Search Results

  1. Chevalier

    Hey guys, I have a special announcement to make today. As some of you may already know, KH-Vids is celebrating the series' anniversary. For that purpose, we've prepared five different contests where you can partake and show your devotion to the series.

    For those of you who didn't know? Don't worry. You still have time to enter each of the contests. To that end, I'll list them here with their respective deadlines (Click on name of each contest for the entry thread will all the necessary info)

    AMV Making Contest (Deadline October 20th)
    Cover Creation Contest (Deadline November 1st)
    Fictional Writing Contest (Deadline November 2nd)
    Non-Fictional Writing Contest (Deadline November 2nd)
    Timeline Contest (Deadline November 11th)

    So check those out if you're interested. We have other things planned, but we'll have more on that at a later date. If you have any questions or doubts, feel free to post here or contact my fellow Super Mods Stardust, Plums or yours truly. We'll be very happy to answer.

    Long Live Kingdom Hearts!
    Thread by: Chevalier, Oct 9, 2012, 2 replies, in forum: Community News & Projects
  2. Chevalier
    Hello hello. Welcome to my temporary Graphics shop. This is only to get out of a rut and I don't guarantee super good stuff, but here are my services.





    Smaller/Normal Sizes


    Bigger Sizes





    Set? Yes or No (Avatar and Signature Combo)


    • Try and be clear with your specifications. I'm not a mind reader, so I can't understand what you want unless you explain it correctly. Mention colors, shapes, whatever you need to get the message across.

    • Provide me with good quality images. Or at least decent quality. I can't promise a good end result if the image is bad. I will decline your request if I deem the image not good enough.

    • I reserve the right to decline any request for any reason whatsoever. Sometimes I may not be able to come up with anything decent and will come up empty handed. Regardless, if I cannot/will not do something, you come here fully aware of that fact and accept the terms.
    Thread by: Chevalier, Oct 9, 2012, 1 replies, in forum: Art Shop
  3. Chevalier
    Alright, another artistic competition for y'all.


    This time you have to Draw/Photoshop your artistic interpretation of one Kingdom Hearts game flowing onto another. It can be any KH game interlinking with any other in the series as long as it's your own creation. If you really want to then you can do more than two games but it's not necessary.

    Just post it along with:

    Which games you've included
    Any thoughts behind it that you’d like to share (optional)

    Here are the rules:
    If you are having problems uploading your picture then you can send the picture at and I will upload it for you and give you the link so you can post your artwork. You have until

    You have until NOVEMBER 11th. All entries will be judged by staff. There may be something special for those who win. Have Fun! staff
    Thread by: Chevalier, Sep 29, 2012, 4 replies, in forum: Arts & Graphics
  4. Chevalier
    Hello there artsies! Here's the entry thread for the Cover Creation Contest. That's right, in here you will post all them little suckers for everyone to see.​
    What’s this?

    This is an artistic competition (you don’t have to be arty you just have to want to enter!) where you can redesign any of the current Kingdom Hearts game covers. Do it however you wish just be as creative as possible!

    Just post it along with:

    Which game the cover is for
    Any thoughts behind it that you’d like to share (optional)
    Here are the rules you must abide by to enter:​
    If you are having problems uploading your picture then you can send the picture at and I will upload it for you and give you the link so you can post your artwork.
    You have until THE 10TH OF NOVEMBER
    All entries will be judged by the staff as a whole. We may have some special surprises in store for the winners. Enjoy~
    Thread by: Chevalier, Sep 29, 2012, 11 replies, in forum: Arts & Graphics
  5. Chevalier
    Hey, Hey my vidya saavy kids! Here's the entry thread for the AMV Contest. So yes, you guessed it! In here you will post your video creations and please your purple overlord Chevalier show everyone your devotion to Kingdom Hearts.

    Here's a refresher of the rules for convenience sake:

    You have until OCTOBER 20TH, 2012 to turn in your AMV. All entries will be judged by staff on a whole. Enjoy!
    Thread by: Chevalier, Sep 29, 2012, 11 replies, in forum: Production Studio
  6. Chevalier
    Hey people! here's the entry thread for the Non-Fiction Writing Contest. So basically, here you will POST YOUR WRITTEN PIECES. Show me HOW MUCH Kingdom Hearts means to YOU!

    Now, so you don't have to trek back to the Community News's the requirements and rules:

    We would like you to write about how the Kingdom Hearts series affected you and why you still enjoy it today, despite ten years passing between the original release and now. For example, you could write about how it has affected your views on friendship; would you go through the same trials Sora did for his friends? Or perhaps how the characters themselves have affected you, or why one character is your favorite. It doesn’t have to be an essay, but at least try to make it a few paragraphs. Submissions like “I like Axel because he’s hot” will not be accepted.
    • MUST be related to in-universe - that means no original characters or anything like that.
    • Must be appropriate as per KHV's rules.
    • DO NOT take someone else's writing and claim it as your own. We will check, should we find this happens you will be disqualified.
    (thank you Plumz)

    That is all. You have until NOVEMBER 2nd to turn in your piece.

    For those who partake and win we have ~special~ things planned. So stay tuned, my dear writers~
    Thread by: Chevalier, Sep 29, 2012, 5 replies, in forum: Archives
  7. Chevalier
    Hey people! here's the entry thread for the Fictional Writing Contest. So basically, here you will POST YOUR WRITTEN PIECES. Come my lovelies and post your fictional admiration to KIngdomu Hartsu~

    Now, so you don't have to trek back to the Community News's the requirements and rules:

    That is all. You have until NOVEMBER 2nd to turn in your piece.

    For those who partake and win we have ~special~ things planned. So stay tuned, my dear writers~
    Thread by: Chevalier, Sep 29, 2012, 10 replies, in forum: Archives
  8. Chevalier

    Premium Perks

    Hello Peeps!

    This thread is about a total Premium Overhaul we've wanted and thought of for a while but it gets pushed back because sadly it gets forgotten since it's never been THAT pressing.

    But after discussing it between staff, we've come to give you an outline of what is possible and what you can expect from the Overhaul. Moreover, this is not only to show, but to get more ideas into the mix. Here's a list of ideas that may be added in the future most likely. This list does not reflect the end result of the Perks that have been accumulated (some are still being green-lighted and discussed)

    Possible New Perks
    • 1MB GIFS allowed in Signature Space
    • Ability to Bump without Double Post
    • Ability to Edit Own Thread Titles
    • Premium Council *

    How this Thread Works...

    Simple. You answer a question in this thread. Only answer the question and that's it. It's not about rallying for perks or ideas. You will answer the following:
    • What feature/change (s) would you like to see in the Premium Membership? (Do NOT state why. I repeat DO NOT STATE WHY. You will simply place a feature or change you'd like to see as concisely as possible. Anything else will be edited out)
    If you feel the need to elaborate your idea or feature, message me through a Conversation and you can express whatever you want.

    Likewise, if you like an idea or perk being presented, you will NOT post your disapproval. Instead, you will use the LIKES system to support the ideas you like. This thread is not for expressing your dislike. If you disagree with an idea, message me through a Conversation and explain why.
    Thread by: Chevalier, Sep 28, 2012, 6 replies, in forum: Feedback & Assistance
  9. Chevalier

    Hey guys, this is Chev here bringing you the cycle four awards. Here you'll get to see who came out on top in each of these . Let's move on, shall we?

    Cycle 1
    Cycle 2
    Cycle 3


    Arcade Junkie
    Last Year's Winner: I dunno
    Last Year's Runner-up: I dunno

    This person has spent most of the year trying to reach the high-scores and basically barring entrance to everyone onto their sacred arcade domain! Just kidding. They just play in the arcade a lot! Cat~ is hooked infinitely to that part of the site. Jiku also hangs around the arcade quite a bit.​

    Best Avatar
    Last Year's Winner: N/A
    Last Year's Runner-up: N/A

    That little box (orly? 200x200 is little!?) we use to recognize members, loved by many, it seems Jayn's rectangled creation gathers the most love.​

    Best Username
    Last Year's Winner: N/A
    Last Year's Runner-up: N/A

    Once every full moon, someone will use a name that will shock and awe each of us. This year, i hate tarrlok seems to have produced the most impact. Yuri Fury seems like a pretty cool name, too.​

    Best Section
    Last Year's Winner: ???
    Last Year's Runner-up: ???

    The sections of the site where members have their fun activites are remembered here. The Spamzone seems to be the undefeated member favorite. The Role-Playing Arena does not go too far behind.​

    Biggest Attention Whore
    Last Year's Winner: N/A
    Last Year's Runner-up: N/A

    The spotlight calls this member every time. They need to be seen and heard. They need to ultimate acclaim and will go to lenghts to obtain the admiration of the crowds! This year, Amaury shifted the limelight onto himself the most.​

    Biggest Post Whore
    Last Year's Winner: Jayn, Chevalier
    Last Year's Runner-up: What?

    Must.Post.Always.This is their motto. They will flood the site with their posts and stomp everyone who stands in their way! This year, Amaury curb-stomped all the posers and sat on his throne of posts.​

    Biggest Reputation Whore
    Last Year's Winner: N/A
    Last Year's Runner-up: N/A

    These members are all about getting them green gems. As we say goodbye to those little babies that are no longer a staple of the site, we declare that Reptar & Amaury would hog those little gems until the last moment, maybe even crying a bit as they turned from green to 'likes' in their shaking hands *sob..sob*​

    Biggest Spammer
    Last Year's Winner: N/A
    Last Year's Runner-up: N/A

    SpamSpamSpamSpam, the posting never ends. One post here, one post there. In the end, Amaury can never be stopped...​

    Biggest Flirt
    Last Year's Winner: N/A
    Last Year's Runner-up: N/A

    Girls of KHV Beware, Llave de Espada is ready to fill your profile with poems and serenades. He's coming for you, be ready! Noroz also seems to want some of the girl action.​

    Biggest Kingdom Hearts Fan
    Last Year's Winner: N/A
    Last Year's Runner-up: N/A

    These guys are hooked on Sora and Co. I bet they even have some Sora wallscrolls and all the whacky merchandise. Sabby seems to be the most KH crazed, followed by Mike.​

    Biggest Otaku
    Last Year's Winner: N/A
    Last Year's Runner-up: N/A

    No Figma can escape the watchful eye of this member, they will take the anime line-up lists and check-mark them until it breaks! Members say Jube has the most love for his Waifu! Okabe Rintarou (RvR) also seems to love Hatsune Miku quite a bit.​

    Cutest (Fake) Couple
    Last Year's Winner: N/A
    Last Year's Runner-up: N/A

    We love our ships, don't we? Those memorable couples that aren't really couples. One has to wonder where all this shipping craze started...​

    The members think Wookiie(What?xCookie) are the most kawaii desu together. Stabby (StardustxSabby) is still a fan favorite.​

    Cutest (Real) Couple
    Last Year's Winner: N/A
    Last Year's Runner-up: M/A

    These members are actually sharing their love with each other, and have remained together and firm throughout the years. Love has no limits.​

    Members find JaynxFuzzybluelights & Fayt-HarkwindxDPWolf to be the most Kawaii Desu Desu couples on KHV. Long live the couples!​

    Favorite Banned Member
    Last Year's Winner: N/A
    Last Year's Runner-up: N/A

    The banned...they will be remembered and loved through the actions. Those who remain have spoken, they seem to like Sforzato a lot. Luxord was a fan favorite too.​

    Favorite Event
    Last Year's Winner: N/A
    Last Year's Runner-up: N/A

    Community events were not left in obscurity, and people have spoken on which ones they like. Apparently, Castle Oblivion and its tricks gave people the thrill they wanted. KHV Chorus is also loved by many.​

    Favorite Fad
    Last Year's Winner: N/A
    Last Year's Runner-up: N/A

    KHV Thrives on its fads, no one can resist the allure of changing their names and avatars to match a fad. This Year what pulled the members in was 1960's Spiderman and The Legend of Korra.

    Friendliest Member
    Last Year's Winner: N/A
    Last Year's Runner-up: N/A

    This member will make friends with everyone. Maybe even the bots! People think What? is the friendliest of the bunch. Dinny is a pretty friendly chick too.​

    Funniest Member
    Last Year's Winner: N/A
    Last Year's Runner-up: N/A

    Do you want a joke here? Well too bad. I'm not the funniest. But you know who is? Reptar! That girl can pump out the craziest and weirdest jokes that still make you laugh at the end of the day. Plums is also kind of funny...sorta...butts.​

    Hottest Female Member
    Last Year's Winner: N/A
    Last Year's Runner-up: N/A

    These girls can make you all red in the face and if you're nice enough you may even get a little cheek kiss from these goddesses. Kites is revered as Miss KHV this year, Beezygee isn't too far behind.​

    Hottest Male Member
    Last Year's Winner: N/A
    Last Year's Runner-up: N/A

    What? seems to be quite the view built after the visage of gods. Our blonde pretty boy Christhor is not too bad for the eyes, either.​

    Least Favorite Fad
    Last Year's Winner: N/A
    Last Year's Runner-up: N/A

    The fad everyone seems to dislike this year, maybe it went too far, or maybe it wasn't the right time. But still, Hating on the Newbies seems to be despised by all.​

    Manliest Man
    Last Year's Winner: N/A
    Last Year's Runner-up: N/A

    This man is the hairiest, meanest, stinkiest, but most sough after for their masculinity. Kitty seems to be the epitome of man. Forsaken is sort of manly too...hahahaha.​

    Master Debater
    Last Year's Winner: N/A
    Last Year's Runner-up: N/A

    They debate everything. They don't even believe in electrical light. Be prepared to get your debate socks knocked off because Makaze is coming to town! Styx is pretty hot in the debates too.​

    Member Who Should Post More
    Last Year's Winner: N/A
    Last Year's Runner-up: N/A

    These members hide in the shadows of threads only to come out and give their input only scarcely. People think Maka (Rainbow Dash) and Peyton should stop being lazy and get to dat postin'​

    Member You'd Like to Know More
    Last Year's Winner: N/A
    Last Year's Runner-up: N/A

    Members feel compelled to this person and their quirks for some reason. They feel like they want to learn from this person as much as possible. Jay seems to be quite solicited. Forsaken is also wanted to some extent.​

    Nicest Member
    Last Year's Winner: N/A
    Last Year's Runner-up: N/A

    Jayn seems to be the girl that's always helping with a smile on her face.​

    Strangest Member
    Last Year's Winner: N/A
    Last Year's Runner-up: N/A

    Wow, this member sure is...strange. Weirdness thy name is Reptar. Amaury can be pretty strange too.

    Whimsical Woman
    Last Year's Winner: N/A
    Last Year's Runner-up: N/A

    Beware of this girl, she does what she wants, when she wants and if you get in her way...hahahaha. Members think Jayn will spin to the tune of her whims. Kitty (Oerba Yun Fang) is also pretty random.​

    Congratulations to ALL of our winners! I hope you had fun, and if not, there's always next year!
    Thread by: Chevalier, Sep 8, 2012, 8 replies, in forum: 2012
  10. Chevalier

    Excuse the bad quality and sloppy singing. It was like midnight. Hopefully What and Jayn are still up for the lullaby we were supposed to do together ; ~ ;
    Thread by: Chevalier, Aug 10, 2012, 6 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  11. Chevalier
    Thread title. If you post, Jayn, What? and I will sing lullabies for you.

    Thread by: Chevalier, Aug 7, 2012, 75 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  12. Chevalier
    Hey guys, Square Enix NA site has posted an article in which it shows how well their presentations fared and how they were nominated for various things. KH3D is listed.

    Other games were listed, such as Toomb Raider and Hitman. As well as the tech demo Agni's philosophy. It seems Square made a good presentation.

    Are you happy with this outcome? Do you believe Square is doing really well overall? Or do you see something wrong? Share your thoughts here!

    Major props to Axel91 for the news.
    Thread by: Chevalier, Jun 30, 2012, 9 replies, in forum: Kingdom Hearts News & Updates
  13. Chevalier
    Hey guys. Now that E3 is done and over, we get to see what comes off it. Apparently, Kingdom Hearts 3D made it to the list of nominees for best Role Playing Game.

    Here's a List of all the Nominees

    To be fair, Kingdom Hearts 3D was one of the only few RPG's being shown, but let's hope it takes the prize. For those who aren't aware, the Game Critics Awards are judged by many gaming plublications (Destructoid, 1UP and Game Informer to name a few)

    So what do you think? Should 3D be awarded the prize or do you think it doesn't measure up? Let us know your opinions!

    Much thanks to our member Axel91 for yet again brining us this piece of news.
    Thread by: Chevalier, Jun 20, 2012, 9 replies, in forum: Kingdom Hearts News & Updates
  14. Chevalier
    [Insert pretty graphic and title here; I swear something pretty will be done soon.]

    Hey guys. I'm really sorry for the delay. Like, there's no excuses. I'm terrible.

    Welcome to the first Café Session. This one will be reaallly simple and easy. As time goes on, we'll be tackling more complex subjects and themes. But for now, we're doing this.

    Why did you begin writing? That's the first question posed for you guys. Why did you begin writing? Is it some hobby? A way to relieve stress? Do you plan to pursue writing? Tell us all the juicy details.

    Moreover, what motivates you to write? share with us. This is the place to discuss it. As fellow KHV writers, we should all share what makes us sit down on our computers and let the words begin flowing.

    So come on in! Sit down and relax. Let's talk!
    Thread by: Chevalier, Jun 16, 2012, 25 replies, in forum: Archives
  15. Chevalier
    Well guys, looks like it may finally happen! Apparently a credible source has given insights on the unveiling of an HD remix for all the past Kingdom Hearts titles.

    Kingdom Hearts 1 and 2, Chain of Memories, Days, Birth by Sleep to receive an HD upgrade and go to the PS3, Vita and WiiU. All of this will be unveiled at E3!

    So guys, what are your thoughts on this? Hoax or possible? Just remember to take it with a grain of salt and not scream like I did xD
    Thread by: Chevalier, May 30, 2012, 62 replies, in forum: Kingdom Hearts News & Updates
  16. Chevalier


    Is it really Claw's Birthday!?

    Happy Birthday Claw!

    Thread by: Chevalier, May 29, 2012, 21 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  17. Chevalier


    Welcome to Literate Beans!
    PotS and PanS|Book Club

    [​IMG] Rules

    • All rules of KH-Vids.Net apply: Even though this is a family in and of itself, it is still on KH-Vids, and is still held to the same standards as the rest of the site.

    • Advertising your work is fine and encouraged, however, do not repeatedly post for someone to read it in a short amount of time. If no one in the family has responded within at least a week to it, you may feel free to post it once more to get some feedback. Remember that others are working on their own work or doing other things too, so people can miss things easily – just because people don’t reply to you it doesn’t mean they don’t like you or whatever, they’re probably just busy or doing other things.

    • Real life matters an exception, it is appreciated if you try to maintain a regular posting schedule in the family. Just as actual families cannot rely solely on one person to support the whole, Literate Beans will need the dedication and time from all of its participants – be they founders or not.

    • The success of this family also relies on an open mind and a positive attitude, therefore please do not argue with other members about their ideas on subjects or critique. If you would like to debate a little about certain things as part of café sessions that is perfectly fine, and in fact coming to a better understanding about such topics is a place where debate is effective, but please do not let it descend into bickering or slander between parties. If this happens, it could result in a warning, and successive times and result in removal from the group.

    • In addition, please remember that those who choose not to join this group are in no way inferior to those who do. Entry to this group is free to all, so just because a person isn’t in the group does not mean they are lesser in skill or enthusiasm. Therefore, any signs of elitism on the part of members in the group towards members outside of it, or towards other members in it, will result in a warning, followed by an instant removal from the group if it happens again.

      Have fun! Literate Beans is supposed to be a chilled place for you to relax and talk with fellow writers and readers. Sit back, relax, and enjoy a fresh cup of digital coffee. <3

    [​IMG] Members
    Username :
    Family Member/Title : 
    Personality : 
    Literary Arts Specialty :
    Anything else you'd like to share? :

    Literate Beans In-Depth Literate Beans is a family for writers, readers, and anyone else interested in the literary arts to discuss their passion and work with others of a similar mindset. This can be their own productions, influences upon them, literature that has stood out in their lives, and other such ideas.

    The main objective is to encourage a healthy, casual group in which people can discuss ideas, influences and current projects with one another, creating a fun community in which people can share ideas and wisdom, with the occasional bouts of japery and silliness.

    In this thread, you may post links to your work in the Writer's Nook (or any of its subsections) in order to get feedback from fellow family members, with a more critical eye than you might get otherwise if you so desire. Furthermore, there will be a myriad of events available to members and non-members alike of the Literate Beans family, listed below:

    I. Cafe Sessions
    II. Prose of the Season/Poetic ars Nova Season
    III. Book Club

    The goal of this family is not only to bring together individuals with a similar passion for literature and writing, but also to establish greater activity in the sections about it, stimulate thoughtful, rounded discussion and critique and promote literary activities on the site.

    What are Café Sessions? Café Sessions are – in basic terms – a round table discussion of one particular facet of Writing or Literature. Topics will range from creating interesting characters and settings, to using imagery and “tools of the tradeâ€, and from analyzing texts and the importance of critical reading to spotting, identifying and using tropes.

    These discussions will, hopefully, be a fun and engaging way to get to know other writers, exchange opinions about literature and writing, and also improve our knowledge of literary theory and skill as writers in general.

    The important part about these sessions is that they are an open floor to discuss opinions – and new opinions and insights about writing and reading are encouraged.

    Topics will, at first, be chosen by us, but as we progress people will be able to suggest new topics they want to discuss with the group, skills they want to hone, or general interests.

    Discussions will last 15 days before a new one is started, however that does not mean that discussion cannot continue once a new discussion begins, and in fact we’d like to encourage those who enjoy and want to continue discussion to do so.

    The end goal is to develop a better understanding of literature and creative writing through discussion, like a tutorial and with the end result being a resource which can be used to help people struggling with that particular theme.

    Why should you join? Literate Beans is a collection of people who have a keen interest in the literary arts, and therefore, those who become members will be able to interact more closely with people of a similar mindset, in addition to discussing ideas thoughtfull and in great depth.

    The Café Sessions will not only open a wide range of literary discussion, but they'll also be a good way to earn post count with legitimate and thought-provoking discussion

    In addition, members who are part of the family are able to ask for feedback for recent work, in effect advertising in the thread. The idea here is that you will be able to ask for a deeper level of criticism for your work from the group, if you’re looking for it.

    In addition to this, you will be able to have a say on when activities such as PotS, PanS and the Book Club will take place. This is to ensure that we have a base of people who actually want to take part in the contest, instead of what has been happening more recently when there has been little to no participation. Using this system, we can put control in the hands of the people who want to be part of the contests, and they can control when they want it.

    Those who are part of the family can also suggest improvements and adjustments to the way that things are run in the Literature and Nook sections. This could include, but not be limited to, suggestions for contests, changes to policy in that area etc. Not being a part of the family doesn’t prevent this sort of feedback, but it will be an ideal forum in which to discuss how these changes could affect the more active participants in the sections.

    We'll also be adding many more benefits in the future for everyone in the family to enjoy, so you have nothing to lose by joining if you're an active member who loves literature and/or writing!
    Thread by: Chevalier, May 28, 2012, 180 replies, in forum: Forum Families
  18. Chevalier
    Hey guys we have some cute news for you today...


    So Nomura has designed these bad boys! to be recreated as Plushies. The Heartless Shadow, The Dusk Nobody and The Unversed Flood. Want want want.

    Hopefully we'll be getting more details. So tell you like them? I sure as heck do. Share your thoughts here!

    Thanks to Axel91 and KHinsider for the news
    Thread by: Chevalier, May 18, 2012, 30 replies, in forum: Kingdom Hearts News & Updates
  19. Chevalier
    Hey there folks. We have some interesting news for those who love to collect or just want to get everything in the game. Amazon has placed the Brady Games Dream Drop Distance guide up for pre-order. for the price of 12.99$ USD. Seems like a really good deal!

    Let's hope this baby has detailed info on dream eaters and any special secrets.

    Thanks to Axel91 for the heads-up!
    Thread by: Chevalier, May 15, 2012, 5 replies, in forum: Kingdom Hearts News & Updates
  20. Chevalier
    Sooo...comic-con is a few days away for me and i was thinking of going. But it'd be my first time.

    Does anyone know if it's any good, or what can I generally find there? Blah blah. Any advice would be welcome.
    Thread by: Chevalier, May 13, 2012, 12 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone