t even in the same grade…and yet you could never hide the fact that you were always a fake, even people who didn’t know you could notice!†“What!? I’m so glad they’re all dead….I’m just ungrateful that you didn’t die with them.†-“You don’t know me, and suddenly you want my death….If anyone should die and burn in hell is YOU….everyone saw you as an example; too bad in reality you’re a success whore, who will always be a fake!†Ein shouted his last sentence, with anger building up inside him. Roy just looked at the two silently. Bianca looked at him for a moment and then crossed her arms “Hopefully you’ll grow some balls, before you die killed by some monstrosity…until then…I’ll check the school on my own…you can stay here wining.†Bianca slammed the glass doors as she entered and disappeared into the unlit school. Ein looked at Roy for a moment, before he covered his face. He felt like his words were expressed incorrectly and at the wrong time. He figured after Bianca graduated he wouldn’t have to tell her since they stood a year apart from each other. Just then a thought came to his mind. “….You are pathetic….†Her cold voice spoke strongly, in his mind. The memories of an event. This to him was unforgettable. “But….council president Bianca, I-I...†The nervous council student stuttered. “Nothing…you are worthless…and are useless, you should start working on some miserable earning work fit for you, instead of wasting the time of your classmates…pathetic†Her words chilly. Her demeanor angry. Her arms crossed. Ein remembered how he watched that poor kid cry, he was in the area. In fact almost everyone saw the event; only to him it hit hard. No one dared to stand up to her words. Ein could only consider himself lucky that the argument ended where it did. She had a way with words; she could make anyone break under her cold and sarcastic remarks. Apparently, not only people who were weaker than her. Bianca was the kind of person who was not bound by the same fears most teenagers feel; She was different. “Kid, are you feeling okay?†Roy, smirked as he looked at Ein’s guilt ridden expression. “I’m fine….let’s go after her†Ein replied, without hesitation. “Are you sure?†“Yeah…†“You don’t sound very sure of that, kid, tell you what, stay here, if you decide to go in or not it’s okay†Roy, said almost pressured to change the tense mood as he scratched his hat. “W-Well, thank you….I-I’ll be sure to do that†Ein’s cheeks began flushing, the man he was talking to, seemed to have a bit of humanity in him. At first all he was demonstrating was seriousness and keen instinct, so it struck Ein as odd; for him to be showing any kindness, Ein had already him pegged as the serious type, but this man was a bit of a joker and wasn’t really all that serious. “Well, since you’re staying here, might as well read this, now that you’re awake†Roy searched through the back pocket of his leather pants, to find a small, orange colored notebook, it had some peculiar carvings and a small broken lock. From the looks of it; it was forced open, and had a few scratches and it was a bit broken. “Miss White read it. She said it wasn’t recognizable to her, perhaps you can identify it?†Roy looked at the kid for a moment, letting out a small sigh. This was certainly not the time to be slowing down; they were probably being pursued at the very moment, but Roy knew that pushing his demands and force on the teenagers would only make things worst. Being a teenager recently, he knew how rebellious they tend to be. “Never impose yourself on a teenager…†Roy remembered the sort of thing that comes to mind when you make an unbreakable oath of bettering one self. Not the kind one says for continuing a diet, this one was something of more importance. “And if he really is…..then I guess its better not to make him angry†Roy thought for a moment as he looked at Ein. He had the body to fit the description, slightly, but his personality was the only thing that didn’t seem to give any sort of indicator. “Anyways, here you go, kid." Roy handed the small battered book to Ein; Who took it onto his hands delicately enough not to break the fragile piece of evidence. “If something, it’s a good read. Whoever wrote it was a girl, it’s a very peculiar diary,†Roy said, as he started making a motion to re-adjust his coat. Noticing that his habit was somewhat erred he stopped mid action before Ein could notice. Ein started inspecting the small book; his finger trailing for any small detail that might help him remember anyone. To no avail, he just opened the book looking for a name, but all he found were bear stickers and some broken pages. “Kid, I’ll go behind Ms.White, it’s not very safe for her without being armed. We might get attacked any moment†Roy looked at Ein for a moment, and then started making his way towards the building. “I’m not armed, what about me?†Ein said with a preoccupied tone, he didn’t try to hide the fact that he didn’t want to die. He thought that at this point trying to be court and disciplined barely mattered, and yet his personality still presented him as a polite person. “Here†Roy took a small hunting knife out of his pocket, throwing it at Ein, without any regards that the small sheath could come of and hurt someone. Ein saw the object fly through the air, and almost instinctively caught it. “Don’t you have anything…a bit better?†Ein remarked, as he inspected Roy with his eyes fixated on the two guns he hand strapped. Surely a gun would do much better than a knife, why give him a weapon that endangered him more. Wasn’t this guy supposed to protect him or at least know that Ein was just a common civilian that had no combat skills? “Sorry kid, these babies are for my hands only…â€Roy said as he stylishly unsheathed the two guns, one with a silvery gleam and the other with a polished black color. He caressed one of them as if it was some sort of treasure. “But, don’t you think…-†“Kid, you worry too much†“Well, I don’t want to die…†“Trust me, you won’t. Knowing you, you might do better with that ‘measly knife’ †He replied with his tone slightly sarcastic. “What does that-“Ein looked around. He was already alone; Roy had made his move quiet and swift before Ein had time to even ask. He thought for a moment on what the man meant, but it was probably some sort of joke or pun; so he didn’t really pay too much attention. Once all distraction was gone he opened the small book, once again, sat down on the school’s main stairs, and started reading. “Love keeper’s memoir†“This Diary has a title….that’s unusual†He thought as he looked at the fine way it was written. One thing was for certain. This was no ordinary diary. Chapter 5: Sincerely, Amanda Spoiler Ein began reading between the lines. He didn’t wish to waste time on reading, instead he just went to the last written page. He found it peculiar that the last page was badly written and had been slightly torn and dirtied. Looking at the last sentence it said “I’m sorry…I wish I could…†The rest was torn or covered with dry blood. This picked on his interest. Maybe it was the fact that he was just a nosy person, or the fact that he felt sympathy for whoever wrote this could never again continue on. Whatever it was, he found it good enough reason to keep on reading. He flipped over again towards the first page as he accommodated into a more comfortable position to read. His eyes wondered over the first page and its contents. This is not really a memoir….but more of a diary, in here will go everything until; I find something better to do. Ein cocked an eyebrow. Not a very good start, He thought for a moment as he eyed his surroundings to see if anyone would be approaching. As he felt no apparent danger, he returned to reading. “I’m so happy…today starts a new day at school and I’m so glad I can meet up with my friends, specially HIM, this year I want to have the courage to talk to him†Just some normal girl’s diary, there’s really nothing special about it, Ein thought. He eyed the page and advanced a few without reading them. “Today he talked to me, of course I was to shy to say anything, but Connor talked to me!†Connor? Ein began pondering on the name. The possibilities were narrowed down, mainly because of the fact that Willowgale was a high school. But not enough since there were roughly up to 500 students or perhaps more. Connor was such a common name nowadays, that it made it hard to think of anyone or at least relate it to the diary. He once again, flipped over a few pages and began reading. “Today Connor asked me out….I almost said no; of course this was only out of excitement. But I actually said yes. You know up until now….I’ve always thought about life as just….well, life; something I can’t really explain but its there….and now….And even now, I can’t explain it, but it feels as though there’s something else...†Ein’s eyes widened. Not exactly on his wording, but her thought, it was just like something he might have come up with. The notion of understanding life. Something without explanation. If the person who'd written had died, he would feel for said person; Ein had almost though some people better off dead. But this girl, she seemed like a nice girl. “Sincerely Amanda...†Amanda…Amanda? Ein’s thoughts began circling, almost as if wheels had been set in motion. Ein’s eyes stared blankly into the vast school front; not exactly concentrated on anything, but not out of touch with the world. In his hands, the only thing that might truly explain what transpired that fateful day. And yet the clues it offered were so slight and it kept no real records of that day. So in order to truly obtain information, one would have to be critical. Ein came to realization that the owner of the diary was not in his class, so that only left her to be a sophomore or a senior, and the fact that Bianca didn’t recognize her. She being the former class president could only mean that she was a sophomore. “If I narrow down to only one grade….any special events? Competitions this girl might be recognized for? Any type of singularity. Something…Diary, writing….girl…†Ein’s eyes widened in amazement. He had finally deciphered who it was. Amanda Stein. Sophomore and a member of the school paper. Ein wasn’t too fond of the school’s paper. The prospect of digging out information and bending it to sound interesting wasn’t really the type of thing he enjoyed. Amanda was somewhat of a shy girl, but her love for writing was something to admire, she would often be found writing amazing, and original things. But she wasn’t a very sociable person. If anything, she always remained with a few friends. He himself had only seen her occasionally, a familiar face, nothing more. Ein closed the small memory keeper, and placed it in his jean’s pocket. He yawned for a moment before passing his fingers through his short brown hair. There was no doubt in Ein’s mind; he wanted to find out the truth. If only for being in complete control of his past. He slowly opened the school’s entrance, letting himself in quietly, there were leaves all over and the smell of ashes was still in the air; almost as if it wanted to erase any memory of the vivid hallways, the smell of cafeteria food and the familiar smell of recently cleaned floors. Everything was only just that, a memory, to be forgotten as if nothing had ever happened; to most, even to Ein it seemed like this was in no way whatsoever relevant to him. He kept walking through the hallways slowly making his way through, the windows reflected rays of sunlight that illuminated the many passageways. Ein felt a strange sensation, coming to this place again, made him feel nostalgic. He found a small corner, very familiar to him. It was the area his locker was positioned in. Without any effort he opened the small safe-like structure and let his hand travel through it, feeling the cold steel, until his hand finally grasped a torn small paper. He didn’t give it much thought, and just placed it on his pocket. As his locker closed, he felt an eerie wind. The kind that would send chill down your spine. He turned his head towards the hallway. His eyes widened in shock. His eyes must have been deceiving him, some hallucination from the sudden change his life was taking. It must have been some twisted thought of his mind. There she was, her school clothing torn and bloodied, her hair messed and uncared for, her eyes empty and emotionless. Standing before him. There she was. Amanda… “Sometimes ignorance is paid in hard…in the worst kind of price. Blood†Chapter 6: A Heart Left Behind Spoiler “The past holds only a path chosen,and sometimes things are left behind...†Ein rubbed his eyes as they contemplated the figure of the girl. Sweat through his brow, the air cold and dry, almost instinctively Ein placed himself in a defensive position reacting to his instincts; the ones that at this exact moment told him to be wary. Reluctant to believe that what was before him was real. He blinked several times hoping this would eliminate the vision in front of him. It failed. There is no possible way to eliminate from sight something in front of you. Ein began to wonder if all that had been happening was real or just a very bad dream. Just then the girl spoke with a distorted voice. “You….I must†The girl said, almost like some savage beast trying to grasp the human language. Her body was crooked, and some erupted veins could be seen in her body. “What the hell…..what happened?†Ein asked. Still aghast by her torn and bloody appearance. If this truly was Amanda Stein, then she was alive, but that didn’t sound real. Was not everyone dead? “I must tell….†She screeched, as she held her head in pain, her screaming was so strong that the pain could almost be felt through it. “What are you saying!?†Ein shouted, still keeping his distance from this deranged form of human. “I must….escape…tell…AAAAAARRRGHHH!!!†Her voice became even more distorted as she launched herself wildly against Ein. “S-Stop, wait!†Ein yelled, to no avail. She was coming full force, slamming Ein to one of the walls as her nails pierced his shoulders, breaking through the fabric. Her nails began digging unto his flesh as if they tore into Ein’s body, the blood gashes erupting from the pierces. Ein yelped in pain as he frantically began trying to free himself from her grip. ~&~ “Damn, that loud noise was the kid, and I still haven’t found Ms.White, guess there’s no choice!†Roy, turned around running towards Ein’s far away position, but before he could even take another step, two red eyes stared him fiercely through the shadows of the hallways, coming out of the shadows. A dog; just like the ones at the cemetery, saliva dripping from its mouth, preparing itself for attack. The distorted body, the otherworldly appearance, one could say this was a hell-hound. “Oh no, you don’t!†Roy shot the beast, but it dodged the bullet, making its way toward the man. He moved out of the way, but he still received a blow to the arm, removing the safety of his second pistol; he began shooting with deadly precision as he ran from the swift beast; it crawled through the ceiling and dashed through the floor maniacally giving Roy chase; when it came to deadly, this creature was among the top. Roy halted his movement, using the momentum to skid back towards the beast, shooting it as he went under the creature. A sick howl could be heard as the beast fell from the ceiling creating a pool of blood around it. Just to be sure, Roy released several shots upon it, until the beast became silent. “I don’t have time to be playing with dogs…specially the killer kind…huh?†Roy scowled as he looked back to see a second dog aberration. “This is getting old…come at me!†The down ran through the hallways, crawling with immense speed through the four walls, trying to confuse its opponent in regards to direction. Roy ran towards the dog, also. Reaching a middle ground, the dog opened its muzzle fiercely to clench its teeth into the man. Roy’s eyes glinted in satisfaction as he quickly grabbed the dog by its throat. The dog yelped as any dog in pain would. Sekundes just pressed his hand harder, and quickly took a knife from his pocket, crossing it through the dog’s mouth vertically, closing the creature’s disdainful muzzle in one strike. “Sorry, Fido.†He pressed his black pistol on the dogs head as he pulled the trigger several times, making the dogs body quiver, with only the sound of muffled yelps, as the dog couldn’t make much noise. The blood ran through his arm and the small drips of blood fell on his now, pale-looking face. He closed his eyes for a moment, as the limp dog’s body was clenched tightly on his arm; he threw it next to the other fallen beast and sighed “I didn’t want it to get this messy, now my clothes are all bloodied...†He turned his head away smiling wryly, as he ran past, leaving the dead creatures in his wake. “I need to get to the Kid.†~&~ Ein felt the pulsing sensation as the nails dug deeper into his skin, just then he began seeing the blood trickle through his shoulders. His mind began to get blurry, and his body felt a surge of excitement and exhilaration. Adrenaline. He remembered something that might have been a key part of his life once. The sound of an arrow hitting its mark, the precision; he began to wonder why he thought of that, and in a time as such. He began remembering a voice. His friend…Her “Precision is key, and concentration is essential.†“The arrow hitting its mark…†Ein reacted through the pain, taking out the small knife given to him, and plunging it in the girl’s arm, trying to budge her almost in-human grip. His attempt succeeded, pushing her back as he gained enough time to create distance between them. Catching his breath he looked at her almost disbelievingly. The blood from the sprouted vein oozed in a thick crimson. “What are you? Are you truly Amanda Stein?†He asked in an imperative tone, as he made short breaths and held one of his shoulders to ease the pain. “I…am…I…must…one…time; GIVE IT, GIVE IT, I CAN SENSE IT IN YOU!!!!†She shrieked frantically as her nails began twisting and bending, becoming sharper and her hands started to deform and become bigger, veins sprouting from them, the nails the size of blades. Amanda looked at Ein with a cold look, almost like she was ready to demolish everything in her path; and with those nails, she probably could. Ein’s eyes widened with fear, myriad of questions running through the back of his head, but more importantly a way to survive. “Roy…Bianca…mom, help me….†His teeth clenched, holding the urge to break down, die right then and there. Her claws drew his attention to be big enough to shred him in seconds. She dashed savagely, her nails long enough to close the gap in distance as they pierced Ein’s arm, once again. He ran to the left side avoiding the blow. His view was somewhat distorted and his mind wasn’t really in any thought, it just acted. He passed by her deftly, and stroked her arm, cutting it violently. An edge of pleasure curved in his mouth. He entered a classroom hoping to escape her as he moved to the end of the room and closing the door, but she broke it down, without much effort. There he was, and there she was. No escape, a closed room. This would be decided in this clash. How can I even keep going…it’s impossible to fight her-this monster! How did I even manage ‘till now? “GIVE IT, GIVE IT I MUST!!!!!†She wailed, dashing towards him with a deadly look of satisfaction in her eyes. “What the hell do you want!?†Ein, screamed as Amanda launched her Nails at great speed. The tint in his eye became clearer. Blood red. Something in him snapped, something forcing him to move on, this was not his end. He would not die there, but he knew that it was him or her…and in that fraction of seconds he wasn’t going to dwell in it too much. She was going to fall there. Ein had no doubt that he wasn’t going down without a fight. His eyes fixated themselves upon Amanda’s own as he maneuvered the knife in a position to ward off all ten long nails. The clashing of the blades resounded, causing sparks to fly. Ein looked at what he had accomplished a tad bewildered. It felt as though he wasn’t sure of his actions or how to act, but somehow his body moved instinctively. He smiled wickedly as he pushed back her nails and maneuvering behind her, stabbing her next to the shoulder. She cried in pain, retaliating the blow as she tried to slice him with a barrage of slashes. He avidly dodged them as he pushed back the remainder with the knife. His eyes concentrated on her, his mind without full notion of what was occurring. He launched himself pushing her back as she covered herself to halt the brutal blows; he just kept attacking frantically in order to survive. “Die. Die. Die. Die!!!†He screamed wickedly, eyes opened wide as he slashed her, she ran back and screamed in annoyance. Launching herself against him with full force. He halted the blow, but one nail pierced trough his chest, he flinched back holding the wound; she had pierced deep. Ein looked at her with even more anger and twirled the knife in his hands, he jumped forward, avoiding her vicious claws, and sliced upwards leaving a huge slash on her chest. She quickly retaliated to catch him mid-uppercut and dug her nails into his back; he was now at her mercy, no way to escape the hold the claws had on him. She raised her arms, and Ein stuck in the claws along with it, she ran towards the wall as fast as she could, making him feel the impact of the concrete, and the nails digging harder. Something in his mind felt like it was about to crumble, something important. His vision was getting blurry and he would die if he didn’t act. He felt the knife in his hands, and quickly plunged it into her left arm. She screamed frantically as the knife began tearing her arm away, he gave one strong plunge, and there her left arm was severed; she removed the remaining set of claws to pull back. Ein felt small doses of pain surging through him as he removed the severed claw form his chest, and threw it aside. She was now looking at him deadlier than ever, the face of a monster staring back at you. Her breathing labored, the thick blood running through the severed part of her arm. She leaped into the air for one final stroke. Ein’s eyes sharpened as he sprinted with knife ready to stab. This would be the last blow. CLASH!!! Pain Blood Blood splattered on the floor. The shadows created by the sunset revealed her nails dug, once again into his shoulders and arms, but this time even deeper. “I…MUST…what…am I…†She cried. Revealing the small knife encrusted upon her heart. Blood spilling onto Ein’s arms. He clenched the knife’s handle and rotated it causing more pain to his opponent. “Why am I here?†The girl’s eyes began calming, as she reacted to the pain inflicted. Ein looked at her with his eyes tear filled from all the pressure. “Amanda…Stein†He looked at her, pulling the knife back out. She fell to the floor as her nails forcefully dug out of his body, and her hands returned to a normal state. His eyes began to regain their normal coloring as he looked at what he’d done. His eyes lost focus, and his view darkened from blood loss. At this moment Ein felt pain, both for his wounds, but more importantly that he wanted to yell at someone to bend his frustration. Someone who understood his situation, but he couldn’t tell her the truth. It was something too hard to bear. And dying with that on the conscience wasn’t something he wished on her; even after she almost shred him to pieces. Her arm torn, the blood flowing freely around her slight figure, but her eyes were calm, as if a great soul consuming curse had been lifted from her. “I…they kept us…I disobeyed…they did this….†She said. Ein looked at her warily, death dawning on his now fey looking eyes. What did she mean? But he couldn’t make anything out of it, not like this. Tears began falling from his face, without any restraint. The girl drew her last breath and whispered. “Love…Connor...†Ein understood what this meant, even in his condition, just like that her eyes closed, never to be opened again. Ein fell to the floor, his own eyes falling prey to a deep darkness. ~&~ “Sekundes, when do you plan to take us to a secure place? He’s had enough pressure for one day, and I, for once would like to rest and be able to think clearly; the air here feels charged.†Bianca’s voice pierced through the boy’s slumber, but he could only open his lids very little; not enough to be considered awake. Bianca had appeared again once the battle was over. “Oh, you worried about him?†Roy looked at her; as he bent down to inspect the dead body. “He might become my best asset and perhaps the only person I can place my trust in at the moment.†Bianca replied, crossing her arms. Ein was laid down with his back against a school wall, a mediocre job of bandages over his torn clothes and wracked body. “You might be right about that. As it stands, I can’t promise you anything, I AM under orders, after all.†Roy’s lips tightened. “We have no choice but to go with you, at least for now. Besides, I wish to hear the full information your higher-ups have obtained.†Bianca crossed her arms, but her eyes were fixated on Ein. “Oh? You sure don’t waste time.†“I cannot afford to.†~&~ Half an hour later, the school had been filled with gasoline, enough to finally destroy any evidence inside it. If anyone wanted to look for clues in a few minutes this would not be the best place. “Well, this is it, say goodbye to your school one last time.†Roy smiled sheepishly, as he lit a match., though his words were aimed at no one in particular, since Ein and Bianca were already at the car’s side; Ein had been carried, with some effort and seated with his back against the car, and Bianca seemed impatient to leave the place. Ein wondered how he’d survive loosing so much blood, a miracle. The match was all it took to engulf the great building into a raging inferno. Making deep cries, almost like the students way of crying one last time. Ein looked with tired eyes at the eruption of flames, and it felt like something inside him had been finally torn away completely. The ashes floated, dancing upwards. If anything the heavens would hear the cries of those departed and send its blessing. At least Ein hoped it would be that way. “Sekundes, we need some things. First of all you are to treat Ein, and secondly provide us with food and shelter for the night. And lastly, we need-"Bianca said as she made the motion of moving back to the car. “Sure, he looks like he can drop dead. As for everything else…I’ll find someplace to rest for the day. †He replied. The three made their way back to the car and inevitably blood made its way into the leather seats, Roy looked at the car with disdain of having his car get blood on it. The car made it out, leaving the fires of the past behind them. “Why did Amanda return to the school as some…monster? What happened? Why are we being followed? Is my family going to be all right? How was I able to fight back and survive? Where are we being taken? I killed that girl…What now?†Ein’s thoughts set ablaze. So many strange things had been happening, all at once. He had killed another human being; he was taken from his peaceful life into one of chaos. All this was making him feel light-headed, his thoughts kept him awake, but his body felt so tired that he could barely maintain his eyes open. To him, it felt like déjà vu. Falling asleep again after strange things happened. He tried to fight it, but even his pain couldn’t keep him awake as his eyes closed, under the sundown. “This is the end of all held dear, and the point of no return? That was already left on uncertainties road†Chapter 7: I Gotta Feeling Spoiler “I have a feeling…that tonight’s going to be a good night†Small signs of light arose from the reflection on a small window, light distilling through faintly. A boy dreams, in his sleep he feels the memories of days past, and haunting demons of the past. To his side, a petit young lady, her cold blue eyes guard his sleep slowly, as she flips the golden waves of her hair that shine through the moonlight. Her eyes wonder to a remote location, through a door. A man with a cigar, his young face betrayed by his rugged features, somewhat lost in thought, but in his mind awareness lurks. His ashen face shines palely in the moonlight as he walks through a balcony; back & forth. His dark eyes unsettled. “How is the kid doing?†The man asked. Breaking the silence of the night. “He seems fine…aside from the fact that he bled for an hour without any medical attention. It’s a miracle he’s even alive, even though he’s bandaged now, and the bleeding stopped. I’m curious to what codename he was given.†The girl replied. She got up from the bedside where the boy slept, crossing her arms while doing so. “Well…you should know, little miss. That’s classified information. Besides we still haven’t seen the full extent of his abilities. I can’t say for certain that the information given to me is 100% accurate.†The man, walked over through the balcony, sitting slowly on a small chair, his eyes still fixated on the distance. “You called me, The Saint. That’s an interesting codename, not very creative, I’ll say†“Well. Little miss I didn’t create those codenames. They just are…Miss White. I’m sure you know the reason for that, now don’t you?†He said. Giving her a slight grin of false innocence. He looked very young, considering how skilled he presented himself to be. Bianca knew first hand that if he was sent to secure “them,†then he at least must have been a good assassin or a good information gatherer. Either way such gestures didn’t fool her. “I think I do, very much so…Sekundes†~&~ Ein remained asleep. Nothing fazing him, as his serene features changed from time to time to more serious ones; perhaps nightmares doing their small part on his dreams. He moved from side to side, in what felt like a sea of white blankets. Bianca watching intently to see any new occurrences. It made sense, considering any brisk movement could undo the work done, and open his wounds. Just then, from the distance a figure came into the picture. A woman, her long red hair flowing in the moon’s glow. Her figure perfect in every way, she slowly made her way to the balcony. Her hand slowly travelled through her hair. Roy looked at her, a glint of surprise in his eyes. “Hello. You seem surprised to see me.†The woman gave a serious look as she spoke, her eyes travelling, inspecting everything around her. A form of security for her, not to feel threatened by her surroundings. This probably indicated the fact that she preferred to be in control of situations, a counter-measure. If anything dangerous were to happen, then she would have an idea of what to do. “I sure am. Alexandria…was it?†Roy looked at her, followed by a long sigh in which he threw the cigar away. “I’m glad you remember my name. I was in the area, so I chose to come retrieve a report personally. I’m sensing that you secured the targets? How did that go?†She said. Her body still straight, one hand under her bust line, and the other prepared for anything. “That…Well,†He made a signal, pointing to the insides of the small room in which they were staying, where the two targets were positioned at the moment. “They weren’t too hard to retrieve, aside from the “seekers†sent to capture them, but then again it looked more like they just sent the hounds to kill ‘em.†“I see…If that is all-“ “No. We found another target, except this one wasn’t stable…†“Oh?†Alexandria slowly raised an eyebrow with renewed interest. “Yes, but if I’m not mistaken that target was for you to gather. Either way, the target was unstable; it attacked one of my targets, almost to the point of death. Fortunately, the one attacked wasn’t The Saint It was….†His ashen features began showing small signs of worry. “Yes, him...†Her expression also changed to a more concerned one. “He managed to silence the target. A swift blow to the heart. He fainted from blood loss after the ordeal.†“So, The Pierce Has been eliminated?†She asked, still somewhat surprised, but maintaining her calm features. “Unfortunately, yes. I know orders where to try and keep the targets alive, but this was something out of my hands.†He replied, getting up as he stretched. “I see. I’ll send a written report to HQ. Meanwhile in a few days, we shall be leaving on train.†She began writing something, her hand travelling swiftly as pen hit paper in different strokes “On train? By land? That’s a very risky move. We could be attacked by train. We would be easy prey.†Betraying his concern the words came, in a somewhat cocky tone. “That is true, but if they somehow attack us by air…we would truly be at a disadvantage,†Her features changed from grim, to a more calm one, a playful grin flashing on her red well-fleshed lips “ besides which, there’s still a target nearby†She positioned her body in a more curved position, a more suggestive one. “Any information regarding that?†“No. But, seeing how dangerous this could turn out to be I suggest you be alert, the moment we start our little trip we might be in constant danger,†She looked at him for a moment, and then crossed her hands “ Have fun these days…they will need it, because I suspect that whatever comes next won’t be pretty,†From the other side. Inside the room the voices echoed. Only one person to hear it. Bianca stood silently listening to the conversation. Anything that might have been useful, though she didn’t enjoy what she was hearing, she felt that she needed to do so. Take everything in slowly. After the conversation came to a halt, she slowly slid her way on the bedside, where the boy slept, soundly. “You’re the only thing I have now.†She slowly whispered into his ear, careful not to fall onto him, with precision. “Just try to stay alive…†“Tonight’s the night. Let’s live it up†Chapter 7-2: The Last Dance Spoiler “I know that will have a ball…†The sounds of the night blew Ein over to the side of the living. His eyes glistening, tears welling up. Tears that would not be spilt once he saw Bianca sitting on the bedside next to him. She was awake, and looking serious as always. Ein wondered how she got by, someone so serious was bound to get plenty of misunderstandings. Then again, he thought, she was pretty cold and rude to begin with, so it would have been best to give a person like her a wide berth. This time it was with a difference, not her common cold glares; her face softened and became paler from second to the next. Ein wondered on this, he tried not to make a sound. It looked like she was in the middle of some important decision making on her head. “You’re awake,†She winced. It seemed she was shaken by something and he had just broken her out of it. He looked at her, somewhat flustered that the only thing he had to cover himself was the sheets and some tight bandages around his chest and hands. He scrapped at the sheets to cover what dignity he could muster. “It’s okay, not abnormal to be a bit chunky†It was sarcasm, but not as strong, a hint of sympathy rolling alongside it. “Ehm…what happened?†Ein asked as if trying to remember. It could be a possibility that he had no recollection of what had happened. Shock can be very potent. Maybe in a few hours, maybe days he would remember clearly. This was not the time and place to rub the dreadfulness in, Bianca thought. Maybe words of comfort would have been nice, words that said everything would be all right, and that they could return to their everyday lives and forget everything; this were not such times, not when your school was smothered under ashes and you’ve lost that tiny scrap of innocence you could hold on to, making you feel not so disconnected from humanity…making you feel human, accepted. “It’s nothing you should worry-“She cut off her own words as he began trembling, his face ashen, his eyes swollen and distant, as if fixated on a memory. “Amand-Aman…Stein… she’s…†He kept an unsteady breath, hovering his arms around himself, scared, frightened. “Yes. She’s gone. You had to do it, it’s not like she gave you much choice.†Bianca spoke firmly. Her words not cold, but strong. Easing such doubts was not going to be an easy task. “Hey, what’s wrong?†Sekundes opened the door to the small room letting moonlight trickle under his body. He saw the image and knew exactly what was going on. He was all too familiar with this, it stirred emotions that were best left untouched; at least being so familiar with it, he knew how to stop it. “Look this ain’t gonna get better…it’s only gonna get worse, so you killed…it had to be done, or would you have preferred dying instead? You can’t go back….If we could turn the clock hiking back on it’s ass we would every time we see something like this happen,†He sat next to Ein’s side, holding him softly by the shoulders. Ein felt tears starting on his hurt eyes, it felt like the tears could burn his eyes whole. “We try our best, you did what you could…I’m sorry I wasn’t there sooner.†He looked directly into Ein’s eyes; Strong eyes filled with courage, a fire that seemed to be distilling into Ein himself, making him regain his sanity. “C’mon, you need a bath, that’s it, one step at a time…†He willed the boy up, making a bit of effort to keep him up; Ein kept holding the sheets and made them travel his topsy-turvy path along with him. There was the door to the bath room, not too far from the bedside. “Can you manage from here, ‘cause I’ve never bathed anyone but myself†Sekundes joked. Ein gave a ghost of a smile and nodded. Ein saw his reflection, weary, pale and a slight edge to it, different all-together. His hair was a mess of dirt and some blood, and his eyes were dark…with a small little glint from the bathroom light. Slowly he removed the bandages from his body; he felt a slight surge of pain traveling all the way to his head. He ignored it and continued removing the torn clothing, the scraps of pants that were now just trash. He turned the water on, and entered the small shower. The water felt good, very good to him after running through a foggy and damp graveyard, after leaving his mother behind, after seeing his school’s concrete walls darken under the flames that would destroy any trace, After…murdering a person. It was all too much, it was a weight he felt wasn’t possible to carry alone. He wanted to go home, forget everything that had happened and…see his mother; she was probably worried to death thinking about her son, it wasn’t a very formal goodbye he had said, but deep down she knew, Ein thought. He could hold it no longer, burn or not…he cried, and sobbed, he gritted his teeth and cursed under his breath, the tears falling under the shower water’s cover. ~&~ Bianca smirked, then crossed her hands and sat down on the bedside. Roy remained seated on a stool next to the shower’s door. He didn’t want the kid doing anything stupid. “You’d make a good mother.†She smiled wryly; sarcasm hadn’t booted out of her system even in these conditions “Well, Saint…I guess your nickname doesn’t do you any justice. Maybe Ice queen…but then we’d think you could shoot ice or something.†He shot back. “I think Saint is nice enough…besides, once you do your job right, then you’ll see Saint wasn’t a very good nick†she glared at him coolly. “Whatever you say miss White…†He said, and then shot a small chuckle. The red haired woman was still on the balcony, she examinated the whole situation, worry written over her expression, she was hiding from both the teenagers; apparently her mission wasn’t to watch over then, so she had no reason to be seen by them. After a few minutes Sekundes looked at Bianca once more, his eyes somewhat concerned. “You need new clothes…those are full of dirt, not to mention way too short for any action.†He chuckled. “I like short, besides…it’s comfortable…I will wear no other dress than this one.†She motioned. She certainly wasn’t making it any easy, her dress was whole white, and some frills to the sides. It almost looked like a long enough shirt to cover her. “You will wear what is given to you, girl.†The red haired woman, Alexandria raised her voice all the way from the balcony. Bianca glared toward the balcony and nodded “Fine.†Half hour later Ein was already outside the shower, and in the toilet seat found some clothing, this wasn’t the torn things he’d discarded. This were nice clothing, boxer shorts, jeans that felt tight on his thighs and on his ankles; skinny jeans. Ein shuddered at the fabric being so tight around his body. Next was a nice shirt with slight decorations, he fitted it on his body; it was tight on him too, but at least not as tight as the jeans. He sighed, and saw a pair of converse and socks; he quickly placed them on his shoes. At least these were comfortable, he thought. He looked around, and hanging in the sink…a nice Old Navy jacket hung, its black color contrasted by the words on the front. He smiled and picked it up with great relief. Next to him were necessary hygiene tools. He used them accordingly and sighed in relief to be completely clean again. After brushing with his hands the slight waves of hair that fell to his brow, he opened the door. “You took your little time,†Bianca said. Ein looked at her noticing that in her hands she also held new clothing. “Next time I bathe first.†She glared. Ein looked at her through swollen eyes and sat down on the bedside releasing a great sigh that had seemed dormant under signs of pressure, only to be released at a particular moment of rest. Sekundes was asleep on the small stool. His features were calm and relaxed. One could see he was truly young when his face was that calm, a trustworthy young man. Ein wondered how such a young person managed to be the way this man was; he barely looked beyond his twenties, even when his features showed roughness. Ein remembered how this man had seemed so deadly at first glance, a killer without emotions; this was of course only a first impression, Roy seemed like a nice enough guy, he thought. Next to the man were his guns un-holstered, the elusive guns that he had refused to share with Ein. Why were those guns so special that he would prefer to hand the poor boy a measly knife? “I’m ready,†A voice erupted from the open bathroom door, steam rising. Bianca was now like a newly bloomed lily, her clothing all white, very similar to her last attire, only this was at least a longer skirt. “Now we can go.†She smiled wryly. “What do you mean?†Ein asked in a cracked voice. “You are going to relax for a while. This place is pretty secluded, but if you walk a little you’ll see a fair opened.†Roy responded. All this time Ein had assumed he was sleeping. “This late at night, I doubt it’s opened,†Ein pointed towards the clock signaling one in the morning “It’s opened 24 hours a day, I checked†Roy responded. He was still seated on the stool, his tone cool. “I see…†Ein responded. Roy looked at his demure expression and quickly pushed him off the bed where he sat. “Go on…no bein’ gloomy now†He said, a wide grin signaling some sort of reassurance. He kept pushing the young boy over to the doorstep. Bianca followed silently. There Alexandria stood silent, if Ein made notice of her he made no comment about it as he exited the balcony. There the two began walking through a small grove; a measly excuse for a forest stretched before them; Bianca and Ein following the trail to a fair. A fair….what good will that do…, Bianca thought, her frown stronger than most times. Ein walked behind her, still at a lost for everything. His mind was a blurry mess, like something had smudged a perfectly good picture. He still felt light headed and not quite himself; he felt as thought an edgy layer, black, and evil had been placed in him. Amanda…she didn’t look quite human, and I…I don’t feel quite human anymore. “We are here.†Bianca pointed towards the lights, a Ferris wheel that reached the heavens, the stands with different and elusive plushes to win in a game of chance or ability, the scent of cotton candy and the smell of buttery pop-corn; this fair was packed with everything, except perhaps enough people to enjoy it. God knows where their current location was, another state? Ein had not kept track of this at all. With new-found light in his eyes, Ein was perplexed by the light bulbs all around the entire fair; in the veil of night this was certainly a sight. “Are you okay?†Bianca tightened her lips. Ein nodded. His voice was scarce to none, a crackled mess; he would only talk if necessary. “Where would you like to go first?†Bianca asked, still sounding vexed. Ein shrugged and then whispered something slight. “Food…†He said. Bianca couldn’t help but give a slight laugh. ~&~ The Ferris wheel moved ever so slowly, no people aboard, except the two teenagers bound by the most unusual circumstances. Ein shoved down another bite of a hot dog with one hand, and with the other he held a small soda can. Bianca had decided on pop-corn and cotton-candy. In her lap stood a nice moderate-sized bunny plush, its buttons-for- eyes dark and emotionless facing Ein’s direction, almost as if surprised by the boy’s appetite. “You had fun?†Bianca smiled slightly. “At least we have some food, I was starving,†She held the bunny tighter on her lap, when it threatened to fall over. Ein flashed a faint smile back at her. “Can you truly not remember that day?†She asked grasping the bunny’s ears and playing with them as an amused child would. Ein shook his head. “I don’t remember….†He sighed. This was no more than the truth, it was a fog in his mind, he couldn’t recall what had happened on that fateful day, other than the words and sounds. An arrow hitting its mark. Why was this all he remembered? He’d even forgotten Amanda up until the point where he had information on her; she the girl he passed by everyday, not a friend, but definitely a familiar face. His feet twisted to meet each other, like a small shy child. “I truly don’t.†He said, more to reassure himself, than anything. “I remember…Everything.†Bianca’s tone was calm, but it felt like a weight was dropped on Ein when she had said it. “I know, you think I should have said something…†She started on the bunny’s ears again, tangling them, as the Farris wheel began stopping its course. “…I know that Sekundes has done a good job of protecting us thus far, but…He still works for an organization that is still taboo to the two of us. We could be imprisoned or worse…†She cut off, holding the bunny tighter to her chest. Ein looked at her grimly. The Farris wheel had stopped now. Bianca gracefully skipped over the stairs and was out, Ein kept looking at her and started his way down. “What…happened…? “ He asked meekly. She glared at him instantly, and then her expression softened, she laid the stuffed animal down on the ground and looked directly at Ein, with her hand she motioned him to get closer. Ein swallowed and moved slowly towards her. “Many things happened…you might remember in time, it’s best that way,†Ein looked like he wanted answers, but she interrupted. “Do you know that due to what happened…I won’t be going to my prom…such a shame,†She talked as if what had happened wasn’t major. He cocked an eyebrow hesitantly. “Would you like to dance?†She curved her lips, as if to pretend a smile. Ein was flabbergasted; was this not the girl who had told him he was a weak coward? She still looked striking, but not in a menacing way; He flushed at the thought, his cheeks going from ashen to rosy. “Okay, like this…yes, your hand there…1, 2, 3…Follow the count.†She grabbed his hand and placed it around her waist, their other hand clasped with his, as she tried to lead the boy in something he scarcely knew. Dancing. Around the grassy earth, in the middle of everything, anyone who cared to see them was able to…but there was no one….? But, where had the people running the fair gone to? They had bought food, and played games to win prizes, where had those people disappeared to? Ein dismissed it. Trying not to step on Bianca was going to be a hard task considering he barely had any experience at this. 1, 2, 3, 4…keep up…1, 2, 3, 4… ~&~ Back at the small cottage room Alexandria remained silent at the balcony, the wind blowing her hair, but her eyes were blank, no depth to them. Her features were calm. “I can detect…seekers… We’ve got seekers!†She opened the cottage door as fast as she could, alerting Roy. “What!? Seekers already? Damnit!†He retrieved his guns from where they lay, awaiting the command of their only master. “They’ve covered the whole path too….they’re divided into two groups, one is coming straight here…The other…They’ve secluded the targets!†Her green eyes glowed as they began displaying binary numbers. “****! We’ve got to hurry…†“Agent Sekundes….This…it’s one of the targets, approaching with the second group of seekers…estimating power 0.0000013444535788……†She paused. “Not even the male target can withstand this enemy…this target is the one I’ve encountered before, and sent to secure… I’d never thought that he’d be allied with the seekers…†The binary numbers continued. “Damn…you mean, The Disort is seeking those two, specifically!?†He holstered his guns, sweat glistening on his brow. “Yes…it seems so, my radars indicate-“Roy released the safe of the guns, and cursed under his breath. “We have no time, explain it on the way….†He started on the balcony, only to find a myriad of the dog aberrations, they encircled the secluded cottage. "Hold on you two…"He held those words on his mind, as if they would cast a magical charm of protection around the unsuspecting teenagers. ~&~ Bianca’s gaze sharpened. “Can you feel that? Have you noticed how the rest of the people disappeared as if by magic?†She turned around, leaving Ein’s hands. Ein looked at her terrified. “Not this, not again…â€He stuttered. He felt his left hand pulsing, almost involuntarily; itching to regain the feel of adrenaline. “Yeah…It seems we have uninvited company…†She crossed her arms has a figure began appearing from the dark. “Long time, no see ,Miss White…†Chapter 8: White noise Spoiler Bianca smirked, a hint of surprise gracing her stern features. Her eyes were fixated upon the ghostly apparition that seemed to grimace with eyes filled of corruption, insanity and if one dared to look deeper, who knows what one could find? Perhaps the suffering of a scarred child, never again to be the same. Broken pieces that cannot be mended to what they once were. “Hello…†Bianca retorted. A sadistic grin curved on her supple lips. Irony seemed to be ever constant in the stringcourse that tied the lives of unsuspecting teenagers into something big, greater than they could ever imagine. An ominous wind swept over this carnival-newly dubbed battlefield- flickering the light-bulbs so carefully placed to light the fantasy world that would offer respite. “This…is kind of freaky…†Ein jerked the uneasiness from his body; this would certainly lead to fighting, just like the last encounter. The death by his own hands. Bianca didn’t seem to show any indications of being the one who would fight; for all her dominant posing and crossed arms, she could do nothing but let Ein do the dirty deed. He quailed and stuttered back at the thought that he was imprisoned into this situation. “So…you’ve come for…?†Bianca asked, taunting her opponent. The boys silver gleaming eyes light up with an intoxicatingly distraught glint. The malice spurred from his revolting glare. His hair lay over one of his eyes, still a bleached white color, greasy and dead, falling over the boy’s face as a layer to mask the vice in his eyes. “Speak up, you worthless little-“ “Shut up, you bitch! I’ve had enough of your words; your insults….I have something to finally rip that mouth of yours into Fucking little pieces,†The lanky boy stretched his long pale, bony fingers and wind began circling them, intertwining, creating sparks at his fingertips. Ein pulled back a few steps breaking his train of thought; Bianca took one step back and licked her lips. “Who is this guy? I mean….He looks like an escapee,†Ein asked. The boys clothing consisted of gray clothing, similar to the ones used in prison, aside from the color. “He’s the worthless scum…I don’t suppose you remember…†Bianca glanced at Ein, and raised an eyebrow discreetly; her eyes were still keeping pace on the young man and the wind that circled around his fingertips that seemed to create even bigger sparks as it clashed at high speeds. “Bitch, you better shut up, if you don’t I’ll kill you even more painfully!†The boy spat, and Bianca’s eyes hardened and her gaze was filled with erupting anger. “If you call me a bitch one more time….I swear your pain will be doubled and I will watch as you squirm and cry for help,†Bianca kept her tone levelly, but the anger was apparent in her words, “come quietly and stop this crap, before my meager opinion of you becomes even worse.†Bianca said. Before long the verbal confrontation stopped, and it boiled down to a staring contest; Ein was still in the middle of it all and not quite aware of the transpiring situation. All he could hope to accomplish was running away or fighting; neither felt good enough. Not good enough to be considerable, and Bianca seemed intent. She probably would not retreat or back down. Ein looked around taking the whole picture in, again. The same monsters, the dog aberrations had fully surrounded the place. Escape would be next to impossible, unless of course he hacked his way through them, but the sight of blood oftentimes made him sick to his stomach. It would be do or die. “Ein, get him!†Bianca shouted as the man started towards them, the sparks wind-born in his hands gleamed in a myriad of colors; blue, red, yellow, the sparks went flying towards Bianca. Ein watched in horror as the blow directed itself towards Bianca’s features, how her expression changed, how the smoke rose by the apparent landing of the blow. His eyes widened with consternation, and he cried. “Bianca!!!!!!†His legs gave in and he fell to the floor at the appalling event. The smoke began dispersing, and the attacker grinned in satisfaction, until the smoke blew over he thought himself victorious, that he had blown her skill into bits of flesh and that he would laugh at this. But there were no body parts flying in the air, no death filling the tense air. Bianca arched her back triumphantly and pulled her blond waves of hair out her face; she was unscathed, the blow wasn’t even near from where she stood now. “Stupid, I’d never be killed by someone as pathetic as him,†She regarded Ein. He could have sworn that she was dead; her speed was remarkable and impossible to some degree. How she was able to avoid such a blow was a mystery to Ein. “Ein, kill him. He’s way too aggressive to be an ally.†She added. Ein thought on this for a moment. Kill him? He just had a knife and adrenaline; no matter how he tried to play the scene in his head it all came down to getting blown to bits by the power of this guy. Killing him hadn’t crossed Ein mind, but disabling him did. If I can just get my knife to- Ein felt over the warm surface of his tight jeans and then all the way to the jacket. No knife. “Bianca…â€He looked at her, with the look of a man who was out of options. “I don’t have the knife.†He shrugged, and she scowled. “Great,†She complained. “I’ve been acting all sarcastic and cool, and you have no weapon to back-up my words.†She palmed her forehead and frowned. “W-Well…no one asked you to brag so much.†Ein defended. “You two! This is No game. You think you can ignore me like that? You better pay attention, before your limbs are blown to bits!†The white-haired boy’s voice rose in anger. “Now, we…†Bianca began. “Run!†Ein shouted as another blow of energy was being directed at them. Bianca dashed to one side, leaving Ein to fend for himself. “Only way to go now….is run...†He began running over the other side. ~&~ “Damn, there’s no end to ‘em!†Sekundes growled under his breath. The unsightly dog aberrations encircled the two agents, making them retreat next to each other “Alexandria, any thoughts?†He jerked his face towards her. “I will take care of them…†The wind threw Roy back, the force of the Woman’s sprint was in-human. She flew in the air and stuck her legs into one dog. A loud and painful yelp came out of the aberration as its bones crackled and his flesh gave out under the forceful impact of Alexandria’s blow. “****!†Roy blinked, once, twice. He couldn’t utter that such a frail looking young woman was able to crush the beast just by jumping on it. Another monster jumped at her, and she avoided his intent, but not letting him touch ground by extending an arm over the dog’s collarbone. The other creatures jumped back, respecting the distance between this deadly woman and them. Her gleaming green eyes stood motionless over the monster, and then…â€clack†The dog’s head drooped unnaturally as she laid him on the ground. One more finished enemy. “I shall eliminate them. You go complete your duties.†She ordered sternly. Roy Sekundes felt a form of pity towards these mutated creatures. He had killed his share back at the school grounds, but Alexandria seemed to be more devastating in her kills. A gun can kill swiftly and without much mess, it was an ideal weapon to maintain distance with an enemy, and leave the situation as clean as one could be. But Alexandria seemed to destroy her enemies in a more antique fashion. Women are…deadly, Roy Sekundes shuddered, but kept a quick pace to save the teens. ~&~ Ein had finally found a place to hide. The mirror room. His mind trailed off to the long list of movies that seemed to use that exact setting for a horror scene, and then had second thoughts about his choice of hiding place. He hurried footsteps coming his way; followed by the sound of crystal as it breaks, then he heard the heaving breath. He was trapped, unless he could slip by unnoticed. “I can see you, so hiding won’t do you any good†The menacing boy said. Ein swallowed hard, tightened his body and walked to meet his opponent face to face. His heart thumped maniacally and threatened to tear his chest open. There was no running away this time, but maybe he could appeal to the senses. “W-Why are you doing this?†Ein asked, stumbling with his words, sweat glistened on his brow. The boy looked at him, thoughtfully. “You I have nothing against, if you come with me and leave that *******, white, then I won’t harm you. I’m just going to kill her.†The boy responded, his tone was levelly, not outraged like before. “Go with you were?†Ein asked. He filtered the possibilities; if he left with the boy maybe he could live, if he didn’t comply he was sure to die. He could go now, but then he’d betray Bianca and Sekundes. I hold no loyalty towards them, He thought. “Fine…I’ll go with you.†He finally added. “Good. Then let’s find that-“A startling sound made Ein regret his choice of words. A gunshot that pierced the boy’s side. “Favre, don’t!†Sekundes released the safety of his Ivory gun and pointed towards the boy. “Kid, get behind me†Roy ordered and Ein complied. The greasy-haired boy disappeared into the tumult of mirrors. “Are you okay, kid?†Roy asked, scrutinizing Ein’s body to see if he was hurt in any way. He would have expected Ein’s old wounds to open, but the boy showed no indications of it being the case. “I’m fine…†Ein looked away in shame. He wondered if Sekundes had heard how easily he had taken the easy way out, how he preferred to betray people rather than suffer consequences himself. “So…That guy was The Distort. He can utilize his environment and shape it to his will. You need to know this in order to be prepared against it. His real name was Maxwell Rodriguez. American, Latin heritage. “That’s Pussy Maxwell…?†Ein said, without even placing much thought on his words. “Pussy†Maxwell had gained his name after the being outclassed by Bianca. He was a rather timid boy, but he had his personality lurched in pretty deeply, a very critical and sadistic personality. The main reason why Ein didn’t take a liking to Bianca was what she did to him, the staggering humiliation by his peers. But that didn’t quite look like the meek looking boy that wore thick-rimmed glassed, and kept his hair long. He looked deadlier, sharper. With his powers, he could ascertain revenge without much trouble. “Bianca’s in danger, Sekundes. We should go after her.†Ein said. “Lead the way.†Sekundes replied curtly. ~&~ Bianca walked along slowly; the crisp dusk air strained her breathing as it channeled through her nostrils. She found herself in a clearing not too far from the lights that emanated from the park. Footstep sounds crawled towards her ears and, instinctively, she turned to meet whoever face-to-face. There Maxwell stood, his gray wear covered with fresh blood on the side. He panted heavily, and arched himself to meet Bianca’s gaze. “Found me,†Bianca said gingerly. “You….stop mocking me!†He snapped ferociously and the wind began whipping up around his lanky figure. “You’re the only one that’s digging your own grave. I told you to stop, but you just have to keep being such a masochist,†Bianca clenched her fist and placed it on her hips, “You never knew when to take advice, too shy, too timid. I know your true nature, behind that meek appearance. You were a sadistic prick.†Her tone of voice raised and crackled. “I will kill you, whore!†The wind roared and blew dust over at great speeds, it encircled the lanky teenager and he motioned his hand towards Bianca’s direction, the wind heeded the command and spiked towards her “Finally, you’ll die!!!!!†Bianca’s gaze kept strong, and the wind spiraled over her, a huge tornado engulfed her. “Yes, yes! You’re dead, dead! You, bitch!!!!†The boy flailed his hands in the air, his voice crackling in victory. “Remember what I said about you calling me that?†A firm, coaxing female voice resounded from the bowels of the tornado. This voice was beautiful, but at the same time terrifying. Maxwell trembled in fear at the sound. Through the dust and wind, Bianca’s shadow could be seen. She motioned a hand, and the tornado stopped forcefully. Maxwell fell to the floor, his eyes full of fear. “How!? HOW!!!!!???†He desperately crawled along the dirt and dust. “You, Maxwell are the worst kind of person to ever exist. You are not strong; you’ve just been given powers you can’t even control!†Her lips curled in satisfaction as he crawled away, she walked slowly watching him try to escape. “You love power, and yet…you can never have power that’s rightfully yours…†She stepped on the edge of his clothing, pausing him in his track. He turned and stared in horror as she enjoyed every minute of watching him squirm. “You, who pretend frailty, but once given what you want…you are the pests of this world, you cannot stand on your own, you are pathetic.†“Please, don’t kill me!†He pleaded. She grinned diabolically and crouched down to meet his face. “I won’t kill you….†She said. He looked at her expectant to her conditions. She cupped his face with her hands, feeling his dry skin, and whispered into his ear “Fit…the world…to do†Tears began flowing from his face and she moved away from his ear “Goodbye…†She smiled wickedly. ~&~ A loud scream, that tore through the very core of the heart reached Ein’s ears, and a towering pillar of light erected from the ground further up. Sekundes was already heading there when the pillar rose. Ein followed. There on the ground. Maxwell lay, his face screwed in a sickening contort, his body limp, his eyes completely white. Dead. Chapter 9: Trainwreck Spoiler A dismal silence was tuned upon this unruly sight. Ein prevented a gasp from escaping his lips. Sekundes tightly screwed his mouth and proceeded to inspect the body. There was no life to be found in the body of the young boy, and Sekundes feared; he feared that whoever killed him might still lurk close and was willing enough to exact the same dose of death that had been inflicted on the unsuspecting boy. “Kid, behind me, now…†Sekundes ordered in a low whisper that could be mistaken for anything. Ein understood quite well, and complied. “Sekundes, I-†Ein started, but Sekundes extended his hand, signaling a stop to conversation and a start at attentiveness. Slow rustling sounds erupted from the towering greens and auburn of the tall grass. Sekundes released the safety of both his pistols. He’d be taking no chances with something strong enough to kill and leave no mess behind. He was familiar with killings that were nearly clean, and far into hand-to-hand combat, such as poisoning your opponent discreetly through the battle, hitting vital spots or some unexplainable gist that seemed perfect in execution; he’d been more than familiar in that kind of territory, and more so as an agent in his kind of position, the demanding kind. Ein stumbled back, his feet crossing each other out as a small child that has strayed and feigns innocence to cover the unfurling truth of the matter. Not so much this seemed to work for him, because for all his posing, something was behind the grass. Maybe the enemy might offer the same deal that was almost stricken between the staggering teen and the distraught-now-dead one. Ein staggered at the awkward position he had managed to compose his feet to follow, he bit his lips to delude the yelp that slipped from his mouth. Now the nerves were overtaken by fear. Sekundes was still listening for the source of the rustle, he saw what happened to Ein, but at the moment it didn’t even classify as a laughing matter. The sounds came to a silence and the grass began to open, creating a path for the unknown. Ein’s pupils re-created the moment slowly. An opening. His body lay on the floor, anxiety biting at the core of his thoughts. The time was now. Ein’s eyes narrowed as a faint tint of red seemed to erupt from them. Sekundes had no time to predict the frantic boy’s movements, and failed to stop him from obtaining the ivory gun in his hand. “What’re-?†Sekundes was puzzled in that fraction of second as Ein twisted the long range weapon to be used as a bludgeon tool, a smasher, instead of its proper purpose. A figure began rising from the darkness, and there was the place where Ein rushed his new weapon dead–on to smash the cranium. For a fraction of second…he began regretting it. It all came by in a swift momentum, the indifferent face, the cloud of dust that burst from the ground at the devastating blow Ein conjured, and then another silence which seemed to be interminable-creation of a master musician, these silences that seemed to be rather frequent in the elapsed time. “What are you doing, you idiot,†Bianca frowned, but her face was still canvassed on the body that lay on the ground, almost as if scrutinizing that a possession was intact, “you could have smashed my head into kingdom come.†She added, rather indifferently. The dust had settled, and Ein lay crouched on the floor, the vicious strike effective and visible on the ground; a hole that seemed perfectly crafted, and at the same time, a sign of destructive force. Ein’s head moved slowly to the side where Bianca stood, his pupils traveled wildly as two ripen mulberries shaken by the wind, but then his eyes went still. “Ugh…my baby, my poor baby….†Sekundes muttered to himself, watching as his weapon became a bludgeoning tool. “Yeah, I’m fine. Thanks for the concern…†Bianca said. “Oh, right…I had a feeling you, little miss, would be fine.†Roy snatched the mistreated gun from Ein’s hands, which still shook. “Great, we are fine, once more. Looks like, so far those little pricks have nothing on us.†Bianca added nonchalantly. A few minutes later, Alexandria deftly appeared from the shadows. Her trail seemed to leave a longer shadow as she moved forward, like a ghostly apparition that leads a dangerous game towards its prey, a beautiful, young girl trapped with no chance to escape. Ein uncoiled his tongue and finally spoke. “What are we doing?†Ein asked to no one in particular, his gaze met the ground in a calm manner; perhaps calm not being the correct word, and resignation being more attuned. A disdainful taste coursed Ein’s lips. Shame, he thought. Reasoning why that feeling planted itself at the core of a moment of despair seemed pointless, it just was there, and apparently….to linger for a long time. “There seem to be no targets in the vicinity; you are free to maintain a partial guard,†This was Alexandria who spoke in a cool, but informative tone. “The Distort has been eliminated,†She added with finality in her tone; Ein twitched slightly at the word eliminated. “Who was responsible? Time? Method? I need a detailed report.†Her body went stiff and her eyes still. “I’m not sure. When I arrived he was like this; whoever did this was fast and left no trace. There’s really no detailed report to give.†Sekundes managed a sheepish smile. “I see. What about Bianca White, did she witness anything?†Alexandria’s eyes traveled over the girl’s figure, awaiting an answer. “I haven’t seen anything. I arrived afterwards.†Bianca answered in a rude manner. Alexandria didn’t seem to care. “He’ll be transported were The pierce is maintained at. We need to further study this. Not only that, but we need to figure the cause of death. We’ll be leaving in 3 hours, train bound. We have arranged for the stations to seize activities and reserve a train for this.†She disappeared into the shadows once more. “She seems…organized,†Bianca crossed her arms, in her signature way. “and it seems students are sold to secret organizations for them to dissect.†She joked. “That’s not funny…†Ein sourly responded. His eyes still held swollenness and his skin looked pale, his hair was, once more, a mess. “…Can we know where we are?†Ein asked in a crackled tone. “We are in Alberta, close to Calgary to be exact.†Sekundes answered. “Canada, in case you didn’t understand.†Bianca added, making a goofy face. “Canada…†Ein trailed off. Home seemed so far away in his mind. The place he missed the most, the only place he could feel safe at, in his room, secluded from the sounds of big cities and commotion. He wondered if Bianca felt the same way; if she felt homesick, and if she wanted to yell, scream, and just blow over like he did at that exact moment. He looked at her, and she glanced back. He couldn’t understand her and her eyes gave nothing away. Maybe she did miss her family and maybe she was a nice girl, after all. He glanced at Sekundes, he seemed trustworthy enough, like a protective older brother; perhaps he might not do everything correctly, as his sheepish smile indicated, but he seemed genuinely concerned. But for how long? Maybe he’d just leave him and Bianca once his mission was over; after all agents were supposed to not get sentimentally attached to their missions, weren’t they? Maybe it was all a façade, maybe they did this with everyone. Good agent & Bad agent. Sekundes & Alexandria. The best course of action was to follow them; that much was clear, as Bianca had advised. If they could provide protection and information, chances amounted to nothing if Ein or Bianca took upon the task of running away alone. A suicide mission for sure. “Are you coming?†Sekundes looked at Ein, not too surprised by his apparent absent-mindedness. ~&~ The sun began dispersing its rays over the grassy hills, creating a colorful palette over the sky, the smudged clouds in shades of yellow, pink, fuchsia and the occasional, kosher, white one. Three people waited. Among this wooden stable, which was barely anything but an excuse for a train stop, three people waited. And one with more screws than any human should ever need. So, four people waited. The girl of white, the driven to madness, the sharpshooter, and the mechanical papillon, they waited. Their thoughts inevitably intertwined. The one driven to madness looks at his fingers, how they play with each other, his eyes distant; his face is stricken with numbness and his head is a cloud of black waves. To his side, the girl of white waited patiently, with her arms crossed. Her thoughts unreadable to anyone who might pry. She waits to hear the rails crackle under the locomotive. Waiting for a sign, a plan to follow. She wonders if her choices lead her down this path, if there’s any way to escape it. And the young sharpshooter. He reminisces of distant times; times of the past in which life was at the fringe of death. He’d certainly had his share of experiences, all of them not too pleasurable. He could only imagine what waited when they arrived at their destination. The papillon was calm, but scrutinizing. Her eyes seemed to produce binaries every now and again. Occasionally she would mutter some words inedible to the human ear. No one paid it due attention. The sounds emerged slowly. First, the rails began to vibrate and pretty soon, under the guise of the sun, the train made its appearance. The rough looking man, Sekundes willed himself up, as if by Alexandria’s order, because it seemed she was in charge of everything technical. The train halted next to the wooden structure, making its peculiar sounds, as an animal would. Alexandria was the first to cross the open doors of the structure; there a man greeted her. He was definitely an agent, but not so much as Alexandria or Sekundes; those two seemed almost freelance or higher ranking enough to distinguish themselves. These agents seemed to be the most generic time there is: Dark shades, black suits, and a communicator attached to their ear. This almost made them seem somewhat important, integral. One of the men greeted Alexandria, “Papillon, is everything ready?†He regarded her with certain inferiority. She simply nodded, apparently unaffected. Ein remained seated in the small wooden bench. He glanced at the train once, twice, and even a third time. Sekundes eyed him quizzically. Bianca sighed for a moment, but kept walking towards the train’s entrance. After a few steps she halted to speak, without even turning towards Ein. “Are you coming, dork?†She said. Sekundes stifled a chuckle. Ein could have sworn he could see a smile on her face, even when she was half turned. He looked at Sekundes as if to ask a question. “We keep moving…†Sekundes said. He smiled with that, oh, so perfect smile which truly made you admire his true age. “Forward.†Ein couldn’t avoid but smile back. Even through all the circumstances, he was glad that he was still able to smile. It made him feel human, not devoid of sympathy. Even when everything felt like a, he tried to avoid the bad internal pun, a trainwreck. The train doors closed. And onto a destination unknown, they traveled. Their hearts heavy-laden with the uncertainty of what the day of tomorrow would bring their way. Chapter 0: Flowery Dreams Spoiler The eyes that wonder, dry, waiting to swallow any new light to filter through. There was none. The sepia coloring was all that seemed to remain. A boy, he allows his eyes to travel and consume the details in his surroundings. He wishes for this to end, he wishes for this to stop. He dreams of something new, he waits for this event with anticipation. There she goes…. There she goes… The room is once again colored in vibrancy when she enters it. Her delicate fingers tracing against his cheek, and then…she pinches him, leaving the area swollen. She’s gone… She’s gone… Now, an open field lies before him, the sky is blue and the expanse of greenery gives him a sense of emptiness. The strong breeze sways his dark hair, and he can’t help but feel empty…again. There, in front of him appears a flower, so delicate looking and frail, and yet it seems the strong wind does not manage to sway it. He doesn’t feel alone anymore. Now with the orange colored flower he’s not alone anymore. But the wind begins to ravage the beautiful flower, and the boy fears to be alone, once more; He fears his only sense of happiness is being taken away. He desperately reaches for the flower. He wishes to keep it safe, and protect it. In his desperation, he pulls the flower, and it crumbles in his reckless attempt. Now the sky is black, and its clouds are gray. In front of the boy, the tombstones begin to appear in straight lines; there is no end to them. His hands are stained in crimson, and now he is in a hallway, and a red tint is filtering through the windows. To his sides lay people, deformed faces, unknown faces. At hallway’s end an exit appears, and a figure begins to form. The blood and darkness do not reach this silhouette, and the boy feels hope. He begins running toward the figure. It’s gone, and through the doorway all there is now is a garden devoid of light, and it’s only contents are weed. The only light that filters by graces a new flower. Its radiant white color seems to radiate strength. The boy extends his hands to touch it, but the thorns pierce the flesh, and he flinches back, keeping his distance from the flower, but he can still feel the warmth of the light that distills through. “…re…†A low voice spoke. “Favre…†The voice spoke again, and the boy opened his eyes. He rubbed his eyes and groaned. There he was, back in his world, back in the soft leather seats; He was back. “Favre, we have reached a rendezvous point. We will stock up in supplies and continue. Has this been made clear?†The slender woman spoke, her crimson curls falling over her shoulders as the perfect curls that ceramic dolls are adorned with. “Yeah, thanks Alexandria.†The boy replied, still reluctant for being awoken. Chapter 10: Unfinished rails Spoiler After countless stops and turns, and the occasional conversation, the train continued its course. Not one word of anything relevant was spoken. It was as if the important details were reserved for something more formal; Ein understood this and let it be, but Bianca would occasionally dig further as inavertedly as she could, and Roy would be too keen. Also the almost-devoid Alexandria refused to speak unless necessary. All they were told was that their destination was Greenland, and that soon they’d reach it. Both would have to be satisfied with that as their only info, at least until they arrived towards their destination. HQ or so Alexandria said. The trains reserved for this occasion were only but the best. They held everything one could need: Bathrooms, food, bedrooms. There was no way of getting information to the outside, so the teenagers would have to conform to the luxurious conditions they were placed in. “Bianca, what’s wrong?†Ein observed as she paced back and forth in one of the many cabins that they were free to roam in. “We are prisoners, don’t you see?†She halted. “Either way, Favre, we have no other choice but to stay with these people.†She gracefully sat down, poised in an elegant manner over one of the many seats. “Well, we might as well make the best of this situation. I’m sure Roy and the others aren’t evil. They’ve treated us well enough up until now.†Ein replied, still a bit unsure of his wording. “You seem so complacent,†She frowned “it would do you good to remember that you cannot see your family anymore, did you think on that? You might never see them…†She trailed off and Ein looked at her with a hint of realization in his eyes. Maybe she spoke the truth. But if his mother was safe, it was enough for him. He had followed the best course of action possible, or so he deemed it. A single mother could probably handle herself; Ein thought of her as strong, at least strong enough to maintain him as she had done for so many years. Strength. He felt like he needed to reassure himself that he had his fill every day. “Don’t say that, my mother will be fine…†He replied. “What? Does that bother you?†She asked nonchalantly, “She may already be taken hostage, or even worse…she may be-“ “I don’t wanna hear it.†His eyes went sharper, even when his tone was almost to the point of being a whisper. Bianca looked at him coolly, but she knew she had stepped on territory she was better out off. “Besides, don’t you miss your family? They could be going through the same thing…†He said. “No,†She replied in a definitive tone. “My father was an asshole.†~&~ “Yeah, I understand. It’s gone without event thus far, no need to worry.†A young man spoke over his small apparatus, somewhat embarrassed. He spoke informally, but he was still choosing his words carefully in order to avoid further inquiry. Just then the door to his room opened, revealing a red-haired woman. She closed the door behind her and waited until the man seized the conversation on his cell phone. “Roy Sekundes.†The woman regarded him levelly. “Alexandria…†He answered. Whatever she wanted, he didn’t know, but to him it seemed hard to decipher her intentions even when she was so formal and official about everything. Other than that, he knew nothing of this new agent who was sent to aid him. “Is there anything you need?†“We will be arriving soon at HQ. I would like to inform that it has gone without any further event.†She was poised professionally. “Yeah…†He squinted his eyes slightly, “I kinda figured that on my own.†He rubbed the back of his head, and deftly removed the hat that had surprisingly survived through the long mission. His coat, unfortunately, had not been so blessed with luck. “I’ve observed targets Bianca White and Ein Favre. I have concluded that Ein Favre’s stress levels are very high.†She stopped. “It comes with the job.†He replied. “What job it is you speak of?†She asked. “Ehm, well…He’s bound to be stressed out. It’s not everyday you get dragged into something like this.†He looked away, his complexion serious. “I understand. I have also come to conclude that your stress levels are also high. My recommendation is that you sleep. I will try to maintain everything at order.†“Thanks, but no thanks. I still have to get these kiddos to HQ without any incident. We aren’t safe yet. That much I’m sure off. “ “I understand that. I have also estimated that we are being pursued at this moment. The enemy most likely desires to encircle our method of transportation, and as a last resort, completely stop it. It is likely that it will do both.†“What!?†He almost laughed, but refrained, “How can you say something like that? Our guards haven’t seen anything. I understand you’re concerned, and that your estimations try to be accurate or something, but I’m sure you’re just tired, why not get some rest?†He tried coaxing her. Weird chick, he thought. She was beautiful, resembling a doll, one you might fear breaking due to its beauty , so you leave packaged and never fully enjoy it. Definitely exquisite to the eyes and a treat to whoever laid eyes on such an ethereal view, but perhaps she had some screws lose, or maybe she was just that formal every time. Roy couldn’t possibly imagine being with such a formal person for so long; it would drive him bonkers, or so he imagined. “My body does not require rest, but you are strained. I cannot allow you to continue in said manner.†She edged closer to him, and pushed him back. “Let’s not play rough, now,†He smiled sheepishly, but she was still going closer,†Besides we still need to discuss some matters.†She stopped, “Such as?†“Well, who exactly are you, Alexandria. I wasn’t given that information.†He flashed a grin at her, to see if she would lower her guard, but to his surprise, she remained serious. It seemed that natural charms would not work on her. Roy was not very surprised; a woman favored with such perfect measures and intelligence to boot, was very hard to find. “That is classified information. I am afraid I cannot tell you, unless ordered to,†She sat down on a small stool, and signaled him to do the same over the bedside. “I wish to speak to you regarding the given mission.†“Oh?†Roy had thought her the type not to ask too many questions, but there she was asking. “Do you find this unusual?†She looked at him, puzzled. “Not at all; I just didn’t think you’d be type to…Never mind, what is it you want to know?†He dropped himself on the bedside and crossed his legs in a thoughtful expression. “I have not been informed of our obstacles. I am sure the government is one, but our main concern…Lady Auricreux did not inform me about that. She believes that information is inconsequential to me. I believe this not to be the case. My target had defected to them, and I believe now that it is not so inconsequential to me.†Her face was still cool, and it still withheld that edge of keenness over her delicately curved features. “I see…well, we are against something big, that much I know. It used to be a company, but now it’s most likely an organization. That is, after the American government ceased funding the company’s projects. It seems that the organization is only comprised of members who wished to continue their sole project.†He glanced at Alexandria to make sure she was following everything he was saying. “I still don’t know the details, but I’m sure it has to do something with what happened at Willowgale. “ He stopped. “I suppose so.†Alexandria’s eyes lit up, and some binary numbers appeared on them. Roy looked at her with a quizzical look. “I’ve never seen contacts like those back home… did Auricreux make those?†He asked her, his mouth curved in a bothered smile. “No. It seems lady Auricreux does not like to engage in conversation with me.†She replied, seemingly unaffected by this. “Oh, that makes two of us,†He chuckled, “She may be smart, but she’s kinda stupid sometimes.†“You should not regard lady Auricreux in such manner. I believe she has her reasons for being the way she is.†Alexandria’s eyes returned to their normal state, as two emeralds loosing their luster. “Yeah…†His expression darkened. Alexandria’s eyes were fixated on his brooding expression, and simply deduced he was thinking. “I could never truly get along with that girl.†He managed a sheepish smile. ~&~ Ein relapsed into his own thoughts and margins of the mind. He observed the people he was entrusted with, actual looking agents. Some looked his way, but remained silent, others ignored him altogether. He grew tired of clawing at the recesses of his mind; he scratched away at his values stripping them all the way down towards guilt and sadness. It felt hard to live as a killer. All the more, a normal person would be bursting with questions, and at the beginning he did feel the need to question the whys and the hows. Now everything seemed unimportant. Just there; part of a rather important picture that scarcely required details. “You should eat something,†A man regarded him. His smile was somehow cocky looking, a youngster no doubt, maybe a few years older than Ein. Unlike Sekundes, this man actually looked less regal, and much less experienced. “You’ll be needing it.†He added. Ein glanced his way. It was worth a shot, asking was only natural. “Ehm…where exactly are we being taken?†He managed as frail and courteous as he could, but his voice sounded somewhat broken and shrill. “Ehm…†“The name’s Oleg and I sure as heck have no idea.†The man hunched himself and hid his hands under the fabric of his pockets. “Okay…†Ein rolled his eyes. This was not a custom of his, but at the current point he’d run out of kindness or consideration, at least internally; on the surface he could still keep a good enough façade. Ein had grown tired of being lugged around-brusquely, no less- all the way out of his home and all the way through his torn-down school, through a cemetery, chased by monsters, and now on a train ride through Canada. He wanted to go home. “Hey, you’re Ein, right? They say you guys have gone through hell and back in these last few days!†The man named Oleg spoke in a lively manner. There was no fun to be extracted from that. This was a tragic situation, not some lesser nuisance that could be easily dismissed. But there was the man named Oleg, taking his cheerful jab at the circumstances. “Yeah, it’s been…†Ein fought the urge, he gritted his teeth, thought of happy memories. Even so everything was too sad. The urgencies, the sudden departure, the secrecy, the gore…the killing; Ein couldn’t hold the tears. He began sobbing heavily. It couldn’t be stopped now; it was to much the downpour of tears. Ein felt weak, and foolish. He shouldn’t be showing weakness to a stranger, and much less to trained agents who’d probably just shrug the guilt and move on. Oleg felt somewhat uneasy, glanced sideways, and scratched his head awkwardly. “Hey there now, it’s not so bad…†Oleg wasn’t very good at emotional displays, but Ein kept on sobbing, and sobbing. He wouldn’t stop. “It is bad. I may not be able to return home, and even if I returned I would only place my family in danger.†Ein thought of the only this only connection to reality was his mother. He would not put her in danger willingly. ~&~ Not after long, the sky was tinted in royal blue. The wind was fresh, and the landscape was beautiful. A young man is admiring the view, while the other suit-clad man observes his new friend’s pallid features. He seemed a solemn child, not very lively, at least not anymore. Bianca was no where to be seen. But Ein was there, in that red-colored cabin, admiring the view. Oleg glanced his way through hazel eyes. It was his first time seeing someone so devastated. He’d only begun doing what he did little before the whole ordeal began, and finally he’d his big break. “Oleg…Thanks.†Ein whispered, but Oleg had heard him with wide amusement. It felt like admiring a painting, an underappreciated painting, but still somewhat classy, and suddenly the painting speaks out of gratitude that someone took the time to appreciate his qualities, its complex coloring. “What for?†The blond asked. He probably knew the answer, but he still wanted to hear what Ein had to say. “Well, for being…Ehm…here. “ Ein held his legs all the way up to his chin, his words muffled by the fabric of his jeans. He’d not forgotten his sense of gratitude. Lately it seemed he had begun losing count of lost things. Woe was he; he’d lost his home, his family, his environment, and he’d no trouble reminding himself of that. When he truly thought about it, he hadn’t lost much. He only had one friend. One person who was willing enough to stick through every wangst filled day with him. She was worthwhile, and she was all. When you truly think about it, he had lost everything. “I’m glad…†Ein continued. His eyes swollen, and dark rings etching across his eyelids. It was no use sleeping when nightmares haunted you. The realm of those awake seemed less of a nightmare, if that was possible now. “Sure, there’s nothing better than being alive, mate†The brazen boy, Oleg, played with the fake accent. He made Ein stifle a laugh. “So, Ein… Do you want to eat something?†Oleg motioned toward his stomach and grinned. Ein nodded. A few minutes later, and Éclair devoured in haste, Ein observed as Oleg marathoned though plates of food with ease. He seemed hungry. “Well, you seem…hungry.†Ein regarded him with a weak smile. He still felt somewhat uncomfortable with every other agent glancing his way. He could feel their scrutinizing eyes over him. “Are you kidding,†He took another bite “They don’t let a rookie through the line so easily, but they let you through, I just had to take advantage of that.†The rookie agent bobbed his head up and down, making his spiked hair glow like wheat. “Well, glad to be of service.†Ein smiled weakly. “I may not be a very experienced agent, but I can at least make someone smile. I guess that’s good.†Oleg nodded his head, as if to approve of his actions. “Yeah…speaking of that, what exactly are you an agent of?†Ein looked down at his plate. “Sorry Ein, I was ordered not to tell you.†Oleg was now serious. “I-I understand.†Ein lowered his head once more. “Hey don’t get so gloomy now!†Oleg said. “O-okay, I’m not…I just…-“Ein was cut. “Hey, wanna do something cool?†Oleg smiled; a hint of playfulness creased his brow. ~&~ “Are we to send the original? He seems ready.†A mid voice spoke. A man, middle aged, stood under a single spotlight. Certain delight graced his face. “Yes, the seekers failed. We also require field data, so take both the original, and the nephilim.†The older, and more leveled voice spoke. Another man, only this one seemed more solemn. “What are your orders?†“You must try and capture the two missing. We need to compensate for our dead escapee. We’ve been cut of support, but that may change…†“What of White†The man’s tone became more serious. “I do not know of her plans, but either way…She will join us. Now go…†“I understand…†~&~ “Are you sure this is safe?†Ein stumbled his way across the train’s ceiling, as Oleg waltzed his way almost effortlessly. Ein finally opted for going all-fours instead of risking a fall into demise. “Yeah, just sit down,†Oleg fell unceremoniously into an Indian position, and Ein took his own spot. “Look.†Oleg pointed towards the horizon. It was beautiful. The sun’s last rays caressing the last it could upon earth’s surface. The sky had also changed; it was now a mix of many hues and colors. “Wow…this is relaxing.†Ein remarked. “Of course it is. I wouldn’t bring you up here for nothing. My current mission is your safety, and that includes your well-being.†Oleg smiled again, the wind whipping his brazen features. “Sure, I’m guessing this is really secure…†Ein chuckled, and Oleg felt somewhat accomplished. “Oleg, you’re a good person.†Ein added. “Nah. I’m just doing my job.†Oleg flushed. & Bianca observed her surroundings all the way through the small room she’d been given. She was meditating on something. Her fingertips curled amongst thin air, and finally, she blinked. “It’s time.†& “My sensors have detected something. I have a strong reading. Immediate action is to be taken.†Alexandria regarded Sekundes who was sitting cross-legged. “Aye…I suppose I should say something like, ‘Battle stations’?†He chuckled. “Whatever course you deem necessary. But I believe such saying is...cliché.†She responded, much to his surprise. “Yeah, but cliché never goes wrong.†& Ein stood, as opposed from his reluctance to fall. He stared at the darkening skies, and felt a strange pressure on his chest. Oleg regarded him levelly. “I think—I think it’s time.â€
I was in school. and there were two people singing, one had a guitar, and doing a harmony as the girl sang the melody. so, i stepped in, and started doing another harmony. As i did....i got chill down my spine....because the mix of the 3 voices was something...amazing, it made me feel so exited. Now, why is that? how can music be so amazing, so perfect, the blend of voices.....something sublime, how can music be so elaborate that it even has it's own language system, how can it tear the soul, or mend it, how it can inspire points of view, it can spark life....the sheer power of it, can do much more than words. is this mere coincidence, or is there something more? your opinions?
Help me out please. my post count hasn't risen since i hit 940...and that was yesterday night. how can i fix this problem. i thought it suspicious, because in the code vault post count is enabled now. and even when i posted in disscusion it wouldn't rise up. EDIT: now it rises!, but why didn't it rise on my other posts?, that's weird, i know i should have at least 946 or so....i'm not sure why it didn't rise on other threads.'s just his youtube page...wich has a lot of rock band songs on Expert or something about stars....anyways watch uberness unfold. well, yeah, and since Xendran is banned...well...he needed a sap to do his biding..and it's my shift for the, yeah.
Fate: Unfinished saint. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- “Fate remains wholly inexorable†-Anonymous Fate 1: Harmless trap. *Damian* “RIIIINGGG!!!!†The disturbing sound of the alarm signaling the first day of school started its noise; And small rays of sunlight could be seen through the small openings in the curtains. As a new day began, I could hear the calm chirping of birds, and the smell of breakfast being cooked downstairs. “The first day of school†“Damian are you awake!?†I could hear the sound of my mother calling. "7:30" I was late. I quickly jumped out of my bed, moving myself toward the bathroom, which them was followed by a short visit to my closet, getting the first thing I could grab to wear, It didn’t matter that much after all. I moved trough the hall and down the stairs, only to be greeted by my cheery and upbeat family. I certainly acted very different from them, I was a black sheep in this family, but somehow they seemed to dismiss all that and treated me as if I was just like them, which in one way or another I was grateful for. I quickly grabbed my backpack, it was the first day of school after all, and I didn’t want to be late, and if I did make it in time I wouldn’t need to hide so much, because there would be commotion from freshman’s. “School, sanctuary of learning some might call it, to me it was nothing more than a brainwashing institution ruled by drama and social divisions which could only cause trouble.†I moved steadily through the cobblestone path, making enough distance between me and my house, it was just a few moments later that I spotted the school campus, how convenient it was to live in such a small town, school was just a few blocks away. The great and big school, the great building stood tall, it’s gray colors contrasting in the sunlight, separated from the sounds of the town, surrounded by trees that rocked gently in the wind, if there was something to like about it, it would have been that. Everyone was already entering the campus, and I could see everyone well dressed and showing off, looking at mirrors, Breaking in clothes, and chattering whatever it is we teens chatter about; It was always like this, the people would focus so much on superficial things, that they forgot the main reason to go to school. I grew sick and tired of watching this every year, I really couldn’t care less, but in the end I somehow ended devastated by the less-than important dilemmas, If something, I had much to complain about my life; For starters, I was greatly surprised with how stupid some people were; Having a constant routine over and over again was not something I enjoyed either; And I’m not sure how I put up with it. The school bell rang so I decided to make my way to the classroom, and I almost entered unnoticed, I was almost about to go into a state of tranquility. “Made it without incci-“My thought was cut off abruptly by a voice. “Hello, Damian†I made a forced stop, and that voice, that soft voice, that I could associate with annoyance could only belong to… “Hey, Richard†I said in a muffled tone. Richard torwell He’s the person who everyone wants to be friends with, except me, that is, he’s the perfect example of a teenager with lots of options, he could simply do whatever he wishes to do, and yet he doesn’t , now, I’m not sure why he still talks to me, he must Talk to me out of pity or something similar to it, I’m sure that he being with me must have ruined his reputation somehow. “Damian?†He said waving his hand in front of my face; I usually tend to think too much, which sometimes gets me spaced out As the teacher came in, I took a seat in the back, looking around inspecting each one of my classmates, everyone seemed excited enough to start another boring school year The teacher started giving class, but as always I wasn’t really listening, I always sat in the back and next to a window, if I wasn’t going to listen to the teacher , I might as well look at the scenery the trees surrounding the school had to offer. Classes slowly ended, one by one, it was almost torture having to go through introductions and the morning classes, horrible to say the least, but finally half of the day was over, and now I was to be thrown in a jungle. Lunch time A jungle, because it’s expansive, holds animals, and it’s such a bother not being able to eat with your group, they make you go through the trouble of looking for tables that are always divided by social divisions; Animals marking their turf. So I just looked for an empty table and sat as quickly and inavertedly as I could. “GET OUT OF MY WAY!!!!†the loud yell could be heard through the whole cafeteria. I had almost forgotten… “Rebecca Trasver “ The girl that stirred things up, I don’t really know her personally, but from the much disputes I’ve seen started by her, its not hard to figure out what kind of person she is. “MOVE!!!†-she pushed a girl on her way, as she flipped her golden hair, and looked in a small mirror that reflected a face that was heavy laden with cosmetics. The poor fallen girl spilled all her food over her, covering her dark hair completely and the rest of her food being splattered abruptly in the floor, she looked familiar somehow, but it was too far away to actually tell. I only gave a sigh and sat down on a table, in which Richard quickly sat too. “She sure hasn’t lost her touch†Richard said with a slight chuckle. “He was one to talk, I would probably classify him with her type of people if he wasn’t so nice to me.†I just kept eating, the cafeteria was very big, big enough for people to start dividing in different social groups as they ate, which to some might be a blessing. And I wondered why Richard seated next to me; he could easily move with the “popular†people, he was more than welcome. I felt compelled to ask him, but it didn’t seem to be important, so I decided to opt against it. As the day continued, I slowly made my way to a seat in the back, next to a window; The last class of the day had begun, and I started to look out the window, as I was so accustomed to , almost like a ritual, something essential to me now. “This will always be the same, and I better get used to it. We humans can’t change our fate, there are many things which….†My thought got interrupted as the director entered our classroom, and behind him, a person I had never seen before. And just like that the classroom started chattering, and whispering; probably making some sort of biased judgment to the person who was being presented. “Hello students, we would like you to meet your new classmate, his name is….†“Faite, Pantheon†the young man said in a very odd way of speaking, he was certainly different from any of us, his auburn colored hair was well cut, and his eyes looked like two emeralds , aside from that he was overly bland, his clothing didn’t seem at all that spectacular. I was a tad surprised, but quickly looked back outside the window, besides by the chatter everyone else was whispering I could tell they had far more interest in this new person than what I cared. As soon as the introductions were over, our class president quickly stood up, trying to leave some sort of impression as always. Class president, Francheska Milan. Francheska has been class president, ever since primary school, after all there was no one who strived for perfection as much as she did. Francheska always clashed with Rebecca, because of her perfectionist nature she always reprimanded Her; Not only that, but she always was scolding me, she said she didn’t like my attitude towards education. “What was her problem!?†she couldn’t have enough with controlling her life; she also had to control everyone else’s. She suffocated him with invitations to seat next to her. “Always trying to be the best….do you ever think about others†But as luck would have it, he sat next to me, and my curiosity was getting the better of me. So as soon as he sat down I started inspecting him, but only slightly, so he wouldn’t notice. I quickly spotted an apple. “How old-school to bring an apple to the teacher†I thought, but as the bell rang he never gave it. I quickly made my way back through the halls; I was like a shadow going through the campus, if it wasn’t for Richard, I would probably get away without gathering too much attention, that’s why I avoided being around him during free periods , he always attracted, too much unwanted people . So I made my way back home as I was so accustomed to do everyday of the school year; in this small town there was really no need for me to take any other type of transportation. “This new guy made things a bit different, but that doesn’t change the facts that, my life can never change†I thought as I made my way through the road. As I walked down the cobblestone path; I stopped as I saw a round shape on the floor. “An Apple?†I thought as I bent down to pick up a succulent looking apple. And as I stood up, I saw “Himâ€. “The new guy “Faite.†“Excuse me, I seem to have dropped it†he said pointing to the apple, and speaking in an odd accent. “Yeah…†I replied in a less than enthusiastic tone. “I wasn’t sure what to say at this point, not that I really cared.†He looked at me, and then smiled. “Its okay, you can keep it†he said as he slowly walked to the conrary side of the cobblestone path. I started walking down the path again; looked at the apple, rubbed it clean, and bit it, was somewhat bitter, but I ate it whole. Yet once I ate it I felt a sense of guilt over me for some reason. “Maybe we can’t change our fate, but somehow mine seems to be changing…â€
i keep getting this message when loading a page, and then i have to reload, and the rinse and repeat...its constant now.... can anyone help?
I feel so stupid. and there's nothing i can seem to do about it. there's so much i need. but ill talk about my main problem. Math teacher. he's the worst teacher ever. he told us we were 95% trash and keeps insulting us. i've kept flunking on him, and i've been studying real hard. i'm an A student, but in that class i'm flunking. one day i was doing a talent thing island wide , and in the 45 minutes of class he gave a whole chapter of math. and i've started reading the book , but its hard. i've never been too good at math , but after i had him as a teacher, i had a B in math, after that, i've barely made it through with C's. but this year, it's worst. i've been real busy with lots of activities, but i've kept up with classes. but his class goes too fast. he doesn't care about the students, he insults us, and flunks us. and after he flunks us he tells us that even children could have gotten A's on the test , but we flunked. he's flunked whole groups, and is detestable. i don't know if i can take this anymore. he also makes us do at least 8 excersises a day. wich count towards our final grade. and what really, makes me so frustrated and depressed about his, is that everyone in my group is starting to get better grades than me. everytime, this didn't happen to me before , and i feel so stupid, my classmates make me feel stupid, i feel i can't do anything. yesterday we had a quimics exam(wich involved math), and i flunked, because i didn't have time to study, and not only that our math teacher told us that from the chapter he had material for 3 tests. and everyone shouted "tommorrow" "let's take the first test tomorrow" even my friends who knew i was abscent to the class that day, and that was all only this week....i really don't know what to do. i feel so, stupid, like i can't do anything. before i was regarded, because i was patient , and very knowlegdable, but now i feel like an idiot, i don't think i can do anything anymore.
It will howl through the fire like the cymbals of lyre. the scorching earth spills its sorrow it cries through its marrows. Pull it now the voices say pull it now so you won't regret stop the trembling and destroy. Everything I've worked for Just destroy. watch the scarlet run through my face pull it now Just don't forget its only a trigger pull it now without any remorse or regret pull it now. ------------------------------------------- i need critique, this one is rather experimental. and was supposed to be my poem for septembers contest, but the competition is too major for me.
i was speaking to CTR, about the word "Alture" and then, after hearing something this came to mind, its not very good. but please CnC. "Alture" I will climb to the end were i can finally find rest. the end that breaches everything in sight within all it's glory and might. away from conflicts and war i'll sleep this night without darkness or blight. I'll outstrech my arms to the sky. and i'll reach toward the light. in this high and mighty place. i will finally see everything again. all the things that fall into place. among this grand scheme of life. let me reach higher among the grasp of angels. Don't let me fall into the den of Devils. where i can only find something horrendous. let me see light one last time. before i fall into a painful demise.
a poem, i did , not very good, but hey, im working on bettering myself. good CnC please , i need it "Her" Dusk comes at her embrace so there will be no time to regret Racing thoughts may tempt you but don't give into her dilections cold fingers touch you slowly Every touch making you feel so lowly. Don't give into her soft kiss beware the despair it brings breaking away forth from her sweet embrace Dawn will break without her touch and today you live to breathe again another day.
under construction
well...i need CnC , since this is the first lyrics ive done in a while. but i wanted to give this song a crazy jump up and down feel....but with some rock(think paramore) here goes: Round and round we go verse 1 Feeling the breeze of the night, thinking of things we can't find. getting our hopes up, thinking so much of... chorus Everything, and waking up trying to make sense of this we go. round and round we go. filling our thoughts in this bliss waitng a fake fantasy we go //round and round we go// verse 2 Escaping from the lies of reality and going into real fantasy. waking up from dreamality. and taking a train towards fantasy. chorus brigde(not sure lol) we want more of this......(we want more!) we need more of this....(we want more) chorus round and round we go..... so guys...please CnC.