My boy @Llave's birthday is today!
Because @Flapjak! Go!
@Plums, @Calxiyn
I figured I'd turn this into a discussion since no one ever answered my question on Discord. ;) I know there are some additional difficulty options, but are the original difficulty options from the original games the same as they were in the original games or are they different? For example, is Standard Mode in Kingdom Hearts HD 2.5 Remix the same as Standard More in Kingdom Hearts II or is Standard Mode in Kingdom Hearts HD 2.5 Remix more like Proud Mode in Kingdom Hearts II now? Stuff like that, basically.
@Hayabusa, @Path Light, @Usagi Tsukino
@Midnight Star
I had November 19 in my head, but welp, I guess I was wrong. Happy belated birthday, @Misty!
There are cases where an assignment may have 10 questions, and you get a 9, giving you 90%. However, the instructor makes it out 5 instead, and 90% when it's out of 5 is 4.5. My question is this: is there a formula for finding the same percentage using a reduced score? There are sometimes cases where the percentage won't be exactly the same, but it will be pretty close, so another example is my recent energy quiz. I got a score of 30 out of 44 with a percentage of 68.2%, but since all previous quizzes were out of 20, he made it out of 20, giving me 13.7 out of 20 for 68.5%. Although it should actually be 13.6 for 68%, but he ignored the rules and just rounded up. (As you can see the percentage is not exactly the same in this case.) He mentioned something about multiplying the original value by 20, but I'm not quite sure what that means.
This will occur at 2:00 AM, or, to be technical, 1:59:59 AM since we never actually see 2:00 AM.
Be safe!
As title. View attachment 45659 It's with anything. I can't view anything under the Postings tab on my profile or via the Your Content link in the account dropdown menu.
View attachment 45635 View attachment 45636 For clarity, our instructor mentioned there was a slight wording issue with the questions: It's a 5% loss of average daily distance, not an additional loss of an average of 5%. For 2A I first tried 3,200 km * 0.30 * 0.05, giving me 48. I got the 3,200 km by adding 2,550 km and 650 km, but I guess that wasn't correct and the 3,200 km is only for 2B according to a classmate, though the wording is a bit confusing, I guess. (We have a forum to ask questions on.) So now this classmate and I are doing 90 * 0.30, which is 27 and then subtracting 27 from 90, giving us 63, and then multiplying that by 0.05, giving us 3.15, which I THINK is the answer to 2A: 3.15 km per day, but I don't know. However, there's a number my classmate wrote down that she doesn't know how to get. She just saw that another classmate from our group had it on her paper and wrote it down to use later, but never got the chance to ask her how she got that number. The number in question is 59.85. So for 2B, we think it's 3,200 km / 59.85, giving us 53.47 and then 53.47 * 0.30 * 0.05 equals 0.80, but again, we don't know where the 59.85 is coming from, and I don't know where the 53.47 and 0.80 go, if it's even being done right in the first place. The other girl in our group told her she did something with the 3.15 to get 59.85. So I'm confused and she's confused. My mom is trying to help me, but is also a standstill. Any help from people here? Edit: So apparently 59.85 is the answer to 2A: 59.85 km per day.
As title. Thanks to my IT 102 class, I discovered you could set two additional clocks in Windows 10, though you could likely do this in Windows 7 and Windows 8 as well. View attachment 45588
I still have college!
Don't go away. Keep coming for days to come.