Its alright
yes but you mmust state when your switching deck types and what type your switching to.
You didn't have to tell me to go **** myself
Well that sounds about right! and lets start you off dueling the 5th strongest duelist in the duel arena ME!! LP: Other Customs: no Anime Exclusives: yes Video Game Exclusives: yes God Cards: no Hand Refill: no First Player: you Other conditions(luck based cards, handicaps, etc.): i start with 4000 you start with 8000 do you accept the terms?
Alright..that was a little was a joke man.
^_^ Yes! What deck type do you use Jo-I mean SOA
[IMG] You see the little text to the right of my name? it say view conversation, Click it and say in that text box mkay?
Yeah, and just git veiw conversation its getting really annoying going all the way to your profile to see if you replied.
Nice, but it has 2 days to bid. It gonna get higher. Just watch one o the duels, you'll get the hang of it after a while.
0_0.....Meep meep *runs really fast* -GLOMP- look on the first page and learn how to do it, you'll get hooked. anyway one more thing, you posted...
Hahaha you ass hole you finally came hahaha xDDDD
Alright, I'm sorry for getting so mad, and you were right i just didn't get to bring any out.
I did i said dragon deck that includes destiny heros not destiny hero deck. Just because I'm aster phoenix doesn't mean i have to circle around the destiny heros. For the first 2 duels of the show he didn't use a d hero deck.
You know what Jaden fine, if me using more then one deck that MIGHT not compleatly be in my theme then fine why not i just quit, wouldent that just make you fucking cheery. I'm gone.
Haha, Not much of a handy cap though, with that yo-jo
Alright zaen my move -draw phase- 4 cards in hand -standby- choose not to pay imperial is gone -main phase 1- i activate pot of greed 5 cards in hand i activate Graceful charity and i discard 2 blue eyes's now i activate dragons mirror to fuse my 3 blue eyes to summon blue eyes ultimate dragon! then i activate 2 prohibitations! to stop kuribohs and Gorz's "battle phase" now blue eyes attack his cyber dragon! now i activate de-fusion from my hand to get my 3 blue eye's back (i really don't want to go find those pics again >_<) Now all three of you attack SHINING NOVA!! I win good game