Seems to have started today. View attachment 44993 View attachment 44994
Starting with Battle Frontier, they changed the voice actors for all of the humans (and Meowth) as well as for the some of the Pokémon whose names were changed for the English dub, like Seviper or Cacnea. Here's the discussion thus far as this started on Discord. (Mentioning those who have already participated: @Calxiyn, @Ars Nova, @Hero of Time, @Hayabusa.) All times PDT. Amaury - Today at 9:07 AM You know, I still don't understand why they changed the voice actors for the English dub of Pokémon starting with Battle Frontier for the humans (and Meowth) and for some of the Pokémon whose names were changed for the English dub, especially when it seems the new voice actors didn't bother trying to live up to the old voice actors' pitches, tones, etc. Seviper, for example, didn't sound like a snake a lot of the times, and, unless I missed something, no longer did the tongue trilling he used to do on occasion during the three Advanced series. Jessie was also a lot more high-pitched. And so on. It wasn't too big of a deal with new characters that the group ran into a long the way or new characters like Dawn as that's the first time you heard them, but for characters have been around since the beginning of the series, or before Battle Frontier in general, you can definitely hear the difference. It seemed to get better as they went through Diamond and Pearl and such, but still. Queen Regent Calxiyn - Today at 9:12 AM R u okay Amaury - Today at 9:12 AM Who, me? Yes? Why? Ars Nova - Today at 9:15 AM He just had a lot to say about it Hero of Time - Today at 9:17 AM Because 4kids's rights expired so they had to rebuy but they didn't want to so the Pokemon Company started dubbing iy Amaury - Today at 9:18 AM **** 4Kids, then. Hero of Time - Today at 9:18 AM I mean, we don't know the reasons so it's not fair to say that immediately but yeah. Amaury - Today at 9:19 AM The new voice actors still could have also done a better job to try and stay as close as they could to the originals, IMO. Hero of Time - Today at 9:19 AM Why? So that people can compare them and say how bad they are? Amaury, do you know how hard it is to imitate a voice and still try to sound natural? Queen Regent Calxiyn - Today at 9:21 AM Amaury just has lots of Pokemon feels I understand Hero of Time - Today at 9:22 AM I get what he's saying and respect how he feels about it, I just think it's a bit unfair to judge them based on not imitating the originals Queen Regent Calxiyn - Today at 9:23 AM There was this anime I watched And season 2 right All new voice cast And I was like ?!?!? Excuse me who r u Amaury - Today at 9:32 AM People can already compare, though. Obviously, I understand the new voice actors' voices aren't exactly the same as the originals', I just think they could have done a little better job to try and fit with the original voices. Compare the battle brain's Medicham's voice, for example, in the Wheel of Frontier episode from Battle Frontier to Grace's Medicham's voice in the Pros and Cons Artists episode from Advanced Challenge. Completely different. Not an ounce of similarity at all. Pros and Con Artists: 16:09 - 16:18: Wheel of Frontier: 12:56 - 13:05: Hayabusa - Today at 9:32 AM Voice acting in Pokemon is a **** show honestly I prefer the games for this reason I mean For a MILLION reasons really Queen Regent Calxiyn - Today at 9:33 AM Amaury make a thread lol Amaury - Today at 9:34 AM Okay.
At the end of the day, it's really your choice how you do it, and my choice is that I like doing some things the professional way. On my YouTube videos, for example, every one of them, except for the early ones as I can't remember the exact dates, has this for the description: "This video was recorded on January 1, 2016." (Obviously, that's an example date.) However, my playlists just have stuff like: February 22, 2016 - March 22, 2016 or July 14, 2016 - Present, and so on. (Note: Those are regular hyphens (spaced), but I recently learned that when it comes to ranges, en-dashes are more appropriate.) In that case, I feel like it would just be too much to have something like, "This project began on February 22, 2016, and ended on March 22, 2016" or "This project began on July 14, 2016, and is still ongoing." I just feel like that's a bit much and why I don't have it like on my video descriptions. Anyway, I started changing my playlists' date range format earlier, but I stopped because I wasn't sure what the professional format for a date range is. What is the professional way to do ranges? See the poll. For the en-dash in particular with ranges, I think the professional way is without spacing. Vote!
Happy birthday, @Dr.M and @Lumina!
Because it's 7-Eleven Day.
@Captain Arch and @hoodrat daddy, happy birthday!
Happy birthday, @C!
My mom got a tablet that she can use when she's having her chemo infusions at Virginia Mason so we don't have to share my laptop, which I set up for her. However, I have two questions: How do I set a homepage on the Silk browser? In this case, Facebook. Answered During setup, for now I chose not to have the device automatically upload photos or other related files to Amazon Cloud. Where would we go to enable it, though, if my mom changes her mind? I looked here, but it didn't really answer my questions.
Tagging @Plums since he fixed something similar before on a related report here. The following forums are listing some sectional moderators twice. The forum links go directly to the moderator listings: Forum Duplicate Entry Kingdom Hearts News & Updates Calxiyn
View attachment 44872
Reduces the hassle of having to copy and paste from other sites for Spanish words with accents, for example. It could be added as a dropdown menu in the editor, perhaps even to the already-existing Insert dropdown; when clicked, the special characters or symbols would be added to the editor. For the symbols, here's a screenshot from Wikipedia. I can agree not all of those would likely be of use here. The only ones I can personally see being useful are the tilde, the measurements, the en-dash, the em-dash, and perhaps even the arrows for signature styling or something. View attachment 44861
And possibly profile posts/status updates as well. This has been going on for a long time, and the issue appears to happen randomly--sometimes it displays; sometimes it doesn't. The embed area will be blank, but you can still play the video: View attachment 44839 Edit: As I thought, it happens with profile posts and status updates as well.
Happy birthday, @Rissy!
On both style flavors. On the dark version, they're white, and on the light version, they're blue. View attachment 44808 View attachment 44809