Alright then MY MOVE! -Draw phase- 6 cards in hand -standby phase- -mainphase 1- i activate mirage of nightmare then i set 4 cards facedown One monster facedown and end my turn -endphase- your move
Me to but i hate it when the voices in my head argue with my imaginary fiends
Well the problem with that is that the "Soldier" is an arch type of mine becuase there are phoenix soldiers and blizzard soldiers as well
Hey guys, just wanted to pass a few customs by you guys. They go with my "Soldier" line
same rules as the one i offered against jaden
Still open for a duel
then lets have a championship match for it
ok fine does anyone else on the leaderboard wanna duel same terms
Yes i was talking to jaden
so I'm confused, are we dueling or not? And i want to go first, theres something i wanna try that involvs me going first
Well i told you i wasent gonna hold back xD
close enough that i understand what your meaning now just so you know I;m not gonna go easy on you. nothing personal -draw phase- 6 cards in hand...
Alright just do your best ^^
Sure you go first terms lp 8000 god cards no anime ex yes video ex yes first player you other conditions none
Well we could finish our duel, idk where we left off though
so has the duel arena been holding up without me?
Yeah being grounded sucks DX
Oh noez not the fish! *wacked* Oww! And i ony thought that because you said "went out" with zane and not "going out" with zane sorryz
so you and zane broke up and Mandy really?
anyways I'm homeschooled i do school on computer so do you exept i don't have much longer on here to be able to make my 1st move