Hey waz up ^ ^
Hey I'm good it's nice to meet u ^ ^
crepedeps I think I might start using that but I have to go, talk to ya laterz
I agree .
That's ok I perfectly understand ^ ^
Srry everyone nas had to leave
Y how old r u?
Idk maybe like late teens or early twenties
Probably, because I guess when u get older you get more busy and there's a lot more important things to do.
No since it's a late birthday present from my mom it's gonna be me and her ^ ^
That's ok, awww y?
Me too I'm sooo excited
Oh ok well tell me when u know plz ^ ^
That's awful that ur theater burned down, how'd that happen
Yup, do u like plays? ^ ^
It's Beauty and the Beast
Well I'm still watching the drama. Oh yeah I'm also going to see a play tomorrow
So what's up with u?
Yup ^ ^