Clocks went forward one hour earlier this morning at 2:00 AM. 1:59 AM -> 3:00 AM. Disclaimer: This might be too spammy.
Happy birthday, @libregkd!
Hi, @Jayn!
Need a hint? Post the riddle here, and I or anyone else who's completed it can help. Remember. No answers. Just hints.
It's New Year's Day!
@DigitalAtlas Just in time for Castle Oblivion!
Merry Christmas to all! And, of course, Merry Christmas to the staff! @libregkd @Karuta @Arch Hates Tosin @Stardust @Explode @Krowley @Fearless @Marushi @tamale @Aelin Fireheart @Heart ❤ @Roxam
Usually @Fearless does this, but I guess she didn't want to. For me, fall quarter was September 18–December 1. Finals week was December 4–6, with my finals being on December 5. Ethnic Studies 101: B Psychology 100: B BT 260: A That last one was a fully online class, so I only showed up for two classes.
@Stardust HAPPY BIRTHDAY to Stardust! I hear your birthday takes place at the literal worst time but make sure to TREAT YOURSELF AND CELEBRATE! Fill this thread with How to Train your Dragon/Star Trek/Mega Man/FMA/Sonic (no really) gifs and make Lexi's day go go do it do it
@adamboy7 @Beucefilous
@Hayabusa deserves a thread no matter what! Happy birthday!
As title. Let's say I wanted the username Goofy. Well, Goofy is already taken as seen here. However, the last time that user logged in was on April 1, 2008. It doesn't seem fair to the active users that they can't have a username because a user either signed up and then literally never used the account again, which means registering was pointless, or was slightly active and then never visited again. If a user hasn't visited for, let's say, five years, then I think it's only fair that their username should automatically be forfeited. Plus, at five years, their email or other information has probably changed, so they'd make a new account if they happened to visit again, anyway, though that isn't likely. Now, if this "rule" were applied, we wouldn't just go through and rename everyone who hasn't been online for five or more years. We would only rename them if someone wanted their username. If I wanted the username Goofy, since it's been five or more years—2013 marks five years—then the current Goofy account would be renamed to something like Goofy 1 or Renamed User 1 and then I would be renamed to Goofy. And of course, exceptions could be made, such as not being able to take a staff's username, even after they resign, now matter how much time passes. At this time, the example above is completely hypothetical. I was Goofy once before, though I had to be Goofy Goof because Goofy was, of course, taken.
As title. Image should be below the username and the username should be up like in Heart's post. View attachment 48141
@C S T A R
@Guardian Soul