True true...
very true or some sort of limitation because many cards involv him such as dark sage and thousends dragon so maybe just ban his effect or something?
Ahh the only losses I'v had with the chaos was from i used 2 pots of greed on zane on accedent Besides that its unbeaten and my beating yours did...
Hmm i thik you should use your evil hero deck but a few extra cards such as neos and such with our dark powers combined we will be unstopable!
I can't think of anyone else we're gonan kiss so much ass
I edited it, i accidently hit "okay" before i was finished
Hey ihad an idea for tag dueling Since you use neos and i use rainbow dark dragon It could end in one epic play Do you agree?
I added a few other cards to my deck, in which you will see later in the duel perhaps
I didn't switch deck, I just dded yubel to my Chaos Destiny deck Its a common card for chaos decks and nope go ahead Bushido
Alright I am doing 2 duels at once i beleive and both are starting with My new starter move Roxes n namine and Bushido ITS TIME TO DUEL! I'm just gonna do one play but its for both duels I'm going first on both and this avoids double posting so -draw phase- 6 cards in hand -standby- -Mainphase- I start with my card destrustion Sending my 2 yubels and 3 necrogardnas -draws 5 cards- Now i set 3 cards facedown one card in defence and activate mirage of nightmare and i end my turn -end phase-
kk I'm making my play now
alright thats fine
Okay that sounds fine Terms LP: 8000 Customs: No Anime Exclusives: Yes Video Game Exclusives:Yes God Cards: No Hand Refill: No First Player: Yes Other conditions(luck based cards, handicaps, etc.): None
Alright meet me at the arena And be prepard to be annihilated Because destiny will not fail me ...And yes I'm going first
You Touch me with that shit i kill you all! Hmm I've always wanted to duel you, but I'm not Sure I'm ready Alright e duel tomorrow 2:00 central time
You were quite skilled as wel in out duel. You used at least 3 cards I've never herd of xD
And I'll be waiting Styx!
98% of men watch porn 2% lie about it
Great play But yeah i was thinking i should have used zeratos effect insted but i came up with summining the secound one at the last minute You are a great duelist and it was an honar to duel you
FIXED! Sorry i posted before i saw the edit xD