Lucas was stalking around the third floor of the school building, looking to see if there were any people around. Though he stepped lightly, the small sounds of his footsteps echoes through the empty hallway. He watched as someone entered a room. "Hmmm..." He hummed quietly, a devious smirk forming on his lips. He walked quicker to the door. Today, he kept the legs of his pants tucked into his knee-high boots. Despite the length of his boots, he was able to mover gracefully and almost silently. He stopped just outside the door, peeking inside. There only seemed to be one person inside. For now, he just observed.
i get 2 weeks at the end of May, that's the end of the semester :/
Exit Through the Gift Shop that was interesting...
Went for something a bit more simplified. Artwork and texture used were made by me :3
only one i don't like. My word class is a joke, and i hate my photo teacher :I
for each program there's a list of classes for each semester, and you're just given those classes. so as long as you don't fail anything, you have classes with the same people for 16 months XD
my classes are: Graphic Design, Microsoft Office Word 2010, Communications, Web Design I, Photomanipulation II i don't get to choose my classes, we just get core classes and gen ed.
thats fun BI been busy with school, 2nd semester is boring :/ and no problem <3 sounds fun~
Username: demonchick25 Name: Lucas Sinister Gender: Male Age: 18 Appearance: Rank: 123 Weapon(s) : A few hunting knives similar to this Bio: His father, Seth, was an assassin who had gotten a woman pregnant. The baby, which happened to be Lucas, was left to the father because he was unwanted by his mother. He grew up learning to be an assassin and hasn't known any other life. Personality: He's easy to anger, and just generally a jerk, though being nice comes more naturally to him. Other: He's short, like, really short. ((Kay, it's been a while since I've done this, tell me if I need to change something))
Avatar: 7/10 Sig: 6/10
got it, sorry about that. and thanks~
meh, moi aussi -shug-
Have I been forgotten? o3o I probably have >>
sh*t i keep loosing this place......... wussup o3o/
-randomly walks here here- ffffffffffff 'sup!
-walks into thread- hey guys >>;; yeah I'm totally not dead <<;; o3o
i used to get nosebleeds a lot in summer :/ yeah you should see a doctor about that....
Hey! that's my pink-haired Frenchman BI (as seen in my avvi and sig XP)
but the light, it buuuuuuurns D8
ah thank you. I haven't learned everything about making the 3D stuff yet, so I'll keep that all in mind :3