It has been 4 days since the Knight Blazer figure was released in Japan, and now Overknight Blazer has been announced for release! Don't believe me? Here are pics proving it, then! Let me know what you think, and please show love to the RPGs in the day buy pre-ordering Knight Blazer online! (Figure Available online on September 30th, which is 5 days from now.)
I have decided that my Wild Arms RP was a bad idea, so I'm starting over on Crossovers. The new project I have in mind is entitled "The Crossover Sagas", the setting taking place on an empty planet. As several warpholes appear in different worlds, towns and areas from different media, as well as different people, are warped to different continents and islands. Airborne locations will reside in the skies, reachable by planes, airships and airborne machines. I'm looking for assistance with the creation of the RP, and I need help. I would like to come up with ideas for designs of islands and continents. You can also recommend towns and areas from any media to be in the RP and discuss where they might fit, if people will agree on the designs of the map. I also need help with creation with the major parts for the RP, and if you want to help me by sending map designs and ideas for plots, please PM me saying so. EDIT: OK! I have decided we won't need a map for the RP, as suggested by Hero of Time.
Hello there, people! Welcome to the Main Thread of... If you haven't already, I'd recommend starting out in the OOC Thread here. I am sure you will know that this is an all-character RP that takes place in the universe of Wild Arms 2. Let me get to several rules you guys need to know. 1: NO. GODMODDING. EVER. I will give you several chances as well talk reasonably. If you get 3 strikes, you will be on a 24-hour ban. Get 3 strikes after returning, it's permanant. 2: Never kill off another person's character unless you have discussed it with them. After the idea has been approved, let me know that this will happen. 3: No hurtful comments and/or messages will be tolerated. 4: If you post an encounter with a monster, please post a picture of what it looks like. 5: When you fight a monster/enemy that is considered a boss, please make a picture of the monster with "BOSS" and a boss subtitle. For example of a boss subtitle, take the example: "Trask: The Poisonous Armored Dragonoid" or "Lord Blazer: The Blaze of Disaster". 6: Please keep language censors and love scenes on a PG-13 level. Here is a map of Filgaia: If you end up a certain somewhere, send me a message with a picture of a red "X" somewhere where your character will be warped to. For a map easier to understand, check this out: Backstory: Spoiler Once, there was a Blaze of Disaster, staining Filgaia blood-red with its flames. Many warriors had attempted to slay the demon, only to fail miserably. It was then that a hero was called upon by the Guardians, a girl named Anastasia was given a sword named "Argetlahm". With this blade, she became the Sword Magess, fighting alongside Marivel, a vampire-like Crimson Noble, and Lucied, the Guardian of Desire. With no other person to turn to, the people believed in the Magess and hoped for the future. On the seventh night after she obtained the sword, Anastasia vanished in a bright light, taking her own life and sealing the Blaze of Disaster in the Event Horizon. All that was left was the Argetlahm plunged deep into the ground. Soon afterwards, the Argetlahm became treated as a symbol of power, but people would never know what true meaning it had until the future... Over 1000 years later, Ashley Winchester, Age 19, a musketeer was resigned to a brigade known as ARMS (the name was based off of the famous firearm and was short for Agile Remote Mission Squad). Unfortunately during the ceremony at the Sword Cathedral, there was a terrorist act known as the Demon Summoning, turning all the members of the brigade into monsters. As the now-monster Ashley killed off his former comrades, he kept progressing to the Argetlahm and pulled it out with the energy given by an unknown entity. As he came into contact with the Magess, he wished to return home, turning into a black knight, then back into a human right away. Shortly after meeting a man named Irving Vold Valeria and falling unconscious, he confronted Lilka Eleniak, a 14-year-old sorceress in training, and went with her to visit Valeria at a chateau on a cliff. There, they learned ARMS was handed over to Irving. After being escorted to Illsveil Prison for a crime Ashley didn't commit, they met Brad Evans, a death row inmate who was a former war hero. Ashley was also cleared of all charges. Later, there were notices of a strange group, which they later learn to be a squad working with Odessa, the terrorist organization lead by Vinsfeld Rhadamanthus. After several situations involving becoming allies with Tim Rhymeless, a 12-year-old Zoa Priest and, eventually, a female bounty hunter known as Kanon. After the destruction of the Diablo Pillars, the group finally confronted Vinsfeld aboard the ship, Heimdal Gazzo, where he hints at the "upcoming threat". After Brad, Lilka, Tim and Kanon got out safely, Vinsfeld confronted Ashley one last time before launching the Nuclear Weapon Grauswein in space. After the Heimdal Gazzo is destroyed, Ashley floats in subspace. After waking up in another world, he meets Anastasia and Lucied again, learning about Lord Blazer, the demon inside of him, while Lilka and the others go through the Millenium Puzzle to assist. After Ashley's return, he learns that the world is being eaten away by an encroaching universe. After the kidnapping of Marina, his love interest, the transformation from Knight Blazer to Overknight Blazer, the defeat of Grauswein, and recruitment of Lombardia, the group learns it is the doing of the Kuiper Belt. Planning to trap it and releasing the Mana in four Raypoints with help from Marivel, the group heads into Traphezohedron only to destroy the Larva, figuratively "cutting off the beast's tail". Being sent to the wreckage of the Heimdal Gazzo, the group discovers Odessa was founded by Irving, who leaves with his sister Alteacia. After going to the bottom of the Spiral Tower, the group of six travel through Glaive Le Gable, the Guardian of Mud to find out there are roots supporting the Kuiper Core. Splitting up, 1 person each destroys each of the 3 roots, while Ashley and 2 others face Irving and Alteacia. Realizing due to the Demon Summoning Irving and Alteacia have inside of them, Ashley and the others finish off the core, killing Irving and Alteacia in the process. Before they can go home, however, Lord Blazer breaks free of his chains and Ashley confronts him. Grabbing the Argetlahm and pulling it out with his friends' power, he fights Lord Blazer and finishes him off. Back on the surface of Filgaia, he and the others come to terms that they aren't heroes and assist in rebuilding the world. Ashley and Marina then marry and have 2 children one year later, the twins being named Irving and Alteacia. Little do they know of the threat on the horizon... Remember: You have to signup as your character in the OOC Thread, linked at the top of this post after the title. Now! Onto the story! -Unknown Vessel orbiting around Space near Filgaia- A robed figure looked towards the large cryotube. Inside the tube was a humanoid shadow, most likely an experiment like the other creatures inside the smaller cryotubes. The doors behind the figure opened and a creature wearing strange clothing entered, levitating off of the ground. Spoiler: creature "Diagnostics on the new project are green, all that is left are the warpholes and the memories." "What is the progress on the Blazing Star's defenses?" "80% Complete, sir. Cloak is online, and the secret passage has been securely shut." The figure chuckled. "Excellent...." It was then that another creature entered the room. Spoiler: the second creature "Boss, we have just discovered the first warphole will appear on Filgaia any minute now." The figure turned to face the red monster. "All is going according to plan. Soon, we will see the world covered in warpholes and no heroes will be powerful enough to destroy us." -Outside the Town of Meria- The blue-haired man walked out of town, carrying a bayonet. As he was walking through the wasteland towards the forest. The sky was blue, especially after that business with the Kuiper Belt. He and Marina had been very busy lately, and he was sent to get firewood for the bakery. Little did he know what activities were coming ahead...
Hello there, people! Welcome to the OOC and Character Signup Thread of...I am sure you will know that this is an all-character RP that takes place in the universe of Wild Arms 2. Let me get to several rules you guys need to know. 1: NO. GODMODDING. EVER. I will give you several chances as well talk reasonably. If you get 3 strikes, you will be on a 24-hour ban. Get 3 strikes after returning, it's permanant. 2: Never kill off another person's character unless you have discussed it with them. After the idea has been approved, let me know that this will happen. 3: No hurtful comments and/or messages will be tolerated. 4: If you post an encounter with a monster, please post a picture of what it looks like. 5: When you fight a monster/enemy that is considered a boss, please make a picture of the monster with "BOSS" and a boss subtitle. For example of a boss subtitle, take the example: "Trask: The Poisonous Armored Dragonoid" or "Lord Blazer: The Blaze of Disaster". 6: Please keep language censors and love scenes on a PG-13 level. I believe we have covered the rules, let's get to the template used for the characters. Character Name:Series he/she is from:Canon or OC?:Gender:Basic info:Weapon (Optional):Picture:Short backstory before the warping: Please note that once enough characters have been taken, I will start off the story. That being said, enjoy! My first character to use the template! Character Name: Ashley Winchester Series he/she is from: Wild Arms Canon or OC?: Canon Gender: Male Basic info: The starting protagonist of the story. Ashley was raised as an orphan in Meria Boule after his parents were killed in a war. When he was 19, he was drafted to the Agile Remote Mission Squad (ARMS) shortly before the Demon Summoning, infusing his powers with those of the Blaze of Disaster. After the destruction of the Kuiper Belt and Lord Blazer, he married Marina Irington and became a baker, having two babies named Irving and Alteacia. Weapon (Optional): A Bayonet ARM able to perform special attacks based on the cartridge of ammunition. He also carries unlimited throwing knives, a treasure hunting tool called "Booty Call", and a flare gun. Picture: Short backstory before the warping: Ashley, currently unaware of the upcoming threat, has been sent to get more firewood outside of town.
Remember Crash Bandicoot? Remember Spyro the Dragon? If you remember these icons on the PlayStation, that kicks major behind.
WOOT! 17 years old! I got some new presents, too! 1: Nintendo 3DS (Red) 2: New Super Mario Bros. 2 3: Kingdom Hearts 3D 4: Revoltech Yamaguchi Alucard figure (I found it as an earlier present at Gen-Con.) 5: Revoltech Yamaguchi Vash the Stampede figure (Waiting for it to arrive) 6: Pre-Order of a D-Arts Knight Blazer figure for release in September (Will do it once my Vash figure gets here)
Hello. Welcome to the OOC thread for my new RP, Wild Arms: Cascade Impulse. Here you can discuss many things and look into details for others' posts. Link to the RP is here. Spoiler
Welcome, people! Today, I bring you an Crossover RP in the Wild Arms 2 universe, the starting character being Janus Cascade from Wild Arms 3. I would like to get to the story before explaining the rules. Story The sacrifice, Janus Cascade, the now-demon monster has been slain by the knightly creature Siegfried. The past ignites in his death and he goes back in time to conquer Filgaia, as well as attract residents from other worlds, creating self-functioning portals to suck in the victim and bring about an apocalypse. As the man-monster does so, he crafts an artificial sword to retain his demonic power, even as a human. Once this is over, he will take complete control.... That is, unless someone can stop him. Rules: 1: Absolutely NO GODMODDING. You can not simply kill off another character unless the supposed victim will allow you to. This also goes for controlling other playable characters. 2:Try and keep the language PG-13. If your character simply can't, censor R-rated swear words. 3: As the title suggests, this is a multi-canon crossover. Choose one or more characters you would like to play as and try your best to stick with them. OCs are also allowed. 4: There are MONSTERS on Filgaia, obviously. If you think you should bring in a fight against monsters, they will be NPCs. Character App: Name: Picture: Weapon(s): Attacks: Transformations (if any): Abilities: Example: Name: Picture: Weapon(s): Blood-Drip, the Artificial Demon Spear Attacks: Swing, Unknown Rainbow (non-elemental rainbow attack to several enemies. Also inspired by Negative Rainbow), Cascade Impulse (non-elemental beam attack to several enemies), Proton Beam, Unpleasant Rainbow (last-resort upgrade of Unknown Rainbow) Transformations (if any): Demon Abilities: Enhanced strength as both man and demon, allowing him to swing Blood-Drip with ease. He is able to grow more powerful as he transforms from man to monster. That being said, enjoy the RP.