nope go ahead
Alright styx I'll start -draw phase- 6 cards in hand -standby phase- -mainphase 1- i'll start by setting 4 cards facedown set 1 monster and activate mirage of nightmare and end my turn -end phase-
hey do you mind i we duel in the arena? i hate dueling through VM
well i wanted to go first to try something but if you really want to then you can
Sup new champion how about a duel? terms LP: 8000 Customs: no Anime EX: yes Video ex: yes god cards: No First Player: me Other (luck ect): no do...
NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Quick PLASMA SAVE ME!! Absorb Blair and Fearless Ha!
See I'm sprta gonna run now kthanks *halls ass*
you mean the fight between her and Jay?
Umm what about it?
Oh I'm sorry, I'm sorta grouned i can only get on breifly a day
Hey what the hell is that supposed to mean!
Jay can we just drop this?
Fine ya know what why don't i just ;leave i seem to be the only one cuasing you any fucking problems. Thanks Jay.
No I'm not saying that the theme rule is not importent, I'm saying that you think alot of cards are out of theme when they uselly arnt Like putting n ally of justice in a dragon deck or puting stardust dragon in a chaos deck but not every card that seems out of theme is just because the card may seem doesn't mean its effect would cuase it to be Ojama trio could be renamed scape trio with the same effect and it would still work And if your threatining to leave if everyones deck odesnt have some sort of type than by all means go, But we all see it as fair.
WTF Jaden is it goig to be this shit ever time i duel? I don't have to follow your guide lines on deck building. Its my deck and i can do what i want with it. Ojama trio is a heavely ued card because it has a good effect, just because i don't run an ojama deck isn't any reason i can't use it. Asure preist is a great monster with an exelent effect, and it fits well in my chaos deck. So just because i don't run a spirit deck means i can't use it? I've only used one god damn synchro monster which is probably what your refering to and 90%of the people in here said it was apropriot! Its my theme, my deck, and my duel and I'll do whatever the fuck i want to do with it!
Spoiler Countering your first monsters attack is my emergency previsions and i send my mirage to the graveyard and the monster you attacked was my defender so LP you 6900 me 8500 my move -draw phase- 5 cards in hand -standbyphase- -mainphase 1- I first activate my facedown ojama trio to summon 3 ojama tokens on your side of the feild now i activate final attack orders turning all of our monsters into attack now i activate 2 prohibitations to disable gorz and kuriboh now i summon my azure preist and equip him with my axe of dispair -battle phase- now asure attack his 3 ojama tokens inflicting 8100 points of damage end good duel
Thanks! And yeah i know the chords don't sound quite right, my guitar is a little out of tune. And i know my voice is ****, but it sounds better in person. My camera sucks! xD
Me covering Time Of Your Life by green day
There once was an ugly barnical, he was so ugly that everyone died the end xD