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  1. demonchick25
    The way I read it, it just made it seem like a lot more time had passed.

    Still, is there anything that actually says for sure?
    Post by: demonchick25, Nov 26, 2012 in forum: General & Upcoming Kingdom Hearts
  2. demonchick25
    Most people I talk to seem to be under the impression that, right after the events of Birth by Sleep, the darkness had taken Radiant Garden and Xehanort and the apprentices became Nobodies and formed Organization XIII, suggesting that the Nobodies age.
    This shows most when talking about Zexion/Ienzo, it's often said "He became a Nobody at the age of 8" and that he grew up as a Nobody.
    Ienzo's article on the Kingsom Hearts wiki suggests otherwise:
    In the year following the events of Birth by Sleep, Ienzo participates in Ansem's research on the darkness in hearts alongside Braig, Dilan, Even, Aeleus, and Xehanort. It would be Ienzo's persuasive influence that convinced Ansem to build a laboratory in the castle's basement to conduct the experiment on Xehanort. But though Ansem decided not to proceed further, Ienzo and the other apprentices had their own intentions and continue conducting inhumane experiments on the human heart that ultimately results in the mass production of the Heartless. Ansem quickly discovered their secret experiments, and immediately ordered them to stop. One day, after being advised to review their research data by King Mickey, Ansem found that the effects of their experiments had become irreversible before his apprentices banished him to the Realm of Darkness.

    In the end, Xehanort betrayed them, removing the hearts of Braig, Dilan, Even, Aeleus and Ienzo himself, all for his plan to gather the 12 vessels he wished to house fragments of his heart to use in the creation of the true X-blade. Though his heart turned into a weak Heartless that was eventualy destroyed, Ienzo had a stong will that allowed him to continue as a Nobody, who was given the name Zexion.

    So, what's right? Did the 9-10 years pass before they became Nobodies, or after? Do the Nobodies age? Is this information ever actually clear?

    [I'm sorry if this was the wrong place to post this]
    Thread by: demonchick25, Nov 26, 2012, 12 replies, in forum: General & Upcoming Kingdom Hearts
  3. demonchick25
    Woo, that all came together nicely! I love listening to people's stories :'D
    Though now I wish I had stuck to sitting at my desk, the angle wasn't the most flattering @-@
    Post by: demonchick25, Nov 19, 2012 in forum: Community News & Projects
  4. demonchick25
    On an unrelated note; despite my birthday trip being earlier this week, I managed to loose weight! :'D
    Post by: demonchick25, Nov 18, 2012 in forum: Forum Families
  5. demonchick25

    Road Trip

    This is a horror/thriller story I've been writing. These chapters will be edited to make them appropriate for the site, the originals (with a few more spelling errors) can be found here:

    Chapter 1: The Forgotten Town
    The sun was high in the clear blue sky. The roar of a car engine echoed through the air. The bright green jeep emerged from around the bend of a rocky mouton side. There was a cool breeze in the air. The canvas top of the jeep was down. Six distinct figures could be clearly seen. All young adults, they were shouting and laughing with each other.

    They started along a long, tightly packed dirt road. In the distance, the shapes of fallen buildings started to become visible though the cloud of dust they were kicking up.

    "Dune, what is that?" One of the boys spoke up. He had tanned skin and short wavy light brown hair. "Looks like a town or something..." He narrowed his dark eyes, trying to see better.

    "Really?" A very pale girl asked, nearly pure white hair whipping around her. She held a flailing map in her hands. "There's nothing on the map. Google earth told us there was nothing out here." Her red eyes peeked over the paper map.

    "Let's go there, then!" A redhead boy spoke up. "C'mon sis, let's go!" He spoke to the redheaded girl driving. His brown eyes looked to the approaching town with excitement behind thick rimmed glasses.

    "How can I say no to that!" The redheaded gill laughed, stepping on the gas, the jeep zooming off faster.

    "Looks kinda creepy..." A blond girl spoke up, leaning over the redheaded boy to get a better look.

    "Don't be such a wimp." A pale boy with blue hair slapped the blond girl's behind. "I see nothing but fun ahead!" His nearly orange eyes turned to the girl.

    "Aaah!" The blond shrieked, her icy eyes glaring at the boy. "Teal!"

    "Shut up guys, we're almost there!" The read headed girl spoke up again.

    "Sorry Madds" Teal chuckled. "Don't be like that, Cat. You know I love you~" He kissed the blond girl, Catherine.

    The car slowed to a stop, jus out of reach of the the worn and falling buildings. The dust settled, a thin layer coving the outside of the bright colored jeep, as well as it's occupants. The doors were opened one by one and the six people filed out of the vehicle.

    "Wow, look at this place." Madeline, the red head girl, smiled, slamming shut her door.

    "Yeah. We should explore!" Her brother, Thompson, said in agreement.

    "I'm still so surprised it's not on any map...." The albino girl, Liza-Marie, folded up her map and placed it in her backpack.

    "Let it go, Marie, just think of the fun!" Teal laughed.

    "Yeah, murder-ville looks sooo fun." Catherine roller her eyes. "But, if we are going to go out there, we should take water and stuff. Miguel, you wanna get that from the trunk?" she closed one of the back doors.

    "Good idea." Miguel, the hispanic boy, closed the other door and popped the trunk. "Come take what you guys want." He grabbed an empty backpack, putting in some water, beer, and snacks.

    "You're taking booze with you?" Madeline shook her head, taking a bag with water, snacks and a flashlight with batteries.

    "Let it go, Madds." Miguel rolled his eyes. "Why don't we split into pairs? We can take the radio things with us." He held one up.

    "Great idea!" Thomas took a bag with water and food, also grabbing a radio. "Who's going with me?" He grinned.

    "I will, Tom!" Liza-Marie rushed over, putting some water and a flashlight in her bag.

    "Alright. Team one!" Thomas laughed, throwing his bad over his shoulder.

    "I'll go with Miguel, then~" Madeline smiled. "That leaves Teal and Cat together~"

    "Great." Catherine rolled her eyes. She sighed and grabbed a bag, taking water, beer, food, and a flashlight. "Get the radio, Teal." She backed out of the way, putting her mess of blond hair back.

    "Got it, babe~" Teal chuckled, grabbing water and food and tossing them in a bag. "This'll be awesome." He grabbed the radio and closed the trunk.

    "Ok, if anyone finds something really awesome, let us know." Madeline grinned. "And away we go!"

    With that the pairs broke off and headed in different directions.

    Chapter 2: Discoveries
    Teal lazily shuffled his feet along the ground, constantly pushing his bright blue hair from his face. His large, baggy pants also dragged on the ground. He reached out to touch things as he passed them.

    "What are you doing!" Catherine slapped Teal's hand away from the wooden form of a building.

    "Ow! What was that for!" Teal snapped, rubbing his hand.

    "That could be dangerous! Like, poison or something!"

    "Aww, worried? How cute~" He coo'ed teasingly as he hugged her. "Don't worry, babe, you got a man to protect you." He chuckled.

    "Great, tell me when he gets here." She shoved him away. "And don't call me 'babe'." She shuddered

    "Oh, relax, have some fun~" Teal chuckled. "Let's keep walking." He started off again.

    They came across the most complete remains of a building they's seen so far. A doorway and a floor, raised slightly off the ground. With the furniture still there, best guess it was some sort of bar.

    "This looks interesting..." Teal wandered over to the doorway. "Let's check it out." He stepped though the doorway up onto the floor. "Sturdy enough..." He made his way in.

    Catherine followed, a bit uneasy. Her large clothes clung to her slim body as a gust of wind blew past. She whined, stopping in her tracks.

    "You okay?" Teal looked back to her.

    "Yeah." She nodded, walking over to him. She was just a hair taller than he was, but she duck behind him like a scared child.

    "Bet this was a hot place back when it was whole, you know?" Teal couldn't help but be amused.

    "You think?"

    "They served alcohol. What else do you need?" He laughed.

    "Fine. Let's revive it, then," Catherine reached into her bag and pulled out two cans of beer. "Drink time." She tossed a can to Teal.

    "Cheers." Teal upend up the can and drank. "Too bad we didn't have a cooler or something." He shook his head.

    "Yeah." She drank. "But, we'll live." She shrugged.

    The pair sat up on the faded bar, caked with dirt and dust. They drank just the one can each, just to relax a bit.

    Meanwhile, Madeline lead the way though old shops. She happily swing her hips as she peered around piles of wood and stone.

    "Madds, slow down." Miguel was further behind than he would have liked. "He was looking at the things from the old buildings, laying forgotten in the dirt.

    "Huh?" She stopped and twirled around to face the taller man. Her bright yellow skirt twirled around her wide hips, mimicking her pin straight hair. "What are you doing back there!" She seemed not to notice he had fallen behind.

    "Looking at stuff. Chill." Miguel chuckled, tossing the sign he was holding back into the pile of rubble.

    "Fine, fine." She shuffled her way back to him. "Anything good?" She played with the necklaces she was wearing.

    "Looks like these were shops or something. Let's see what we find in here." Miguel grinned.

    "Sure!" Madeline carefully stepped up onto the pile of wood and stone. She hopped down onto a free spot on the ground. Miguel followed and the searched everything carefully.

    "Hey, can I ask you something?" After a while, Miguel spoke again.

    "Hm?" Madeline hummed as he looked up, holding some old books. "Yeah, anything." She nodded.

    "What do you think we'll do, when we all finish school? Think we'll still be together?" Miguel asked seriously. As the oldest of the group, he worried he'd be forgotten after he left school.

    "I'd like to think so. Even if we can't hang out every day, there's still tons we can do. Like, video chatting or whatever. No one's drifting apart, not if I can help it." She grinned.

    "If you say so." He looked to the books she was holding. "Oooh, what's that there?" He shifted over to her.

    "Dunno yet, let's see." She gently set the books down in front of her. She picked on up and brushed off he cover. A cloud of dust dispersed into the air. Soon, the title was visible. "101 way to..." She trailed off, face turning read. "Oh..." He pushed it aside. "Should keep that for Teal, yeah?" She chuckled weakly.

    "Sure." Miguel laughed. "If Cat doesn't drop him in a ditch somewhere. He picked up the discarded book and opted it. "Oooh, it's a novel. From..." He looked for a date in the cover. "From the 20's"

    "Right." Madeline picked up another. "They all look like novels. "Lets take them with us. also picked up some other cool stuff." She smiled.

    "Sounds good." He put the books in his bag and took out a bottle of water and took a drink before placing it back in the bag. "Let's see what else we find." He smiled as he stood, brushing his back tank top off.

    Elsewhere, Thompson had given his sweater to Liza-Marie, not wanting her to get sunburnt. They weaved though collapsed houses.

    "Thanks, Tom, I can believe I forgot my sunscreen..." Liza-Marie mumbled, looking around.

    "No problem, was gettin' too warm for me anyway." Thompson smiled cheerfully.

    Liza-Marie returned the smile. She stumbled a bit, almost falling over a chunk of someone's roof.

    "You alright?" Thompson asked, concerned.

    "Yeah, no worries." She smiled. "Gotta pay more attention to where I'm going, I guess." She giggled. She spotted a safe looking wreck to explore. "Hey, that house looks sturdy enough to poke around. What do you say?"

    "Yes! Been waiting for the chance!" He perked up. "Lets go, let's go!" He bounced.

    The two went over to the house and shined a flashlight into every opening they could.

    "Ooh, this looks like a kid's room. A girl, probably." Liza-Marie shone the light into a pale pink room, flattened, with toys and dolls broken and scattered about.

    "Looks empty from here, thankfully." Thompson commented. "Wonder what happened to this place..."

    "Who knows. Like this place froze in time, until it fell apart." She frowned. It was sad. She pulled the gray weather around her tighter, covering her blue sleeveless shirt.

    Thompson stood and stretched. His stomach peeked out from under his white T-shirt. He stuffed his hands the pockets of his skinny jeans.

    "Time to move on?" Liza-Marie stood with him, brushing off her deep purple skirt. "Let's look around back?" She suggested.

    "Okay." He nodded, leading the way. In back of the house, there was a tool shed, still in tact. "What's in here..." He opened the door carefully.

    "Be careful." Liza-Marie lit up the small space. "Lots of rusty old tools. And lanterns. If they work, we should take them."

    "Good idea." He took the three lanterns. He removed them from the shed and lined them up on the ground in front of him. He dug though his back for matches. "Let's see..." All three lanterns had oil in them and were able to light easily. "Awesome! if we meet up with the others before we leave, everyone can have a light source."

    "Great. Though, I'd prefer the flashlight." She laughed. She looked around. In the distance, she saw a building that looked to be standing fully in tact. "Wow, a whole building...."

    "We are so going there." Thompson grinned when he saw it. "If it looks sturdy enough, we'll call the others!" He started off toward the building. "C'mon!"

    Liza-Marie sighed and followed him. She'd known Thompson for a long time, they'd been in the same classes since the 5th grade when she moved into the same town. She knew to expect nothing less than cheerful enthusiasm, but it was still wearing her down a bit.

    The structure was a mansion. Though a bit worn-looking, it stood tall against the barren land, not budging as the wind crashed against it. It was eerie, a strange sense of doom surrounded the building.

    "Let's rest and call the others, okay?" Thompson sat on the ground. He pulled out the radio and broadcasted to the other. "Hey guys, it's Tom, we found something sturdy enough to explore. Just outside the town, past the houses. Get over here."

    "Sweet! We're on our way! Wait for us!" Madeline had snatched the radio from Miguel and answered he brother. "Oh, and Teal, we got something for you!" she laughed before her radio was clicked off.

    "Lead the way, Madds." Miguel chuckled as they rushed off. They were the closest of the two groups.

    "We're on our way." Teal chuckled. "Should I be worried...?" He responded to Madeline. But he got no answer from her. "Guess so." He clicked the radio off. "Let's go, Goldilocks. Adventure awaits." He laughed.

    "Oh, shut it!" Catherine chased after him.

    "Wonder what everyone else found." Liza-Marie sat with Thompson. "Well, we've got a nice wait a head of us..."

    "Yeah." Thompson nodded. "Maybe we can take a snack break when they get here..."

    "Good idea. Give everyone a chance to rest."

    "So, why do you think this building is still standing?"

    "Looks like a large house. Maybe the people who lived here could afford better building materials. Or, it was built later. But, probably the money thing. All this stuff looks really old. The more money people had back then, the more secure of a home they had."

    "Hm, makes sense. Can't wait to see what's inside."

    After almost an hour, everyone arrived around the same time. Madeline and Miguel arrived first. They gently sent their bags down and sat with the other two. Soon after, Teal ran in, chased by Catherine. Catherine looked angry with Teal, as usual. The bluenette just laugh an joined the others on the ground to catch his breath. With a sigh, Catherine sat, too.

    "So, why don't we all rest up, have some food, and share stories before we go in?" Thompson offered the idea he and Liza-Marie agreed to.

    "Sounds good." Teal spoke up first. He took food and water from his bag and started to talk. "We found what was probably an old bar. No walls or nuthin, but still pretty cool." He tore into a bag of potato chips

    "So, what did you do?" Madeline asked, starting on her mini doughnuts.

    "We had a drink, naturally." Catherine chimed in with a laugh, popping some candy in her mouth.

    "Boring." Thompson rolled his eyes, taking an apple from his bag, offering one to Liza-Marie.

    "Shush. Sounds pleasant enough." Liza-Marie graciously took the apple and bit into it.

    "I have to agree with Tom." Madeline shrugged. She ate her cheddar popcorn slowly as she told of her own adventure. "We found destroyed shops. Cool stuff." He dug ion her bag. "Perfumes, gadgets, and candles..." She smiled.

    "Also some books." Miguel added, taking the first one they found out and set his coffee cake aside. "Here Teal, you might enjoy this." He handed the book to Teal.

    "Me?" Teal curiously took the book. He examined it, then laughed. "That's awesome." He stuck it in his bag.

    "What about you two? anything other than this?" Madeline asked.

    "We found some old houses. Some working oil lanterns in a shed." Liza-Marie nodded

    "Yeah, here." Thompson took out two. "For people without flashlights." He tossed out match books to go with them.

    "Nice find." Miguel took one of each item.

    "Yeah, thanks." Teal took the remaining one.

    After some more chatting and eating everyone geared up to go inside. Thompson's sweater was returned to him and everyone had out their light sources. They lit up the lanterns and walked in. The floors creaked and whined under their feet.

    "Same pairs as before?" Miguel asked, making sure.

    "Yeah, works for me." Thompson nodded.

    A strong gust of wind blew the door shut with a loud thump. The suddenness of it, caused small shouts from the group to fill the room.

    "We're all gonna die." Catherine whined, filled with dread.

    Chapter3: The House
    The six of them took a moment to recover from the shock. They looked around at each other to make sure no one looked hurt.

    "Everyone alright?" Madeline asked

    Everyone was fine. After a moment they set off in pairs. Madeline and Miguel bravely ventured down to the basement. Liza-Marie and Thompson stayed on the first floor. While Teal and Catherine went upstairs.

    Down in the basement, Madeline and Miguel found cages. About ten cages were against one wall. There were bones piled in them next to empty bowls. The pair carefully wandered closer.

    "Looks like they were dogs..." Miguel spoke with sympathy. "Probably for hunting. There used to be a forest here, but it was cut down some years ago."

    "Aww, poor things. They must have starved. Wonder what happened to the owners..." Madeline frowned a bit, thinking about how the animals must have suffered.

    "Yeah. What do you say we keep going?"

    "Right, There's a door over there." She pointed to a door in the corner. She rushed over to it. "Looks like there's no lock. We're in luck!" She push the door open.

    "Wait up, Madds!" He went after her.

    "Hurry up!" She walked though the doorway.

    Though the doorway they found a wine cellar. Half the bottles were cracked or shattered. The rest seemed to be in tact.

    "Wow." They both reacted at the same time. The walked in further, inspecting the bottles.

    "This is pretty cool." Madeline picked up a full bottle, dusting off the label.

    "From the late 1890's. Maybe we should take some empty bottles, more to remember the trip." Miguel smiled, picking up a cracked and empty bottle.

    "Awesome idea!" She grabbed a few more, enough for everyone. "So glad we stopped here."

    Up on the first floor, Thompson and Liza-Marie wandered into a sitting room. the furniture was faded and falling apart. There were small end tables with little silver and gold containers. Thompson wandered over to pick one up.

    "Wonder what this is." He inspected it.

    "Hm, I don't know." Liza-Marie watched him. "Be careful, could be insects in there. Or something toxic."

    "No worries, I'll be careful." He tried to look into one of the small holes. To get a better look, he lit a mach and stuck it inside. As soon as he did, a smoke came out though the holes. Thompson dropped the container in a coughing fit. The match burnt out and the smoke dissipated quickly. Liza-Marie rushed over to him.

    "Are you ok!?" She was a bit panicked. She pulled a bottle of water from her backpack. "Here." She handed it to him.

    "Thanks." He choked, drinking some water. "I'm fine, thanks." He smiled. "Lets keep looking."

    "Ok." She nodded, still a bit worried. She peeked though a doorway. "Let's try this hallway." She waited for him.

    "Looks promising." He smiled and lead the way down the hall. He ran his fingers along the faded and peeling wallpaper. His vision blurred a moment and he started to feel dizzy. He swayed slightly as he walked.

    "Are you sure you're ok?" Liza-Marie grew more worried.

    "Yeah, fine, just a bit lightheaded." He forced a smile.

    "If you say so..." She was still worried.

    Above them, Teal and Catherine were in a large bedroom. It was most likely the master bedroom, the large bed and nice furniture around the room made it obvious.

    "This place looks pretty sweet. Donchu think?" Teal grinned.

    "I have to agree. Would have loved to see it in it's prime." Catherine smiled, dusting of part of a large mirror.

    "Let's see what there is to find..." Teal looked around the room. He spotted a door. "Oh, hello mystery door~" He hummed going to open it.

    "Be careful!" Catherine scolded.

    "Calm down, babe." Teal shook his head and opened the door. He shined his lantern into the the doorway. "Oooh, i's a closet. Let's see what's in here." He said as Catherine wandered closer. He pushed aside some clothes and discovered a secret door.

    "Is that another door? Looks small." Catherine obverted.

    "Shall we see what's behind door number 2?" He smiled before opening the door. "Cat, shine the light in there."

    "Ok." Catherine shine the flashlight in the opening. "Looks like another room in there..."

    "Let's see what's in there..." Teal placed the lantern inside and crawled in. "C'mon, Cat!" He called for Catherine.

    "Alright, alright." She crawled in after him. "Freaky..." She looked around the dark corners of the room with her light. The light fell on a skeleton in the furthest corner. Catherine shrieked, dropping the flashlight.

    "What is it?" Teal was alarmed, not seeing that she saw. He picked up the flashlight, soon seeing the skeleton. "Woah!" He stumbled back. "Let's get out of there." He practically pushed Catherine through the doorway. and soon followed her out.

    They both sat on the floor of the bedroom, trying to catch their breaths. Catherine was shaking, on the verge of tears. Teal comfortingly hugged her. He was about to speak when they heard a loud female scream come from below them. Teal pulled out his radio.

    "What was that, is everyone ok!?" He shouted into the radio. He only got static. "Not working? How?" He shook the device. "Forget it." He put the thing away. He looked at Catherine. "Cat? You ok?" He asked carefully.

    "I'm scared...." She shook her head. "What's happening? I just want to leave, get back on the road."

    "Ok, let's get out of here, wait for everyone outside. ok?" He stood up and he'd his hand out for her.

    "Right, thanks." She smiled taking his hand to stand up.

    They started on their way downstairs after they had gathered themselves.

    Down in the basement, Madeline and Miguel heard both screams. One somewhat faint the other much louder, and closer.

    "What was that?" Madeline looked up in the direction of the screams.

    "Let's see." Miguel took out the radio. "Hey, is everyone ok? Hello?" He, too, also got static. "Huh, it's not working..."

    Maybe just because were down here?" Madeline suggested. "Let's go up and see what's going on."

    "Right." Miguel nodded and they both went running up the stairs.

    That's all I've got so far, let me know what you think, or if you find any mistakes I missed >>
    Thread by: demonchick25, Nov 16, 2012, 0 replies, in forum: Archives
  6. demonchick25
    No one should ever compare their problems to anyone else's, it only makes you feel worse. It's true that everyone has their problems, but it should never be about who has the 'worst' problem. Everyone's pain is equally as important to them as other people's are to themselves. Everyone should have at least one person to talk to without fear of being judged or having their problems belittled.
    Post by: demonchick25, Nov 15, 2012 in forum: Discussion
  7. demonchick25
    idk o-o we haven't gotten it yet .3. i won't even have to decide until Sunday XD
    Post by: demonchick25, Nov 14, 2012 in forum: Forum Families
  8. demonchick25
    lol, no, cake is on sunday when my bro and his wife will be coming over o3o
    Post by: demonchick25, Nov 14, 2012 in forum: Forum Families
  9. demonchick25
    haha thanks~ |D
    //is a content demo...for the moment
    Post by: demonchick25, Nov 13, 2012 in forum: Forum Families
  10. demonchick25
    you people worry me :I

    in other news, I AM 21 TODAY //rolls happily |D
    Post by: demonchick25, Nov 13, 2012 in forum: Forum Families
  11. demonchick25
    lol well, I'd post if other people did :U can't double post, after all

    have fun :U
    Post by: demonchick25, Nov 12, 2012 in forum: Forum Families
  12. demonchick25
    well, if you posted more than once a week, might be easier :I
    Post by: demonchick25, Nov 12, 2012 in forum: Forum Families
  13. demonchick25
    Oh mai. Hello there~ :U
    Post by: demonchick25, Nov 11, 2012 in forum: Forum Families
  14. demonchick25
    I don't have a real recipe for this, just something we started making at our house.

    all you need is
    Pasta, any kind you like
    chicken, best if it's pre-cooked [or really any meat and/or veggies you want]
    butter [or a butter substitute]
    cheese [any or as many kinds as you want]

    really, you just make sure everything is cooked and seasoned to taste, mix it all together in one dish. easy enough to make a lot or just one serving.

    hope that's even a little helpful :I
    Post by: demonchick25, Nov 11, 2012 in forum: Discussion
  15. demonchick25
    It looks great. There are just a few minor things I feel the need to pick at. The first being the font. The lower case 'T' looks wrong, the bottom is off from the baseline where it really shouldn't be. The next would be, the movie title should be in text somewhere on the page. If an image on a page breaks or refuses to load, you don't want the user to be confused as to what they're looking at. The last is the 'Watch Online' button. I'd stay away from red [unless it's part of the color scheme of the page]. Usually red buttons mean stop, cancel, get me out of here, ect. green or gold would work and look good along side the bule button.
    Post by: demonchick25, Nov 11, 2012 in forum: Arts & Graphics
  16. demonchick25
    My most recent drawing:
    You can follow this link since I can't seem to post images here at the moment

    I'd like some critique.

    The was created with a combination of Adobe Photoshop CS5 and PainTool SAI
    Thread by: demonchick25, Nov 6, 2012, 1 replies, in forum: Arts & Graphics
  17. demonchick25
    I don't think it's a matter of numbers. I'll be 21 soon and I'm here. It's really more a matter of how you feel. If you feel like you're out growing the site, than that's just how you feel. It has nothing to do with age, really.
    Post by: demonchick25, Nov 6, 2012 in forum: Discussion
  18. demonchick25
    Hi there, hope I'm doing this right >>;;

    Can I get:
    The Beginning
    KH-Vids 2010
    KH-Vids 2011
    Decusis Corona [I submitted to the video thing]
    Everlasting [for 3 years on the site]
    Blue Skull
    Pink Skull
    Green Skull
    Bronze Skull
    Post by: demonchick25, Nov 6, 2012 in forum: The Playground
  19. demonchick25
    lol that's because it was Sandy from Grease >:U duh!

    As am I <3
    Post by: demonchick25, Nov 5, 2012 in forum: Forum Families
  20. demonchick25
    Uuuuuuh.......360? ouo?
    Post by: demonchick25, Nov 3, 2012 in forum: Community News & Projects