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  1. Roxas24Sora
    Watch'a guys think?

    Thread by: Roxas24Sora, Aug 11, 2008, 4 replies, in forum: Arts & Graphics
  2. Roxas24Sora
    Hey guys! This is another fanfic I'm working on! :D

    This has some stuff against the KH storyline, like Roxas knows Namine, everyone is alive, ect.

    Well here it is!


    The Organization had moved into a new headquarters: The Castle That Never Was. Their base Castle Oblivion was getting too small. The mebers, however, had rooms just the same, but bigger. Roxas had all his Bullet For My Valentine posters on the wall. Larxene had a huge plasma screen T.V, running by her electricity to save money. Marluxia had a big tree in the center of his room. Luxord slept on a poker table shaped bed. Demyx had his PS2 hooked up, playing Guitar Hero: Special Sitar Edition only for the past two months. Axel had fire graphics on his wallpaper. Saix had a huge window so that he could look at the moon clearly. Zexion had his Metallica signed guitar on the wall. Lexaeus had an arcade game called 'Tomahawk-Man', a rip-off of some other video game about a yellow dude. Vexen had a huge poster of 'How To Disect a Nobody'. Xaldin had a bicycle signed by LANCE Armstrong, he didn't like bikes, just the dude's name. Xigbar had Surfing magazines all over the floor, and the ceiling. Finally, Xemnas had a largte number one foam finger in the corner of his room. They had all lived good lives so far........but they had been only living there for two days.

    Chapter 1-Roxas and Namine's First Date

    "Awwww!" Xemnas sighed, mocking Roxas. He was going on his first date with Namine, and naturally everyone was making fun of him. Who wouldn't if you were wearing a green tuxedo with a sky blue tie to go with it."Our little Roxas is all grown up!" Everyone laughed as Roxas headed for the door.

    Roxas started to tear up."Shut the heck up!" He slammed the door and ran down the blue light path that connected them to the City That Never Was. He went past Memory's Skyscraper, thhrough the Alley to Betwixt, up the Twilight Mansion Library secret passage stairs, and towards the White Room.

    Roxas was sweating.....big time. He saw dark, wet places on his thick tux. Get it together, Roxas told himself, it's just a really hot blonde chick you like. The door opened and there stood Namine. She was dressed in her usual white gown. Her eyes were sparkling like the dew on the morning grass, her skin as beautiful and as perfect as a swan. How can you get it together, Roxas still thinking to himself, she's sexier than usual!

    "Hi, Roxie-poo!" Namine smiled and hugged Roxas. He felt the air come out of his olungs, but for some reason he liked it."You ready for tonight? What are we doing first?" She let go so Roxas could check his to do list. He scanned it and looked for what he thought would be good to start with. He finally came up with....

    "Fajita's!" Roxas exclaimed. Fajita's is a mexican restraunt he and Namine loved. They went there on unofficial dates. This was their first official date, but Namine didn't mind eating at a normal restraunt.

    Namine smiled and took Roxas by the arm."What are we waiting for?" She said kidding."Let's go!"

    * * * * * * *

    When they reached the restraunt, Roxas noticed a sudden flash behind a bush. He looked closely at it and saw a blonde hair hanging out from the side."What's up, Roxie?" Namine asked cutely.

    He looked back at the bush to see the hair gone."Nothing." He replied."Let's go get some quesidillas!" Roxas and Namine bolted inside, sat at their booth, and ordered. Roxas had a chicken quesidilla with cheese and rice, a Dr. Pepper on the side. Namine boasted a healthy fajita salad, sided with a glass of water. After dinner, they went skateboarding. Roxas showed Namine the best places to grind. Namine was actually as good as Roxas at skateboarding. She could kickflip, ollie, shuv-it, pop shuv-it, and dark slide. After that, Roxas bought them each sea salt ice cream bars. Roxas swore that the cashier had a little stubble where his sideburns use to be and a purple object behind his back.

    The couple sat on the top of the Twilight Town Station tower, licking their ice cream before it melted. Namine pointed out some on Roxas' chin. She leaned in and licked it off. Roxas' cheeks were a burning red color. The position Namine was in made him want to push his lips against her's. He put a hand under her chin, lifted it up, and pressed on towards her....

    "Um, Roxas..." Namine giggled."You kissed my nose." Roxas opened his eyes to reveal that he was indeed kissing Namine's nose."Let me help you..." She put her arms around him and started to position her lips and close her eyes....

    ZAP! Roxas felt a large surge of electricity go through his body. Namine felt it also."Yeow!!!" They shouted in unison. A gust of wind then pushed them off the edge. Namine was freaking out and grabbed Roxas. He glided down as slowly as he could, landing softly on the pavement. Above, Roxas could hear the laughing of two familiar voices....

    "Xaldin! Larxene! You'll pay for this!" Roxas shouted, raising a fist in the air towards them. Roxas looked at his watch and noticed it was time for him to take Namine home, fearing DiZ would kill him for having his memory witch late.

    * * * * * * *

    Roxas was at the door to the White Room, saying goodbye to Namine."You want to go get some new trucks for our boards tommorrow?" Roxas asked his love. He wanted her to say yes so bad. Every time he was with her, his heart rocketed skyward. He lost focus, smell, touch, and sometimes his pants.

    "That sounds good." Namine replied, running a finger down his tie."However, you have got to give me one thing..."

    Roxas sighed in delight."Anything..."

    "How about a kiss good night?" Namine smiled. She leaned in and rapped her arms around him again. Namine gave Roxas the best kiss a nobody had ever had. He heard angels singing, bells ringing, and....

    Your tears don't fall, Roxas' phone played, they crash around me. He digged for it in his pocket, opened it, and talked."Hello?"

    "Roxas!" It was a distressed Demyx."Axel got his head stuck in the toilet!"

    Roxas sighed."I'm kind of saying bye to my girl, Demyx..."

    "Hurry!" Demyx shouted."Only the keyblade master himself can get a pyromainiac out of a toilet!"

    "Why is that?" Roxas asked with an aggrivated tone. Namine giggled, hearing everything.

    "IDK!" Demyx shouted."Just hurry!"

    Roxas shut the phone and sighed."Bye, Namine."

    "Bye, Roxie." She gave him a kiss that lasted a full two minutes, then he ran off.

    Dang, she knows how to kiss, Roxas told himself.


    Tell me what you guys think.
    Thread by: Roxas24Sora, Aug 3, 2008, 85 replies, in forum: Archives
  3. Roxas24Sora
    Is KHView the only program used to view Kingdom Hearts Models?
    Thread by: Roxas24Sora, Aug 1, 2008, 0 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  4. Roxas24Sora
    Hey can KH2 Final Mix work on a PS2 from America?
    Thread by: Roxas24Sora, Jul 31, 2008, 6 replies, in forum: Kingdom Hearts HD II.5 ReMIX
  5. Roxas24Sora


    What does Imao stand for?
    Thread by: Roxas24Sora, Jul 27, 2008, 10 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  6. Roxas24Sora
    What do you guys think?
    Thread by: Roxas24Sora, Jul 26, 2008, 6 replies, in forum: Arts & Graphics
  7. Roxas24Sora
    I tried saving a sig, but when I went back to add it to my photobucket, it didn't save or something
    Thread by: Roxas24Sora, Jul 26, 2008, 2 replies, in forum: Help
  8. Roxas24Sora
    Can somebody make a sig with these pics and have Roxas24Sora in KH font and have it say,"light and darkness in an ongoing battle"?
    Thread by: Roxas24Sora, Jul 26, 2008, 3 replies, in forum: Art Shop
  9. Roxas24Sora
    Ok guys, so this is an "Alternate Future" of Kingdom Hearts about a mysterious new figure.....anyway here's the first Chapter!

    Chapter 1: The Seperation

    "Yes!" Sora exclaimed loudly. The original Destiny Islands Trio had been sent a letter from King Mickey himself. Tidus and Wakka paused their practice to see what the shout was for. Sora directed his attention towards Kairi." I knew Roxas and Namine could just share our body forever!"

    In his letter, the King revealed that on the next full moon, Roxas and Namine would seperate from Sora and Kairi for a period of two weeks. "It's almost like..."Kairi finally said,"...having a fraternal twin!!"

    Riku didn't say a single thing the whole time. He was amazed that it could be possible. Finally, Riku gave a slight grin." Well, I guess we need to find out when the next full moon is..."

    "Please tell me you two know when the next full moon is?" Kairi pleaded. However, she actually knew when it was, she just wanted to show that girls truly do know more than guys. Nothing to her suprise, Riku and Sora gave a shrug."Do you guys ever pay attention in class?" Kairi tried to hold back a HA."If you were listening to Professor Haiku's lecture about moon phases..."

    "Uhh...."Sora interrupted."...if it was a lecture, then why would me and Riku listen to it?" Riku snickered, remebering that while Professor Haiku was lecturing, he and Sora were debating who would win in a battle: Jack Sparrow or Jack Skellington.

    "Ok,Sora, first of all, it's 'Riku and I',"Kairi smirked as Sora pouted at her comeback."Second of all, you should listen because,well,duh, it's school! And lastly, you interrupted me!" Riku jumped in front of Kairi so that she couldn't kill Sora, since he was after all mocking her while she talked, turning his nose up to resemble a pig.

    "It's ok, Kairi..."Sora gave her a one armed hug." ...don't you know boys mess around with their girlfriends?"
    Kairi could only blush when Sora mentioned them as a couple. They had been going out for only a few weeks, but Kairi knew Sora liked the fact that she was his girlfriend." Oh Sora..."Kairi whispered in her cutest voice.

    "O-kay that's enough gooey stuff, lovebirds." Riku had to interrupt the lovefest."We need to find out exactly when you two are gonna seperate from your nobodies." Again, Kairi could't believe that Riku didn't know the answer.

    "Do you two ever read either?" She heaved a heavy sigh as she started to quote the letter."The seperation will involve no pain or decapitating of any sort. The process will begin at approximatley..."
    Kairi stood at the letter with a blank stare.After a minute, Kairi finally said," at seven o'clock!" Sora looked at his watch to see that it was already a quarter to seven.

    "Are there any safety precautions?!" Sora asked Kairi in his most nervous toned voice.Kairi skimmed the page, until she came across the words SAFETY PRECAUTIONS in big, bold letters.

    Kairi read aloud the precautions."No poking the other person in the transformation, no..."Kairi reared back in disgust."...why would we be making sexual conduct during the transformation?!?! Nevermind..."Kairi resumed the precautions." using the restroom...ewww....and no talking...."before Kairi could finish, a huge light came over Sora and Kairi's hearts.

    "Well,"Sora said." goes nothing." Suddenly a light shot from the sky and blinded Riku. When he looked back up, there were four figures: Sora, Kairi,....and proving the King's words......Roxas and Namine.
    Thread by: Roxas24Sora, Jul 20, 2008, 29 replies, in forum: Archives
  10. Roxas24Sora

    Need Help!

    Hey guys, so what I'm doing is making a mix CD of rock songs that depict Organization XIII members.The thing is that I have no clue what songs I could do.If you could please give me some ideas?That would be so awesome!
    here is the Organization numbers(if you do this, put the songs in this order):
    2:Xigbar-Bullet with a Name-Nonpoint
    3:Xaldin-Aerials-System of a Down
    4:Vexen-So Cold-Breaking Benjamin
    6:Zexion-Home-Three Days Grace(very popular song for him on YouTube)
    8:Axel-Through the Fire and the Flames-Dragonforce(No "Burn baby, Burn" *blah*)
    9: Demyx
    10:Luxord-Ace of Spades-Motorhead
    So put the list like this:
    1:Song Name-Band Name
    2:Song Name-Band Name
    and so on
    Please help!Remember, only rock songs!
    BTW, I don't like Marilyn Manson and neither of them!
    EDIT: I decided that I will put up songs for each member each time I discover one and put it up.Please comment!!!
    Thread by: Roxas24Sora, Jul 14, 2008, 0 replies, in forum: Music
  11. Roxas24Sora
    Ok, so there is this AWESOME book series called Percy Jackson and The Olympians that I can't stop readin!
    I've read the first book 4 times! Anyone else wanna show some love 4 Percy?
    Thread by: Roxas24Sora, Jun 19, 2008, 30 replies, in forum: Literature
  12. Roxas24Sora
    ok, this is an edit of the sprite of OmegaAnsem
    i forgot to give credit to the here they are!:
    credit to omegaansem for making the sprite
    credit to Roxas24Sora for making the sprite
    and credit to mikail for making the kh2 sora sprites
    expect more cause I'm making sprites for the new Ansem flash game!
    Please give credit if you use this to ALL the spriters who helped with this sprite
    Thread by: Roxas24Sora, Jun 17, 2008, 3 replies, in forum: Arts & Graphics
  13. Roxas24Sora
    can someone please make a sig with these images:
    put Roxas24Sora inbetween the roxas and sora images in Kingdom Hearts Font,I waant it to have a fire effect, and at the top put in small letters"You make a good other."Thanks!
    Thread by: Roxas24Sora, Jun 16, 2008, 3 replies, in forum: Art Shop
  14. Roxas24Sora
    know where to get SNES The Lion King sprites from?I need Scar sprites.
    Thread by: Roxas24Sora, May 31, 2008, 4 replies, in forum: Help
  15. Roxas24Sora
    How do you use the patterns on GIMP?
    Thread by: Roxas24Sora, May 9, 2008, 2 replies, in forum: Help
  16. Roxas24Sora
    This is my first ever sig!Please comment!

    Thread by: Roxas24Sora, May 9, 2008, 8 replies, in forum: Arts & Graphics
  17. Roxas24Sora
    Does anybody have any Battlefront 2 codes?
    Thread by: Roxas24Sora, Mar 16, 2008, 80 replies, in forum: Code Vault
  18. Roxas24Sora
    they left out 2 characters in Brawl on the site?
    Toon Link & Ganondorf
    Thread by: Roxas24Sora, Mar 13, 2008, 8 replies, in forum: Gaming
  19. Roxas24Sora
    Can somebody make a sig with these pictures from Smash Bros Brawl?

    I want to say Roxas24Sora in the lower right corner in KH text.I don't care what the back ground is.
    Please and thank you!
    Thread by: Roxas24Sora, Mar 2, 2008, 3 replies, in forum: Art Shop
  20. Roxas24Sora
    Can I have a KH2 Model animation of DW Roxas?
    Thread by: Roxas24Sora, Feb 26, 2008, 2 replies, in forum: Arts & Graphics