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  1. demonchick25
    I am a happy camper, I just got my power back! \o7o/

    Got hit by Sandy on Monday. Very lucky to only loose some siding from the house and the shed. Only just got power back now :/
    Post by: demonchick25, Nov 2, 2012 in forum: Forum Families
  2. demonchick25
    easier said than done, dear :I
    Post by: demonchick25, Oct 28, 2012 in forum: Forum Families
  3. demonchick25
    do you know how long it will take to get, like 900 more posts here? BI
    Post by: demonchick25, Oct 27, 2012 in forum: Forum Families
  4. demonchick25
    Avatar: 4/10
    Sig: 5/10
    Post by: demonchick25, Oct 27, 2012 in forum: The Playground
  5. demonchick25
    mostly people in forum families just chat with each other and whatnot :/

    So... hi o7o nice to meet you XD
    Post by: demonchick25, Oct 27, 2012 in forum: Forum Families
  6. demonchick25
    heh, neither can I :I we have basically a credit card that we use to borrow money specifically for dental work U_U
    Post by: demonchick25, Oct 26, 2012 in forum: Forum Families
  7. demonchick25
    Oooh *3*
    I will try to do this, sounds like fun ouo
    hopefully I will look presentable one day soon XD;;
    Post by: demonchick25, Oct 26, 2012 in forum: Community News & Projects
  8. demonchick25
    Oh hey you OuO long time no see XD
    Post by: demonchick25, Oct 26, 2012 in forum: Forum Families
  9. demonchick25
    I'd like to throw in my opinions ('opinion' dirty word on the internet, I know.)

    I'm speaking as someone who was born and raised in the United States as a Christian, and sill remains one. While me or my family are not so intense with our religion, it's still something we believe in. (If anyone is interested in knowing, my specific religion is United Methodist)

    I believe that same sex marriage should be allowed. It should be treated no different than any other marriage. If two consenting adults of the same sex wish to share their lives together and create a family, what right does the government have to tell them they can't? It's about as ridiculous as when people were opposed to interracial marriages. I mean, were talking about consenting adults. There really shouldn't be any argument about it.

    What good is our society if we can't evolve and grow to accomodate our people's values. What happened the the freedom that was fought for? The freedom and expected way of life that people are still giving their lives to protect?

    In response the the popular argument of saying that it "goes against the bible" I have some arguments to share here. Also, be reminded that hese passages were written in a different time. Would you still enforce laws that are that old on those who do not agree with what you think is right.

    I'm not saying that people who live only by the words of the bible are wrong, but it is wrong to force those views onto others.

    I recall once in church, there was a service about the judgement of our souls after death (Please note that this would only be true if you believe in God and the existence of life after death). They said that, in some way, everyone is guilty of sin. But, this is normal. It's they way things are. But, we can be forgiven by God if we admit to our sins and ask for his forgiveness. Those who believe they are free of sin, or are to good to need to ask forgiveness will not be forgiven. It makes me think of the religious fanatics who say that "gays will go to hell". From what I learned in church, that will never be true. The people who try to "play god" and condem people in that way are the ones more likely to think they are guilty of no sin, and will then not get the forgiveness of the God they claim to represent.

    Still, most of the arguments against same-sex marriage are based in religion. That alone should have no impact on laws. There needs to be a clear separation of the church and the government. If religion influences law, that's hardly a progressive approach to running a country, especially one that boasts freedom.

    Really, the arguments against same-sex marriage, in my opinion, just sound like fear of change. There's nothing wrong with fearing change, but saying that letting two mean or two women marry each other is going to "ruin the sanctity of marriage" is bull. What ruins the sanctity of marriage are extremely short celebrity marriages, getting married only because you are pregnant, getting married because you're drunk, and getting married for immigration reasons. Yet, those all seem to be widely accepted by the people who speak so adamantly against same-sex marriage.

    To sum up, two consenting adults of any sex and/or gender should be allowed to be married. The church should have no influence over any laws on the subject. You are allowed to have your opinions on the subject, but you shouldn't assume everyone shares your views, nor should you try to make them sare your beliefs. Two people of the same sex getting married does not harm you in any way, leave it be. If it offends you, just ignore it. Because, you are not getting married, it effects you in no way.
    Post by: demonchick25, Oct 25, 2012 in forum: Debate Corner
  10. demonchick25
    So, this was an experiment in trying to eliminate some of my "dame face syndrome" I sketched out the eyes, nose, mouth, ears, and handwriting for 3 of my most used original characters; Lucas Sinister, Yves Briggs, and Matthew Hedrick

    Aaand here they are:


    I'd like some objective opinions on these. Any suggestions of techniques you have to share? I mostly need help with noses o~o it's my first time attempting somewhat realistic noses and I'm not sure how to go about it.
    Thread by: demonchick25, Oct 25, 2012, 0 replies, in forum: Arts & Graphics
  11. demonchick25
    yeah >< only my wisdom teeth need to be pulled, though. because it'd be too had to fix them ono
    Post by: demonchick25, Oct 24, 2012 in forum: Forum Families
  12. demonchick25
    oooh yay, good boy \o7o/

    only 6 more teeth to be fixed and 4 to be pulled Q7Q
    Post by: demonchick25, Oct 23, 2012 in forum: Forum Families
  13. demonchick25
    pfff XD
    thanks ;v;

    gah, I don't wanna go to the dentist today Q3Q
    Post by: demonchick25, Oct 23, 2012 in forum: Forum Families
  14. demonchick25
    I have been =3= still, no one likes to hire without any sort of experience ono
    Basically, I can't get a job without experience, and I can't get experience without a job.
    I can't even get an internship or freelance work OTL
    Post by: demonchick25, Oct 22, 2012 in forum: Forum Families
  15. demonchick25
    my main problems with job searching is lack of experience and/or my degree isn't good enough =n=
    I have an associate degree and everyone wants a bachelor's and/or 2-5 years experience
    I mean, I can't even get a job at Target to-ot
    /reasons why I hate my life
    Post by: demonchick25, Oct 22, 2012 in forum: Forum Families
  16. demonchick25
    Oh O3O
    Nope, I've been done since February. OTL depressing that I can't gat any sort of job =3=
    Post by: demonchick25, Oct 21, 2012 in forum: Forum Families
  17. demonchick25
    ah, good luck .3.
    How much longer do you have in school?

    IDK man :I we party without them //shot
    Post by: demonchick25, Oct 21, 2012 in forum: Forum Families
  18. demonchick25
    Who did you feel worse for at the end, Roxas or Axel?

    Axel. I mean, Roxas got to go on and live a normal human life for a short time, then be 'completed' within Sora. Axel had to lose his best friend, lose the trust of his oldest friend, Saix (seems like that to me)

    Did Xion bug the hell out of you (because she did me)?

    YES. She had almost no purpose into the whole plot of the series. She was made to be a female Roxas, basically. A female Roxas that looked like Kiri.

    Are there any other worlds you wish were in KH 358/2 Days?

    I would have liked Destiny Islands to be playable. Was one of my favorites in CoM. And, never got to play it in KH1, seeing as I don't have a PS2 :/

    Who is your least favorite Organization member (not from the C.O. crew, a lot of people hate them)?

    Well, if not from CO (though I liked a lot of them) I'd say Xaldin or Saix. If including the CO members, add Marluxia to the list.

    As an added bonus, my favorite members would be Zexion, Demyx, and Axel

    Was Xion an easy or hard boss?

    Hard, I think. I don't remember...

    Did you want the game to continue after Roxas was inside the other Twilight Town?

    Kinda, yeah. Would have been fun...

    Did you want the game to start sooner in the story?

    Yes. I'd love to see how they found Roxas. It's kind of unknown how they find their new members...

    Why do you think they only have one flavor of ice cream?

    Someone was uncreative?

    Why did Hayner, Pence, and Olette have bigger parts than King Mickey?

    Because they live in Twilight Town. Mickey was out doing whatever. He never crossed the organization's path. Didn't need to.
    Post by: demonchick25, Oct 20, 2012 in forum: Kingdom Hearts HD I.5 ReMIX
  19. demonchick25
    May I join? ouo

    Raimu Bito (Rhyme)
    Post by: demonchick25, Oct 20, 2012 in forum: Forum Families
  20. demonchick25