Rest up why? Sensui; well one, put on some clothes! *I realize I have no shirt. Steals on of sensui's off his back.* Ok Sensui; and two, you have...
*Sensui makes a ball of fire and slams it into my body. He pulls back and I spring back to life.* Now I got a fire in my belly! *i jump off the...
Sensui: he is dead... Pu: just slam some fire into his body Sen. Its easier then just saying that he's dead. Maybe he needs a jump start.
Sensui: and how long will this take?
*Sensui walks over, checks my heart beat.* sensui; his heart isn't beating.
Pu: then why isn't his moving? *pu rests on Kim's shoulder,*
pu: Are you done with him? *Pu flys further away*
Pu: im his spirit animal I can not and will not do that. Crazy mortals.
*flys away from Rosey.* Pu: No, no, no.
Pu: you mortals always making things more difficult then they actually are.
Pu: what are you doing now?
Pu: We'll see, only time will tell. You say that you can fix him up then it's up to you to do so.
Pu: now I am worried about SH...
Pu: SH can tough it out, he'll be good. I am not so sure about Ashley though.
Pu: very interesting, I don't understand you mortals though.
Pu: what is happening?
Sensui; All right then? *forces all his aura out just as Rosey said.*
*traps are laid at the top of the stairs and the clones chase chess from the bottom.* Sensui: Get over Here!
Sensui; now chess you shouldn't be too sure about anything. *A couple of clones appear infront of chess and make a grab for him.*